Director's growth history

1413.446. If You Are Destined, You Will Meet Unexpectedly

Fang Yuan stood there for a long time before remembering that he was going to the bookstore to find a book to read. 【*】What happened just now?To meet Wen Ruoxing's cousin on the campus of Binhai University!And she even revealed that when she was with Wen Ruoxing, she would often focus on Fang Yuan.What will this little girl say to her cousin in the film?Oh, it bothers my mind!

Another student passed by, Fang Yuan stopped him, asked, and found out that there were three bookstores side by side near the school gate.Only then did Fang Yuan vaguely recall that he had been to Binhai University many times when he was a university student. Although each time he came and went in a hurry, there were a few bookstores at the door, and he seemed to have some impressions.

Looking at his watch, it was nearly two hours before Kong Shuanghua's exam ended at 11 o'clock.Fang Yuan thought: How can I put it, reading a book is better than wandering around!When I arrived at the bookstore, hey, they mainly focus on books for college courses, postgraduate entrance examinations, English books, and computer books.Fang Yuan has no interest in these books at all.From one bookstore to another, and then to the third one, I finally found many inspirational and strategy books in this third one.I took out a copy of "Learning to Speak and Do Things" and only read a few pages. I felt that this was purely fabricated. I don't know where I copied it. Talking, if you really use this method to talk and do things in China, I'm afraid you won't even know how you died.I took out another copy of "Seven Steps to Success", and after reading only a few pages, I read the taste of "how bold people are and how productive the land is", exaggerating people's subjective initiative to the extent that "man can conquer nature".In fact, up to now, man has not been able to overcome the sky. The great flood has come, isn't it the same as causing an air crash?The tsunami is coming, isn't it the same as destroying everything?The earthquake is coming, who else can stop it?Especially in a country like China where Confucianism is still very dominant, the inertia of historical development is like a big wheel that is slowly moving forward. How can the direction of the wheel be reversed by personal power?In other words, how can the power of a man overcome the power of a wheel?I am afraid that before the wheel is turned, it will be crushed by the wheel and become a victim of historical development!As Fang Yuan read it, she realized the opposite idea: people can have ideas, desires, and ideals, but they must adapt to the surrounding environment. If you were born in China, you must adapt to the Chinese social environment, so that you can feel like a fish in water. Only in this environment can we find the most suitable position for our own progress and growth.Don't try to change the environment. Changing the environment means that you will become an out-and-out victim.As Fang Yuan read, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He laughed at the author because he really didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. If there are really college students who read such a book and go to this society, they will probably continue to run into walls!I don't know, do college students like to read such books?

Fang Yuan walked casually, suddenly his eyes lit up. "The Growth History of the Director's Affair"!This book, I heard Letian once said that this book is written very realistically. Although there are not many twists and turns in the storyline, the analysis of society is very thorough. Many of the dialogues between people in it can be directly taken from life. It is used in middle school and work; the psychological description of the characters in it is a thorough analysis of human nature.At that time, Fang Yuan was busy with many things, so he didn't have time to think about it, but he still promised Le Tian that he would definitely take a look when he had time.I really didn't expect to see "The Director" here today.I took out "The Chief" (12) from the bookshelf, and after reading a few pages, I had a kind feeling. It turned out that what I wrote was about my life in junior high school, and it was very close to my work and life!Looking at it, Fang Yuan gradually became fascinated.At this time, the staff came over and said, "Student, you have been watching for half an hour. Do you want to buy it? If you don't buy it, you can't watch it." Fang Yuan laughed. Called a classmate.Fang Yuan said: "I will buy it. May I ask how much the 25 rolls cost?" The staff said: "One roll is 12 yuan, and 300 rolls is 200 yuan. Do you want to buy it?" Fang Yuan said: "Then I will buy the first one first. Let’s roll it up.” The staff member said, “Okay, we can open it up and sell it here.” (Note: This book is not yet published, but there are already pirated books on street stalls and small bookstores. It’s a thick book with very small characters , non-VIP chapter content, less than [-] chapters.)

Fangyuan bought a book, left the bookstore, and walked to the teaching building where Kong Shuanghua took the exam.At the edge of a flower bed, he arranged the cushions and sat on them.The weather in Binhai is not too cold, even in winter, it is usually above zero.Today's weather is fine, Fang Yuan sat on the edge of the flower bed, he didn't feel cold, because the storyline of "The Growth History of the Bureau Chief's Affair" had already attracted him deeply. (This is Wang Po selling melons, selling melons and boasting, please don't be offended, book friends.)

I don't know how long I watched it, when I suddenly heard a chaotic noise at the door of the teaching building.Fang Yuan closed the book, looked at her watch, heh, it was already 11 o'clock.Fang Yuan stood up, but found that her legs were a little numb.There seems to be a lot of urine in the stomach, so it is convenient to find a toilet.But at this time, I can't go anywhere. Greeting my wife is the most important thing.

Fang Yuan's gaze lingered at the gate of the teaching building, and finally, he saw Kong Shuanghua's figure.Fang Yuan is not tall, 176 centimeters, standing in the crowd is not obvious at all, Fang Yuan waved vigorously, but was not seen, so Fang Yuan had to shout: "Shuanghua, I am here." Kong Shuanghua saw Fangyuan, happy Smiling, she ran towards Fangyuan.Fang Yuan said: "Don't run, don't run, just come here." Kong Shuanghua stopped obediently, probably remembering her current appearance.But Kong Shuanghua, who expressed his feelings directly, seemed to have forgotten that this was in a public place, and suddenly threw himself into Fangyuan's arms, hugging Fangyuan tightly.Fangyuan lowered his head and asked softly, "Shuanghua, how did you do in the exam this morning?" Kong Shuanghua said, "It's okay, but the classroom is too cold and there is no heating." Kong Shuanghua let go of his arms and handed both hands to Fangyuan. , It really is cold and cold.Fang Yuan said distressedly: "It's all because of my carelessness. I should have bought a pair of gloves with fingers exposed in the morning." As he spoke, he held Kong Shuanghua's hand in his own and rubbed it gently to warm her up.

Kong Shuanghua said: "Let's eat, I'm hungry." Fang Yuan said: "Mom has prepared a lot of delicious food for you, you can eat some first. Shuanghua, do you want to eat in the staff cafeteria or outside? Kong Shuanghua said: "Let's go to the staff canteen first. I want to find a place to lie down at noon. I feel a little tired after sitting all morning." Fang Yuan said: "Yes, yes. Let's go out and find a hotel and book It’s an hour’s room.” Kong Shuanghua said: “Look at your stupidity, my dad is the president of the university, just call my dad and ask my dad to call the hotel affiliated to the university.” Fangyuan said: “Yes .”

Things at the hotel were quickly arranged.Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua went to the toilet respectively, excreted the waste from the whole morning, washed their hands, and ran to the staff canteen.Fang Yuan said: "We can eat whatever you want for lunch." Kong Shuanghua walked all the way, and after looking for a long time, she didn't see any appetite. " Fangyuan said: "Yes, how can this compare with mother's craftsmanship?" Kong Shuanghua said: "I can't imagine that my father eats such a meal every day at noon!" Fangyuan said: "Yes!" Said: "Does Dad still use the cafeteria? It would be great if he could eat once a month. He is at the level of an old man. It is estimated that the meal at noon every day has been arranged." Fangyuan saw that Kong Shuanghua had nothing to eat, so he Said: "Shuanghua, why don't we go out to the restaurant to eat." Kong Shuanghua said: "No, let's just make do with it here. After I lie down at noon, I am going to review and review again. If I can read one, I can read it. Look at two ways are two ways."

According to Kong Shuanghua's request, Fangyuan ordered the food she wanted to barely eat for two bites, and bought a bowl of wontons and two steamed buns.Kong Shuanghua drank wontons and ate vegetables, while Fangyuan ate steamed buns and vegetables.After eating, Fangyuan took her bag and Kong Shuanghua's bag with her, took Kong Shuanghua's hand, and went straight to Binhai University Hotel.

When I arrived at the service desk, I reported my name, and I was picked up soon.At the end of the fourth floor, the waiter opened a door and said, "Please."

After Kong Shuanghua entered the room, Fangyuan said, "Shuanghua, I'll go buy you gloves." Kong Shuanghua said, "No need. I'll just keep warm in the room. You boil a pot of water, we drink at noon, and leave the house in the afternoon. When it’s time, fill up the glass again, and I’ll just warm my hands with the glass.”

Kong Shuanghua drank the water, fell on the bed, and soon fell asleep.Fang Yuan didn't dare to sleep, he was worried that he would oversleep and be late for the exam.Like a soldier on guard, he guards his wife and checks the time.Fortunately, there is a book to accompany it, otherwise, it would be too boring.

Enter the examination room 20 minutes early.When Fangyuan woke Kong Shuanghua up in the afternoon, it was 1:20.When washing Kong Shuanghua's face, drinking water, and then filling the cup with boiling water, Fang Yuan knew that it was time to send Kong Shuanghua to the examination room.

The two walked side by side, the only thing in Kong Shuanghua's hand was the water cup, and the bags were all on Fangyuan's shoulders.This is what Fang Yuan is willing to do.Watching Kong Shuanghua enter the examination room, Fangyuan looked at his watch, it was exactly 1:40.Let's go back to the hotel in the afternoon, Fang Yuan thought, and turned to leave the examination room.Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure hurriedly approaching in the distance, ah, it was her!

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