Director's growth history

1560.583 Don't mention Song Sisi

Throughout the morning, Fang Yuan was busy with the school education and teaching work plan. 【 】After reading the school's work plan in previous years, and reading the teaching plans of Binhai No. 5 Middle School and Binhai No. 3 Middle School sent by Shen Jun from the Education Bureau, Fangyuan clearly felt the gap between famous schools and ordinary schools. A famous school is a famous school. In the plan It embodies a kind of arrogance, a kind of domineering; ordinary schools are ordinary schools, and the plan also embodies the consciousness of a small farmer who walks as a car and becomes rich when he is small.Fang Yuan sighed: If you don’t read it, you won’t know it, and once you read it, you will be shocked.It turns out that the previous teaching plan of 68 Middle School sounds very exciting every time, and I feel that if it is completed according to this plan, the school will improve; now it seems that our 68 Middle School is making progress, and other famous schools are also making progress, but if all If the semester plan is completed faithfully, the progress of 68 middle schools is much smaller than that of prestigious schools. In other words, the gap between 68 middle schools and prestigious schools is not decreasing, but increasing.

Fortunately, this year's plan is written by me, Fang Yuan, so I will plan the development of 68 Middle School in the first half of 2007 according to the standards, ideas, and layout of famous schools.In fact, this is also a real exercise, to exercise the ability and level of running a school.The process of writing this plan is the process of thinking about how to run 68 Middle School well. Therefore, writing the plan is not a burden, but a rare opportunity!

With such a mentality, Fangyuan wrote with full concentration.Although Kong Shuanghua came into the room from time to time, poured a glass of water for Fang Yuan, and said a few words, which disturbed Fang Yuan's thoughts, but Fang Yuan had completely come out of the bad mood in the morning.Seeing his wife, Fang Yuan, who was originally so angry that he thought of divorce, can now smile, care about his wife and the fetus in his wife's belly, and tell a few jokes, which makes Kong Shuanghua smile. The cold war atmosphere in the country can't be seen at all.Fang Yuan asked himself, he should be said to be doing quite well.As for the marriage, we still have to maintain it and live our lives. Even if we are willing to part with the woman in front of us, we are also reluctant to part with the child in her womb, and that father-in-law who understands righteousness!

In the beginning, it was Kong's mother who asked Kong Shuanghua to enter the bedroom to pour water for Fangyuan.Of course, Mother Kong hoped that her daughter and son-in-law would be happy and harmonious, but her daughter's words and deeds in the morning must have hurt Fang Yuan's heart. Mother Kong also knew that to ease the relationship between her daughter and son-in-law, poking eggs was just the beginning.When Confucius Tian was picked up by Xiao Zhou and Fang Yuan entered the bedroom to start working, the mother and daughter had an in-depth, candid and whispered exchange in the living room.Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, I know what you and Dad said are right, but when I got angry, I almost didn't think about anything, I just wanted to vent, I wanted to completely burst out the anger in my heart, what kind of relationship between husband and wife , What tolerance and understanding, I really didn't think about it at that time. I also know that this is not good, and it will easily hurt my relationship with Fangyuan, but when I get angry, I don't think about these things at all, Mom, you say what to do?"

Mother Kong sighed. Kong Zitian did not have such an impulsive personality as her daughter, and neither did she. Her daughter looks like Kong Zitian, but her personality does not follow anyone.Whether this is a character shared by only children, Kong's mother does not know.Mother Kong said: "In the future, when you encounter things, discuss with your father and mother more, and don't make up your own mind. Things like today and yesterday afternoon and evening should be avoided as much as possible in the future. I never taught you to swear, and I also I don’t know how you can say such harsh words to your husband. If I were Fang Yuan, my heart would be hurt very deeply.” Kong Shuanghua was also full of self-blame at this time: “Mom, I also regret saying those words When I was really angry, I couldn't control myself at all. I wanted to change it, but I couldn't. Mom, you know how much I love Fangyuan. Every time I see Fangyuan get good grades or make progress At that time, I was happier than him; I also know that Fangyuan cares about me very much. When he is not drunk, he always greets me, touches my belly, and talks to the child. I am also worried that if Fangyuan does not love me I'm dead, what's the point of my life. But when I'm angry, I can't think about Fangyuan's good things, I only think about Fangyuan making me angry."

Mother Kong sighed again: "Xiaohua, I still have to change my temper! Fangyuan is a good boy, motivated and careful, and he has special respect for me and your father. Such a young man is also a good boy in this society. It’s not easy to find. I can imagine that for a young man as outstanding as Fang Yuan, there must be many girls who like him in society. Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. Just from your previous unit, I know that there must be a young female teacher who has a crush on Fang Yuan. Quite a lot. The times are different. Although my mother is in her 50s, she also knows that girls today are completely different from those of our time. Women chasing boys abound. Some girls, as long as this boy It is very good, no matter whether he is married or not, he will post it without hesitation; if he is an outstanding young man who is unmarried, there will often be several girls pursuing him at the same time. If I don’t talk about it elsewhere, I will just talk about my medicine Hospital and the affiliated hospital of the medical school, there are many such things. Therefore, Xiaohua, you must learn to let him feel the warmth of the family and the thoughtfulness of his wife by caring for Fangyuan, so as to keep his people and his heart. You used to be your mother’s darling, you are still now, and you will be in the future, but you can’t just think about being your own darling, you must also slowly learn to care for the people you should care about, such as me and your father, such as Fang Yuan For example, your child is about to be born." Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, I know." Kong's mother said: "You peeled an egg for Dad and Xiao Fang each in the morning. I think Dad's anger has subsided a lot. Xiao Fang Fang's complexion has also eased a lot. We must strike while the iron is hot, and don't let the knot between husband and wife grow bigger. Xiao Fang is busy writing materials in the morning, and you pour him a glass of water and squeeze his shoulders, so that Xiao Fang can feel You care about him, I think it will be very good." Kong Shuanghua said: "I understand."

The first time Kong Shuanghua came out of the bedroom with a calm expression; the second time he came out with a smile on his face; the third time he came out with a smile from ear to ear.Mother Kong saw it in her eyes and was happy in her heart.Kong's mother said: "Xiaohua, you sit on the sofa and read a book. When you are tired, go to my bedroom with your father to lie down and rest. I am going to prepare lunch, and I will cook some special dishes at noon today."

Mother Kong was overjoyed at the reunion of her daughter and son-in-law, and naturally everything went well when she was preparing for lunch; on the other side of Fangyuan, because she read the teaching plans of Binhai No. The teaching plan is naturally handy, very hearty.

When it was almost noon, Fangyuan received a call from Yao Changqing.Yao Changqing said: "Fang Yuan, did you have any problems last night?" This question is artful. On the one hand, it may refer to whether Fang Yuan has any problems, such as vomiting and illness; Trouble, such as family dissatisfaction, etc.What can Fang Yuan say?Family ugliness is not publicized, but Fang Yuan still has some self-esteem.Fang Yuan said: "Principal, thank you for your concern, everything is fine." Yao Changqing said: "Fang Yuan, if you haven't completely sobered up yet, take a good rest at home. You can let go of school plans first. You just can't get it out on December 27." , it doesn’t matter, you can come up with the first draft after the festival.” This is the leader’s concern for his subordinates!Fang Yuan's heart was warm, he didn't know, it was just Yao Changqing asking strategically if Fang Yuan was already doing this, reminding Fang Yuan to hurry up.But asking strategically and artistically can make Fang Yuan feel a different taste.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the principal's concern. The principal entrusted me with such an important task. I must complete this task well and live up to the principal's trust. This is my first time writing a school plan. I have no experience. This morning, I asked Teacher Xu Haili to find out the school’s plans for previous years, and sent me the electronic manuscript; I also borrowed the plans of several other schools for reference. After reading it, I was really inspired.”

Yao Changqing sighed, this Fangyuan is indeed a smart person.If a person is not good at learning from the experience of his predecessors, he will take many detours.Yao Changqing was also worried that Fang Yuan's first teaching plan would not be written like a thing. He called at noon today, and part of the content was to remind Fang Yuan to learn from the school's previous plans. If necessary, he, Yao Changqing, would Help to borrow plans from other schools, and give Fangyuan a reference.Unexpectedly, Fang Yuan had already thought of the front and achieved the front.Yao Changqing was really jealous of Fang Yuan's ability.

But calling today, there are more important things.Yao Changqing received a call from Song Sisi in the morning, and Song Sisi arranged for a staff member to send Yao Changqing a New Year's gift, expressing his gratitude to the former school leader.At the same time, the staff also sent two invitations, one for Yao Changqing and one for Fangyuan.The content of the invitation is to invite the two leaders of 68 Middle School to participate in the Chinese New Year dinner party of Dacheng Industrial Co., Ltd.Song Sisi expressed his sincere invitation, and also asked the former leader to attend this dinner together with Fangyuan.

In fact, Yao Changqing really wanted to connect with entrepreneurs (capitalists) like Song Dacheng, and was willing to participate in such activities.The education is too small and relatively closed. Only by participating in a wider range of social activities can we better understand this society.Yao Changqing did not ask Song Sisi why only Yao Changqing and Fang Yuan had invitations, but Dong Mei, Jia Ming and Zhou Susu did not.He had doubts in his heart, but he shouldn't ask, since he had an invitation anyway.

Yao Changqing was very satisfied when he heard that Fang Yuan was seriously writing the plan and that the preparation was very good.Yao Changqing said: "That's hard work for you, Fang Yuan." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the trust of the principal. I must complete the work assigned by the leader seriously." Yao Changqing said: "At 4:[-] p.m. , tonight, let's go out to participate in an event."

Fangyuan was in a dilemma: I had promised my mother-in-law to eat at home in the evening, and the mother-in-law also said to cook a little more food in the evening to make up for yesterday's bad year. Now, the principal wants to take him to participate in activities.The principal can take care of himself, which is trust and kindness, but how can he ask his family for leave?What's more, because he was drunk yesterday, he just had an argument with Kong Shuanghua, and he really didn't want to make things worse.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan said: "Principal, otherwise I won't participate. Three days is very urgent, and I still want to finish the task of the teaching plan." Yao Changqing said: "I said, after the Spring Festival, give me It’s also possible. It’s better to participate in the evening activities. After all, we have to get out of education and understand the society! Besides, we also have acquaintances in the Spring Festival fellowship activities we participated in tonight, and that is Song Sisi, a former colleague of our school. Today, she sent me Two invitations, one for me and one for you, there are only two in total."

Ah, it's Song Sisi!Fangyuan's heart is a little messed up.He had long promised to invite Song Sisi out for a meal, but he never kept his promise.Now, Song Sisi has sent the invitation, to go, or not to go.Song Sisi is considerate, knowing that sending invitations directly to herself may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, but if Yao Changqing passes them on to her, the special affection will be much duller.Fang Yuan didn't know if Song Sisi had the sincerity to invite Yao Changqing, or if she just wanted to give herself an invitation, but after thinking about it, she thought it would be better to give Yao Changqing one, at least she could find a shield.

Fang Yuan said: "Principal, I also want to go out with you to see the world, but I have promised Kong Shuanghua that I will stay at home for dinner in the evening. Would you like to trouble the principal to ask me for leave?" Yao Changqing said: "Oh, brother, I I really sympathize with you! Like me at home, I have the final say on everything, whether I want to stay at home or go out, I have the final say, just tell your sister-in-law. All right, let me ask you for leave, Tell Kong Shuanghua to come over and answer the phone."

Fang Yuan was about to stand up and call Kong Shuanghua, when he suddenly felt that there was one more thing to ask: "Principal, can you not mention the name Song Sisi?" Afraid that Yao Changqing might misunderstand, Fang Yuan hurriedly added: "Principal, I am not afraid of your jokes. The contact between the opposite sex and me is very sensitive, except for my aunt." Yao Changqing laughed loudly: "Okay, don't worry. I'll just talk about the hand-in-hand department of the school."

Kong Shuanghua took Fangyuan's mobile phone and said politely: "Principal Yao, hello." Yao Changqing said: "Xiao Kong, how does it feel to be a mother now?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Very good, very good." Yao Changqing said : "If you are pregnant, you should pay more attention. I know your mother is a famous professor of Binhai Medical College, and I fully believe that you can get the best health care during pregnancy. I also sincerely wish you a healthy and smart baby in the future." Kong Shuanghua said "Thank you." Yao Changqing said, "Fangyuan is very good. Now that he is the vice principal, he has more social activities. Please understand, Xiao Kong." Kong Shuanghua said, "I understand." Yao Changqing said, "Tonight, A counterpart unit of No. 68 Middle School invited the leaders of our school to participate in the New Year fellowship activities. The activities are very important. Just now Fang Yuan said that he didn’t want to participate, and said he would stay with you at night. I understand Fang Yuan’s feelings. It should be with the pregnant wife. But the school I think Fangyuan should and needs to participate in the social activities of the school, and I think it is necessary for Fangyuan to participate.” Kong Shuanghua glanced at Fangyuan and said to Yao Changqing: “Actually, I support Fangyuan’s participation in social activities, but don’t get too drunk. How can I take care of him if I'm drunk, drunk, and pregnant?" Yao Changqing said: "Don't worry, Xiao Kong, I will supervise him tonight, and he won't drink too much." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, this afternoon When do you want to leave?" Yao Changqing said, "I will pick him up at 4:[-] in the afternoon." Kong Shuanghua said, "Okay. Just have lunch at home."

After hanging up the phone, Kong Shuanghua thought of his mother's earnest teachings in the morning, and really felt that the relationship between himself and Fangyuan should not be tense any longer, so he smiled and said to Fangyuan: "Fangyuan, if you want to go out to participate in social activities, just tell me." Let Yao Changqing ask for leave from me, as if I am a strict wife, and make people laugh.” Fang Yuan said: “Thank you for your understanding and support. I should ask my wife for leave. Please tell my mother and ask her The old man understands a lot." Kong Shuanghua said: "Don't worry, Mom, let me tell you. Don't drink too much at night." Fang Yuan said: "No."

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