Director's growth history

1510.534. Do you know about Yao Changqing having a second baby?

The question of whose bag to take is really a difficult one, especially for Han Suzhen and Zhai Xinwen, whose bag should they take?Just take the main leader, what will the remaining three leaders think?It is unrealistic for one person to take all of them. 【@】

well!It's really uncomfortable to be caught between several leaders.Seeing that several leaders were about to leave, Fangyuan said quickly: "Everyone, my bag is already in the room. May I ask which leader needs me to carry the bag? Please feel free to tell me." I still left this issue to the leaders. Well, no matter how they deal with it, they will form a tacit understanding and reach a compromise virtually.

Fangyuan's strategy really worked.Zhai Xinwen said: "Ms. First, Fang Yuan, you can help Director Han and Principal Yang to get things. Director Han and Principal Yang happen to live in the same room, so you can send them there together." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Fang Fang walked in front of Han Suzhen and Yang Fang, and took the bags of the two of them naturally, carrying one in each hand. The left and right sides were really well-balanced, not at all heavy.Follow behind several leaders, go upstairs and take the elevator all the way.Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, and Xie Bingguo went downstairs on the 19th floor, while Fang Yuan followed Han Suzhen and Yang Fang to the 20th floor.

After going downstairs, Han Suzhen said, "Fang Yuan, give us the things." Fang Yuan said, "Director Han, I'd better take it directly to the room." Han Suzhen said, "Okay, it's right in front of us." The leader of the party, Fang Yuan felt that he still wanted to flatter him.He smiled and said, "Director Han, you and President Yang have always cared for me and cultivated me so much. Just give me a chance to serve the two leaders."

Han Suzhen was very pleased with it, and said with a smile: "Old Yang, I see that you have trained him, and now he is promising!" Yang Fang said with a smile: "It was all trained by Director Han. As a little principal, I train him. You are powerless!" Han Suzhen said: "For good seedlings and talents, we must increase our efforts to cultivate them. Fang Yuan was promoted to the first-level middle school teacher and vice-principal, and some leading comrades still have different opinions, but I He Xinwen still insists on cultivating and motivating talents. Let Fangyuan be the vice principal, which is to tell the teachers in the city clearly that whoever works hard and achieves first-class performance, the party committee of the bureau will definitely train and reuse them.”

When Han Suzhen said these few words, they were sonorous and forceful, and it seemed that they really came from the heart.Yang Fang said sincerely: "Director Han, if our educational leaders can look at issues from a fair standpoint like you, and wholeheartedly cultivate talents needed for educational development, then our future Binhai education will have a bright future. It is more hopeful. Director Han, you are a good director who really wants to develop Binhai education well!" Han Suzhen seemed a little moved: "I want to be worthy of the trust of the leaders, I must be worthy of my job responsibilities, and I must be worthy of the party and the government. The cultivation of the people! If you are in your position, you must manage your own affairs. At worst, you should be worthy of your own salary!"

After entering the room, Fangyuan put down her bag and said: "Director Han, Principal Yang, if there is nothing else, I'll go downstairs first." Han Suzhen said: "It's still early for the group discussion, please sit down for a while, I just have something to do." I still want to ask you." Fang Yuan looked at Yang Fang.Yang Fang said: "The director said, you just sit for a while. The director talks to you because he cares about you. Think about it, there are so many schools at the grassroots level, hundreds of vice principals, how can Director Han have so much time to talk to a school?" The vice-principal talking?" Fang Yuan agreed with Yang Fang's words very much in his heart, and felt that Yang Fang's speaking level was indeed extraordinary, without any edges and corners, but he was able to hit the key points, making it easy to listen to.Thinking about how I speak, although I have paid more attention to the method than before, it is still rough and angular, lacking the feeling of spring wind and rain like Yang Fang.It seems that there are too many places to learn in the future.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Director Han. In fact, I have wanted to report to Director Han on my study and work for a long time. Knowing that the director has a lot of work to do, and has been paying attention to Xiao Fang's progress and growth, I have always been very grateful. "Han Suzhen said with a smile: "Sit down, Xiao Fang." Fang Yuan also sat by the bed.Han Suzhen asked kindly: "As the vice principal, do you feel hard at work?" Fang Yuan said, "It's okay. With the help of principal Yao and other leaders and colleagues, although I am a little tired, I regard work as an exercise of ability. , but also happy in being tired." Han Suzhen said: "Young people, if you want to make progress, you need to endure more hardships. Think about your provincial and national classes, how much hardship you have suffered! If every teacher in the city can be like you With such a hard work, why should I worry about Binhai’s education? Why don’t I get No.1 in the provincial college entrance examination? It’s a pity that there are only a few teachers in the city who are willing to endure hardships and study hard like you.” Fang Yuan said: "Actually, I am also very clear that every bit of personal progress is inseparable from the cultivation of leaders. When going out of the provincial class, Principal Yang fully supported him from all aspects; The leaders of the Municipal Bureau and the teaching and research section all rely on me. Didn’t you, Director Han, come to the school to listen to my lectures to guide me during your busy schedule?” Han Suzhen said with a smile: “Fang Yuan, you How did you learn to be glib when you became the vice principal?"

Fang Yuan was taken aback, and looked carefully, only to find that Han Suzhen's eyes were approving and kind, without the slightest sarcasm, so she was relieved: "Director, this is not a glib tongue, but my heartfelt words! So, The leader arranged for me to be the vice principal, so I have to work harder and do a better job. If I can’t, I will learn from the old leader; if I don’t do well, I can accept criticism from others at any time. In a word, I can’t give The leader discredited you." Han Suzhen said: "Fang Yuan, when you were promoted, some comrades still had different opinions. Now that I see you, I feel very relieved and relieved. Work hard, the future Binhai education belongs to you. For young people. Principal Yang Fang and I will grow old one day, leave our current positions, and go home to take care of our grandchildren. Can Binhai’s education develop better, and can we run an education that makes the people feel at ease and satisfied? In the end, it depends on you young people with potential. Many people say that I have a masculine style, so I will leave my words here. As long as you do well in Fangyuan, I can be promoted to vice-principal in an exceptional way. In the future, I can make an exception and promote you as the principal!"

This is every time Fangyuan has heard a clear message from the main leaders of the Education Bureau.This made Fang Yuan very excited and moved.Fang Yuan said emotionally: "Director, thank you for your great love. I will definitely work harder and harder in accordance with your requirements and expectations, make more achievements, and dedicate myself to the progress of 68 Middle School and Binhai Education. This is my modest effort." Han Suzhen said: "Okay, Fangyuan, I am optimistic about you." Fangyuan bowed and said: "Thank you, thank you, Director." Han Suzhen said: "Sit down. I still have something to ask you .”

Fang Yuan sat down, but her heart could not be calm for a long time.Han Suzhen glanced at Yang Fang, hesitated to speak.Yang Fang immediately understood and said, "Director Han, I'm going downstairs first." Han Suzhen said, "Lao Yang, take a seat for me." Yes." Han Suzhen waved her hand with a smile, watched Yang Fang go out, and closed the door behind her.

Yang Fang left, and only Han Suzhen and Fang Yuan were left in the room.At this time, Fang Yuan really realized that Han Suzhen might have something important to tell her.What will the chief say?Will these problems be very acute?Fang Yuan's heart, which was still excited just now, began to feel uneasy.

Han Suzhen said: "Fang Yuan, today you want to tell the truth to me, can you do this?" Fang Yuan's heart suddenly rose to her throat, beating non-stop.Some were afraid to meet Han Suzhen's gaze directly, but they still couldn't help but replied: "Director, I must tell the truth."

Seeing Fang Yuan's nervous look, Han Suzhen smiled and said, "Fang Yuan, I just asked a few things casually. If you know, tell me. If you don't know, tell me. If you don't know, just say you don't know. The request is just three words, to be honest, do you understand?" Fang Yuan wiped off his sweat and said, "Understood." Han Suzhen said, "The first thing, what do you think of Yao Changqing?"

sky!Let him evaluate his immediate superior?Fortunately, Yao Changqing is still relatively perfect in Fang Yuan's mind, and he is a role model to learn from.But if you want to express it clearly, you need to be careful with your wording, because Fang Yuan doesn't want to hurt Yao Changqing and herself because of an inappropriate wording.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yao is a good principal. He has a hard-working spirit. The last one to leave the school every night is usually Principal Yao. He often works past nine or ten in the evening. Principal Yao is really in Working hard for the development of the school is an example for me to learn from. Under the leadership of Yao Changqing, our high school entrance examination last summer entered the top 10 ranks in the city. In this year's high school entrance examination, all the teachers in the school are very energetic and want to strive to enter the top 3 Principal Yao is also very concerned about the welfare of the teachers. He has set up high-quality free lunches, overtime work at night and overtime nutritious meals. Teachers’ bonuses have also been greatly improved every month. Moreover, Principal Yao is fair and treats the teachers He is also more tolerant, and now he is a very good principal in the eyes of all the teachers in the school, and he is very popular among the teachers."

Han Suzhen nodded: "Fangyuan, what you said is similar to what I learned through other channels. In terms of work, Yao Changqing's work attitude and work performance are quite good, which is fully affirmed by the bureau's party committee. Fangyuan, I still have a little I have something to ask you." Fang Yuan felt guilty, but she couldn't help but answer, "Please tell me, Director." Han Suzhen said, "Do you know about Yao Changqing's mistress?"

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