Director's growth history

1273.332, Unprecedented Grand Event

The stenographer and Zhai Xinwen followed the same steps, turning what they said into words on the screen. [ ] Deng Yuncong nodded slightly while watching.Zhai Xinwen continued to dictate: "Fangyuan participates in the national competition, and he represents the image of Qingjiang Province and Dongzhou City, so we must strive for the best results. This parent did not distinguish clearly what is meant by 'small self', What is the "big self", only pay attention to the "small self", not the "big self", I believe that the people have a good name in their hearts. At present, Dongzhou's education system is extensively carrying out the activities of being a teacher to satisfy the people, and strive to create a school that is satisfactory to the people. Education, which needs the support of a group of famous teachers most, is the "big self". If an excellent teacher like Fang Yuan is only satisfied with teaching one class well, he will only be an excellent teacher forever; if an excellent teacher like Fang Yuan can If you continue to exercise yourself in various competitions across the province and across the country, you may grow into an educator! If a city’s education industry wants to develop better, it needs not only teachers, but also educators who need as many as possible. In the future If there are enough educators in Dongzhou to run education and schools, education in Dongzhou will become an education that makes people feel at ease and satisfied, and schools in Dongzhou will become schools that make people feel at ease and satisfied!"

"Therefore, the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, the Dongzhou Education Bureau, and the people of Dongzhou City certainly hope that as many excellent teachers as Fangyuan will emerge, the better. The growth of excellent teachers requires exercise. Participating in provincial and national competitions is itself a A process of exercise, learning, and improvement. Every important competition and exercise can make this teacher improve rapidly in all aspects of educational theory, education and teaching ability, which is different from the improvement obtained by only teaching one or two classes. How can we speak the same language?"

"As the Education Bureau, we understand that this parent cares about their children's studies and hopes that Teacher Fangyuan will return to his teaching position as soon as possible. But in life and things, we should learn to think differently. If this parent is the director of the Municipal Education Bureau and 68 Middle School Principal, would you not support Fangyuan to participate in the national competition? Would you not encourage Fangyuan to strive for the best results to win glory for Dongzhou City? You will still post that this is not in line with the actual situation, and some aspects have your own Subjective and extreme views do not even consider the proper arrangements that the Education Bureau and the school have made, so that the school will be exposed in the newspaper and the Education Bureau will be sued in court?"

"Your post sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and our Municipal Education Bureau also attached great importance to it, and held a special meeting for it. After research, we believe that there are more than 2 followers, which shows the general public's concern and expectation for education , This is the direction that we educators are working hard for. Dongzhou education still has a lot to be improved, and there are many policies and regulations that need to be understood by the people. It is an inevitable requirement for running education that satisfies the people. We always adhere to the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', insist on safeguarding the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and support the cultivation of more and better excellent teachers and even education experts like Fangyuan In this way, the Municipal Education Bureau will not suspend correct decision-making for things that benefit the country, the city, and the people because of individual opposition or slander. It may be enough to call Teacher Fangyuan back from the national competition to teach classes in the third and fourth classes. It is the wish of very few people, including this parent, but the people of the city need more excellent teachers in the Dongzhou education system who have trained and grown in the province and national competitions like Fang Yuan. This is against the broadest masses of the people. Fundamental interests, so we will not do it now, and we will not do it in the future. As news media and courts, they also serve the people, and they will also safeguard the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and will not satisfy the selfish desires of individuals And offend the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people."

"As for this parent's post, we believe that it has made the people of the city more aware: if there are more excellent teachers in the city who can win No.1 in the provincial competition like Fangyuan and represent the province in the national competition, Dongzhou education will be more hopeful. So here, borrowing this parent's post, the Municipal Education Bureau hopes that all schools will work harder to cultivate excellent teachers like Fang Yuan, and the majority of teachers in the city will become teachers in the city, the province and even the whole city. Excellent teachers across the country, regard being a future education expert as the direction and goal of everyone's efforts, make contributions based on their posts, and strive to create first-class performance. Only the majority of teachers in the city have become backbone teachers, excellent teachers and even education experts. Then we will run an education that satisfies the people, and it will become a reality, and the quality of education and teaching in Dongzhou will be ahead of the province and even the whole country, and the masses of the people will be more assured and satisfied with Dongzhou education!"

Zhai Xinwen's answer took about 15 minutes.During this period, Han Suzhen answered several other questions, but Deng Yuncong had been listening to Zhai Xinwen's lecture, and had been watching the words typed on the screen by the stenographer.Deng Yuncong was quite satisfied with the reply to this post, and his understanding of Zhai Xinwen deepened: This kid has an extraordinary level of policy theory, extraordinary ability to analyze facts, and extraordinary ability to promote and agitate!

This is of course Zhai Xinwen's intention to show his comprehensive ability in front of Deng Yuncong.But Zhai Xinwen did not expect that the reply to this post left a deep impression on Deng Yuncong. Later, when the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee asked for opinions on the adjustment of the Municipal Education Bureau, Deng Yuncong, who was already a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the executive deputy of the Municipal Party Committee, was still very generous. Mentioning this post with interest, and mentioning Zhai Xinwen's level of policy theory, he praised Zhai Xinwen a lot and added a lot of points to Zhai Xinwen in the minds of the main leaders of the municipal party committee.

Deng Yuncong and Han Suzhen reread Zhai Xinwen's reply in detail, and they both felt good.Deng Yuncong said: "Let's post it." Zhai Xinwen added: "Signature: Municipal Education Bureau." Deng Yuncong said: "Yes, this is a reply on behalf of the Municipal Education Bureau, it should be."

The three-hour government online finally came to an end.This time the government went online, setting a historical record for Dongzhou news: 13 clicks and 1 posts were published. Deng Yuncong and the Municipal Education Bureau tried their best, but only answered 117 posts, but these 117 The posts are quite representative, or can directly solve the problem when operated.For other unanswered posts, Han Suzhen said that due to limited time, the relevant departments of the Municipal Education Bureau will collect and classify all the posts afterwards, and all reasonable ones will be resolved one by one.

After the event, reporters from Dongzhou TV Station, Dongzhou Daily, Dongzhou Times, and Dongzhou Evening News conducted an exclusive interview.Deng Yuncong was full of joy. He really didn't expect that this time the government's online presence would have such an effect. Tomorrow, the major media in Dongzhou will be the first to report. The political impact of this event is really beyond his imagination!Presumably those vice mayors who want to be members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee are all anxious!This time, Zhai Xinwen gave himself another good idea, this is a good subordinate!

When a reporter from Dongzhou Daily wanted to interview Zhai Xinwen, Zhai Xinwen said in front of Han Suzhen: "Interview with Director Han. I am the secretary of the party committee in charge of party affairs, and Director Han is more familiar with the education situation in the city." Zhai Xinwen's courtesy , let Han Suzhen forget the unhappiness caused by Zhai Xinwen's brilliant answer to that post just now.In fact, when answering this post just now, Han Suzhen thought to herself that Zhai Xinwen was at the same level, but Mayor Deng had already arranged for Zhai Xinwen to answer, so it would be difficult for Han Suzhen to compete again.Now, Zhai Xinwen refuses to be interviewed by reporters and pushes her Han Suzhen to the front. In Han Suzhen's heart, he was actually the second in command of the Education Bureau.

Zhai Xinwen retreated silently, looking at Deng Yuncong and Han Suzhen, who were tightly surrounded by reporters, with a calm expression.Shen Jun, the head of the education section, accompanied Xiaoxin, and asked with concern: "Secretary Zhai, you answered so well, why didn't you say a few words to the reporter?" Zhai Xinwen looked at Shen Jun and said with a smile, "Thank you Xiaoshen for your concern. You are a good comrade and a caring person to me, Zhai Xinwen, so I might as well say a few more words. You must do things well, and you must be in place, but you must not be offside, and you must always position yourself." Shen Jun looked at it with a smile on his face. Deng Yuncong, looking at Han Suzhen again, seemed to have realized something, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, Secretary Zhai for calling." Shen Jun understood Zhai Xinwen's meaning: the scenery tonight should let Mayor Deng enjoy himself to his heart's content. A department that Mayor Deng is in charge of, no matter who it is, it seems that it shouldn't compete with Mayor Deng for this limelight.Shen Jun couldn't help admiring Zhai Xinwen even more.

Zhai Xinwen went to a deserted place and lit a cigarette.The smoke rings drifted away in front of him round and round, and soon disappeared: everything is like a passing cloud, and what should go is always going, no matter what the mountain and rain are about to come, the building is full of wind!

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