Director's growth history

1394.431. They Are So Brave

It has been more than 8 years since I came to Binhai, 4 years of university life, and more than 4 years of teaching work. Fang Yuan felt that it was only on this afternoon that he really felt and understood Binhai in detail. [-] On this road, although there are police cars driving the way, the narrow road along the coast often causes road blockages.Especially when crossing the Oujiang River and entering the city on the other side of the river, I still waited for a few minutes, and the committee members of the Youth Federation of Democratic Parties sitting in the same car in the surrounding area talked a lot, and the whole car was noisy.On some roads where pipelines are being laid, the speed of the vehicle is even more alarmingly slow.Fangyuan heard a member of the Youth Federation of a democratic party loudly scold Wei Jintu, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee sitting in the car: "Secretary Wei, make suggestions for the development of Binhai, like this every day digging up roads and making big holes every day, isn't it right? You can also mention it?" Wei Jintu replied with a smile: "Any suggestion that is beneficial to the development of Binhai can be raised. After the visit and dinner, the committee members of our car can gather in a conference room to discuss After your visit, put forward your good suggestions and ideas, and finally the Secretariat of the Youth Federation will summarize and report to the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal People’s Congress, Municipal Government, CPPCC and relevant leaders.”

Listening to what others, especially some successful people say, has formed a habit in Fang Yuan's heart involuntarily.Tasting Wei Jintu's words, Fangyuan felt that Wei's answer was really seamless. "Any suggestions that are beneficial to the development of Binhai can be mentioned." The standard of evaluation is whether it is conducive to the development of Binhai - although Wei Jintu is only 2 years older than himself, the maturity and stability he has shown is far beyond his ability.

In Binhai Port, seeing the busy scene of the port, Fang Yuan's heart was really excited.Education is too small, the world outside is so big!Originally, I only wanted to be a famous teacher, a principal, and make a certain contribution on the education front. Now it seems that education plays an important role in the economic and social development of the entire Binhai, but it is only one aspect.Seeing the huge containers flying around like swallows on the bridge crane, Fang Yuan's heart was deeply shocked.Here, a container terminal in Binhai Port, suddenly opened up Fangyuan's field of vision.

But it was beyond Fang Yuan's expectation that such a spectacular scene was once again criticized as useless by members of the democratic parties.During the discussion after dinner, the three groups of the Democratic Party Sector, the Education Sector, and the Medical and Health Sector discussed together, and Bi Quanli, the Secretary of the Youth League Committee, actually came to participate in the discussion of this group in person.Sitting in the first place, Bi Quanqin showed a modest and respectful attitude: "Members, this afternoon, we visited the cityscape of Binhai City, with a special focus on Binhai Port and Binhai Airport. Today, the reason why I came Participate in our group discussion because I heard that there are a lot of insights in our group. So, tonight, I just listen and don’t talk. All I can do is to carefully record the opinions and suggestions of the committee members , carefully compiled into a research report, and timely reported the opinions and suggestions of the committee members to the superior leaders for the reference of the city leaders in decision-making. Now, all committee members are welcome to speak. "

As soon as the words fell, a member of the Democratic party group moved Mike to his mouth and said loudly: "Members, I think everyone has a lot of feelings during the visit this afternoon. Talk about some problems encountered in the development and my ideas, if it is wrong, please criticize.” Bi Quanli stretched out his hand and said with a smile: “The democratic party has always loved the country and the people, and has always been the leader of the socialist construction of Binhai City. The Communist Youth League Committee will definitely attach great importance to your suggestions.” The committee member was not polite, and first asked a few questions: “What rank does the economy of Binhai City rank in the province now? It ranks at the top in the whole country. What is the ranking? What is the ranking of the port of Binhai City in the country? Binhai City has a great reputation in the country, but does the status of the city match the current development status?” No one answered his question, he asked himself: "Ninghai, an important central city in the economy of Province Z, is prospered by Hong Kong, and its annual throughput has exceeded 1 million tons. What about Binhai? According to the statistics in 2006, it is only 2000 million tons! In the world, the development is relatively Good cities are basically port cities or close to ports. Binhai has such unique conditions, but why is it not used? I would say that Binhai Port will take off if it is well developed; Well, it will definitely become a bottleneck and obstacle for the development of Binhai. In order to realize the great development of Binhai Port, I suggest that we break the traditional thinking of building ports by the river, and build ports by the sea to the east. Oujiang has it However, the width of the river is limited, and the depth of the river is not comparable to that of the sea. Therefore, it is difficult for large ships to enter the river port. This will inevitably cause the Binhai port to be a branch port instead of a central port. How about Ninghai ?Its port is far away from the urban area. It is built in Zhenhai and Beilun, relying on the sea, focusing on ore import and export, and relying on the satellite port of Shanghai Port as the source of goods, it has achieved long-term development. We Binhai people have big heads. It is recognized throughout the country that a group of Binhai real estate speculators has doubled the price of real estate across the country, but in terms of port development, why don’t the leaders of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have such courage?”

Although Fang Yuan didn't touch anything other than education, he still understood most of what the democratic party said.Fang Yuan sighed: He is really bold!How dare you directly accuse the municipal party committee and the municipal government?And, it sounds, the accusation is quite justified.Compared with the seaport, isn't this river port just like what he said, the channel is narrow and shallow, so it is difficult to increase the throughput?

Bi Quanli said: "This committee member's opinion is very profound! I have written it all down. Do you have any other suggestions?"

Hey, tepid, showing the open mind of leading cadres.Fang Yuan admired this effort from the bottom of her heart.

Another member of the Youth Federation of the Democratic Party made a speech: "I have an opinion on Binhai Airport. I have three points. First, can the runway of Binhai Airport be built to be 3400 meters? The runway is too short, which means that only Flying small planes, large passenger planes can’t land at all, which will inevitably affect the development of Binhai’s air transportation. The second point is whether a highway should be built from Binhai Airport to the urban area to connect the airport with the urban area. Now, the aircraft The airport is not close to the urban area. Many friends from other places came out of the airport and knew that they had arrived in the Binhai area, but they still needed to ask people where the Binhai city area was. On the road from the urban area to the airport, should we pay more attention to the beautification and greening work on both sides of the road, so that friends who come to Binhai from other places can see garbage everywhere, tube buildings, or green trees and red flowers?"

The committee member spoke in a relatively calm tone, but the question he raised also hit the point. As soon as he finished speaking, several members of the Youth Federation echoed and agreed.Bi Quanli said: "Thank you for your suggestion, I will definitely report your suggestion in time."

The third is still a member of the Youth Federation of the Democratic Party, and his cannon fire is more violent than the first one: "Secretary Bi, members, I just don't understand why the municipal construction workers are now called the 'Paul Road Army' by the Binhai citizens. , call the decision makers of municipal construction the "Thinking Army"? Some jobs require paving the way. After all, the construction of all kinds of pipeline laying cannot be carried out in the buildings of the residents, and only roads can be used. But the current situation is , a good road, just opened by the telecommunications department, laid pipelines, and paved asphalt, then was opened by the heating company, then by the drainage management office, and then by the radio and television bureau. I I really don’t understand what the decision-makers in the city think? One time of paving will cost one time, and four times of paving will cost four parts of the money. How much waste will this cause? Moreover, every time paving road construction, It will have a serious impact on the traffic of this road and several nearby roads, and when it rains, the muddy streets are no different from the dirt roads in the countryside. We also passed several such roads during our visit this afternoon. If there is no police car clearing the way ahead, I think it is impossible to finish the tour in one afternoon."

Fang Yuan felt the same way.When many committee members applauded this member of the Democratic Party Youth Federation, Fang Yuan also applauded him from the bottom of his heart.The member seemed to be encouraged, and continued: "So, I hope that decision makers don't make decisions immediately after thinking about something, and improve the scientific nature of decision-making, otherwise they will really become a 'thinking army'. Different departments should coordinate and cooperate to dig the road once, and lay the various lines and pipelines that need to be laid in a separate category, and reserve a forward-looking perspective. Once dug once, there will be no need to dig the road within ten or five years. We ordinary people do not welcome' Palu army 'paw roads on the road every day."

Very sharp!Fang Yuan felt that his eyes were really opened. For the first time, he saw so many people who dare to speak the truth and are not afraid of being criticized or wearing small shoes!The democratic parties, it seems that they are really not bragging, they really need people like this to raise different opinions and do something good for the common people!Fang Yuan asked herself: If it were me who was aware of such a problem, would I dare to say it?Before today's seminar, I didn't realize these problems at all. I just felt that paving the way would affect the traffic, which was very awkward. How could I have thought so deeply and so far!I never thought that Binhai Port and Binhai Airport would need such planning and development to be better.Now, by learning from the members of the Youth Federation of the democratic parties, Fang Yuan feels that her horizons should be broadened, and she can no longer just focus on the small circle of education, but focus on the economic and social development of the whole city in order to better serve the 68 people. The development of the middle school has determined its due position for the development of Binhai education.

Influenced by members of the Youth Federation of the Democratic Party, discussions in this conference room were in full swing.Bi Quanli, Sun Hongjun, and Fangyuan all felt a strong sense of democracy at different levels.

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