Director's growth history

1422.455. You Can Do What You Don’t Want to Do

The 4S shop of Toyota Motor is indeed arranged in a unique style, which makes people feel comfortable at first sight. [ |] In the car viewing area, Toyota cars of various sub-brands are placed at different angles for visitors to try and feel.In the left front of the hall, there are some glass tables surrounded by 4 exquisite and exquisite chairs, which are probably specially used for detailed introductions to customers.Fangyuan glanced around the audience, and found that not only FAW Toyota, but also Guangzhou Toyota Camry were in stock here. It turned out that this was a Toyota 4S store!

The young mm was very enthusiastic: "Both, I just saw you coming by taxi, and you chose Toyota as the first stop. This is the wisest decision of yours." Kong Shuanghua said, "Why do you say that?" The young mm smiled. Said: "There is a slogan that goes well. When a car reaches the mountain, there must be a road. Where there is a road, there must be a Toyota car. The quality of Toyota cars is absolutely good. The output of Toyota cars has now surpassed that of General Motors. , ranking first in the world. Choosing a car from the world’s largest car company should be the wisest choice for every wise customer.”

Fang Yuan couldn't help admiring, the young girl's few words had already moved Fang Yuan's heart.Sure enough, Kong Shuanghua said, "Fangyuan, I'm right. The first one I want to see is Toyota. I've wanted to buy a Toyota car for a long time." Fangyuan said, "Toyota is good, but there are other excellent brands. What! The top ten car companies in the world, I think the car quality of any car company is quite good. Many powerful brands have emerged in domestic cars in recent years!"

The young mm looked at Fangyuan, then at Kong Shuanghua, and said, "This brother and sister look like successful white-collar workers. White-collar workers naturally want to drive a car that fits their white-collar status. Toyota cars, from Vios to Corolla , to Corolla, to Camry, to Camry, to Crown, although the prices of each level of car are different, they are all suitable for white-collar workers and successful people to drive. Moreover, everyone agrees that the quality of Toyota cars is well-known, basically Not bad. My brother, you also know that many cars are okay for the first two years, but after that, the more they drive, the more problems become, and gradually the cost of repairing the car is more expensive than the cost of driving. This is not the case with Toyota cars. If it has a lifespan of 10 years, then as long as it is not touched or collided within ten years, basically no parts need to be repaired.”

Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, okay! The best way to buy a car is to buy one that doesn't need to be repaired. I like Toyota. Miss, please introduce me to one." The young MM said: "Okay, sister, come with me." Young MM's latest introduction is Corolla, which is the tenth generation of Corolla, and Kong Shuanghua likes it more and more.The young mm said: "This car is the latest product produced by Toyota Motor Corporation in China. It is synchronized with Japan and Toyota factories around the world! Sister, are you optimistic about it?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Yes, I am optimistic about it. This How much is a car?” The young lady said, “The one you are looking at is a comfortable model, and it costs 16.28 yuan.” Kong Shuanghua stuck out his tongue: “It’s too expensive, I only have a budget of 10 yuan.”

Fang Yuan said in his heart: When going shopping, the most taboo thing is to show your hole cards, Kong Shuanghua seems really innocent!The young mm said: "Oh, my sister is going to buy a car worth around 10 yuan, isn't she?" Fang Yuan said: "It is up to 10." The young mm glanced at Fang Yuan, still smiling cutely: "We also have cars worth more than 9 Brother and sister, please come with me.” She led Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua to a white Vios, and said, “This car is called Vios, made by Tianjin Toyota. It is fuel-efficient, and the price is only 1.3." Kong Shuanghua felt that the car was a bit small, and although it looked beautiful, it was obviously not as good as the Carraro I saw just now.Kong Shuanghua said: “What kind of car is that? What do you mean?” The young mm said: “It’s the one with less configuration.” Kong Shuanghua said: “What about the most expensive one?” The young mm said: “The most expensive one costs more than 9.48 yuan!” Kong Shuanghua stuck out his tongue and drilled Into the Vios.The young mm also got into the co-pilot, while Fang Yuan sat in the back row.The young mm said: "Sister, this Vios is also quite good. Although the car is a little smaller, it is also quite good as a lady's car." Fang Yuan said: "We bought the car, and it was driven by me and my wife. mm can't ignore my height!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Yes, although I prescribe it for the master, but when I am seven or eight months pregnant and cannot prescribe it, he still has to prescribe it, and I have to consider my husband's request. The young sister said: "Then let's consider the Corolla! The cheapest one is only more than 13.98 yuan, and the price is not less than 17 yuan."

Three people got out of the car.Kong Shuanghua couldn't resist the temptation of his young sister, and got into a Corolla.This car is indeed good, but Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat: God, if he really bought a Corolla, then if Fangyuan drove the car to the school and parked it with Su Ruihan's, there must be a story.You can't buy a Corolla for any car!

Kong Shuanghua felt that the car was good after sitting in it, coupled with the very attractive publicity of this young lady, almost made Kong Shuanghua almost decide to buy this car.Fang Yuan said: "This is the cheapest model, plus purchase tax, plus insurance, plus various procedures such as listing, and finally how much does it cost to drive on the road?" The young girl said: "About 16. Fangyuan said: "Shuanghua, look, the price of a bare car is 13.98 yuan, and after completing the formalities and going on the road, it costs more than 16 yuan. Shuanghua, today we are going to at least 10 car sales companies! They all say to shop around, Our family, Shuanghua, is going to shop around for ten. I always think that my wife’s decision is the most wise. Only by comparing can I know which car is most suitable for you and me, whether it is price, quality, or vehicle. The style of the Corolla, isn’t it?” Kong Shuanghua was overjoyed and said, “Yes, let’s look at a few more, maybe there will be a car that is cheaper than this Corolla and is also very good!” Fangyuan said: “ Long live my wife!"

Young mm obviously knows that this is a prospective car buyer, holding money in his hand!She enthusiastically said: "We can discuss the price again!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Will you sell the 10?" The young girl said: "[-] can buy Vios." Kong Shuanghua said: "Come on, let's go to the next one. "

Under the disappointed eyes of the young MM, Kong Shuanghua pulled Fang Yuan out the door.Fang Yuan said: "Wife, you are really good! That young lady wanted to kill us for money, but my wise wife defeated her at once. Don't even want to kill you for a penny." Kong Shuanghua said: "Of course." Fang Yuan said: " Wife, I was a standard anti-Japanese youth in college. I once shouted the slogan not to buy Japanese goods, and I have never bought Japanese goods. My wife is an outstanding young man who loves the motherland. She must know Japan very well. It caused a serious disaster." Kong Shuanghua said: "Well, the Nanjing Massacre killed 30 of my compatriots, especially the beheading competition, especially those poor women who were raped and raped by these Japanese devils, think of me I just feel that the Japanese are not human.” Fang Yuan said, “Then we still buy cars made in Japan?” Kong Shuanghua said, “No, definitely not!” Fang Yuan said, “I sincerely admire this good man who loves the motherland. Wife, come, give me a kiss!"

From this moment on, Fangyuan firmly grasped the initiative to look at the car. When it was almost noon, Kong Shuanghua decided to buy a Zhonghua Junjie, the 8.98 model.Fangyuan was able to make such a choice, of course, because of the car’s reasonable price, good-looking appearance, generous body, and because of the big “中” character logo, which inspired Kong Shuanghua’s passion in Fangyuan. After patriotic enthusiasm, I directly decided to buy this Zhonghua Junjie.Fang Yuan said: "Honey, you made the most wise decision this morning, and I support you!"

I bought a car and paid another 300 yuan, and the dealership was responsible for all the procedures for the listing.Kong Shuanghua didn't quite dare to drive, so he sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Fang Yuan drove.The staff of the car dealership sat in the back.The car drove out of the gate and was directed by the staff of the car dealership to the car management office.

When they arrived at the vehicle management office, Kong Shuanghua found a chair and sat down, while Fang Yuan followed the staff of the car dealership to the window. Hey, there is also a staff member of the dealership here, who is responsible for queuing here.There are a lot of vehicles registered every day, and there are long queues at many windows, but when Fangyuan handles it, he can go directly to the window, because there are people there to meet him.Pay the purchase tax, pay the mandatory insurance, pay the fare for inspection, pay the road maintenance fee, pay the license fee, pay the exhaust gas inspection fee. Although the speed is relatively fast, Fangyuan still broke out in a sweat.The car dealer said: "Mr. Fang, I have to drive the car to the back for inspection. After passing, you can choose a number." Fang Yuan said: "Let me drive." The car dealer said: "Let me drive. , I’ll go, and I can guarantee that all the audits will pass once, and there is also our relationship there.” Fang Yuan sighed: Relationships are everywhere.

After more than ten minutes, the staff of the car dealership came back and handed over the car keys to Fangyuan.Car number selection is now more user-friendly, and 10 numbers can be provided at a time for car buyers to choose.Fangyuan once again gave such an opportunity to Kong Shuanghua: "Honey, I believe your vision is the best."

Choose a good number, extend the license plate, install the license plate, and paste the compulsory traffic insurance standard and the qualified inspection mark before January 2009 on the front windshield inside the car.The car dealer said: "Okay, Mr. Fang, you and your wife can drive the car home now."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Go, my husband, take me home." Seeing Kong Shuanghua's happy face, Fang Yuan thought: Sometimes, curves are very important to save the country!Fangyuan did not forget to praise Kong Shuanghua again: "My wife, do you know? We are all laymen, and we don't know how difficult it is to get listed. You see, we paid 300 yuan. Although we spent money, we got things done faster. Look at such a long line, they don't know when they will be able to do it!" Kong Shuanghua said: "Of course, I have always been very wise." Affordable, what everyone needs, what everyone enjoys!

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