Director's growth history

1515.539. What is long-sightedness?

When Zhai Xinwen called back from the outside, he conscientiously performed the duties of a temporary convener to discuss the candidates for the head and deputy head of the Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health delegation. 【*】In fact, this process is also a formal process. In the hands of each party representative, there is a recommendation list issued by the secretariat of the conference. On it, the names of the leader Zhai Xinwen and the deputy leader Yu Sizhuang are listed on the recommendation list , on this occasion, no objection was raised.Several other candidate drafts were also passed without objection.The most depressing thing is Han Suzhen. As the director, she is the deputy secretary of the party committee. If she were the secretary and the director, she would be the head of the delegation of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, Sports, and Sports. But now, she can only watch helplessly. Zhai Xinwen presided over the meeting with a smile on his face, feeling like a fish in water.

After the discussion was passed, Zhai Xinwen, the chief and deputy convener, and Yu Sizhuang, the deputy convener, brought with them the list of delegation leaders and deputy leaders, the list of proposals from the presidium and the secretary-general, the list of proposals from the representative qualification review committee, and all The agenda (draft) of the congress passed unconditionally, and Deng Yuncong walked out of the venue to attend the convener meeting organized by the secretariat of the congress.At this time, the meeting room 208 was full of chatter and laughter. Several representatives from the sports world even made a few nasty jokes, making the meeting room full of laughter.If you know, this is a group discussion at the party congress; if you don't know, you think it's a party.

Around noon, Zhai Xinwen and Yu Sighuang returned to meeting room 208, but Deng Yuncong did not come back.Zhai Xinwen said: "Thank you for the support of the representatives. Director Yu and I were able to be elected as the heads of the delegation of Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health. Our entire party congress went smoothly, and through our services, each of our party representatives can establish a deep friendship. The lunch time is coming soon, and the place where our party representatives have lunch at noon today is Naai It is a buffet in the Sri Lanka Ballroom. This time, the meal standard for each representative is 50 yuan per person. The quality should be good and the variety should be relatively rich. I hope the representatives can eat well."

At 2007:1 on January 29, 13, for all party members in Binhai City, this was one of the most important moments in political life.According to the unified deployment of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee, Party members from all aspects of Binhai City, from government agencies to schools, from urban areas to rural areas, from municipal agencies, district, city and county governments to sub-district offices to townships, are required to sit in front of the TV, Watch the opening ceremony of the 30th Binhai Party Congress live broadcast by Binhai TV Channel [-].

Of course, not everyone cares about the most important things in Binhai’s political life. Except that the party and government agencies, administrative institutions, and state-owned enterprises have issued notices requiring study from their superiors and must organize party members and cadres to watch and study, many enterprises Whether production should be produced, whether many companies should operate or should operate, people should live or should live, farmers should work or farm, and hold whatever party congress they like, all of which are the affairs of officials , has nothing to do with us ordinary people.

This is an important peculiarity of today's Chinese politics. It is cold outside and hot inside. Only people in circles care about these things, and only people engaged in administrative work care about these things. To put it more seriously, grassroots party members in administrative organs and party members in public institutions Teachers, party members, doctors, party members, workers, party members and farmers, few of them care about this party congress. Even if the party congress is called by the leaders to watch the live broadcast in front of the TV, it is a bit like a twisted melon. Unwilling, far from being able to let nature take its course.

I don’t know if this is a great irony, and I don’t know if Wang Guodong, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, was already intoxicated by the warm applause again and again when he gave the work report of the fifth Municipal Party Committee with enthusiasm, and he never thought that, The city has a population of 600 million and 50 party members. I am afraid that there will not be more than 1 people who really care about the holding of this party congress?I don't know whether the convening of such a self-admired party congress is really an important meeting to inherit the past and usher in the future as advertised in the newspapers, an important meeting to carry on the past and usher in the future, and an important meeting that will affect the success or failure of Binhai in the next five years?

But at this moment, the meeting room of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee Center seemed grand and lively.When Fang Yuan and other party representatives walked into the central conference room facing the cameras, his heart was deeply shocked.Before entering the venue, the staff, of course there must be plainclothes police officers, only recognize the representative badge, not the person.Indeed, there was a party representative who had to go back to the hotel to get it again because he did not wear his representative card. Although the representatives of the same group who came with him repeatedly proved that he was a party representative, but these words were nothing, and there was no job at all. personnel approval.

The rostrum is still empty and there is no one there, but the inspiring athletes' march is playing in the entire venue.Fangyuan cast his eyes on the rostrum. The party emblem was hung in the middle of the central wall at the end of the rostrum. On the left and right sides, there were five red flags on each side. This made Fangyuan feel the solemn and solemn atmosphere. At this moment, it was as if his own soul All have been sublimated, and a sense of honor, pride and sacredness of being a party representative filled Fangyuan's heart at this moment-it is really glorious!

Fangyuan and the other party representatives from Group Seven sat in the designated two rows of seats.Fangyuan chose the seat as far back as possible. He knew that the seat at the front was for the leaders, and he, a small man, was only fit to sit at the back. Fortunately, the person sitting next to him was Xie Bingguo, who was an acquaintance .After sitting down, Xie Bingguo said: "It's the first time I participated in such a high-level meeting, and my heart is still beating!" Fang Yuan said: "Director Xie, I feel a sense of sacredness, especially after watching that meeting." The party emblem, and the solemn rostrum, listening to this music, I have such a feeling." Xie Bingguo said: "Yes! I am in my 40s, and I also have this feeling!"

At this time, people began to walk in from the left and right sides of the rostrum, and the representative seat became quiet.Fang Yuan saw his father-in-law Kong Zitian at first glance. He was sitting in the middle of the third row of the rostrum. Hehe, there are two rows ahead of him who are older than him!

Soon, from the second row back to the last row, all the seats were full of people.Only the first row was left empty and there was no one there.Fang Yuan said: "Why don't the leaders come together?" Xie Bingguo said: "If we go together, how can we tell that the leaders in the first row are of high rank? Of course, I don't know."

The leader of the first row finally came out from the right side of the venue.On the rostrum and the representative seat, warm applause erupted immediately, and the applause lasted for a long time until all the leaders sat down.At this moment, the athletes' march stopped abruptly, and the venue quickly fell silent. No one whispered or made loud noises in the venue—the place is special, the time is special, and the occasion is special!Who has the guts?

At this time, Fang Yuan noticed a huge banner with white characters on a red background above the rostrum, on which was written the words "The Sixth Congress of Binhai City, ** of the People's Republic of China". , Pushing forward, until liberation, it should be No.11 or No.12, why is it only the sixth?It turned out that Fangyuan, as a foreigner, did not know the history of Binhai City. Binhai City was separated from another prefecture-level city in Province Z in 1981, and together with several other counties, Binhai City was formed.

Suddenly someone on the rostrum began to speak: "Comrades, 255 delegates should be present today, and 9 of them asked for leave due to illness. In fact, 246 delegates were present. They meet the relevant regulations and can hold the meeting. Attending today's conference, except for the sixth In addition to the representatives of the Party Congress, we also invited all veteran comrades above the deputy city level living in Binhai, leaders above the division level of the troops stationed in Binhai, academicians of the two academies, chairpersons and honorary chairpersons of Binhai Municipal Committees of various parties. The Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the leaders of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee are also very concerned about the convening of our meeting. Comrade Yu Liang, deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Comrade He Fenglai, a cadre of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, also came to the conference to guide. Are you present at this meeting? Members, alternate members, and members of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the fifth municipal party committee represented by this party congress are not the main responsible comrades of the bureaus and offices represented by this party congress. We have also received Congratulatory letters from the League, the Zhigong Party, the Jiu San Society, and the Binhai Municipal Committee of the Peasant and Workers Party. First of all, on behalf of the Binhai Municipal Committee, I would like to extend my highest respect to all the comrades who attended today's meeting!"

At this moment, Fang Yuan recognized the speaker, who was Song Yunsheng, deputy secretary of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor.After the warm applause subsided, Song Yunsheng said: "This party congress is an important meeting in the process of accelerating the development of Binhai City and building a well-off society in an all-round way. At this party congress, we mainly have five agenda items. 12. Review the work report of the fifth Binhai Municipal Party Committee; [-]. Review the work report of the [-]th Binhai Municipal Disciplinary Inspection Committee; [-]. Election of members and alternate members of the [-]th Binhai Municipal Party Committee; [-]. Election of the [-]th Binhai Municipal Committee Member of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee; Fifth, electing representatives to participate in the No.[-] Party Congress of Province Z. Now, I declare that the Sixth Congress of Binhai City, ** in China, is open!"

Applause rang out.Song Yunsheng didn't seem to care, but continued: "The first item of the conference will be played, the national anthem will be played, and everyone will stand up!"

The solemn national anthem sang in the meeting room of the Binhai Municipal Party Committee Center.Fangyuan's heart became more and more solemn, and a sense of sacred mission and responsibility rose in her heart.Thinking of the 600 million people in the city, being able to be one of these 255 representatives is really a supreme honor!How wonderful it would be to be able to sit on the rostrum and preside over such a meeting one day in the future!

After the national anthem was played, Song Yunsheng said: "Now the meeting is proceeding to the second item. Comrade Wang Guodong, secretary of the municipal party committee, is invited to give a work report on behalf of the fifth municipal party committee of Binhai City. Welcome!" Wang Guodong stood up, greeted the applause, and walked to the speech seat.

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