Director's growth history

1485.509、This is the expert

Sun Hongjun's words made Zhai Xinwen very satisfied, and Yao Changqing and Fang Yuan were dumbfounded. 【*】From the beginning to the end, Zhai Xinwen didn't seem to be involved in this matter!It was entirely due to the enthusiasm of Deputy Secretary Sun that the 68 Middle School learned about the military training, but now...

Huang Run seemed to be ignorant, and said to Secretary Zhai with a smile: "Secretary Zhai, then I would like to thank you, the leader of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau! A warm welcome from the officers and soldiers of the regiment. The programs brought by the teachers of the 68 Middle School are very good, and the social activities are very good. I hope that Secretary Zhai will pay more attention to the troops and often organize the teachers of the school to go to the frontier defense regiment to take a look." Zhai Xinwen chuckled and said, "Military and civilian family! We have done something to support the army, and it is also our local duty! When encountering such a thing, I will definitely support it. Besides, this time the army is also supporting the army. 68 Middle School has provided a lot of help and contributed a lot to our education, Captain Huang, on behalf of the Education Bureau and 68 Middle School, I would like to thank you and the leaders of the regiment, and thank you to the frontier defense regiment!"

Fang Yuan looked at Huang Run and Zhai Xinwen's tacit understanding, and really admired their face and psychological quality.It seems that the morality of the officialdom is still deep, I Fangyuan, there are too many things to learn.

When a group of people came to the training ground, the teachers from No. 68 Middle School had already arrived, and the soldiers to guide the shooting were also in place. 10 rifles were placed in the shooting position; 10 pistols were held by a soldier.The teachers all looked very excited, and it seemed that they were already eager to try.There is no teacher who is not in high spirits. Yao Changqing looks at it and wants to laugh. These teachers are really cute. Seeing the sad faces during the military training yesterday morning, it is now a sunny day in March. It seems that yesterday afternoon and night were well rested ah!

A higher leader came, and Yao Changqing knew that this was no longer his stage.The stage belonged to Secretary Zhai and Secretary Sun, and he became an insignificant supporting role.But supporting roles also need to do a good job in supporting roles. Yao Changqing said loudly: "Teachers, Secretary Zhai, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, and Secretary Sun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, came from the urban area to guide our work. ; Head Huang, Deputy Head Mu, and Chief of Staff Yin are very busy with their work, and now they are also here in person, let us welcome the leaders with warm applause."

At this time, no one dared to make a mistake.Everyone applauded enthusiastically.Some teachers hoped that the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau would pay attention to them. Some teachers looked at Zhai Xinwen curiously, wondering why the bureau leader didn't come during the training, but rushed over when it was shooting time.

Zhai Xinwen waved his hand and said with a smile: "I really want to visit the teachers earlier, because I heard that the training of 68 Middle School this year is very innovative and effective, and I also know that our fellowship activities with the Frontier Defense Group are very good. Well, it’s very meaningful. I wanted to come here the day before yesterday, but the work in the bureau is very heavy at the end of the year, so it’s very busy. I came to the frontier defense group today and saw our teacher is full of energy and high spirits. The teachers have gained a lot from the [-]-day training. On behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, I would like to congratulate you.”

Sun Hongjun and Yao Changqing took the lead in applauding.The teachers' applause also rang out.

Zhai Xinwen said: "It was a coincidence that I came here, just in time for shooting, so I will get the credit of the teachers of 68 Middle School and follow everyone to shoot a few shots."

These few words are true, but in the ears of the teachers, they feel the approachability of the Party Secretary of the Education Bureau.The teachers gave Zhai Xinwen another round of applause.

Yao Changqing said: "Now, I would like to invite Secretary Sun to say a few words for you. Welcome!" The teachers applauded, and Sun Hongjun quickly waved his hands: "Secretary Zhai has spoken, so I will not talk about it. Secretary Zhai represents the bureau The party committee has spoken, and I am also a member of the bureau's party committee, and I am also Secretary Zhai's soldier!"

Seeing that Sun Hongjun was determined not to speak, Yao Changqing walked up to the teachers and said, "Teachers, take out the results of our training yesterday morning and adjust the formation. All listen to the password and follow the positions and formations of yesterday's training. Line up!" Yao Changqing saw that the teachers had basically stood up, and said loudly: "Sit down, stand at attention, look to the right, look forward!" Turning around, he said to Huang Run: "Tuan Zhang, please give instructions." Huang Run said: "Principal Yao, you don't need to be so polite." After finishing speaking, he walked up to the teachers calmly and said, "Everyone listen to the password, take a break!" The teachers stretched their right feet forward for a small half step.Huang Run said: "This morning, our frontier defense regiment arranged target shooting training for the teachers. Do the teachers like it?"

All the teachers shouted, and the voices of several male teachers almost overwhelmed the audience, resounding through the sky: "I like it!" Huang Run smiled slightly: "Okay, then I will emphasize a few points. First, every teacher, before shooting a target, must Listen carefully to the instructor's explanations and demonstrations. This real gun has a recoil. If you don't listen carefully, it is easy to hurt your shoulder. Second, there are bullets in the gun, which is dangerous. However, compared with normal bullets, training bullets have half the amount of ammunition and are equally lethal, and the warheads are exactly the same as normal bullets. Therefore, you must not point your gun at anyone. Third, follow the instructor’s password and password If you don’t shoot, no one can shoot, that is, you can’t pull the trigger with your hand. Do you understand?”

All the teachers shouted: "I understand."

Huang Run said: "Okay, now there are 10 people in a row, and they will automatically go to the back row. Now, the officers and soldiers of our frontier defense regiment will introduce the rifles to the teachers. There are no bullets in the current gun case. After the instructor finishes explaining, everyone You can feel it in your hand. One instructor corresponds to 10 teachers, let’s start.”

In order to highlight his enthusiasm, Huang Run personally asked a soldier for a rifle, and said to Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Zhai, Secretary Sun, Principal Yao, leaders, you have probably all fired guns, I will say simple Let me introduce this gun to everyone." Zhai Xinwen said: "Then thank you, Captain Huang." Huang Run said: "Do a little bit of landlord friendship!"

Fang Yuan had never touched a gun before, so he listened very carefully to Huang Run's explanation.When the gun passed from Jia Ming's hand to Fang Yuan's, Fang Yuan touched it carefully, tried the bolt, tried the trigger, and aimed at the aiming star, just like what Huang Run said just now, Break off the magazine.Holding a heavy gun, Fang Yuan really wanted to have a good time and enjoy shooting.

Soon, 10 soldiers began to demonstrate and explain live ammunition shooting to all the teachers, including where the butt of the gun should be placed after lying down, what problems should be paid attention to when looking at the sight, and so on.Then 10 soldiers, aiming at the distant target, started a shot.The gunshots were not too loud, but white smoke soon rose in the distance, which was the smoke and dust after the bullet hit the ground.

Huang Run said: "Teachers, some teachers may want to pick up the bullet casings. At this time, they must not go to the front of the gun. If something goes wrong, no one can take responsibility for it!" Emphasize loudly: "Teachers must keep the words of Captain Huang in mind. No one can go in front of the gun. After our general shooting is over, the teacher who likes the bullet casings will pick it up again. Have you remembered?" up.The first row of 10 teachers fell to the ground, and the real shooting soon began.Every teacher and instructor will put 5 bullets in the magazine.The instructor fixed the position of the gun stock on a teacher's shoulder socket and asked the teachers to clamp it tightly.Soon, the guns started to ring, and some teachers fired all five bullets in one go, without seeing any targets at all.Most of the teachers aim very carefully, looking at the target in the distance, and shoot very slowly with the eyes, crosshair, and target in a three-point line.Some teachers stood up and saw that other teachers were still shooting seriously, and regretted that they should not shoot so fast. It was a bit like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. He didn't know what it tasted, so he went in.

The teachers in the next few rows quickly saw the way, and the shooting in the back was getting better and better.Yao Changqing was the first to notice Zhai Xinwen's eager and embarrassed expression, and immediately realized that Zhai Xinwen was wearing a suit and really couldn't lie on the ground and shoot.Yao Changqing said, "Secretary Zhai, I'll take off my training uniform, so you can shoot a few shots too." Zhai Xinwen said, "I'll just take a look, there's no need to shoot. The teachers will do it well." Huang Run said : "Secretary Zhai, Secretary Sun, you can also shoot standing up, but many people can't master it well, because the recoil of the gun is still quite large. Come on, let me demonstrate and shoot standing up."

Huang Run asked for a rifle and demonstrated it himself, especially emphasizing that the butt and shoulder socket must be clamped tightly, and fired five shots in a row.After a soldier loaded the magazine, Zhai Xinwen also imitated Huang Run's appearance and took up the gun.Huang Run corrected the position of the butt of the gun again, and after emphasizing the clamping, said: "Secretary Zhai, shoot. Pay attention to the three points and one line of the eyes, the front sight and the target, which can be slightly higher by one millimeter." Zhai Xinwen pulled the trigger, and the bullets and arrows The same shot was fired, and the recoil hit the shoulder socket hard.Zhai Xinwen immediately knew why he had to tighten the butt of the gun.

The rifle's 5 rounds were quickly exhausted.The teachers are full of ideas.Huang Run said: "There are also pistols, which also have 5 bullets per person. The recoil of pistols is smaller than that of rifles, but it is not small. Therefore, I hope that old teachers and female teachers who practice prone shooting and strong male teachers can Standing shot. Now, the instructor will demonstrate and explain to everyone."

Soon, the five bullets of the pistol were also fired.But many teachers who shot guns for the first time really didn't enjoy it.Everyone turned their attention to Yao Changqing, hoping to shoot a few more shots.Yao Changqing was also in a dilemma. This round of ammunition costs several yuan. After this round of shooting, he must have consumed 5 rounds of ammunition.Seeing the expressions of the teachers, Yao Changqing said in his heart: "Aren't you giving me a problem?"

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