Director's growth history

1537.561. A Dou Who Can't Support It Can't Wipe the Mud On The Wall

Yao Changqing parked the car in the courtyard of the Public Security Bureau, but did not get out of the car for a long time. 【|】Damn it, thinking about it, it's really f*cking unpleasant.Unexpectedly, I have always compared myself with Han Xin, knowing that when the time is not ripe, I have to bear the humiliation. Unexpectedly, I really endured the humiliation today.He took the two boxes of Chunghwa cigarettes and the lighter with him, checked his handbag, and found that the 2000 yuan was still there, so Yao Changqing got out of the car.

After entering the gate of the Public Security Bureau, Yao Changqing was stopped by a caller: "Hey, what are you doing? Come, register." Yao Changqing smiled and said, "Master, I would like to ask, a friend of mine committed a crime. The sub-bureau called and said, let me come to pick up people today, but where can I go to pick up people?" The message said: "Oh, go to the security brigade to have a look. The people are probably taken from there." Yao Changqing said: "Excuse me. , which office is the Security Brigade?" The message said: "Go along the corridor to the end, turn left, and the second door on the right is." Yao Changqing said in his heart: The description conveyed by this person is too accurate. Do the police.

Yao Changqing said "thank you" and went straight to the security brigade.The door was open, and there were two prostitutes sitting inside.One of them □ two bars and two stars, aged in his 40s; the other □ one bar and three stars, also in his 30s.Yao Changqing knocked lightly on the door frame, smiling all over his face: "Hello, two police officers." The young police officer stood up and said, "What's the matter?" Yao Changqing said, "I'm here to pay the fine and pick up that man named Zhang Junqiang." The second-level police inspector looked up at Yao Changqing, expressionless: "Did you take the 2000 yuan fine?" Yao Changqing said, "I did." The second-level inspector said, "Sit down. Who are you, Zhang Junqiang? "Yao Changqing said: "I am the leader of Zhang Junqiang's lover's unit." The second police inspector said: "The leader of Zhang Junqiang's lover's unit? What about the leader of Zhang Junqiang's unit? Even if the leader of Zhang Junqiang's unit does not come, it should be Zhang Junqiang's wife. Xiao Bi, didn’t you inform Zhang Junqiang’s wife yesterday?”

The first-level superintendent said: "Captain Song, I called to inform you." The second-level superintendent said: "Why didn't Zhang Junqiang's wife come?" Last night, she called me. I think she is right. She said that no husband goes whoring outside and asks his wife to pay the fine. Actually, I don’t want to come, but as the principal, I should give every A teacher does a good job." The second-level police inspector said: "What's your name?" Yao Changqing said: "My surname is Yao." The second-level inspector said: "Is he the head of the school?" Yao Changqing said: "Yes." The second-level inspector The inspector said: "Principal Yao, are you too busy as teachers now? We are not free all year round, and you still have winter and summer vacations. Are your teachers free during winter and summer vacations?" Why don't you just come out and prostitute?"

Yao Changqing felt that the police officer was simply slapping his face.Is there anyone who talks like that?Yao Changqing thought that the director of the District Public Security Bureau was only a senior officer. This little police officer, at most, was a member of the stock market. Does he have to be qualified to coax him, a senior high school principal?Yao Changqing held back his anger and said calmly: "99.9% of the teachers are good, and they are worthy of the title of people's teachers. This police officer, we can't deny the whole team of teachers just because there are some teachers who have problems!" Level [-] The corner of the inspector's mouth turned up, and it was hard to see whether it was a smile or a sarcasm: "Principal Yao, I used to really respect teachers. But now, to be honest, there is nothing worthy of my respect for teachers. Our police do not have anything to respect. During the first anti-pornography and anti-illegal campaign, quite a few teachers were arrested. Go to those four-star and five-star hotels and see how many female teachers are sitting there? Last month we also arrested a primary school female teacher who taught music. The Director of the Bureau of Education and Sports of Longwan District personally picked up the person. Principal Yao, I have no other intentions, I just think that the teacher should really pay attention to the teacher's ideological style and moral cultivation. In fact, it is not only us in Binhai City, The last time my classmate was from the Public Security Bureau of a district in Nanjing. He led a team in an anti-pornography operation and caught a junior high school teacher from Zhongcanghai who was doing heterosexual massage. Tell me, how can such a teacher let We respect?" Yao Changqing said: "Team Song, I don't know if it's right for me to call you that? , but after all, it is a small number of teachers. You took so many actions, didn’t you just catch two? You know, there are tens of thousands of teachers in the education system of Binhai City. This very small number of teachers cannot represent the overall quality of teachers in Binhai City !"

The second-level police inspector still smiled like that: "Hey, Principal Yao, let's expose your sore spots. Okay, I won't tell you any more. Pay the money. After paying the money, take that Zhang Junqiang. Go back. After you go back, educate him well." Yao Changqing took out 2000 yuan and handed it over to the second police inspector.

The second-level superintendent took the money, counted it carefully, found a few, carefully checked whether it was counterfeit, and then said to the first-level superintendent: "Xiao Bi, bring Zhang Junqiang here. "The first-level superintendent said: "Okay, Team Song."

The second-level police inspector took out a form and said, "Principal Yao, sign it!"

After Yao Changqing signed, the first-level police superintendent had already brought Zhang Junqiang to him.Zhang Junqiang saw Yao Changqing and said, "Hello, Principal Yao." Yao Changqing turned his head and saw Zhang Junqiang with a wretched expression, and felt disgusted in his heart: Damn, look at his bear, how can he look like a man?Now Yao Changqing doesn't want to talk at all, neither wants to communicate with the captain nor Zhang Junqiang.Yao Changqing snorted, and said, "Give the police officer a guarantee." Zhang Junqiang said, "Captain Song, Officer Bi, I'm guilty, I'm wrong, and I won't dare again." The second-level police inspector said: " Mr. Zhang, if you have money, we welcome you to continue to do it. We are not afraid of someone who is willing to call for a fine. Our security team has a heavy task of handing over every month. There is no one like Mr. Zhang to help us. The captain of the security brigade doesn't have to do it either."

ah? □□It turns out that there is still a fine task!Yao Changqing suddenly thought that people like Zhang Junqiang might be an important source of fines to support these gangsters!Speaking of it, this is not authentic, and the methods used are not aboveboard!Maybe, these shampoo rooms are also inextricably linked with the public security system!From the perspective of the public security system itself, maybe it is really unwilling to close all the shampoo rooms!

Zhang Junqiang said: "Captain Song, I really don't dare to do it again, and there will never be a second time in the future." The second-level police inspector said: "Come here, sign a signature, press a fingerprint, and you can leave .”

Watching Zhang Junqiang finish signing and pressing his fingerprints.Yao Changqing said to the two police officers: "Two police officers, I have caused you trouble. Thank you." Then he turned and left.Zhang Junqiang quickly followed up: "Thank you, Principal Yao. It's really hard for Principal Shan to come and pick me up. Principal Shan has a bad temper, and if I don't manage it, I will be expelled. Thank you."

Yao Changqing didn't speak, went out, went straight to his own Poussin, opened the door, and started the car.Just as he was about to drive away, he saw that Zhang Junqiang had already grabbed the door of the car and said, "Principal Yao, take me back." Yao Changqing put down the glass window and asked, "Zhang Junqiang, I'll lead you out. Can't you go back by yourself? Do you have to let me pull you back, a meritorious person?"

Zhang Junqiang looked at Yao Changqing pleadingly, and said, "Principal Yao, give me some money to buy some money. I haven't eaten for 20 hours since I had lunch at noon yesterday. I'm so hungry. Yao Principal, give me some money."

This Zhang Junqiang is really thick-skinned!Yao Changqing wanted to leave this plague god early, so he took out a five-yuan ticket from his handbag and handed it to Zhang Junqiang.Zhang Junqiang said: "I'm sorry, Principal Yao, 5 yuan is not enough." Yao Changqing couldn't bear it anymore: "5 yuan is enough for you to buy 10 buns, isn't 10 buns enough for you to eat?" Let's eat buns. Besides, it's so cold, I buy 10 buns at once, and they will be cold at noon and night."

Yao Changqing was rendered speechless by Zhang Junqiang's anger.What is this?Why can't I see the slightest smell of a man on my body, where is there any dignity of a man?In the past, it was said that Adou could not be lifted up. I think this Junqiang is also a pile of mud that can't stick to the wall.Yao Changqing said: "Here is 5 yuan for you, 1 yuan is for taking the bus home, and the remaining 4 yuan is for buying something for yourself. I have something to do, so let go of your hand quickly." Zhang Junqiang said: "I won't let go. Open. Principal Yao, if you don’t give me 20 yuan, I won’t let go.”

How does this look like a people's teacher?What's the difference with a rogue?Yao Changqing took a few breaths, calmed down the anger in his heart as much as possible, and said: "You have 5 yuan, which is enough. If you want more money, go home with Wang Xiaoyuan." Zhang Junqiang said: "Principal Yao, you are not I don’t know about Wang Xiaoyuan’s bad temper. I’m worried that I won’t be able to go home for a day or even two days. If Wang Xiaoyuan doesn’t let me go home, I won’t have anything to eat. In fact, I’ve calculated carefully for 20 yuan. Save flowers."

Yao Changqing was so angry that his head was dizzy.You, Zhang Junqiang, know the consequences of making your wife angry, but you still go whoring?Yao Changqing clenched his fist unknowingly, and suddenly slammed Zhang Junqiang's hand on the car door with great strength, speed, and suddenness.

"Ah!" Zhang Junqiang screamed and left the car door with a painful hand.At this moment, Yao Changqing slammed on the accelerator, and Poussin backed out of the gate of the police station, made a roundabout, and quickly disappeared into the traffic.give him money?Yao Changqing said bitterly: "Damn, I feel that five yuan is too much for you now. You are such a rag, I, Yao Changqing, would not come here even if I beat you to death."

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