Director's growth history

1303.356 There is a mystery in the chapter

"Comrades!" Deng Yuncong felt that today's meeting was the most effective meeting among the many meetings he had held. "Today, the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau held a commendation meeting here, and held the 'Create People's Satisfaction Education, Strive to Be the People's The Satisfying Teachers' mobilization meeting was a very good and meaningful meeting. 【】As the deputy mayor in charge of education, I listened to Comrade Fang Yuan’s introduction on how he grasped the opportunity, how to strive for progress, and how to strive to be a teacher who satisfies the people’s experience , I, the mayor, is also full of emotions! Comrades, if we want to be a teacher that the people are satisfied with, it is not just talking about it, but talking about it at a meeting, and this teacher will become a teacher that the people are satisfied with. The most important thing is to work hard and achieve work results that satisfy the people. Before this meeting, I had a preliminary understanding of Comrade Yuan Yuan. I only knew that he won the first prize in the provincial class for Dongzhou City , won the first prize in the national class. Today, after listening to Comrade Fangyuan’s report, I realized more deeply: It is unrealistic and impossible to pick the fruits of a good harvest without hard work. I know that Comrade Fangyuan won the first prize in the country because of the support of the Municipal Education Bureau and the school, and the guidance and help of comrades in the teaching and research section. The quality of work, the national first prize will not be settled in Dongzhou City. Mayor Wang Guodong, the top leader of the municipal government, also gave instructions on this. He hopes to "set up a model and sum up experience". I think Comrade Fangyuan is really a cadre of the city's education system. Teachers, especially the majority of young teachers, are role models for learning. In fact, most of the young teachers are still motivated and hope to achieve good results and make great progress, but why have they not achieved as remarkable results as Fangyuan? This is indeed worth pondering by our bureau chiefs, principals, and comrades present here. Recently, I, who was staying in the city government building, also heard a little rumor. The first prize, the national first prize. In my opinion, the starting point of this kind of thinking is extremely wrong. Comrade Fang Yuan is a college graduate who went to work in Qingjiang Province in Jilin. He has no relatives in Dongzhou City. What relationship can he have? Today Doesn’t everything he strives for rely on his personal struggle and hard work? Even if Comrade Fang Yuan has a relative with some power in Dongzhou City, if he puts it on the competition scene of the whole province or the whole country, no one will know who ?The little influence of Dongzhou City is spread across the country, and I don’t think it can even make a ripple! Besides, as far as I know, Comrade Fang Yuan really doesn’t have any relatives in Dongzhou City! Of course, Comrade Fang Yuan has achieved outstanding achievements. After the grades, it will naturally attract the attention of many people. I also know that some of our principals, section chiefs, and even the leaders of the district and city education and sports bureaus also want to introduce their good girls to Fangyuan as girlfriends. It's normal, young talents, who doesn't like it? If I, Deng Yuncong, had a daughter, I might talk to Comrade Fangyuan! So, comrades, some of our comrades, when others have achieved good results, don't humbly ask peopleHow the family strives for such glory through hard work, but jealousy and slander, this kind of thinking is a profound reflection of the bad roots of some of our comrades! "

Deng Yuncong looked at the audience with a majestic expression, and the audience was silent.Zhai Xinwen was very surprised: it was unprecedented for a mayor to speak so "delicately" on such an occasion!The speech script prepared for him by the bureau office is useless at all, and now he is speaking completely out of the script!Regarding Fang Yuan being slandered and jealous, it was inevitable, after all, whoever achieved good grades would be envied.But what kind of information does Mayor Deng contain when he talks about this matter here?This must be well grasped!Only by grasping it can Mayor Deng's appreciation of himself be further improved!Zhai Xinwen pondered carefully, and finally realized something: whether his mentor Kong Zitian had communicated with Mayor Deng beforehand about Fangyuan being attacked.Well, that must be the case!Whether it is private or public, Deng Yuncong feels it is necessary to talk about it. After all, creating a good development space for outstanding young talents is also conducive to the healthy, sustainable and harmonious development of Dongzhou's education system!

"So, comrades, when others have made hard work and achieved results, what we have to do is to learn from the experience and sum up the experience to better improve our own work. Jealousy and slander will only hurt These hard-working comrades will not bring you significant work performance for yourself! I hope that such things will be as few as possible, and there is no best! Every comrade in the education system should contribute to the outstanding youth The growth of talents creates the best development space, including Fangyuan and other outstanding comrades. We should love them and train them. Only in this way can we have successors in the future of Dongzhou education. Our Dongzhou education There will be more hope in the future!"

Listening to Deng Yuncong's speech, Yao Changqing felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. It was joy, but not entirely; it was sadness, but it didn't seem to be.Fortunately, I am a sensible person!If he treated Fang Yuan like Zhou Susu did, he might not be able to stop Fang Yuan's progress, but instead mess himself up!Yao Changqing looked at Zhou Susu intentionally, and Zhou Susu knew it well, she turned her head in panic and shame, not daring to look into Yao Changqing's eyes.

Deng Yuncong continued: "Comrades, Secretary Song of the Municipal Party Committee has also made important instructions, hoping to focus on cultivating outstanding talents who have emerged and include them in the reserve echelon. I think the Municipal Education Bureau has acted very quickly and implemented the municipal leadership well. As the deputy mayor in charge, I would also like to express my opinion here, no matter which comrades in the city's education system, as long as they have made outstanding achievements in their respective work, I, Deng Yuncong, will also ask the Education Bureau to reward them And focus on training!"

The audience burst into warm applause.

Deng Yuncong waved his hand: "Comrades, as long as every comrade in our city's education front can be like Fangyuan, have the fighting spirit that is not afraid of hardships, and the enterprising spirit to strive for the top, I believe that every comrade will grow into the people's satisfaction. teacher!"

The applause sounded again.Many people in the venue were inspired, especially the youth teachers and youth middle-level cadres.

Deng Yuncong said: "This time the national first prize, as Comrade Xinwen said just now, is the first prize in the first national teaching competition on the education front in Dongzhou since the reform and opening up 20 years ago. It is hard-won! I know that the municipal teaching and research section Comrades have contributed a lot! Of course, I think this time I was able to win the top spot in the national competition, and what is more important is the strength of unity in the overall situation! Unity is strength, and unity can create brilliance! I understand that this time, the Education Bureau, regardless of Whether it was Comrade Zhai Xinwen, Comrade Han Suzhen, or Comrade Zou Zhigang who was in charge of teaching, they all went all out to support this rare opportunity for the national competition. , Comrade Suzhen swiped a pen, and the comrades participating in the competition did not have the slightest worries in terms of financial resources. The team of the Education Bureau is a united team, a team with combat effectiveness, and only such a team can achieve more brilliant results one after another! There are also teaching and research offices, and comrades from 68 Middle School, all of whom are fully supportive , have done a lot of work without complaint or regret, they are all real behind-the-scenes heroes! I propose that comrades should also dedicate their applause to the behind-the-scenes heroes!"

The warm applause rang out again.Zhai Xinwen, Han Suzhen, Zou Zhigang, Xie Bingguo, Yao Changqing, Li Guoqiang, Sheng Zhongqiang, Qian Yuan, etc. all felt warmth in their hearts. This shows that the city leaders did not only see Fangyuan and did not see these people, nor did they only see flowers but did not see support Branches and leaves of flowers!

Deng Yuncong said affectionately: "I hope that comrades in the city's education system must keep in mind unity in the process of establishing people's satisfaction education and people's satisfaction schools. Potential and wisdom, only through unity can our education cause prosperity! Let us keep in mind the instructions of Comrade Cui Liang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, to 'keep on working hard' to strive for greater achievements in innovation, so that every school can become a school that satisfies the people. Each of us is duty-bound to make Dongzhou education the most acclaimed education by the people!"

In addition to applause, it is still applause, and it is a long applause!Deng Yuncong suddenly realized that he could speak at such a level even without a manuscript!It seems that in the future, we should really read less ready-made manuscripts and talk more about facts, the people in the audience are more willing to listen!

Zhai Xinwen waited for the applause to subside, and said with emotion: "Comrades! Today Mayor Deng's speech is sobering, full of wisdom and enlightenment, full of affection and hope for education! Mayor Deng fully affirmed the city's education Systematic work progress requires us to create a good development environment and space for the personal growth of each teacher, and reminds us to put an end to unnecessary jealousy and slander. The state's education industry is developing rapidly and well, and we will make more contributions to running an education that satisfies the people! Mayor Deng's speech is worth thinking about for each of our comrades, how we should do a good job in education in the future; Mayor Deng's speech will be Guide our education system but strive for new and greater glory! I propose, let us once again express our heartfelt thanks to Mayor Deng with warm applause!"

The applause sounded again.Deng Yuncong looked at Zhai Xinwen, and felt very happy.He stood up, bowed slightly to the audience, and said, "Thank you."

Zhai Xinwen saw that Deng Yuncong forgot to tell Fangyuan's report to be broadcast in all schools in the city, so he decided to talk about it himself, but he still wanted to credit Deng Yuncong: "Just now, Mayor Deng told Director Han and I, after the meeting, The videotapes of Comrade Fangyuan and comrades in the teaching and research section should be burned into CDs, and every school in the city should play them in the whole school, so that every teacher can receive education. Director Han and I fully agree that it is very necessary. At the same time, we I think that Mayor Deng’s speech just now was also full of encouragement and full of ardent expectations for every comrade in education. Therefore, after the comrades in the municipal teaching and research office went back, they recorded Fangyuan’s report, Xie Bingguo’s report and Mayor Deng’s speech into CDs. , study in the whole city. The learning situation and learning experience of each school should be reported in writing to the Political and Engineering Department of the Education Bureau within 5 days."

Heh, the deployment and implementation speed is very fast!Deng Yuncong remembered that he was too excited to speak, and even forgot about it, but Zhai Xinwen was not greedy for credit, and he also engraved his speech into a CD, and his appreciation for Zhai Xinwen was even deeper.

Zhai Xinwen said: "The meeting will carry out the fifth item. Mayor Deng, on behalf of the Dongzhou Municipal Government, would like to express our gratitude to the Dongzhou Teaching and Research Office and Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School who won the third-class collective merit. The vice-principal presents the award!"

When the music started, Zou Zhigang, Xie Bingguo, Yao Changqing, and Fang Yuan all walked in from the west side of the stage in a fairly neat step.The audience applauded enthusiastically.Zou Zhi just stood up from the rostrum, and when he walked to the side of the stage, some people couldn't help laughing.But at this solemn and solemn moment, when Zou Zhigang, Xie Bingguo, Yao Changqing, and Fang Yuan were holding certificates in their hands, and Deng Yuncong personally presented the third-class merit medal, how many people in the audience had red eyes and envied: when Can I stand on the stage and accept such an honor?

When all four people faced the audience, all kinds of flashing lights flashed non-stop.There are happy and sweet smiles on the faces of the four people!Who is not excited?Zou Zhigang feels that he has worked hard for 30 years in education, and today's glory is the most glorious glory in his life; Xie Bingguo is also excited. Although the city government did not approve his personal third-class merit in the end, as the head of the teaching and research section , the collective third-class merit is also my honor, and it also makes my position as the director of the teaching and research section more secure; how can Yao Changqing not feel emotional, how many schools, only the 68 middle school has the opportunity to receive such an award, this collective third-class Gong is the most important medal in 68 Middle School so far, and it must be placed in the most prominent position in the school's honor room; Fang Yuan silently thanked everyone who helped him, and lamented that he wanted to live a peaceful life in the future , it will be even more difficult, in the whirlpool of attention, what should I do so as not to lose the direction of life, it seems that I still need to ask my father-in-law for advice.

Accompanied by music and applause, the four walked to the side of the stage.Jiang Chunhua, chief of the political engineering section, said: "Director Zou, you can go back to the rostrum. You three leaders can't leave, and you have to go up to the stage to receive the award soon."

Sure enough, Zhai Xinwen's voice wafted over the venue again: "Now, the meeting is going to the sixth item. Please ask Mayor Deng to give Fang Yuan the individual award, and Director Han to give the municipal teaching and research section and 68 Middle School the collective award!"

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