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1702.722. Now is not the time for lingering

722. Now is not the time for lingering

Ni Runqing's plan was quite good, but Ni Runqing's good idea soon fell through. 【 】

After the closing of the National People's Congress, the man accepted an exclusive interview with Dongzhou TV Station, and the reporter happened to be Ni Runqing.This was specially arranged by the leaders of the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television.Ni Runqing's thriving status in Dongzhou TV Station allowed Ni Runqing to firmly control the privilege of government affairs interviews.Now, the man has been elected as the mayor of Dongzhou City, and the code on his head has been removed. Ni Runqing is even happier than Song Yunsheng.

After the interview, Ni Runqing quietly asked Song Yunsheng: "Mayor Song, do you want to have a small celebration tonight?" Song Yunsheng smiled and said: "Sorry, I still have a lot of work to do tonight, let's do it another day. Let me finish my busy days first."

Outsiders couldn't understand the conversation between the two, but Ni Runqing could.I was still passionate just now, and I planned to let the man relax and enjoy it after tasting wine and dancing tonight, but the man didn't seem to have considered this issue. Could it be that he is not interested in the exciting service? ?Ni Runqing didn't believe it.In the circle that Ni Runqing knew, there was no woman who was more beautiful and feminine than himself, and in the past few days, Song Yunsheng was really busy in meetings every day, and he had no time to do other things at all.But now that the meeting is over, what else is the man busy with?

Men are busy.There are still many urgent things waiting for men to do it!The National Two Sessions are about to be held. Tomorrow, Municipal Party Secretary Wang Guodong will go to Beijing for a meeting.As the top leader of the municipal government and the second leader of the municipal party committee, even in terms of etiquette, Song Yunsheng had to send Wang Guodong and the other two NPC deputies and CPPCC members from Dongzhou City to the plane to Beijing.In fact, this is a trivial matter. For Song Yunsheng, it is just a political gesture: as the mayor, he still respects the secretary of the municipal party committee.Of course, if you want to do your own thing, you still have to do your own thing. It is just right for Wang Guodong to go to Beijing for a meeting.During the 15 days when Wang Guodong was not in Dongzhou, he, Wang Guodong, had the final say on all the big and small things in Dongzhou. 15 days, how many things can be done in these 15 days!At this time, where would there be time to spend time with Ni Runqing?Everything is difficult at the beginning, a good start and a good start are very necessary for us to develop a good political situation.

Song Yunsheng didn't want to be an obedient mayor like Xiao Gui and Cao Sui. Song Yunsheng wanted to make great achievements in the next few years and achieve a big leap in his position.Therefore, it is impossible not to be strong, nor to be desperate.For this reason, Song Yunsheng also specially conducted an in-depth exchange with Confucius Tian, ​​and studied several powerful mayors from the 90s of the last century to the present one by one, in order to find out the rules and learn lessons from them.Because several powerful mayors have different endings, the best-developed one has now become a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the secretary of the provincial party committee of a large local province, and the second-best one is a short-lived mayor. After a few days, the secretary of the municipal party committee became the governor of the province, and then transferred to a department in the central government as a minister.The other two were sent from the post of deputy governor to the central city to serve as mayor, and now, one was sentenced to death with a reprieve, and later died of liver cancer; Served as deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and secretary of the municipal party committee.How did they soar from mayorship?How did they change from superiors to prisoners?This is all worth studying and analyzing.Song Yunsheng approached Kong Zitian, first of all, because the two people are now standing in the same trench, one is prosperous and the other is damaged, and more importantly, Confucius Tian is an expert, scholar and member of the academic department who has studied Chinese administrative management for decades , Listening to the opinions of experts is more advanced and in-depth than listening to the opinions of Sheng Zhiren and Deng Yuncong.

Of course, the results of the research inspired Song Yunsheng to a large extent on what to do.Confucius Tian can't explain it very clearly, but Song Yunsheng doesn't need Confucius Tian to explain it very clearly. He only needs the idea provided by Confucius Tian, ​​or the little essence refined by Confucius Tian.that's enough.After communicating with Confucius Tian for half a night, Song Yunsheng's urgent desire reappeared in his heart: to learn from the two successful superiors and avoid making the mistakes of the two prisoners.

So, facing Ni Runqing, although seeing such a beautiful face, Song Yunsheng would feel impulsive in his heart like other normal men, but there are more important things in a hurry to do by himself, so how can he be lingering at this time? ?What's more, the lingering in the future must be more concealed. Since he wants to be a strong mayor, his political opponents will always stare at his little tail, wishing to grab his little pigtail immediately and force himself to submit.

On this evening, the Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress hosted a banquet for all the deputies of the Municipal People's Congress, and basically all the city leaders were present, including of course the newly elected Director of the Municipal People's Congress Wang Guodong and Mayor Song Yunsheng.On this night, Song Yunsheng was with Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal People's Congress, toasting the deputies of the National People's Congress at every table in the audience.This toast not only represents respect for the deputies of the National People's Congress and thanks them for their five days of hard work, but it is also a political declaration: Dongzhou City in the future will be ruled by these two people.

After the toast, Song Yunsheng accompanied Wang Guodong and several members of the Standing Committee and the Chairman of the CPPCC to another occasion to farewell two deputies to the National People's Congress and a member of the CPPCC National Committee.One of these two NPC deputies is Wang Guodong.All the Standing Committee members of the Municipal Party Committee and the Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference attended, which showed the great importance attached to the two representatives and one member, and also reflected the harmony and unity of the Municipal Party Committee team.At the farewell banquet, Song Yunsheng expressed his attitude on behalf of the left-behind members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee: We must closely rely on the Municipal Party Committee and work hard. Secretary Wang may rest assured.That's the way it is said, this is the official language that must be said.Wang Guodong also said: "When I'm not in Dongzhou, important matters in the city are decided by Mayor Song. If you need to ask for instructions, you can go to Mayor Song directly."If something important happens, someone will definitely report to Wang Guodong immediately.Song Yunsheng was cultivating and uniting his people, and Wang Guodong was also not idle.

After the farewell banquet was over, Song Yunsheng didn't go back to his room in the Municipal Committee Hotel, but went directly to his office.Because there are two most important things to be planned, and these two things are to be done when Wang Guodong goes to Beijing for a meeting.The first thing is to prepare a press conference. The invited reporters should include reporters from the central news unit, reporters from the provincial news unit, reporters from well-known domestic websites Sina, Sohu or Yi, as well as local reporters from Dongzhou.If possible, we are also planning to invite journalists from international media or news agencies.Back then, when the Politburo member and secretary of the Provincial Party Committee held such press conferences many times when he was the mayor of a certain city in the north, the public responded very well and greatly increased his popularity.The appointment of deputy provincial cadres is not entirely within the discretion of the provincial party committee.Of course, the recommendation of the provincial party committee is very important, but the cadres above the vice-provincial level are determined by the Central Organization Department. The purpose of the press conference is to increase the popularity of Dongzhou and increase their popularity among the main provincial leaders and the central leadership.The second thing is to run the field.The national two sessions, 15 days, Dongzhou now governs four districts and five counties (cities), it only takes 9 days to visit one place a day, and it only takes 5 days to visit two places a day.There are more than 40 departments directly under the city, and 5 departments are surveyed in one day, and all the departments are surveyed in 8 days.Of course, walking every block and visiting every line is really research, and it's really going to understand the situation.Only by understanding the situation can we summarize the existing advantages, discover the problems in development, and provide a better basis for our future decision-making.At the same time, walking around every block and every strip, taking a look, listening to reports, and saying a few words by yourself is actually a kind of political declaration: from now on, you must recognize clearly that I am Dongzhou The mayor of the city.All in all, every action is the result of deliberation; every assumption contains careful planning.Roads are not walked in vain, words are not said in vain, and deeds are not done in vain.I hope that my opening can open a new world.

Now, sitting alone in the office, Song Yunsheng lit a candle.Yu is Zhonghua, and Song Yunsheng likes to smoke this brand.Song Yunsheng knew it was expensive, but he didn't know how much a box cost.It was the secretary who was in charge of his cigarettes. Song Yunsheng didn't ask about the source of his cigarettes, nor did he want to ask.As the mayor, he was so full of thoughts about the affairs of Dongzhou City that he had no time to think about such trivial matters.

Song Yun let out a long sigh.How can it be so simple to do things?To say a bad word, Wang Guodong will know every movement he makes through various channels.If Wang Guodong was so stupid that he didn't know anything, he wouldn't be able to be the secretary of the municipal party committee today.What we need to think about now is this question: how to make people feel that the mayor is calm and low-key on the surface, and at the same time achieve practical results.In the counties and county-level cities in the five suburbs, different counties have different people, and different counties have different county conditions. As a mayor, what should I say to grasp the key points and let these county-level leaders Convinced; what should I say to better draw them into my camp?The four districts in the city are more knowledgeable.One of the district party committee secretaries is also a member of the municipal party committee standing committee, and he is a member of the provincial party committee's propaganda minister Cui Liang.The main leaders of the four districts are actually the directors of the original bureaus who have been transferred to the district, and their interpersonal relationships have become more complicated.For the 40 bureau committees, the situation is also different!Which bureaus to go for a walk?Which rounds are released first, there are all particulars here.Song Yunsheng sighed again, and said to himself: "Do you think I don't want to be with you? How can I spare a little time now?"

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