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1686.706 Watching News and Commenting on News 1 with Fang Yuan 2

The more Fang Yuan listened to it, the more he felt it made sense. 【 】But I also have doubts in my heart: "Dad, does the United States want to do something recently?" Confucius Tian said: "Yes! After China vetoed the UN Security Council resolution on sanctions against Myanmar, the United States saw its tricks exposed, so it wanted to Hands-on. Recently, large-scale maritime military studies have been carried out with the Philippines, Japan, and South Korea. It is quite a bit like sharpening the knife. Because the United States is already evaluating how sure it is to win. But China The government overcame toughness with softness and did two pretty things. The first thing you may not have noticed was that on January 1 this year, Xinhua News Agency announced that China had destroyed its own old weather satellite with missiles.” Fang Yuan said: "What does this mean?" Confucius Tian said: "The reason why the United States was able to easily win the Iraq War and the Yugoslav War was mainly because it relied on military satellites in the sky to command and transmit data. Without these Satellites, U.S. aircraft, missiles, and aircraft carriers have become blind and can’t play a role at all. However, this warning from the Chinese government seems to be insufficient. Therefore, today’s high-profile promotion of the J-27 aircraft is to continue to remind the U.S. Purpose: Don’t want to make trouble, China is not Yugoslavia, not Iraq, if you really want to make trouble, I will first use missiles to hit satellites, and then use J-10 to fight against you, to see who can win and who can lose. I think, in the near future , the U.S. Department of Defense and the commander of the Pacific Navy will send people to China. On the one hand, they want to learn more information, and on the other hand, they also want to touch China’s bottom line. I reckon that with the warning of J-10, the U.S. wants to do something The thinking will stop, but another wave of attacking China will soon be set off, that is, to use the two things of Chinese missiles to launch satellites and J-10 troops to spread the word to the world." I listened to the sidelines for a long time Kong Shuanghua couldn't help but said: "Dad, why is the United States so bad?" Kong Zitian said: "From the perspective of us Chinese, this is indeed not ordinary bad, it is extremely bad; but for the American government , they don’t think it’s bad, because the U.S. also has to safeguard the highest interests of the U.S. What is the highest interest of the U.S.? It is to maintain the status of the sole superpower of the U.S. dominating the world. Whoever wants to affect this status, the U.S. will definitely Try every means to contain it, including spreading rumors, propaganda, and encirclement. Smaller countries simply bypass the United Nations and directly suppress them. Therefore, the United States often does things that make us look ridiculous. On the one hand, the United States’ annual military expenditure It is the sum of the military expenditure of other countries in the world. On the other hand, China's military expenditure is less than one-tenth of that of the United States, but it is promoted by the United States as a military threat theory; On the one hand, the United States does not allow China to sell arms to other countries, and even our ship Yinhe was controlled by the US aircraft carrier formation in the Persian Gulf; Many teachers and students; on the other hand, they make a report on China every year, criticizing China and many other countries;The country is precisely the United States, and it even attacked Iraq without the authorization of the United Nations; on the one hand, the United States supports the unity and territorial integrity of Colombia, and even sent troops to shake the Colombian government forces and attack the anti-revolutionary forces; on the other hand, the United States supports China’s Taiwan does not want to reunite with mainland China. It supports Chechnya in Russia for independence and Kosovo in Yugoslavia for independence.This is America.If you compare it to a person, then this person is simply the most hypocritical person, a person who sings a nice high-pitched voice and keeps doing bad things.Therefore, whether China can develop in an all-round way and whether China can achieve national rejuvenation, the biggest obstacle is not internal, but the obstruction of the United States.If every Chinese realizes this, they will know that if we are stronger than the United States, then Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries will definitely become our little brothers like weeds.You said that you think Japan is the biggest enemy, which is wrong.Japan is just a little guy, and the American master has fallen, can Japan not turn around? "

Fangyuan's world view changed drastically at this moment.When he was studying in university, in the few years just after graduation, Fang Yuan had always been an angry youth against Japan, but today's father-in-law's words seemed to open Fang Yuan's mind all of a sudden.If we look at it from the perspective of my father-in-law, CCTV's high-profile promotion of the J-10 and the missile's launch of satellites do have a close-up meaning in it.Without the advice of my father-in-law, how could I realize it?Fangyuan said: "Thank you, Dad, for your guidance. You have broadened my horizons a lot." Confucius Tian said with a smile: "Actually, everything is connected. Between people, between countries, It's all the same, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests; when interests conflict, brothers can turn against each other; when interests are threatened, whoever has the biggest fist is the big brother. In this world, America's fist The biggest, so he has always wanted to beat this and clean up that. Now, he wants to clean up China, but is our country easy to mess with? Our central government saw the conspiracy of the American devils, so it showed itself at this time Fist: Missiles hit satellites, and J-10 aircraft are deployed to troops. On the surface, this is just an ordinary piece of news, but it actually tells the United States and other hostile forces that covet China: Our Chinese fists are not small!"

I see!There are two people, Weng and son-in-law, one speaks with relish, and the other listens with fascination.This time passed unconsciously.In the second half of the news broadcast, I didn't see it at all. It's 7:[-], and the news broadcast is over.Kong Zitian picked up the remote control and switched the channel to Dongzhou TV News Channel.Confucius Tian said: "Now, let's look at the Dongzhou News." Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Dad, I didn't expect that there is so much information in the news!" Confucius Tian said: "It is said that the official news cannot be trusted. , but the official news is actually the most important way to know the truth, and those gossips are unreliable. The key is how we can perceive the hidden information behind the news from the public news.” Fang Yuan said: “Yes Yes, Dad."

Eastern State News started.The first piece of news was Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guodong's meeting with the investment delegation of the world's top [-] companies, and the second to fifth news were all from Song Yunsheng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and acting mayor.The seventh piece of news is the news that Sheng Zhiren, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, organized a work conference in the city.Confucius Tian said: "Did you see the way?" Fang Yuan said: "It's just that Mayor Song seems to have more opportunities to appear on the screen than Secretary Wang." Confucius Tian said: "That's right. But I can understand the difference. Is that right?” Fang Yuan said, “According to the secretary of the municipal party committee, he is older than the mayor!” Kong Zitian said, “Yes!” Fang Yuan said, “Why does Mayor Song have so many opportunities to appear on camera?” Kong Zitian said, “Ask Well done, good question. I won’t talk about the specifics today. I will communicate with you after you develop the habit of watching the news and have some insights. Regarding the questions you raised, I will summarize them for you. Two sentences: First, Mayor Song has appeared in many scenes, and what the people feel is his hard work and non-stop work every day. Of course, the deputies to the People's Congress of the whole city are also watching. I believe that at this meeting of the People's Congress, Song City The mayor's votes should be higher. Second, Mayor Song has appeared in many scenes, and the connotation established for the city's cadres is that Mayor Song is a strong mayor, while Secretary Wang is relatively weak. The situation in Dalian City back then is now In our Dongzhou, I am afraid that it will be staged again. For the cadres who want to make progress, if they can’t understand the situation, then they can make progress according to their ideas.” Fang Yuan nodded frequently and said, “Dad, it seems that TV news, newspapers The news is so mysterious!" Confucius Tian said: "So, the work unit subscribed to Dongzhou Daily, you have to learn to read it, and you also have to read "China Education News" often. At home, we let their girls watch TV dramas. Just watch the news." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Dad."

At the end of Eastern State news, there is national and international news.U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson visited China again and held working talks with Chinese Vice Premier Xi Jinping.It was said in the news: "The two sides exchanged views frankly and deeply. □□ said:..." Confucius said: "Xiao Fang, tell me, what does 'candid' mean, and what does 'deep' mean?" Fang Yuan said: "'Frank' means to be very sincere, and to say what is in your heart. 'In-depth' means that the two parties have talked deeply about the content of the discussion." Ersen and Vice Premier Wu had a good talk, or not?" Fang Yuan said: "Of course! These two words, 'candid' is a commendatory term, and 'deep' is a neutral term, but most of them are also used in a commendatory sense. Go up." Confucius Tian said: "You are wrong. The two sides talked very badly, so they used the words 'candid' and 'in-depth'. In the news, in order to take into account the face of the two countries, these two words are used Covering up, ordinary people know that China and the United States are communicating, but only a certain level of communication is clear. In fact, what 'candid' really means is that both sides are outspoken in the talks and open about certain issues. After intense quarrels, both are exerting pressure on each other and safeguarding the interests of their own country. The real meaning of "deep" is: the two sides have great differences, the confrontation is fierce, and each country is insisting on From my own point of view, there is no intersection between the two countries at all.”

Ah, how could this be?

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