Director's growth history

1518.542, the offending Zhang asked Han Suzhen to say

The cold dishes have been served, and two hot dishes have been served. 【*】Han Suzhen asked Deng Yuncong: "Mayor Deng, can we start?" I would like to invite Mayor Deng to give a toast, everyone is welcome."

Deng Yuncong stood up with a smile on his face: "Deputies, when the sixth party congress of Binhai City is held, it is fate that all our comrades present can become party representatives and be assigned to the same group. From the first session of the meeting From day one, I deeply felt that our Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health Team is an enthusiastic and united group, and I also believe that this is a group with combat effectiveness. Our directors have arranged our activities to 2 On April 4th, let us deepen our understanding, deepen our friendship, and deepen our relationship through activities. Tonight, Secretary Zhai and Director Han of the Education Bureau arranged for everyone. Let us first thank Secretary Zhai and Director Han.”

Deng Yuncong took the lead in drinking half a cup of dry white.The bureau chiefs did not show any weakness, and everyone in the glass bottomed out.Zhai Xinwen said: "Mayor Deng has already taken the lead. We must not lag behind. Let's drink the first glass." Cen Wenwen, sitting on Zhai Xinwen's right, said: "Wine is a good thing. It softens blood vessels and clears cholesterol. I drank it."

Fang Yuan saw that although Sheng Yafei didn't speak, she was sitting opposite her, probably the last seat, smiled at Zhai Xinwen, and quietly drank the wine in the glass.Hey, young girls these days are drinking more and more.Looking at the other three ladies, Yang Fang obeyed the leader in front of Zhai Xinwen, and drank the wine without explaining anything.And Tang Lihua and Yuan Lizhen seemed to be good drinkers too, they were all mouthfuls.Fang Yuan sighed: People who can be party representatives seem to be talented people who have experienced many times in the wine market!Fang Yuan didn't say anything more, just raised his head and drank in.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Deng Yuncong stood up again, held a glass full of wine in his hand, and said, "Comrades, this second glass is my sincere wish and belief that the sixth party congress of Binhai City will be held successfully. A complete success."

"Do it!" "Do it!" The first table quickly filled the cup.Zhai Xinwen took the lead to drink the wine in the glass. Seeing that Yang Fang hesitated, Zhai Xinwen said: "Old Yang, you just stick to the three glasses of Mayor Deng, drink up the wine, and do whatever you want later. I know your blood pressure is high, how much?" I can't keep my eyes on drinking." Yang Fang said, "Okay."

Soon came the third glass of wine.Deng Yuncong said: "This glass is the wine of hope. I sincerely hope that the representatives of our Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Health Team will have a long-lasting friendship. In the future work and life, we will always maintain the enthusiasm and enthusiasm like this evening. For Friendship, cheers!"

Deng Yuncong was very happy to see everyone drank the wine in their glasses.After three cups in a row, none of the comrades played tricks and drank less. This in itself is a respect for Deng Yuncong!Tasting delicious food, Deng Yuncong talked and laughed happily with the bureau chiefs at table one, very lively.

Zhai Xinwen felt a little regretful. In fact, at table one, there were many more opportunities to get close to the leaders.Of course, it is also very good now. Sitting with these representatives who are not high or have no positions will also cultivate an impression of being approachable, which is especially helpful for the election of party committee members and alternate members four days later.If Han Suzhen had not been elected, and she had been elected as a member or alternate member of the Municipal Party Committee, the meaning would be quite different.Thinking of this, the smile on Zhai Xinwen's face became brighter, and his attitude became more accommodating and friendly: "Representatives, everyone can eat whatever you want, and eat more. Teacher Cen, try this, this is the best food for nourishment!" "Dr. Yuan , this is duck yellow oyster, which is rich in brain gold and zinc, and has many benefits for the body!" "Xiao Tang, this dish is good for the throat. You should try it. The taste the chef made today is really good."

Fang Yuan sighed: Secretary Zhai is so approachable, it will definitely increase the goodwill of the delegates, not to mention others, but I, Fang Yuan, if I see Secretary Zhai among the candidates, I will definitely vote for him.

While thinking wildly, Fangyuan heard the voice of Han Suzhen at the first table: "Leaders and representatives, on behalf of the Municipal Education Bureau, I would like to toast you a glass of wine. I wish all representatives good health, happy families, smooth work and better careers." Floors!"

Zhai Xinwen quickly responded: "Come on, let's support Director Han at the second table."

Who is Chief Han?He is the immediate boss of many of the representatives here!Who dare not support?Yang Fang, who was about to stop drinking just now, also drank all the wine in the glass.Fortunately, when the waiter poured it just now, Yang Fang only allowed one-third of the cup to be poured.The other representatives saw that Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, Xie Bingguo, Yang Fang, and Fang Yuan all drank the wine in their glasses. Who would be ashamed not to drink it?Who dare not drink?Although they have different ideas, they can only drink at this time. After all, everyone has seen the world on the scene, and being elected as a party representative speaks for itself.

After a while, Han Suzhen toasted another glass of wine, and she said: "Leaders and representatives. As the director of the Education Bureau, I want to run Binhai Education well from the bottom of my heart. Live up to the expectations of the masses of the people for Binhai education. I know that although Binhai education has made a lot of progress and achievements in the past few years, there is still a big gap from the expectations of the leaders and the requirements of the people. I will continue to Toast a glass of wine, I sincerely ask all leaders and representatives to give more valuable opinions on Binhai Education, and we welcome any criticism, and I sincerely ask all leaders and representatives to support the development of education.”

In the ears of Fangyuan, Yuan Lizhen, Tang Lihua and others, what Han Suzhen said was the modesty, pragmatism and sincerity of the director of education; up.What bullshit?If you really put forward your opinions in person, can you, the bureau chief, still hold on to your face?support?Why do we support it?We also need the Education Bureau to support our bureau's work!

But that's how it was on the scene, and no one pointed it out.Several people at table one expressed their opinions one after another.Some said that Director Han is in his position and seeks his own government. He is really a rare and good director!Some said that the progress of education in the past few years is still relatively large, and the people of the whole city are seeing it!Some said that our bureau must fully support the work of the Education Bureau, hoping that the two systems can form a deep friendship, support each other, and help each other.

Han Suzhen was also happy that these two aspects of her thinking were recognized by the representatives of the two tables, especially table one.Today, she was sitting in the position of the assistant, and she felt very comfortable sitting.Although Zhai Xinwen took the initiative to let her sit, the party secretary was always placed in front of her during the whole day's meeting, which made her feel uncomfortable and awkward.Especially to make the representatives feel that the secretary is older than the bureau?It's good right now.I toasted two glasses of wine by myself, and Mayor Deng toasted three glasses. When Zhai Xinwen arrived, there was only one glass left.This is the difference!

Zhai Xinwen really felt that what Han Suzhen said was all bullshit.How can we see the level of a leader of the Education Bureau?Only paying attention to table number one and ignoring table number two is treating the representatives of table number two as fools!Wait a while to see how I, Zhai Xinwen, grasp the psychology of these representatives.

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Zhai Xinwen stood up: "Mayor Deng, all representatives, please sit here. Now it's my turn, Zhai Xinwen, to offer a toast to all representatives. What I want to say is that since we are all Party representatives in the group, then we are friends. For friends, we should use both sides. I, Zhai Xinwen, think so. I will do my best to serve all representatives. If I can’t do it well, there is Director Han and Mayor Deng! I hope that I can use my sincerity to become good friends of all representatives forever.”

Zhai Xinwen is confident that his own words are what the representatives are most willing to listen to.In terms of political strategy, this is called doing what you like.Ask people to give advice on education?Why do people mention it?Ask people to support education, what kind of support do they have?Speeches must reach people's hearts, and they must talk about what they need most.Zhai Xinwen drank the wine in his glass and looked at everyone with a smile.The second table was quickly swept away; the directors, directors, and presidents of the first table were all masters of the wine forest, so naturally there was nothing to say.After drinking this cup, Liu Donghu said: "Secretary Zhai, Director Han, don't say anything, I really have something to trouble the two bureau leaders." Han Suzhen said: "Director Liu, what's the matter, please tell me. Secretary Xinwen said Yes, it’s on my behalf." Liu Donghu stood up, filled a glass, walked up to Han Suzhen, and said, "I have to toast Director Han and Secretary Zhai first, and then ask the two heads of the Education Bureau to help. "

Zhai Xinwen walked up to the two of them with a cup in his hand, clinked glasses with Liu Donghu, and said, "Director Liu, why are you being polite?" It's not ideal, mainly those junior high school graduates who are good at sports are poached by high schools. It is basically difficult for our city's sports schools to find good seedlings. Toast to the two leaders, I sincerely hope that the two leaders can do more To support the work of the Sports Bureau, it is best to mobilize schools to actively recommend outstanding athletes to the city sports school.”

This problem cannot be solved.It is true that the sports school has a technical secondary school degree, but after entering, cultural courses are forgotten, basically it is daily training.What's the use of training? Of the 10000 private school graduates, there is not one Liu Xiang. Parents certainly hope that their children can go to a good university.If you are good at sports, you can take exams in sports colleges or university sports departments in the future, but at least you have to pass the culture class.If the parents do not support it, it is useless for the Director of Education to say it.It's not easy to answer this question, let Han Suzhen talk about this offending matter.

Zhai Xinwen stood there, looking at Han Suzhen and smiling.Han Suzhen said: "Director Liu, if the sports school can provide a good future for the students who study and train in your school, I will support it. But as far as I know, most of the students who go to your school have well-developed limbs and brains. Simple, there are not many students admitted to college every year. At the same time, I always think that grassroots sports schools are just making wedding clothes for others. No matter how hard they try, they can’t train outstanding athletes like Liu Xiang. Director Liu, what do you say , how can we support you?"

Such words can choke to death!Liu Donghu maintained the mind that a man should have. Although he was angry, he still said politely: "I also know that the Municipal Education Bureau is very difficult, and I have caused trouble for Director Han." But in his heart, Liu Donghu had already scolded Han Suzhen thousands of times. all over.

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