Director's growth history

1390.427 Different Minds

The person Sun Hongjun wanted to find was Wu Ting, a member of the Youth Federation of the Education Sector Group and the deputy director of the Shunyi District Education and Sports Bureau. [ |] Although the level is only a sub-subject, the District Education and Sports Bureau also manages dozens of elementary schools and dozens of kindergartens, which should be said to have a certain influence.The purpose of Sun Hongjun looking for her was to imply to her that the leader of the Youth League Committee wanted Fang Yuan to be the secretary-general of the education sector group.Thinking about it carefully, Fang Yuan is indeed the best candidate.Sun Hongjun doesn't want to be the deputy secretary of the Education Bureau's party committee all his life. After all, he is 6 years younger than Zhai Xinwen. One day in the future, whether Zhai Xinwen will take over as the head of the Education Bureau after Zhai Xinwen retires or has an accident depends on whether he can be trusted by the city. leadership has a lot to do with it.Fang Yuan may be just one of his subordinates, but the situation behind Fang Yuan is quite complicated. Sun Hongjun has learned through various channels that Kong Zitian and Acting Mayor Song Yunsheng are classmates, and Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong is an alumnus of the same class. And Qun Feng, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, is a direct disciple of Confucius Tian.This time at Fangyuan's wedding, Sheng Zhiren, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, also attended, which also shows that at least they should be comrades in arms on one front.Let Fangyuan be the secretary-general, and as the team leader myself, I will have more opportunities to get in touch with Fangyuan and understand each other. I will send my care and love to Fangyuan's heart, so that Fangyuan can feel that this is also planting trees in the past. The important basic work of enjoying the cool in the future.

The youth federation group meeting of the education sector group started on time at 8:30 in conference room 219.Sun Hongjun presided over the meeting. He said: "Members, entrusted by the Secretariat of the Youth Federation Congress, I will host the group discussion this morning. This morning, we will discuss the city's youth group discussion separately based on the materials in everyone's hands. The candidates for the joint chairman, the candidates for the vice-chairman, the list of candidates for the Standing Committee, and finally, we have to elect or recommend the group leader and secretary-general of the education sector group. Now, let’s discuss the list of candidates for the chairman first.”

There is only one candidate for the chairmanship, that is Bi Quanquan, Secretary of the Youth League Committee and the previous chairman of the Youth Federation.There is no dissent at all in this discussion.Sun Hongjun said: "If you have any objections to Secretary Bi's candidacy for the chairmanship, please raise your hands." No one raised their hands.Is this kind of thing still worth discussing?Election with Chinese characteristics, equal number of candidates, is there still a need for discussion?

There are 7 candidates for the vice chairman, including two deputy secretaries of the Youth League Committee, Yu Qing, head of the United Front Work Department of the Youth League Committee, Yuan Shun, deputy director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Sun Hongjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, and Bu Zhigao, a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Binhai University. 7. Gu Chunlian (female), vice president of Nice Group, a well-known enterprise in Binhai City, is going to elect 7 vice chairmen of the Municipal Youth Federation.At this time, Wu Qunyi raised a question: "Secretary Sun, members, one candidate for the chairman is enough. Wouldn't it be better to have a contested election for the vice chairman! To be honest, equal elections are really meaningless, even if I marked all the others except Secretary Sun as x, and it is estimated that far more than half of all committee members will vote in favor." Sun Hongjun felt that it was not easy to answer this question, Wu Qunyi is a well-known scholar in Bincheng, a fisherman. It is normal for an expert to enjoy State Council subsidies and speak without any scruples.Sun Hongjun felt that it was difficult to answer this question, so he turned his attention to Shen Jun and Luo Dagan.Luo Dagan said: "Professor Wu, since we are in China, we must adapt to the national conditions with Chinese characteristics! I remember that in the election of the Party Central Committee, the general secretary, members of the Politburo Standing Committee, members of the Politburo, and members of the Central Committee are all elected by equal numbers. Only at the level of the alternate members of the Central Committee will there be competitive elections. The same is true in Binhai City. The elections for the municipal party committee secretary, deputy secretary, standing committee members, and party committee members are all equal. In such a situation, can the Municipal Youth League Committee conduct competitive elections? If it does, it will not be consistent with the spirit of the Party Central Committee, nor with the spirit of the Municipal Committee." Wu Qunyi said: "Director Luo, I don't want to listen to what you say. , The Youth Federation, as a united front organization that unites young people from all walks of life, is known as a small CPPCC. It must give full play to the spirit of the CPPCC in democratic consultation. All are equal, how can we negotiate? Look at the candidates for the 7 vice chairmen, either high-ranking officials or enterprises Home, can they represent the members of the Youth Federation from all walks of life? Of course, we have Secretary Sun who can represent us in the education sector, but there are more than a dozen groups in our sector, and can the [-] vice-chairmen represent all of them? So, I For personal opinions, you can put forward your own candidates for the vice chairman, and submit them collectively."

Hey, intellectuals are intellectuals, the spirit of daring to speak is really admirable!Sun Hongjun thought so in his heart, but Wu Qunyi could not continue to believe in the horse: "Professor Wu, your suggestion is very good, and I will report this suggestion to the Secretariat of the Youth Federation Congress. Regarding the candidate for the vice chairman, I will Look at this, if you have opinions on these 7 candidates, you can raise them. If you still think that some committee members are qualified for the important role of vice chairman, we can also raise them. We will report in the name of the education sector group.” Wu Qunyi said : "Oh, Secretary Sun, you speak well. It's just that I want to report that professor Shen Qiong, a doctoral supervisor in the democratic party group, who studies biological viruses. I guess I have only one vote. I can't get up at all. What effect." Sun Hongjun smiled, and said in his heart: "If candidates are often defeated, then it really underestimates the party's organization. The party's organizational principle is very important, that is, whoever wants to be elected Let’s go, no one can easily turn the tables.” But he said with a smile: “Okay, Professor Wu, let’s discuss these 1 candidates first, and if everyone has no objection, let’s applaud.” Who would dare not applaud? ?Sun Hongjun's eyes swept across the audience like nails, and the authority of this leader shocked the committee members in the education circle - a leader is a leader, even his eyes are very majestic!

Sun Hongjun said: "Who do you still think can be the vice-chairman candidate?" Wu Qunyi said: "I recommend Professor Shen Qiong from the Democratic Party Group, a doctoral program at the Ocean College of Binhai University, and a well-known expert in biological viruses in China." Sun Hongjun Said: "What about the opinions of other committee members?" Luo Dagan said: "I don't know this committee member at all, and I really don't know how representative she is?" Let me talk about my personal opinion. I am immature and wrong. Please criticize and correct me. Our Youth Federation is a representative of outstanding young people from all walks of life. Although the upper limit of age is 45 years old, generally speaking, the average age is more than 30 years old. Right. Every member of the Youth Federation has his own outstanding features in certain aspects and is representative to a certain extent. I think that the candidates for the seven vice-chairmen proposed by the Youth League Committee have also been carefully considered and have broad Needless to say, the three leaders of the Communist Youth League Committee, the leader of the Finance Bureau represents the members of the Youth Federation of government agencies, Secretary Sun represents the members of the Youth Federation of Education, and the candidates of Binhai University represent the intellectual and university circles members of the Youth Federation, and the vice president of Naaisi represents not only the members of the business management circle, but also the members of the social sectors. Therefore, I personally think that these 7 vice-chairman candidates are all candidates who have been repeatedly studied by the Youth League Committee. With prudent decision-making, I support the seven vice-chairman candidates."

Sun Hongjun nodded slightly, looked at Wu Ting with a smile, and praised the nearly 40-year-old deputy director of the Women's Education and Sports Bureau for her insight and level.Talking to her in the morning was really not in vain, and she came to the top at the critical moment.This is many times better than Luo Dagan, at least Luo Dagan just objected blindly and didn't have any insight.

The candidates for the seven vice-chairmen were successfully passed, and Wu Qunyi did not put forward any other opinions. The candidate Shen Qiong he proposed as the vice-chairman was stillborn because he did not have the support of the other 30 committee members.

With Wu Ting setting the tone for the election, no one raised any objections to the 21 candidates for the Standing Committee.Candidates for the Standing Committee, there are more members of the Youth League, the secretaries of the Youth League Committee of the four districts and five counties, and the ministers of the Youth League Municipal Committee, all were selected, such as the president of the Binhai Christian Association, the president of the Buddhist Association, the secretary-general of the Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society, Binhai The chairman of the Municipal Islamic Association and the deputy captain of a certain destroyer fleet of the East China Sea Fleet were all included in the list of standing committee members.But that Professor Shen Qiong did not become a member of the Standing Committee.Although Wu Qunyi was concerned about injustice, the intellectual circles were represented by the Jiusan Society, and those representing the democratic parties could also be represented by members of the Jiusan Society.

Sun Hongjun said: "Thank you very much to all the committee members. Today we successfully discussed the list of candidates for the chairman, vice chairman, and standing committee members. I hope that when voting tomorrow, everyone will express their truest thoughts through ballots. The last issue is: who will be the chairperson of the education sector group, and who will be the secretary-general of the education sector group?"

Wu Qunyi said: "What are the functions and functions of the Secretary-General?" Sun Hongjun said with a smile: "The Secretary-General has neither rights nor remuneration. In fact, he is just a role to serve the members. In the next 5 years, the committee members of our education sector group may hold activities frequently, such as once a month or every two months. In addition, we will also hold activities with members of other sector groups to deepen understanding and enhance friendship. The secretary-general, in fact, represents the team leader, timely notifying members of the committee and organizing activities, which is a busy job. Sometimes, it will also affect a little work time." Wu Qunyi said : "Understood, it's a job of hard work, right. I think the secretary-general must have a warm heart, be careful, and help the weak. I can't do this."

All the committee members laughed.

Sun Hongjun said: "Whoever will do it needs to be elected by everyone. Do you have any good suggestions? Director Luo, tell me." Sun Hongjun saw that Luo Dagan wanted to be the secretary general, but how could he let He should.Just now Fangyuan asked Luo Dagan to express his opinion first, which made Luo Dagan reluctant to say Shen Jun's name, so let him make the head start now.

But to Sun Hongjun's surprise, Luo Dagan said: "Secretary Sun, every committee member. The secretary-general is a person who has no position, no authority, and cares about the troubles. I, Luo Dagan, am very willing to serve you. Committee member service. If everyone supports me to serve as secretary-general, in the next five years, I will serve all committee members wholeheartedly.”

ah?Sun Hongjun was taken aback. Luo Dagan was completely different from what he said in the room!Fortunately, I was prepared in advance and talked to Wu Ting, otherwise, this Luo Dagan might really have a preconceived idea.Shen Jun was also surprised, and then angry: How could this contradictory Luo Dagan act like this?Are you still talking about honesty?

Sun Hongjun also felt that if Shen Jun was allowed to speak, he might recommend Luo Dagan because of face, although Sun Hongjun could also see Shen Jun's dissatisfaction with Luo Dagan at this time.As the team leader, he must take the lead in this situation, so Sun Hongjun said: "In this way, let's discuss the issue of the team leader first. After the team leader is selected, we will discuss the secretary-general."

Wu Ting said: "I recommend Secretary Sun as our team leader. If everyone has no objection, please applaud." All applauded.Sun Hongjun has been the leader of the education sector group for the past two days, and he is about to become the vice chairman of the Youth Federation. Of course he is the group leader.

Wu Ting said: "I personally think that it is more appropriate for young people to play the role of secretary-general. We young and middle-aged committee members have a lot of work and housework, and our energy is not as good as that of young people in their 20s. It has also declined. Young people in their 20s are full of vigor and vitality, and they can also serve our big brothers and sisters earnestly. Therefore, I recommend Fangyuan Committee to be the secretary-general of our education sector group.”

Wu Qunyi was the first to respond: "I agree! Although I am not suitable to be the secretary-general, after all, my scientific research tasks are heavy, and sometimes I can't be too distracted, but I think Brother Fangyuan is very suitable. The story of the hero saving the beauty at noon yesterday , Now it has spread among many committee members. Everyone still praises Brother Fang's enthusiasm and heroism. In addition, didn't you discuss the issue of the Standing Committee of the Youth Federation just now? I would like to add a suggestion to add Brother Fangyuan to the Standing Committee candidates middle."

Luo Dagan complained in his heart: What a bunch of bastards!I am preconceived, and I don't even have Fangyuan's prestige.Fang Yuan looked terrified, waved his hands repeatedly, and said, "Members, big brothers and sisters, I have low qualifications and weak abilities, so it is better to recommend other committee members." Wu Qunyi said, "Brother Fang, which one do you like?" Fang Yuan said: "I actually thought about it in the morning, and I think Section Chief Shen Jun is more suitable. Section Chief Shen is responsible for the management of basic education in the city. I think our committee members here are very familiar with Section Chief Shen. As the secretary-general, it can be said that he is very familiar and fully competent." After finishing speaking, he cast a meaningful look at Shen Jun, meaning: I have fulfilled my promise in the morning and have not regretted it.Shen Jun also looked at Fang Yuan gratefully, and felt that Fang Yuan spoke very well, expressing his own advantages clearly.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Sun Hongjun.Sun Hongjun looked at Shen Jun, at Luo Dagan, and at Fangyuan, feeling uncertain.Sun Hongjun said: "So everyone, who should recommend himself as the secretary-general to serve you?" No one raised their hands.Sun Hongjun did some calculations, and gave Fang Yuan one vote for himself, one vote for Wu Ting, and one vote for Wu Qunyi.What to do about this?

Sun Hongjun looked at Shen Jun and made up his mind: "Section Chief Shen, what do you mean?" After hearing Sun Hongjun's words, Shen Jun hesitated for a while, and felt that it was inappropriate to say that he was not humble. , and there is no difference with Luo Dagan.He looked at Sun Hongjun, then at Fangyuan, and felt that Fangyuan was indeed very young, and he didn't have the advantage of being familiar with almost all committee members in the education field, and he was only the vice principal of an ordinary middle school, so he probably wouldn't What a threat.If he throws a peach at him, I will reward him with a plum.Shen Jun said: "I recommend Fangyuan." Sun Hongjun borrowed the slope to climb a tree: "Hehe, Section Chief Shen also recommends Fangyuan. Section Chief Shen, can you tell me your reason?"

Shen Jun didn't want to say it, but at this time, Sun Hongjun asked himself to express his opinion, so he could only say a few words: "Principal Fang is young, but his grades are not simple at all. He is the first in our city to obtain the provincial z certificate in the past 20 years. The No. 1 teacher in the evaluation of high-quality Chinese courses in junior high schools is also the first teacher in the history of our city to win the first prize in the National Junior High Chinese Quality Class Competition, and the youngest vice-principal in the city in recent years. Let me talk about these three points "Wu Ting said: "Section Chief Shen is right. We have listened to Principal Fang's report class and the report made by Principal Fang. When I communicated with all the committee members present, everyone admired and envied Principal Fang. Therefore, I recommended Principal Fang from the very beginning, not only because Principal Fang is a warm-hearted person, but also because his abilities have convinced us education committee members!"

Sun Hongjun saw that the heat was almost over, and decided to strike while the iron was hot: "Okay, do you have any comments?" No one spoke.Sun Hongjun said: "Then let's vote. One person and one piece of paper, everyone write the name of a secretary-general you think is suitable on the paper, and hand it to me when you are finished, we will count the votes on the spot, and the result will be announced on the spot."

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