Director's growth history

1532.556. Which Is Lighter and Which Is Heavier Should Be Distinguished

Yao Changqing sighed in his heart. 【*】It seems that this afternoon's agenda is difficult to proceed.Dong Mei is a temperamental person, she laughs when she laughs, vents when she is angry, and can't hide her tears.Although she kept saying that the section chief surnamed Meng was very kind to her and didn't ask for love, but there must be something more serious than this affecting Dong Mei's mood.A woman who is not good at hiding her thoughts is pure, kind, and should be taken care of.But in this society, a kind and simple woman like Dong Mei is really vulnerable.The reason why she is still working happily in No. 68 Middle School is that Yang Fang treats her Dong Mei kindly, and as her successor, I value Dong Mei more for her serious attitude towards work and solid work. As for the style of work, as for sometimes saying some very offensive words and doing some very childish things, they are all forgiven, as long as they do not affect the overall situation.

Yao Changqing said: "Principal Dong, you are the vice principal of the school, and you are also from our 68 Middle School. Chairman Zhou just said well that the school is your natal family and should help you well. Principal Dong, you can tell us that recently What is it that makes you feel bad?" Jia Ming said: "Principal Dong, you are a good person, a good person should not be hurt, I support you." Fang Yuan did not speak, and his concerned eyes showed deep tenderness.Miss Dong, it's really not easy.I thought that if I married Meng Keyang, I would be very happy and happy, but I didn't expect that she would be so unhappy!If I had known this was the case, I might as well let go of my psychological burden and tell Dong Mei directly: the relationship between the two of us can continue to maintain the previous relationship.

Dong Mei finally burst into tears.Whether Yao Changqing or Zhou Susu asked, Dong Mei just shook her head and said nothing.Yao Changqing said: "Principal Dong, lend me your mobile phone." Dong Mei handed the mobile phone to Yao Changqing.Yao Changqing didn't speak, and looked through Dong Mei's recent calls with a serious expression, and soon came to Meng Keyang's name.Yao Changqing looked at the phone number, and used the landline on the desk to call the other party.

"Hello, who is it?" His tone was cold, like a condescending leader.

Yao Changqing said: "Meng Section Chief? I am Yao Changqing from 68 Middle School!" Meng Keyang immediately knew that the caller was Dong Mei's immediate boss, and his attitude changed 180 degrees: "Principal Yao, hello. Excuse me, find What can I do?" Yao Changqing said: "Chief Meng, the school is in a hurry right now, and I would like to invite you to come over. I wonder if you can ask for leave?" Meng Keyang didn't want to come, but thinking of Dong Mei's factors, he was still happy He readily agreed: "Okay, Principal Yao, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Changqing said, "Let's go to the small conference room. Chairman Zhou, turn on the air conditioner in the small conference room." Yao Changqing dialed another internal line to the communication room: "Old Song, a leader named Meng will come over later. , let him go directly to the small conference room next to the principal's office on the third floor, do you understand?"

When Meng Keyang walked into the small conference room, he felt that the atmosphere was not right.His wife Dong Mei sat there sobbing softly, and a woman of Dong Mei's age sat beside her to comfort her.The three male teachers were sitting opposite to the two female teachers, Yao Changqing and Jia Ming were lighting cigarettes, frowning.

Meng Keyang was still full of smiles: "Hi, all school leaders. I am Meng Keyang." Yao Changqing stood up, walked to him, shook hands lightly, and said, "Hello, Chief Meng. Please sit down. Meng Keyang said, "Thank you."

Seeing Meng Keyang sitting down, Yao Changqing said: "Meng Kechang, I like to get straight to the point. This afternoon, we called cadres above the vice-principal to come to the school to study the work. After the principal Dong came, he was frowning. We are concerned. After asking a few words, she actually cried, and asked her why, but she didn't say anything." Zhou Susu interjected, "It goes without saying, it must be your Section Chief Meng playing an official role at home and bullying our Principal Dong." Mei quickly said, "It's nothing, Lao Meng is very kind to me."

Meng Keyang knew why Dong Mei was frowning, and felt guilty in his heart.Alas, everyone has normal sexual desires, not to mention Dong Mei's age is the year of the tiger and wolf?But myself... How can I say such a thing?Men who are impotent will be ridiculed for not being a man. If it is reported to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Bureau of Statistics, it is estimated that the desire to be promoted to the deputy department will definitely come to naught.Meng Keyang said: "Dong Mei is a good woman. From the day I met Dong Mei, I have firmly believed that, and it has been until now. Dear school leaders, I respect and love Dong Mei from the bottom of my heart. I want to use my care and care to make Dong Mei live a happy and happy life. Now, Dong Mei and I have received a marriage certificate and are legally married. I will be loyal to Dong Mei and take good care of Dong Mei. Please also The school leaders are at ease."

Meng Keyang spoke sincerely, and Yao Changqing kept nodding his head.Fang Yuan also felt that Meng Keyang didn't seem like a bad man. Judging from the previous times of picking up Dong Mei, he should be considered a meticulous and considerate man.Zhou Susu couldn't hold back: "Meng Section Chief, you are so nice. Since you have done so well, why is President Dong still sad? It must be that you have done something badly!"

Seeing Zhou Susu's unforgiving appearance, Meng Keyang felt disgusted.Seeing Dong Mei still wiping tears from time to time, I felt a little pity and annoyed: family ugliness should not be publicized, what's the matter, can't we talk about it at home?Now, it is shameless to bring tears to the school and let the leaders of the school have opinions on themselves!Fortunately, from the questioning of these people, they still don't know that they are impotent. Dong Mei still saves some face for Meng Keyang, otherwise she will really be unable to be a man in the future, and she will only be with Dong Mei. We can go our separate ways.

Meng Keyang said: "Xiaomei, when I marry you, I am going to live with you for the rest of my life. I want to use my heart full of love to make our family happy and warm, and to make Xiaomei and our two children happy every day. If I have anything If I don’t do well, please ask Xiaomei to criticize me, and please ask the leaders to supervise me, okay?”

This is Meng Keyang's greatest statement that he thinks he can make.What else?It has to be supervised by other school leaders, which is already considered a shameless thing.Who can guarantee that there will be no quarrel in the future?Who can guarantee that everything can be thought of together?But to give Dong Mei this face today is also to let Dong Mei know that he, Meng Keyang, loves her and is willing to impress her with sincerity, and he wants to show it to the school leaders.

Dong Mei's eyes were red.Seeing Meng Keyang looking at him affectionately all the time, and his words were so touching, I also felt a little guilty in my heart: What's the point of being asexual?For so many years, hadn't he always been asexual before getting closer to Fangyuan?What's more, menopause is about to occur after forty, and after amenorrhea, there is even less desire for sex life.Lao Meng is not bad, all this is enough.Dong Mei looked at Meng Keyang affectionately, and said: "Thank you for your concern. I have already said that Lao Meng is very good to me, and these tears are tears of happiness, really. I cherish the fate with Lao Meng very much. , as Lao Meng said, I plan to live with him for the rest of my life. I have caused a lot of trouble for my colleagues this afternoon, and I am really sorry for delaying your research work."

Yao Changqing said: "Family and everything prosper. I am really relieved to see that Section Chief Meng and Principal Dong are considerate and caring for each other. How about this? To be a parent of No. 68 Middle School. Tonight, the school is trying to save face by congratulating Section Chief Meng and Principal Dong on their happy marriage, and wishing Section Chief Meng and Principal Dong a happier life in the future."

Meng Keyang said: "Principal Yao, in fact, I have long wanted to invite the school leaders to sit down with me. I would like to thank all the leaders for their concern for Dong Mei. Tonight, I will do this. As the son-in-law of 68 Middle School, please invite us 68 All the leaders of the middle school, okay?"

Yao Changqing said with a smile: "Meng Section Chief, let the school come out tonight. This is the first time I sit with Meng Section Chief, and I have a lot of intimate things to talk about!" Yao Changqing turned his face and said to the others Several people said: "You all ask for leave from your family. Don't be absent tonight. We are all the family members of Vice President Dong Mei!" Zhou Susu said: "I will definitely not be absent." Jia Ming now likes to eat big meals Unfortunately, there are not many opportunities, and I also said: "I have no problem."

Fang Yuan thought that when he left home this afternoon, he promised Mama Kong that she would go home for dinner.Besides, I haven't seen my wife for 5 days, especially I don't know if her belly is more protruding or if the baby has grown up a bit.However, Dong Mei is also someone she cares about!Seeing that Dong Mei was unhappy, he also felt bad.This is really a dilemma!

Fang Yuan glanced at Dong Mei, seeing the expectation in her eyes, her heart softened.But he didn't dare to say anything, Fang Yuan said: "Principal, today is the closing day of the city's party congress. The family has already decided to cook a few more dishes tonight. Welcome home with my father-in-law. I should have done it a long time ago. Today Go home for dinner at night. In this way, I will ask for leave first and try my best to go, okay?"

Yao Changqing fully understood the situation of the son-in-law in a high-ranking official's family, and said with a smile: "Principal Fang participated in the five-day party congress, which was very hard. Moreover, Principal Fang's lover is pregnant, and Principal Fang should also take care of him. Principal Fang You don't need to ask for leave, you should go home directly. Section Chief Meng is the uncle of our No. 68 Middle School, and we will have many opportunities to communicate with Section Chief Meng in the future!"

Fang Yuan couldn't bear to look into Dong Mei's eyes again.But at this time, from Yao Changqing's words, Fang Yuan heard the seriousness of the matter, and the most important thing was going home.He cast a grateful look at Yao Changqing.Working under such a principal, it is really a pleasure to work hard and even die!

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