Director's growth history

1529.553 Some people are happy while others are sad

The Sixth National Congress of Binhai City of China ended with the majestic international singing. 【@】Listening to the Internationale, Fang Yuan felt strange, but also shocked.Looking back on the past five days, my feelings are different every day, and every day has new gains.It is said that society is a big melting pot. In Fang Yuan's heart, nothing can compare to the power and intensity of the melting pot of the Party Congress.

Half an hour before, Fang Yuan cast a solemn vote.Although this vote could not change anything, it at least represented a judgment and a feeling in Fang Yuan's heart - to elect a few more good municipal party committee members and alternate members for the highest leadership organization of the Binhai City Party.Therefore, when Fang Yuan was voting, Yu Sizhuang, the director of the Health Bureau, got a cross from Fang Yuan.Looking at Yu Sizhuang's performance in the past few days, he knows that this is an absolute master of the wine market, probably someone who spends every day in the wine tank, but in fact, this is also the best.Sometimes eating and drinking is not a big deal, but eating and drinking every day and using all the public funds is a crime.Moreover, using public money to issue medical examination cards to party representatives in the same group, does this count as spending public money for private affairs?Fang Yuan couldn't say for sure, but at least he was disgusted in his heart.Therefore, when Fang Yuan eliminated the six candidates for the municipal party committee, he unceremoniously said "no" to Yu Sizhuang.As for Bi Quanli, Zhai Xinwen, and Han Suzhen, Fang Yuan voted for it.But what Fang Yuan never expected was that Director Han Suzhen became the final six unsuccessful candidates for the committee.

At this time, Han Suzhen felt very uncomfortable.She didn't know why she was not elected as a member of the municipal party committee.Looking at the directors of the major bureaus, about half of them have become members of the municipal party committee, and the education bureau, as the bureau with the largest number of people in Binhai City, is the third director of the bureau after the development and reform commission and the economic commission. , where to put this face?The last election was an equal election, and Han Suzhen, as a candidate, was elected as a member of the municipal committee without any objection; but this time, there were 6 shortfalls, and she shouldn't be let down by the shortfall!Where is the problem?Han Suzhen couldn't figure it out, Han Suzhen didn't understand.Thinking about how hard she had been working for the past few years, she just hoped that Binhai Education would develop better, but now she was not elected as a member of the municipal committee, Han Suzhen couldn't accept it.And her partner, Zhai Xinwen, who had just been the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau for half a year, turned out to be a member of the Municipal Party Committee, which made Han Suzhen emotionally and psychologically unacceptable.I have done much more work than Zhai Xinwen. Why did he go up and go down by himself?Even Sun Hongjun was elected as a member of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and as the head of the Education Bureau, he got nothing and returned empty-handed!

Of course Zhai Xinwen knew why Han Suzhen lost the election.In fact, Zhai Xinwen never thought that Han Suzhen would lose the election. Of course, it would be great if the Education Bureau could have two municipal committee members.But now, Han Suzhen lost the election, which made Zhai Xinwen feel that he was only one step away from taking full control of the Education Bureau.In fact, life is like this, there are many unexpected things.And it is precisely because of this unexpected that life is more flavorful, this is called tasteful!Thinking that I have only been in office for more than half a year, I have become a member of the municipal party committee, and I am eligible to participate in the plenary meeting of the municipal party committee; and Han Suzhen has been the director of the Education Bureau for almost 5 years, but ended up today, which actually illustrates a problem: Whoever abides by the unspoken rules of the officialdom, who does not abide by the unspoken rules of the officialdom.Perhaps Han Suzhen didn't realize that the reason why she lost the election, thinking about it now, was probably because she offended many directors of other bureaus.After all, it is the common aspiration of the general public that children should go to a good school.Which bureau chief doesn't have seven aunts and eight aunts, and whose family doesn't have children?They all want to go to a good school, so in many cases they have to find the head of the Municipal Education Bureau.However, my partner, Director Han, thinks about balanced education, education fairness, and adhering to principles. This has offended many other bureau chiefs, even the people in the municipal party committee office and the municipal government office. .I am different. When I receive such a call or ask for help, I must try my best and give as much effort as I can. Of course, sometimes I still have to pay some fees to enter schools like the fifth and third middle schools. The leaders of the other bureaus made it clear that a small fee would be charged.These bureau chiefs also understand very well that they have to charge money to choose a school. Now that they can go in and study, it is already very good, so they are afraid of paying 8000 yuan?In this process, Han Suzhen offended a group of people, but what about herself?It is to make a group of director-level friends and establish a wide range of contacts.It is said that the voting at the party congress requires fairness and selflessness. Who can do it?People have feelings, and they always have an emotional tendency toward candidates.If you offend him, he will not vote for you; if you help him, he will naturally think about it, and will naturally vote for you at this time.One vote does not seem to be important, but if one vote accumulates more, it shows its power.

Zhai Xinwen was full of ambition, but he couldn't see the slightest bit on his face.He looked at Yu Sizhuang who looked depressed, and thought to himself: Confucius, the old man, said it too well, too much is too much.This Yu Sizhuang has gone too far in order to become a member of the municipal party committee.

Yu Sizhuang really felt too wronged in his heart.Damn, in the past five days, I can't even remember how much wine I drank.That means not treating one's own body as one's body, desperately competing with other party representatives, and even taking out so many medical examination cards, but what about it?Lost the same!Why is this happening?

Of course Yu Sizhuang couldn't figure it out.In fact, the consciousness of the party representatives is not that low!However, Yu Sizhuang's reform in the medical and health field over the past few years should be said to have caused complaints from the general public. Seeing a doctor is expensive, difficult to see a doctor, unable to live in a hospital, and unable to enter a good hospital.This time, Yu Sizhuang lost points not because of official party representatives, but because of ordinary party representatives.Yu Sizhuang has always attached great importance to the affairs of his colleagues; but the strange thing is that the eyes are all on the forehead, and there is no one with a half-job, so it is really difficult to find Yu Sizhuang to do something with him.In fact, it was quite normal for Yu Sizhuang to lose the election precisely because he did not receive the support of the majority of ordinary party representatives including Fang Yuan.

The most risk-free thing is Bi Lili.Until the moment of voting, Bi Quanli still had no idea.That night, Vice President Gu Chunlian came after seven o'clock, and came with a little alcohol, obviously because he had already had a drink before.Moreover, after he came, he drank three more drinks in a row, took out the check on the spot, handed it to the waiter, and told the waiter that he could sign as much as he spent in the end, and all he had to do was issue a formal invoice, which made Bi Quanli a little relieved, after all The Youth League Committee's funds are indeed not abundant.This evening, all the party representatives of the Youth Federation had a great time.Hao Dingyi said some things that were inconvenient for Bi Quanli to say. The meaning is that every member of the Youth Federation has the responsibility and obligation to support the chairman of the Youth Federation. Fight for and speak more for the young people.Of course, the votes of the members of the Youth Federation are not enough. I hope that after I go back, I will communicate more with other members of the delegation in the same room, and hope to support Secretary Bi.Bi Quanjin naturally wanted to be modest and modest, but he also expressed his determination to do more good things for young people if he was elected.

This also made Fangyuan understand the fundamental reason why Bi tried to organize this gathering. In fact, to put it bluntly, it was to solicit votes.What's more, in Fangyuan's mind, Bi Quanli had a much better impression than that of Yu Sizhuang. When he came back, he actually told Xie Bingguo and Yang Fang during the group discussion and guaranteed three tickets.During the exchange, several other party representatives sitting next to them in the second row also accepted Fang Yuan's point of view - young people should be given a chance.

But the voting process still made Bi Quanli go through the most intense mental journey since he grew up.During the process of collecting and counting ballots by the staff of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Bi Quan could not help closing his eyes, silently praying to God to bless him that Bi Quan could be elected smoothly.It is said that members of the Communist Party should be atheists. At this time, whether to worship the Bodhisattva or the Bodhisattva, or the God should be worshiped.

When the chief voter, a deputy director of the Municipal Supervision Bureau, announced that Bi Quanli was elected as a member of the Municipal Party Committee with 216 votes in favor, 39 votes against, and 0 abstentions, which was not too good, Bi Lili breathed a sigh of relief. .Bi Jingli didn't worry about the successive elections, because the elections for the municipal party committee secretary, deputy secretary, and standing committee members were all elected in equal numbers, with no more than one person and no less than one person.According to the arrangement of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, after being elected as a member of the Municipal Party Committee, at the first plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee this afternoon, I will be elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.There are only 55 members of the Municipal Party Committee and 7 alternate members of the Municipal Party Committee. These comrades are all comrades who have been tested for a long time and have received party education for a long time. Even if they have opinions on any candidate for the Standing Committee, they will not express them at this time. .Equal elections are tantamount to announcing that they will win without election.

Thinking that I will soon become the youngest deputy city-level cadre in Binhai City, the activities I participate in in the future will also be featured on the front page of "Binhai Daily" and the evening news of Binhai TV Station. , Deputy Mayor, and Vice Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference officially became a city leader, and Bi Lili's heart still couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

At noon on this day, the Binhai Municipal Party Committee held a grand banquet in the Nice Hall of the Municipal Party Committee Hotel to celebrate the successful closing of the Sixth National Congress of Binhai City, China.

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