Director's growth history

1407.443 The seasoned Zhai Xinwen

Two people, followed by a waiter, went to order. [ ] The waiter recommended several specialties, and Yao Changqing ordered two dishes he liked for Zhai Xinwen based on his experience.Yao Changqing said: "There are 5 of us in total. Are these dishes enough?" The waiter said: "Enough, there are quite a lot." Yao Changqing said: "Okay, then let's go to the room. Don't serve the dishes now, they will be served later We will tell the waiter when the time comes." The waiter said, "OK."

When we came to the "Wealth and Auspiciousness" hall, the waiter opened the door graciously.The room is not very big, it should be a 6-person room, but it looks rich and bright, not crowded at all.Yao Changqing said: "There are five people today, and we can't tell who is the guest, so let Secretary Zhai be the host, and let's sit down." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." The waiter's service is very good. After sitting down, the cups and handkerchiefs have already been laid out, and the movements are quite quick.The waiter smiled and asked: "Bosses, what do you want to drink?" Yao Changqing said: "Wait a minute, I will tell you when the guests come, okay?" The waiter said: "Bosses, sit down slowly. , I'm at the door, clap my hands if I have something to do." Yao Changqing said: "Okay."

The two sat without speaking.Suddenly, Yao Changqing asked: "Fang Yuan, who do you think Secretary Zhai will invite at noon today?" Fang Yuan said, "I can't guess." It’s easy to say. However, as long as we invite people, we have hope for our qualifications.” Fang Yuan said: “Then, the principal, your hard work for a year has not been in vain.” Yao Changqing nodded: “Yes!”

Just as he was talking, Yao Changqing's cell phone rang.Yao Changqing glanced at it, and quickly picked it up, with a smile on his face and a flattering tone: "Secretary Zhai, are you coming soon?" Zhai Xinwen said, "Yes, we will be there in five minutes. I came with Director Zou and Section Chief Shen." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, I will go downstairs to meet Fang Yuan immediately." Zhai Xinwen said: "No need, just tell me which room I am in." Yao Changqing said: "Then what? Can you do it? Secretary Zhai, you are my benefactor! The bureau leader appreciates it. This is the honor of Changqing and the glory of 5 Middle School. Fangyuan and I must go downstairs to pick him up." Zhai Xinwen laughed a few times and hung up Telephone.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Yao Changqing said, "Go, go downstairs immediately, and pick up Secretary Zhai, Director Zou and Section Chief Shen." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

The two hurried downstairs and waited in the elevator for a minute, but no elevator went downstairs yet.Yao Changqing felt a little anxious, and said, "Let's go, take the stairs. Sometimes, taking the elevator will delay things more than taking the stairs." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

At the entrance of the lobby on the first floor, Yao Changqing saw the familiar black red flag turning from the intersection into the parking area of ​​the hotel from a distance.Yao Changqing stood at the door, motionless, no matter whether the other party could see it or not, he was facing the direction of the car with spring water on his face, and his arms were shaking slightly.Fang Yuan looked at Yao Changqing's appearance, and felt ridiculous in his heart, but he seemed to be infected too, and he waved his arms involuntarily, with a smile on his face.

The Hongqi car stopped in front of the hall.Yao Changqing strode forward and opened the right back door. Sure enough, Zhai Xinwen was sitting in this position.Zhai Xinwen poked his head up with a smile, and said, "Changqing, just tell me the name of the room, so you don't need to go downstairs!" Zou Zhigang and Shen Jun also got out of the car here.Yao Changqing said: "The leaders of the three bureaus are here. If Changqing doesn't come out to greet them, it would be a crime." As he spoke, he shook hands with Zhai Xinwen, Zou Zhigang and Shen Jun one by one.Fang Yuan followed Yao Changqing and shook hands with several leaders.Zhai Xinwen shook Fang Yuan's hand and said, "Xiao Fang, I heard that the Youth Federation was held very successfully! It's another embarrassment for our Education Bureau, but there are a total of 4 places in the Education Bureau, a vice-chairman, and an education department. The secretary-general of the other group!" Fang Yuan said, "It's all the result of Secretary Sun's strong recommendation, and Section Chief Shen and Director Luo also helped to do a lot of work, otherwise, based on my qualifications, ability and achievements, how can I be qualified? Be the Secretary-General. Since the leaders love you so much and the committee members of the Youth Federation trust you so much, I will try my best to be the secretary in the future and serve you well.” Zou Zhigang said, “Xiao Fang! I haven’t seen you for a month, and I feel that you are making progress. It’s very big! It seems that this Youth Federation is really different, it’s a place to train people. I don’t know if the Youth Federation wants an old man like me, or I want to go to exercise too!” Zhai Xinwen said: “Old Zou, little Although Fang is young, he has to mature gradually! If he is immature all the time, he will become a douchebag who cannot be supported." Zou Zhigang said: "Yes!"

Seeing that Fangyuan became the center of everyone's attention, Yao Changqing felt a little uncomfortable, but soon let it go: she is the treasure of the Municipal Education Bureau, not to mention her profound background, her grades are also on display, and it is normal for leaders to pay attention.Now I, Yao Changqing, also regard Fangyuan as a treasure?Seeing that the red flag car was about to leave, Yao Changqing hurriedly waved.The red flag car stopped again, and Si Liguo poked his head out of the car and said, "Principal Yao, is there anything else?" Yao Changqing walked to the side of the driver's cab, opened the door, and said, "Mr. Si, what are you doing?" Please get off the bus too. Let’s have some lunch here, too.” Si Liguo said, “Principal Yao, no need, I’ll go back just in time for lunch in the cafeteria.” Yao Changqing said, “How can that be possible?” Then, he turned his head to Zhai Xinwen: "Secretary Zhai, look..." Zhai Xinwen said, "Well, let Xiaosi eat something downstairs." Yao Changqing smiled: "Mr. Si, Secretary Zhai said everything You should stay and have some food." Si Liguo said, "Then thank you, Principal Yao, I will drive the car down and be right back." Yao Changqing said, "I'm waiting for you!"

After the car got off the slope, Si Liguo went to find a parking space.Yao Changqing said: "Fangyuan, take Mr. Si to the service desk and serve a light meal according to the standard of 100 yuan. Don't forget to give Mr. Si a little meal allowance." Fangyuan said: "Okay." Yao Changqing said: " Leaders, let's go upstairs now."

Yao Changqing led the way and led Zhai Xinwen, Zou Zhigang and Shen Jun upstairs.Fang Yuan was waiting downstairs, and after a while, Si Liguo came over.Fang Yuan stretched out his hand enthusiastically, and took the initiative to greet: "Mr. Si, you have worked hard." Si Liguo said: "Principal Fang, you have caused trouble for the school." Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Si, it is because of your hard work."

Si Liguo was no longer polite.He came out with the leader. Although he couldn't sit at the same table with the leader, Secretary Zhai never forgot that he was a driver. He had a meal allowance, and he ate quite well. The only regret was that he couldn't have a few sips of wine.Thinking back to the days when he was driving a minivan for the Education Bureau, Si Liguo was content.As a veteran, Si Liguo promoted the strict discipline of the army, never said what should not be said, never watched what should not be seen, kept both eyes open, and opened one eye and closed the other Just open one eye and close the other eye, you need to close both eyes, except driving, other time is fine.Therefore, Zhai Xinwen has considerable trust in Si Liguo.Of course, this also has a lot to do with Si Liguo's rigorous tone.In the past few months, Si Liguo has seen many things that he should not have seen and done many things that he should not have done. For example, when Si Liguo was driving, he saw the side view through the mirror. Director Kong Lili fell headfirst into Zhai Xinwen's arms, and Zhai Xinwen's hand not only wrapped around Kong Lili's shoulder, but even touched the charming deputy director's nipple through his clothes with the other hand; Si Liguo also remembered, That night, Zhai Xinwen hosted a banquet for Peng Ru, the deputy principal of the Municipal Experimental Kindergarten. After drinking and drinking, Zhai Xinwen asked Si Liguo to drag him and Peng Ru to the Jiangxin Island Hotel.Along the way, Zhai Xinwen's hands were very dishonest. He even unbuttoned Peng Ru's clothes in the car and put his hand inside.This Peng Ru is really a whore, at least Si Liguo thinks so, and Zhai Xinwen only touched it a few times before he started moaning loudly.Although Si Liguo also had youthful impulses in his heart, he could only turn a blind eye to such things.Leaders do this right?Certainly not!But if I didn't keep my word, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in the Education Bureau any longer.Therefore, as a driver, Si Liguo could only keep silent and drive his own car.Zhai Xinwen asked him to drive the car wherever he wanted, and he could pull anyone wherever he was told.Sometimes, when the leaders of many different departments get together, the drivers will often gather at the same table. Many drivers are not as good as Si Liguo. If there are too many, some clues will be revealed-it turns out that many leaders are like Chu Liuxiang, showing mercy and spreading incense everywhere, and even Si Liguo once heard that a leader of the Binhai City Transportation Bureau claimed to have 26 mistress.When another driver asked how he could afford it, the driver who told this story had a look of contempt on his face: "There are already three provincial traffic directors in Henan who have fallen down one after another, and there are also three provincial traffic directors in Anhui. It has fallen, and the amount of bribery suspected of each director is more than tens of millions. The traffic bureau manages road construction and expressway tolls. Which traffic bureau leader is not fat? Now, many people say The police are black, I think the most black is the gang of the traffic bureau. To build a road, you start charging. In fact, it won’t work in three to five years. The method is that they extend the loan repayment period, so that they can charge for a long time or even forever. Guess, how many years is the longest road loan repayment period?” Other drivers were also curious, and this driver was even more proud. "There is a road in Hunan. The loan repayment period is 3 years. The annual fee is several million, and the bank repayment is only 254+. What about the rest of the money? Everyone knows it, hahahaha!"

Hearing the driver's nonsense, Si Liguo was a little shocked, but the slight dissatisfaction with Zhai Xinwen that he had once had disappeared without a trace.After all, compared with the leader of the Binhai City Transportation Bureau, Zhai Xinwen has only seen Director Kong and Director Peng as mistresses, so Zhai Xinwen is really a good and innocent comrade.

When he came to the service counter, Fang Yuan said: "Please take 50 yuan from the Fugui Jixiang Hall and give it to this gentleman, and then prepare lunch for this gentleman according to the standard of 100 yuan. The amount may not be large, but it must be fine." The waiter was very happy. He took out 50 yuan and handed it to Si Liguo.Si Liguo said: "Thank you, Principal Fang, and also thank you, Principal Yao." Fang Yuan said: "The hospitality is not good, please take care of Teacher Si." Si Liguo said politely: "It is already very good." Fang Yuan said: " Teacher Si, then you will just make up your mind. I'll go back upstairs first. Here's my business card. If you need anything, call me anytime, and I'll go downstairs right away. "

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