Director's growth history

1670.692. You can be persuaded without telling you the real reason.

Sure enough, Kong Lili couldn't understand: "Xinwen, what are you talking about? If you are living in hell, are you willing to stay here for one more minute? I'm really fed up with him, I want a divorce, I want a divorce! "

Zhai Xinwen said: "I completely understand your feelings now, but have you thought about the consequences after divorce?" Kong Lili said: "I feel tired after spending a day with him, thinking about the decades to come, I can't bear it! Zhai Xinwen said: "Your daughter is such a cute and motivated child! She is already in the third grade of junior high school now! She will face the high school entrance examination soon, and the college entrance examination in the next three years. This stage is also formed by the child's normal worldview." The most critical stage. 【|】If you want to divorce, your daughter will face a divided family, which will definitely have a great impact on her senior high school entrance examination, and I am afraid it will also have a very bad impact on her worldview. Scientific research shows , children who grew up in a divorced family, there are not many children who can really achieve happiness when they grow up. Most of them express the pain caused by the divorce of their parents in the form of celibacy, divorce or erosion of life. Xiao Kong, you only consider you Have you considered your own feelings for your daughter?"

Kong Lili felt speechless.The reason why I called Zhai Xinwen just now was to tell Zhai Xinwen that she had made up her mind to get a divorce.In her heart, she had a good impression of her old leader, and felt that he was wise, mature, stable, and humorous, and that such a man was the most worthy of love and marriage.But he just said his own thoughts, and was rejected by the old leader.yes!If you divorce yourself, what will your daughter do?This year is about to take the senior high school entrance examination. Although I, as the deputy director of the Education Bureau, will arrange a better school even if my daughter's test scores are not satisfactory, but if the child's body and mind cannot grow up healthily, it will lead to personality problems as Zhai Xinwen said. flaws, emotional eccentricities, what to do?It is Kong Lili's great determination to wish her daughter a happy life.Kong Lili's heart was a little shaken: This marriage, can we divorce now?

Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Kong, you were only appointed as the deputy director in September last year. According to the organizational regulations, the probationary period is one year and the employment period is three years. If the probationary period expires, the superior thinks you are incompetent for the job. It is hoped that it is possible to be removed from the post of deputy director. Even at this stage, you are not suitable for divorce! Do you have to get a divorce, let those around you who are not friendly to you laugh at you, or talk behind your back? The root of your tongue? To put it bluntly, it is to keep the position of deputy director, and it is not suitable to divorce now."

Kong Lili was suddenly upset.The deputy director and the section chief seem to be only half a level apart, but in fact the difference is huge.In the Education Bureau, the section chief is still a worker; but at the level of the deputy director, he is the real leader.When I was the head of the section, I often had to work overtime until very late, especially the annual teacher qualification examination, the recruitment of new teachers, the evaluation of the title of primary and secondary school teachers, and the salary change, which can literally exhaust the personnel of the personnel department.If the superior wants to check the personnel files again, just think about it and you will know how many teachers' files in the city's education system need to be sorted out!In the entire Dongzhou City, the departments that manage the most personnel files are the Municipal Education Bureau and the education and sports bureaus of the following districts, cities and counties.But at the level of the deputy director general, it's completely different.The specific work is done less, and the division is divided into divisions, and the focus is on management. It will be divided into several departments for you, and you should focus on supervision.Since she became the deputy director, Kong Lili seldom worked overtime, and at the same time, her social interactions were obviously higher than before.It used to be mainly with department-level cadres, but now it is mainly with department-level cadres. In particular, Zhai Xinwen often takes her to participate in some social activities, basically at the level of the department and deputy department. , will also be incidentally on the deputy city level.The higher the level, the different levels. It seems that the quality of people has also risen to a new stage.Kong Lili likes this kind of hierarchical communication.Of course, sometimes, the grassroots schools below will inevitably invite Director Kong to eat and guide the work. Although at this time I have dinner with the department-level cadres, I have already sat in the position of guest of honor and become the leader whom everyone compliments. , and is no longer a dispensable character.If because of the divorce, she returned to the department-level position again, Kong Lili would not be happy from the bottom of her heart, not at all!

Kong Lili's heart was completely moved by Zhai Xinwen's words.Yes, it is indeed not suitable for divorce now.But at the thought of continuing to live with her husband, Kong Lili's heart sank into an ice cellar again.Kong Lili sobbed: "Xinwen, you are all right. But when I think of continuing to live under the same roof with that guy who doesn't look like a man, I can't stand it! So before I became the deputy director, although Our relationship is not very good, but we can barely maintain it; since I became the deputy director, half a grade higher than him, the chief of the section, look at him, he seems to have been soaked in vinegar all day long, talking The yin and yang are strange, and every sentence has a sour taste. Xinwen, what do you think I should do?"

Zhai Xinwen is very proud of his strategy.In fact, you don't need to tell Kong Lili your truest thoughts, you can still persuade her.She was afraid that her divorce would affect her role as director and secretary, and she could never know the fundamental reason.In case her divorce causes her own family to break up, the loss outweighs the gain.Now, Zhai Xinwen has already made Kong Lili retreat by taking his daughter and Qiancheng.Now, it's just the stage where Kong Lili wants to take back her words but is very unwilling. As long as she intensifies the fire a little, the crisis will immediately disappear without a trace.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Kong, don't cry! You shrink back when you encounter difficulties, and you want to cry when you encounter troubles. This is not the behavior that a deputy director of the Education Bureau should have! In fact, as a deputy director-level cadre , you should have the mind and tolerance of a leader, and you should also correctly understand your lover's current feelings. A husband who is not as good as his wife, and whose position is lower than his wife, will bear more pressure in his heart than a wife whose position is lower than her husband. It’s the same in society. Husbands are more powerful than their wives, and no one laughs at their wives. If a wife is more powerful than her husband, society will laugh at her husband’s incompetence. Wasn’t Han xx, the former chairman of the CPPCC in Heilongjiang Province, like this? The husband has no status in the family, and even the son thinks that the father is dispensable, but isn’t Han also divorced? Xiao Kong, think about it, is it true that you are more willing to give orders at home and order your husband to do this? Is that like you commanding the section chief and the staff in the Education Bureau?"

The other side of the phone pondered for a long time, and finally, Kong Lili said: "Xinwen, my Secretary Zhai, why do you seem to know everything! You are right, this is the situation now. Sometimes I would like to say that it is not good. That's not good, but he didn't obey, so he started to quarrel, which made me think about it at all. Actually, I also quarreled before I was promoted to the deputy director. At that time, I was out of balance. Why are you a regular and so am I? Zhengke, should I do more housework at home? Thinking about it carefully, he should be out of balance now."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Kong has always been a very intelligent woman, and now it seems that she is not fake at all. Xiao Kong! To put it bluntly, for the sake of the stability of the position of deputy director, you can't divorce! Chairman Han of Heilongjiang can do it. How can we, a deputy director-level cadre, not be able to maintain a loveless marriage? As for your habit of giving orders, you really need to change it and take care of the other party's emotions! Just turn a blind eye and close your eyes and see. What kind of chaos can the family look like? Also, if there is nothing to say between husband and wife, it is easy to solve it. First, we should discuss the countermeasures around the children's education issues, especially the upcoming high school entrance examination issues. Even if you The feelings are as weak as boiled water, but the feelings for the children are still as deep, right?"

Kong Lili said: "Yes! I think the only common language between the two of us is our children. Secretary Zhai, I won't get a divorce for now, just follow what you said."

Zhai Xinwen said: "That's right, Xiao Kong. As a human being, you should think about problems comprehensively and long-term, and you can't just think about the momentary pleasure. If you are impulsive, you get divorced, and you are happy. The pain that will be brought to you later is worse than your maintenance The pain of marriage is even greater!" Zhai Xinwen decided to give Kong Lili some hope, otherwise it would really arouse Kong Lili's suspicion, why did he keep mobilizing her not to divorce.Zhai Xinwen said: "Of course, I have always cherished our long-term colleague relationship and the friendship between us. But this friendship does not necessarily have to have the red book! The society is open and the thinking is diverse. No Red books can also lead to good feelings and deep friendship. Of course, I also have similar problems with you. What will happen to my son if we get divorced? My son is not mentally sound. As a father, I am also responsible! Our two families, both There are children growing up!"

Kong Lili said: "Yes! Secretary Zhai, after hearing what you said, I really feel that it is a kind of happiness for any woman to marry a mature, wise, and generous man like you. It is a pity that our family Bit, not even one-tenth of you. Alas, life is hard!"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Whether it is bitter or not, think about the [-] Long March; if you are tired, think about the old revolutionaries. We are suffering a little bit, but is it still called suffering? Xiao Kong, you have to think about it, people, that's it, It is always inevitable to overcome this hurdle and that hurdle. As long as you have faith and wisdom, you can overcome any difficulties.”

Zhai Xinwen knew that these few words were not only comforting Kong Lili, but also cheering himself up!

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