Director's growth history

1315.364. Standing in the cracks and stepping on steel wires

The celebration banquet began, one after another. 【@】Fang Yuan asked Confucius Tian about the matters that should be paid attention to in these different banquets, but she still felt as if she was standing in a crack and stepped on a steel wire.

The first celebration banquet was organized by the municipal teaching and research section.In the Jiangjun Hotel in Dongzhou City, the municipal teaching and research office invited the leaders above the division level of the Municipal Education Bureau, all comrades in the municipal teaching and research office, and the leaders above the vice-principal level of 68 middle schools, including Fang Yuan, the object of the celebration, the vice principal of 68 middle schools.

The speaker was Zou Zhigang, deputy director of the Education Bureau.He first pointed out that the national first prize this time benefited from the strong leadership of the Municipal Education Bureau, and then praised the united work style of the municipal teaching and research section, and then fully affirmed the leadership of 68 Middle School, and did not forget to praise Fangyuan His modesty, hard work, hard work and talent.

Fang Yuan saw that everyone's faces were filled with joyful smiles, and no one could tell what people were thinking.Director Han Suzhen still maintains the attitude of a strong woman and takes the main seat without hesitation. In fact, according to the principle of putting the party before politics, this seat belongs to Zhai Xinwen.She had a smile on her face, which was naturally different from her usual coldness and seriousness, and also made people feel a lot more cordial.Han Suzhen is happy. The Education Bureau has been praised many times at the city government office meeting for several recent events, including the successful holding of the government online, including Fangyuan's No. 2006 in the country.In fact, Fangyuan’s No. [-] in the country is really a drop in the bucket compared to attracting investment for a large project of over [-] million yuan. However, Dongzhou has attracted projects of over [-] million yuan, and Hangjiang may have attracted projects of over [-] billion yuan. Shanghai Pudong may be building projects worth over [-] billion yuan.But the first place in Fangyuan is the first in the country. In the [-] National Chinese Teaching Competition, no matter whether it was Shanghai, Shandong, Hangjiang or Ninghai, they did not win this first place.It was during Han Suzhen's administration that Dongzhou Education won the first place in the country.If we hype and publicize from this perspective, then the gold content of this number one will be much greater.

Zhai Xinwen sat in the assistant's seat, the smile on his face was as bright as the sunshine in March.It was not obvious that he would feel any displeasure or discomfort with sitting in the seat of the second child, and his gaze stayed on Zou Zhigang, listening to Zou Zhigang's toast with great interest.

Scanning the past again, the deputy secretary, deputy director, and section chiefs all had happy faces, which made Fang Yuan's heart even more worried: Father-in-law said, there is a knife hidden in a smile, and a sword buried in his stomach. Some people are friendly to you on the surface, but in reality Shang was so jealous in his heart that he wished to knock you to the ground so that you would never stand up again.Because of your progress and success, and because of your promotion, it has actually affected the future progress of some section chiefs. This part of section chiefs, especially those in their early 30s, have already regarded you as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. You must be very careful at all times, don't say a word of arrogance, and a humble attitude can't eliminate the other party's hostility towards you at all, but it can prevent the other party from grasping the reason to attack you.

Fang Yuan's eyes lingered on the faces of several section chiefs who were under 40 years old, and it was really hard to see who had put himself on the opposite side.God!Why is everyone smiling so sweetly? Why do people say that people are the most hypocritical animals?Among these section chiefs, which one or which ones have already listed themselves as the opposite?

Zou Zhigang finally said: "Leaders and comrades! Let us hold up the wine glasses in our hands. For the success of this national competition, for the kindness of comrades in the Municipal Teaching and Research Office, and for a better tomorrow of Dongzhou's education industry, let's make a toast! "

The wine glasses clinked, the sound of "cheers" came and went, and the banquet really began.

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