Director's growth history

1375.414. Each of them kicked the ball with ghosts.

As soon as he was seated, Hao Dingyi said: "Secretary Jintu, Secretary Jintu, I just finished listening to Yu Jing and Teng Yunzhu's report at noon today, and I knew that Yan Yanran was a typical playboy. [|] I checked Yan Yanran I found out that he is the son of Yan Song, the chairman of Binhai Juhao Group. I have heard on many occasions that the son of Chairman Yan is a well-known playboy in Bincheng, but I don’t know that it is Yan Yanran. I really don't understand, how can such a young man with a bad record in society be able to enter the ranks of the Youth Federation?"

Bi tried his best to look at Hao Dingyi and Wei Jintu, feeling like a bright mirror in his heart.This Yan Yanran was recommended by Wei Jintu in the first place. If Wei Jintu could recommend Yan Yanran, he must be familiar with him and must know the details of this flamboyant young man, but why would he still recommend him?There must be articles here.The feud between the two deputy secretaries has not been a day or two. Both of them have backgrounds. Hao was directly dispatched by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. It is said that he is the son of a deputy provincial leader in the province, but all the deputy provincial leaders Among the male leaders, there is no one with the surname Hao, and the background of who Hao is has never been clarified.Wei was selected and transferred to the Binhai Youth League Committee as the chairman of the student union of Binhai University. I don’t know what method Wei used to marry the daughter of Cong Yue, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and now also the deputy director of the Municipal People’s Congress. The deputy department went directly to the deputy department and became the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee.The director signed a contract with Century Literature to lead the update of more than 10 chapters, please enter Century Literature in Baidu search to find it.The two deputy secretaries have their own ideas, and they are both eyeing the position of secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee. As soon as he has done his best to be dispatched to the district or county secretary or district magistrate, one of them will most likely become the secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee. .How did they know what I was thinking? My goal with all my strength is to directly serve as the deputy mayor, or a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee or the Minister of Propaganda.It’s okay to arrange for me to serve as the party secretary of the district or county. After working hard for a few years and making some achievements, I can be promoted to the deputy city smoothly. It is rare for a county magistrate to be directly promoted to a deputy city.It is said that the disunity of the team will affect the work. In the eyes of Bi Quanquan, the disunity of the team also has its benefits. At least the two deputy secretaries now hope that he will express his support. A little tendency of his own will make the other deputy secretary I pondered in secret for several days.Speaking of which, the Communist Youth League Committee is really a small yamen, who want power but no power, money but no money, and the political battles are so fierce, how cruel the political struggles of those big yamen will be!

Wei Jintu had scolded his brother-in-law and Yan Yanran hundreds of times in his heart.These two treasures can be called rampant in Binhai City. The police dare not control them, let alone others.Because of his brother-in-law Cong Shengyuan, Wei Jintu is also very familiar with Yan Yanran, and knows a thing or two about Yan Yanran's usual misdeeds.I really didn't expect that a person who is about to get married would actually engage in the matter of chasing bees and attracting butterflies in front of so many members of the Youth Federation. He is really very promising.When it comes to Su Ruihan, Wei Jintu is quite familiar with him. He is a classmate in the university. Wei Jintu was really moved by Su Ruihan's beauty, and he knew that Su Ruihan had a good impression of him at that time. If Wei Jintu really expressed a little bit, maybe It will be a romantic love journey with Su Ruihan, the flower.However, Wei Jintu, who had become the vice chairman of the student union of Binhai University at that time, had great ambitions and made up his mind to work in a government agency, and determined to serve the country and become a public servant who benefited the country and society!To achieve this goal, Wei Jintu believes that the best way is to become the son-in-law of a senior leader.Counting on qualifications and age, I can't afford it!From clerk to deputy department to principal department to deputy department to principal department to deputy department to principal department to deputy province to principal province, if this is the end point, it will take at least 2 years for the deputy to be promoted to the next level and at least 3 years for the next level to be promoted to the next level According to the promotion rules, it takes at least 22 years, but in fact, there are almost no people who can really achieve the shortest promotion to the provincial and ministerial level.In any place, there are many people who have worked as section members for a lifetime, and many have been section chiefs for a lifetime. Some people seem to be promoted very quickly. Still at the deputy division level.Wei Jintu didn't want to do this. He knew that there were two shortcuts for promotion. One was to enter the Communist Youth League system, and the other was to be promoted beyond the rules, that is, to skip a level and directly rise to a higher level. To achieve these two points, there was no strong backer. Impossible.For a young man like himself who was born in an ordinary citizen's family, marrying a daughter from a powerful and background family was the only way.Therefore, Wei Jintu has never expressed his affection for any woman, including Su Ruihan, who was really moved, because Wei Jintu knew that Su Ruihan's family was also the family of ordinary citizens, and could not help him realize his dream.Finally, as the vice chairman of the student union, he has a natural advantage in information resources. When he learned that Cong Fengru, the daughter of Cong Yue, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, was studying at Binhai University, his mood suddenly brightened.Wei Jintu launched a fierce offensive against Cong Fengru with his outstanding achievements in the first-class scholarship for three consecutive years, the knowledgeable vice president of the student union, his talented appearance, and his humorous eloquence, and soon gave this girl to love. captive.In order to ensure that his pursuit is foolproof, Wei Jintu also used another function of wine to get a room in a hotel with Cong Fengru after they both drank a lot, and took possession of Cong Fengru's body.Women with strict family education and conservative style are like this. When one day they suddenly have a relationship with a man, her heart is tied to this man to a large extent.Cong Fengru was no exception. He tried to bring Wei Jintu to meet her parents several times, but was rejected by Wei Jintu.Wei Jintu said: "I have to do better to be eligible to meet your parents. Please let me continue to work hard." As a result, when the student union chairman was re-elected in the second semester of his junior year, Wei Jintu became the student union chairman of Binhai University.In the Cong family, Wei Jintu immediately won the favor of the whole family. He is smart, discerning, talented, and humble, and he treats Cong Fengru well. It was a joke, and I couldn't help but express my opinion first: "Okay, I recognize you as brother-in-law."

With the support of Cong Fengru's father, Cong Yue, although Wei Jintu did not marry Cong Fengru before the age of 25 due to his age, he was still selected and transferred to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. secretary.Just old enough to get married, the Cong family couldn't wait to arrange for Wei Jintu to marry Cong Fengru, and it has been more than a year now.

Now, Wei Jintu is really optimistic about the position of Secretary of the Youth League Committee. This is not only the current position, but also the place where cadres are promoted the fastest. 25-year-old deputy director, this is a position that many people have worked for for more than ten years or even decades!It took Wei Jintu three years to do it.If you can be upright before the age of 3, there is still great hope for you to become a deputy governor in the future.In Wei Jintu's heart, he doesn't want Bi to be transferred now, because Wei Jintu knows that his qualifications are still young. If Bi is transferred now, Hao Dingyi must be the successor of the Youth League Committee Secretary, and what is Hao Dingyi himself? He couldn't get used to it. He was going to be the secretary of the Youth League Committee. I guess he would be very tired as a deputy secretary, let alone want to be a secretary.

This time the Youth Federation changed, I don't know where Yan Yanran got the news, he called Wei Jintu several times, asking to be a member of the Youth Federation.Wei Jintu originally wanted to refuse, but he couldn't stand his brother-in-law Cong Shengyuan's constant noises in his ears, and even Yan Song called once, and after asking Wei Jintu friendly about his recent work and life, he also tactfully proposed Can Yan Yanran go to the Municipal Youth Federation, get in touch with outstanding young people from all walks of life, learn some real skills, and learn to be a motivated young man.Wei Jintu really couldn't refuse Yan Song.When he married Cong Fengru, Yan Song’s red envelope was 2 yuan, and Wei Jintu’s new house was also Yan Song’s Juhao Real Estate. The price was 3000 yuan per square meter, which was 2600 yuan per square meter, and a set of 136 square meters was sold. Mi's apartment on the third floor of the three-bedroom apartment was sold to Wei Jintu.Wei Jintu knew it was because of Cong Yue's face, but it was Wei Jintu himself who benefited, so during festivals, Wei Jintu would go to Yan's house with his wife to say hello.Therefore, when Yan Song brought up Yan Yanran's matter, Wei Jintu agreed.In this way, Yan Yanran became a member of the Youth Federation under the strong push of Wei Jintu.I really didn't expect that this Yan Yanran was really an idiot who couldn't help himself, a dog couldn't get rid of his shit-eating problem, and it was embarrassing to come to the Youth Federation Conference.

He has been the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee for more than a year. Although he has always been at odds with Hao Dingyi, he also knows that Hao Dingyi is trying to exclude him. Wei Jintu knows that this is because he regards Wei Jintu as a competitor.Therefore, Wei Jintu kept a low profile and did not compete with Hao Dingyi.Now, Hao Ding directly pointed the finger at the person who recommended Yan Yanran, of course he pointed at me, Wei Jintu, what should I, Wei Jintu, do?

Wei Jintu looked at Bi Quanli, who was also looking at him.Wei Jintu saw that Bi Quanli didn't mean to make a statement, and cursed "old fox" in his heart, and said with a smile: "Secretary Ding Yi questioned well! Why did Yan Yanran squeeze into the team of the Youth Federation? I think it's a very important question. The reason is that our system for selecting members of the Youth Federation is not perfect. Yan Yanran was recommended by me, so I am responsible, but at that time I also selected according to the criteria established by our secretary office. Our hard frame at that time was also very strict. It is clear that the criteria for candidates in the economic circles should be at least the deputy general manager. The company they work for has made great contributions to Binhai’s economic development, financial resources and taxation. The company has a certain influence in Binhai City and pays 1000 million yuan in taxes annually. The above companies give priority to consideration. In principle, candidates should have a bachelor’s degree or above, and special circumstances can reduce it to a junior college. Secretary Quanli and Secretary Ding Yi, do you think that Yan Yanran does not meet the selection criteria? Yan Yanran is Juhao He is the deputy general manager of a real estate company, and Juhao is one of the two largest real estate groups in Bincheng, paying more than 2000 million yuan in taxes annually. Yan Yanran himself is a returnee with a master's degree in business administration. Which one of him does not meet the youth standards we have formulated? The standards of the joint committee?"

Hao Ding was speechless for a while, and turned his eyes to Bi Quanquan for help.Bi Quanli did not expect Wei Jintu's answer to be so sharp. Although Wei Jintu admitted that his recommendation was wrong, he still attributed the reason for recommending Yan Yanran to the negligence in the selection system of Youth Federation members.Think about it, what they say is not unreasonable, yes, when selecting the members of the Youth Federation, the character of the members of the Youth Federation is really less considered.Wei Jintu, although he is 3 years younger, it's not easy!

Bi Quanli said: "I am also responsible for the matter of Yan Yanran. After all, I will check all the candidates for the Youth Federation committee in the end. I am not strict!"

Hao Ding never expected that Bi Quanli would stand in Wei Jintu's position, and he also admitted his mistake.But Hao Dingyi had to admit that Wei Jintu's counterattack had indeed hit his vitals.This is indeed a problem with the system, but Wei Jintu strongly recommends Yan Yanran, who can guarantee that there are no other problems behind it?However, this is just a speculation without evidence!

Wei Jintu said: "Secretary of Quanquan, the main fault is still mine. I recommended Yan Yanran, and I am willing to accept the punishment of the party group."

Hao Ding was almost so angry that his nose smoked.Wei Jintu is so good at acting!This move is based on retreat, which is forcing Bi to express his full support for you, Wei Jintu!If you are punished, Bi Quan will be the last step of the review, and there are also mistakes. Should he be punished for Bi Quan?Hao Ding said with a smile: "Secretary Quanli, Secretary Jintu, I don't think there is any need to punish this matter. I thought about it just now, and our selection system does not consider the character of the members of the Youth Federation. Some, I believe, when the next youth federation is re-elected, the character issue must be taken into consideration in the selection rules. Now, the question we want to study is: Yan Yanran, as a person who is about to get married, is also open to the public. Another girl is courting, is he still qualified to be a member of the Youth Federation? If he is retained as a member of the Youth Federation, what will the other committees of the Youth Federation think? If he is removed from the General Assembly, it is true that most of the Youth Federation will be able to win However, there is no such precedent in our previous five youth federations!" Hao Ding kicked the ball to Bi Quanli, and asked Bi Quanli to make a decision.

After Bi tried his best to catch the ball, he realized that the ball was quite hot. If he didn’t deal with it, Hao Dingyi would definitely have an opinion, as would most of the youth federation committee members; if he should be removed, Wei Jintu must have offended him. To a certain extent, Secretary Cong was offended. Although Secretary Cong may serve in the National People's Congress after this party congress, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the power of the National People's Congress is growing.What would the leaders of the municipal party committee think of such an unprecedented thing that happened during his full-time tenure?Will he really pursue his lax censorship mistakes?God, doesn't this give me a dilemma?What does Wei Jintu mean?

Bi tried his best to look at Wei Jintu.Wei Jintu understood what this meant, and said frankly, "Secretary Quanquan, I have no objection to how you deal with Yan Yanran."

Hey, kick another hot ball!

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