Director's growth history

1377.416. It's interesting to hear gossip.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, all members of the Youth Federation sat down at the venue. 【@】At this moment, warm and melodious music sounded in the venue.Under the brilliant lights, under the leadership of Bi Quanli, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Hao Dingyi, Deputy Secretary, and Wei Jintu, Deputy Secretary, the city leaders first entered the venue from the west side of the venue.The one walking in the front was Wang Guodong, who had just been appointed as the secretary of the municipal party committee by the provincial party committee. Behind him was the acting mayor Song Yunsheng, and the leaders behind him were unknown to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's heart suddenly became excited, as if he was the subordinate being interviewed.The line in the first row was also very long. Fang Yuan was surprised to find that Bi Quanli and Hao Dingyi were sitting at the farthest end, while Wei Jintu had no seat in the first row.

After the leaders of the first row were all seated, the leaders of the second, third, and fourth rows entered through the west gate, each looking for their own seats.Fangyuan knew Yu Jing and Teng Yunzhu from the Communist Youth League Committee, and they were helping the leaders guide their positions.The respectable Secretary Sun Hongjun was actually arranged on the side of the third row.He is a deputy director. From this, we can know that the rank of the second row should be higher than that of Secretary Sun!

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Luo Dagan whispering: "This year's Youth Federation Conference, the city leaders really gave face. All that should come have come, and there is no shortage of one." Shen Jun said: "Yes, the party committee , the National People's Congress, the government, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the United Front Work Department are all in place."

Bi Lili's mellow baritone voice came from the venue: "Please be quiet in the venue! Members, we will start the meeting now." The venue of the Youth Federation quieted down very quickly. The top leaders of the city are almost all here, who dares to make mistakes?Bi Quanli said: "Members, the first meeting of the Sixth Congress of the Binhai Youth Federation is now open! Please allow me to introduce the representatives of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People's Congress, Municipal Government, Municipal Political Consultative Conference, Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and other departments attending today's meeting. lead."

Before the introduction, there was warm applause in the venue.

Bi Quanquan said: "The leaders attending today's meeting are Comrade Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Binhai Municipal People's Congress!"There was applause from the audience.Fang Yuan suddenly thought: If one day I could sit in Secretary Wang's position, would I be as calm but majestic as him?Suddenly, there was a longing in his heart.Bi Quanli, Hao Dingyi, and Wei Jintu had already stimulated Fang Yuan's mind enough, but now that Bi Quanli and Hao Dingyi were only sitting on both sides of the rostrum, he deeply felt: Power is really a delicate thing!With power, people will respect you. The greater the power, the greater the degree of respect. People respect not you, but the power in your hands. When you are not in this position, no one respects you. is you.

Bi Quanli introduced Song Yunsheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Acting Mayor, Fu Cong, Secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee and Chairman of the Provincial Youth Federation, Cong Yue, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress, Huang Jie, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and An Siping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Sheng Zhiren, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee Gao Zhiqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Dou Shengzhong, Executive Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress Shi Qing, Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Binhai Municipal Committee and Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government Shi Laiyun, Chang Youqiang, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and head of the United Front Work of the Municipal Party Committee.Hehe, the lineup is strong!

Bi Quanquan finally said: "The leaders attending today's Youth Federation Conference also come from the Women's Federation, the Federation of Trade Unions and other party-mass organizations, as well as leaders from the Development and Reform Commission, the Economic Commission, and the Finance Bureau. Let us give the warmest applause and welcome all leaders to come! "

The applause is so warm!Fang Yuan's heart became agitated, and she couldn't help clapping her hands vigorously.This is a heartfelt clap, and Fang Yuan can be regarded as someone who has seen the world, but the excitement at this time is inexplicable, it just feels good to join the Youth Federation!What does it mean that the city leaders attach so much importance to it?

Bi Quanli said: "The city leaders have a lot of work to do, but they still attend our Youth Federation Conference in spite of their busy schedule, and will take photos with all our Youth Federation members in a while. Let us give the warmest applause to Secretary Wang, Mayor Song and other city leaders express their heartfelt thanks!"

Fang Yuan applauded enthusiastically, and suddenly heard Luo Dagan muttering in a low voice: "I let you say all the good things." Eh, what does he mean by this?Shouldn't Secretary Bi say it?Fangyuan's impression of Luo Dagan suddenly changed. He saw the disdain on Luo Dagan's face. Although he was also applauding, he was so absent-minded. His eyes seemed to be full of jealousy and resentment.Be careful with this person in the future!It seems that he is not broad-minded, and it is easy to hate people who are stronger than him.No matter how I say it, I, Fangyuan, can be regarded as having won the National Award at a young age, and I have also become a sub-subject. Luo Dagan won't be jealous of me in his heart, right?

Fang Yuan seemed to be concentrating on the applause without any indication, but Shen Jun coughed lightly, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional.Fang Yuan thought, is this an expression of dissatisfaction with Luo Dagan?Still reminding him?He sneaked a look at Luo Dagan, sure enough, he realized his slip of the tongue, and the expression on his face returned to a bright smile, and the applause became stronger.God!This change is too fast.

Bi Quanquan said: "Now we will proceed to the first item of the conference, the national anthem will be played, and everyone will stand up."

The majestic national anthem resounded in the venue, Fangyuan was not only excited, but also excited!This is the first time Fang Yuan has encountered such a big scene since he grew up, and he is also a member of it, how can he not be excited?The Youth League is really a place that people yearn for, the Youth League is so good!

Fang Yuan was distracted, but he heard Bi Quanli's voice: "Please sit down." After everyone sat down, Bi Quanli said: "Now, we invite Deputy Secretary Cong of the Municipal Party Committee to deliver a speech on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee. Applause is welcome."

Cong Yue, who was sitting in the fourth position of the leadership seat in the front row, stood up.Fang Yuan looked carefully, Cong Yue was not tall, in her early fifties, because the distance was relatively far, she couldn't see anything.Fang Yuan thought about it carefully, and felt that this person was relatively unfamiliar, at least his father-in-law Kong Zitian seemed to have less contact with him, and he rarely mentioned Cong Yue's name in front of him.Cong Yue didn't attend Fangyuan's wedding, and there was no congratulatory letter either. Well, it should be someone from another circle besides her father-in-law's circle.

Fang Yuan didn't know why she thought this way, but Fang Yuan firmly believed that her judgment was correct.Just as he was thinking, Luo Dagan whispered next to him: "This Cong secretary is the father-in-law of Wei Jintu, the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee. He came to read the speech today, and there is also a political meaning in it. This is for Wei Jintu on the platform!" After finishing speaking, Looking at Fang Yuan and Shen Jun, they seemed to be showing off.Shen Jun didn't speak, and listened intently to Cong Yue's affirmation of the important role played by the previous Youth Federation in the economic and social development of Binhai City in the past five years.Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to know a little about Cong Yue's situation, so he widened his curious eyes and looked at Luo Dagan, but did not speak.Luo Dagan seemed to be infected, and whispered: "This secretary is in charge of urban construction work. It is said that Song Yunsheng used to be in charge of organization and united front work, but now that Song Yunsheng is the mayor, there is no deputy in charge of united front work at the municipal party committee. Secretary, today Secretary Cong took the initiative to deliver a speech on behalf of the municipal party committee, to stand for his son-in-law, do you understand the platform? The most popular word in Taiwan elections is platform." Fang Yuan nodded, and continued to look at Luo Da with curious eyes sweet.Luo Dagan was inspired to show that he knew a lot, and continued to express: "However, Cong Yue is already going downhill, and the party congress will be held soon. It is said that this time the party congress will Reduce the size of deputy secretaries, that is, one principal and two deputy secretaries. One of the deputy secretaries is the mayor, that is, there is only one full-time deputy secretary. Cong went to the National People's Congress to elect the deputy director of the National People's Congress, but there is no chance of promotion. In the second line, he was unwilling, so he went to the National People's Congress as the deputy director, and continued his political life for a few more years. He went, and now the situation of the National People's Congress is very complicated. The secretary of the municipal party committee doesn't care. There is an executive deputy director. The current executive deputy director is Shi Qing who is sitting on the stage. He is usually ranked behind the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. Cong Yue has gone, and Cong Yue also wants to do this The executive deputy director, Shi Qing, has been signed for 5 years. Shi Qing is not happy to ask him to hand over the signing rights and personnel rights! Moreover, Shi Qing has a relatively strong foundation in the National People's Congress. The department has become a historian, and Cong Yue just wants to be the executive deputy director, and I think it will be difficult."

Fangyuan's eyes showed admiration, as if to say: "Brother Luo, you know so much." Satisfied, Luo Dagan couldn't help but add another sentence: "Just wait and see, the two sessions after the Spring Festival, Between Cong and Shi, there is some competition, and it is really not certain who will win the deer!"

After Cong Yue finished his speech, Fu Cong, Secretary of the Provincial Youth League Committee and Chairman of the Provincial Youth Federation, expressed congratulations to the Binhai Youth Federation Conference on behalf of the Provincial Youth Federation. Democratic parties congratulated the Youth Federation Conference; Chang Youqiang, vice chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Minister of the United Front Work of the Municipal Party Committee, congratulated the Youth Federation Conference on behalf of the United Front Organization; Pi Wuyan, chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, congratulated the Youth Federation Conference on behalf of the mass organizations.

In a peaceful atmosphere, amidst warm applause, each leader delivered a speech respectively.When the applause given to Pi Wuyan subsided, Bi Quanjin said in an impassioned tone: "Members, let us once again use the warmest applause to express our love, affirmation, support, and help to the Youth Federation. Our sincerest thanks!"

Fang Yuan felt that the palms of his hands ached from being slapped.It was a bit too much today.

Bi Quanquan said: "The first meeting of the Youth Federation is divided into two stages. The first stage is now over. The city leaders are very busy with their work. Now they will take a group photo with us Youth Federation members on the steps in front of the city hall. Please Hurry up, everyone. After the group photo is over, please come back immediately, and we will conduct the second phase of the meeting."

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