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1698.718. It Feels So Good to Be Home

718. It Feels So Good to Be Home

March 2007, 3 coincided with the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival. [ ] This is a festival that Chinese people attach great importance to. Dongzhou people who are getting richer and richer are paying more and more attention to this Lantern Festival.In the morning of this day, there was a patter of spring rain, but this did not affect the enthusiasm of the people to celebrate the Lantern Festival.In Jiangjun Village, Lucheng District, the majority of villagers braved the rain and danced dragons to celebrate the Lantern Festival; Jingren Village, Shangtang Town, Yanping County was very lively. Jingren Village joined hands with seven surrounding villages to hold a Lantern Festival Dragon Dance Conference in this village. Dance up and down.Yayang Town, Taishun County, held a Lantern Festival Banquet with more than 4 people. This is the most attended Banquet in the history of Taishun County. It is held on Yayang Avenue, which is more than 8400 km long and 1 meters wide. , filled with more than 32 round tables.The whole Dongzhou is immersed in the festive atmosphere, and it seems that it is also congratulating the victory of the two sessions of Dongzhou City that are currently being held.

Fang Yuan did not work overtime today.Waking up early in the morning, Fang Yuan saw his mother-in-law busy.Fang Yuan asked, "Mom, what are you busy with?" Kong's mother said, "I'm making glutinous rice balls! This morning, our family ate glutinous rice balls." Fang Yuan grew so big that he didn't know that glutinous rice balls were made, because in previous years At this time, Fang Yuan was still in his hometown in the northeast.On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the Northeast, we eat Lantern Festival.From the outside, there is no difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, and in Fangyuan's perception, Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are actually the same thing.Seeing Mama Kong tearing a small ball of dough from the dough, she quickly squeezed it into a thin pancake like dumpling wrapper. Then she picked up the dark red stuffing from the small pot with bamboo chopsticks and put it in the small pancake. Then pinch and pinch again, and it becomes a small ball, and then pull off the extra small tail, and a glutinous rice ball is ready.

Fang Yuan had seen how the Lantern Festival was made.Those Yuanxiao fillings cut into small cubes by the machine are thrown into a large rotating mixer, then pour glutinous rice noodles into it, sprinkle a little water into it from time to time, and then stir the machine, the surface of these fillings is coated with a layer Glutinous rice noodles - In the past, most of the Yuanxiao that Fangyuan ate was made in this way.Seeing his mother-in-law wrapping glutinous rice balls like dumplings, Fang Yuan couldn't help asking, "Mom, why do you still want to wrap these glutinous rice balls?" I said it again.Mother Kong smiled: "Northern people mostly eat Yuanxiao; southerners mostly eat glutinous rice balls. However, not many young people can make glutinous rice balls these days. Most people buy ready-made glutinous rice balls in stores. Yuanxiao or glutinous rice balls. In fact, nothing is as delicious as glutinous rice balls made at home! Think about it, glutinous rice balls are delicious when wrapped and eaten right away. Even if you put them in the refrigerator, they can last for two or three days at most. No matter how good the taste of those yuanxiao or glutinous rice balls bought in the store is, they have a shelf life of at least half a year. What does half a year mean? It’s 180 days! If you don’t put a little preservative, any good glutinous rice noodles will be spoiled Yes. For our glutinous rice balls, I made three kinds of stuffing by myself, one with jam, one with red bean paste, and one with bacon. This is also the noodles I made early this morning. It not only ensures the taste, but also Make sure you don’t put any preservatives in it. I guarantee it will be delicious. It’s a pity that your father has a meeting in the city, so he can’t go home to eat glutinous rice balls today. In previous years, he loved the glutinous rice balls made by me the most.”

What the mother-in-law said seemed to make sense.Fangyuan said: "Mom, after I wash my face, I also want to learn how to make glutinous rice balls with you." Kong's mother said: "Okay! One more person will speed up the speed. When Xiaohua wakes up, we will make glutinous rice balls." What kind of glutinous rice balls Xiaohua likes to eat, let's let her eat more glutinous rice balls. Now that she has a bad appetite and the reaction is severe, what she likes to eat is the most pleasing." Fang Yuan said: "Mom, you are right right."

Sitting next to his mother-in-law, listening to his mother-in-law's meticulous explanation and watching her demonstration actions, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that he and his mother-in-law were in harmony.However, after all, my mother-in-law is old, and she said the same thing several times, as if she was afraid that Fang Yuan would not be able to learn it--this is too underestimating myself, treating my IQ as an imbecile!Fangyuan smiled, imitating his mother-in-law, pulling out a small piece of dough from the dough, kneading it into a pancake, filling it, then wrapping it up, imitating his mother-in-law, pulling off the excess tail after wrapping, One glutinous rice ball is ready.

Mama Kong said: "You did a good job." Fang Yuan said: "This is because Mama guided me well." Mama Kong smiled.Fangyuan asked: "Actually, this is not much different from making dumplings, that is, this cake does not need to be rolled out with a rolling pin, but can be made by hand. Mom, why is this surface so soft?" Kong's mother said, "This is the dough. , not wheat flour, but glutinous rice noodles. This noodle is reconciled, and it should be softer and smoother, so that the cooked Lantern Festival will be delicious!" Fangyuan said: "So it is like this!"

Two people pack, the speed is much faster.Fang Yuan started quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the speed surpassed Kong's mother.When the three-covered glutinous rice balls were ready, Mama Kong said, "Go and boil the water." Fang Yuan went to the kitchen, filled the large stainless steel pot usually used to cook dumplings, and turned on the natural gas.

After Kong Shuanghua got up, the glutinous rice balls were put into the pot, and soon, when the glutinous rice balls were floating on the water, the first pot of glutinous rice balls was cooked.In the same way, the second pot and the third pot of glutinous rice balls were also cooked in turn and brought to the table.

The three sat down, and Kong's mother said, "It's a pity that your father is in a meeting now, otherwise, your father would like to eat the glutinous rice balls made by me." Kong Shuanghua said, "I like to eat them too." !” Mother Kong said, “Then let’s start eating.”

The three of them ate the glutinous rice balls happily, and Kong Shuanghua didn't have any pregnancy reaction, which made Kong's mother and Fangyuan very happy.Fangyuan likes all three types of glutinous rice balls, but it seems that Kong Shuanghua prefers bacon, so Fangyuan no longer eats bacon, and only eats bean paste and jam.All of this was seen by Mama Kong, and her heart was full of relief and joy.

After eating, Fang Yuan packed up his things.Kong Shuanghua said: "Today is the Lantern Festival! Fangyuan, let's go out to play." Fangyuan said: "It's raining outside." Kong Shuanghua said: "We sit in the car and walk all the way to see the road. We are not afraid of rain. Didn’t the news on the state TV station say that today it’s probably only raining in the urban area, and the rest of the places are overcast and cloudy. Moreover, I heard that there are celebrations in many places, so let’s go and see.” Fang Yuan looked at Kong Shuanghua without any hesitation. He hesitated and agreed: "Okay, I'll take you and your mother there by car. But where shall we go?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Go to Jiangjun Village in Lucheng District first. The news said that there is a dragon dance there. I haven't seen it for many years." I see." Fangyuan said: "Okay. Mom, you can go too." Kong's mother said: "I prepare meals at home, you go." Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, you can't stay at home every day, that will change your life. It's silly. Fang Yuan doesn't work overtime today, so he has time to spend with us. Dad is busy now, and Fang Yuan is also busy. I think we are happy widows."

Apparently, not only Fangyuan didn't want to listen to this, but even Kong's mother was unhappy: "Xiaohua, what an unlucky thing to say for Chinese New Year! Dad and Fangyuan are busy for our family, I feel very happy , stop talking nonsense." Kong Shuanghua seemed to realize something, stuck out his tongue, but did not respond.

Fang Yuan hurriedly reconciled: "I'm usually busy. Dad's busyness is the real pillar, and he really makes a great contribution to the family. I don't work overtime today, so I must spend time with my mother and wife, so that you can feel The care of my son-in-law and husband. I will be a driver for a day today."

The family packed up, prepared food and drink, and set off.It is convenient to have a car, and there is nothing to be afraid of in the rain, and you can't get drenched at all.There are not fewer vehicles on the street than usual, and the shuttles show that Dongzhou is much richer than it was ten years ago - more than 70% of the cars that come and go are private cars.For livelihood, buy a micro-face, buy a taxi; get rich first, buy a Da Ben, BMW, Volvo; for work or family needs, buy an ordinary car for transportation.The streets of the entire Dongzhou are filled with all kinds of cars.It's a pity that the streets of Dongzhou City are not very spacious. In a few years, I'm afraid this vehicle will crawl like a snail.

Obviously, the view in the rain is still pretty good.In early spring, bathed in spring rain, the green trees are more emerald green, and the color of the grass is clearly visible. The anxious winter jasmine has presented its bright yellow color to the people coming and going, revealing the message of the arrival of spring.Along the way, Kong Shuanghua chatted and laughed with Mama Kong, obviously in a good mood.Fang Yuan also felt that driving his mother-in-law and wife seemed to be completely relaxed, a kind of happiness and comfort at home, a kind of quiet and natural relaxation, which made Fang Yuan's heart brighter.This is a completely different feeling from yesterday.Pulling Song Sisi yesterday, there was joy in my heart, but there was also a sneaky feeling of being a thief, and even a little bit of fear—afraid of being seen by acquaintances!today!His heart was completely in his stomach, listening to the two of them talking and laughing happily, Fang Yuan would occasionally interject a sentence or two, making this carriage a paradise of joy.

It feels so good to be at home.Fang Yuan deeply reminded herself: Why not cherish such a good home?Although Kong Shuanghua's temper is a bit bad, isn't he making progress now?I believe that under the guidance of his father-in-law and himself, one day in the future, Kong Shuanghua will be as virtuous and gentle as his mother-in-law.

Being with family is comfortable and wonderful, but what about those who don't have a home or long for one?Are you also as happy and joyful as Fang Yuan?Fang Yuan didn't think about it, and she didn't think about it, but it didn't mean that there were no such people in her life. The more festivals they had, the more they had to endure a kind of painful torment.

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