Director's growth history

1626.649 No matter how big the wind and rain

Such a text message, sent to every family, may cause suspicion between husband and wife, and even fierce quarrels. [ ] Those who have a clear conscience will of course have a clear conscience, but those who have doubts in their hearts certainly cannot easily believe the other party's explanation; those who have already had an affair will of course make excuses, but no amount of explanation will only make the other party feel that there is a ghost in their hearts.

This is life, this is love, this is marriage.Strong exclusivity is an important source of many family conflicts.

If Kong Shuanghua saw such a text message, it would be like creating waves on the flat ground, and Kong Shuanghua's quarrel would inevitably make Kong Zitian and Kong's mother have objections to Yuanyuan's "provoking flowers and messing with grass".

But how could Kong Shuanghua see the text message?After returning home, Fangyuan adjusted the text message to the "no notification" state, neither ringing nor vibrating.How could others know about the text messages that Fang Yuan himself could not hear?

Moreover, the two women of the Kong family are immersed in sobs of happiness, such a harmonious atmosphere must be continued, and such a touching scene must be maintained.When the whole family feels happy and warm, and when the whole family feels that this Valentine's Day is very meaningful, how can Fang Yuan do something disappointing?

But Fang Yuan's heart was not particularly at ease.Teng Lin and Wen Ruoxing's harassment really annoyed Fang Yuan, if there were more text messages or phone calls, it would be really troublesome.Why is the red flag at home not falling, but the colorful flags fluttering outside?It can be seen after Valentine's Day. When a man has colorful flags fluttering outside, can the red flag at home still hold his breath?Now, apart from Fangyuan feeling sorry for Kong Shuanghua about Song Sisi and Dong Mei, the other women really haven't successfully planted colorful flags on Fangyuan's body, but they can't stand the harassment.If there is a lot of harassment, if it is not a colorful flag, it will be suspected of being a colorful flag.

Fang Yuan saw Fang Shujuan's text messages when she was in the toilet, and this was the only place where Fang Yuan could read text messages. "Fang Yuan, I miss you." Although there were not many words, Fang Yuan's heart was very uneasy.For Fang Shujuan, Fang Yuan would never have the kind of disgust and dislike for Teng Lin.At this time, seeing these 6 words, Fang Yuan felt a little more moved and a little more apologetic.Fang Shujuan is a good woman, and she once said that she was willing to give him her virginity, but Fang Yuan still has some nostalgia and aftertaste for this once so sincere emotion.If Fang Shujuan had a decent family, Fang Yuan would choose without hesitation even if her rank was lower than that of Kong Zitian’s Deputy Director. Kong Shuanghua was really not competitive; Rural children, the family background can be said to be simple and pale.

After Fangyuan replied briefly with "Congratulations on a happy holiday", she quickly deleted Fang Shujuan's text message and added Fang Shujuan's number to the "junk" number without hesitation.Fang Yuan doesn't want to be like this forever, but at least today, Fang Shujuan can no longer send text messages to herself, nor can she call her.This kind of thing can only be regarded as a monk hitting the clock for a day - let it go.Feeling uneasy, she added the numbers of Dong Mei and Song Sisi to the "junk" numbers.Will there be no one else?Fang Yuan thought about it, and felt that there shouldn't be anyone else.At this time, the words "female lieutenant" came to Fang Yuan's mind again.Alas, this one is also wishful thinking.Find Wang Quan's mobile phone number and put it directly in the ranks of junk numbers.

No one will harass me anymore, even if it is a well-intentioned blessing.On this night when the whole family is harmonious and harmonious, at this moment when the whole family feels happy and warm, Fang Yuan knows that what she wants to do is to add to the icing on the cake, not to make a thunderbolt on the ground.Walking out of the toilet, Fang Yuan knew that there would be no more "situations", so she should feel relieved.Even if it is wind and rain, it is still a small wind and a small wave, which cannot make much waves, at most it is a ripple.

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