Director's growth history

1711.731, Yao Changqing mobilized the emotions of all the teachers in the school

The author recommends "The Struggle History of the Director"

At 3:8 p.m. on March 6, Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School held a tea party celebrating the International March [-] Working Women's Day in the lobby of a hotel contacted by Su Jinbo. 【*】The tea party was presided over by Zhou Susu, chairman of the school trade union and director of the office.

Zhou Susu has been immersed in happiness and joy.For this afternoon's event, Zhou Susu has always maintained an objective and fair position to ensure that the first, second and third prizes are indeed arranged according to the results. Only in this way will the teachers be convinced.In the process of organizing the whole activity, the principal only said a few opening remarks, and then let himself go completely, which is a kind of trust in itself; the principal also bought a pressure cooker according to his own opinion, and it is also a well-known trademark in China, China Su Boer, a famous brand, shows that his opinion still has considerable weight in the principal's heart; when the award was distributed, although the principal did not say anything, Su Jinbo's words represented the meaning of Yao School, and he had indeed worked hard, so he should get a prize. For the prize, take this beloved pressure cooker.What happened to others being jealous?You envy yourself for fighting for it!

Now, standing in front of the stage, Zhou Susu has a bright smile on her face: "Teachers, today is the festival of all our female teachers. In such a grand festival, Principal Yao decided to hold this celebration to celebrate the International March [-] Working Women This festival fully demonstrates the school leaders and Principal Yao attach great importance to the vast number of female teachers, and reflects the improvement of our lesbian status in the new era. Before the banquet begins, let us use the warmest applause and invite Principal Yao to deliver a speech for everyone."

Maybe many people have already started to have an opinion on Zhou Susu, but Zhou Susu doesn't know; but almost no one has an opinion on Yao Changqing, because Yao Changqing is really a good principal.Holding such a dinner can reflect Yao Changqing's care for the teachers. Many things before have reflected Yao Changqing's mind and feelings as a principal who convinced everyone. In the summer vacation of 2006, when the school’s economy was so difficult, Yao Changqing tried every means to raise funds, and led all the teachers of the school to travel to Qingdao, Penglai, and Weihai to relax the teachers’ body and mind and increase their experience; he also raised 10,000+ funds, I fully fulfilled the promise to the teachers at the beginning, and made the teachers full of enthusiasm. I hope that in the new year, I can teach more excellent results, so that I can get a bonus of more than 3000 yuan. In the autumn of 2006, Yao Changqing solved the problem of teachers' lunch and overtime meals in one fell swoop. The improvement of meals also made the teachers feel that the principal has always cared about the teacher.In the past semester, the average monthly bonus or subsidy for each teacher exceeded 300 yuan, which may not necessarily be achieved even in Dongzhou 5.As long as the teachers are on time, as long as they teach seriously, and as long as they don't make any mistakes, they can guarantee a monthly bonus and subsidy of more than 300 yuan-this is completely in addition to salary income.Now, even the March [-]th Festival has to entertain teachers, the teachers naturally feel that this principal is really good.After all, for more than ten years, the school has at most distributed some souvenirs on March [-]th, and it has never been as grand as it is today.

Yao Changqing stood at the front desk and took the microphone from Zhou Susu.The audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Yao Changqing's face in unison.Yao Changqing likes the warm applause and the time when everyone is watching him, but Yao Changqing has not forgotten that tonight is not for eating, but tonight's banquet is actually to motivate all the teachers in the school to work hard and get grades, desperately to make political achievements for Yao Changqing .If this central topic cannot be well implemented tonight, then today's banquet is fine, and the pot and stew this afternoon will be considered a waste of investment.Now, standing at the front desk and speaking a few words is the most important job-to motivate all teachers in the school to work harder.

Yao Changqing had already read Fang Yuan's manuscript, and Yao Changqing planned to take Fang Yuan's manuscript and read it, but finally gave up.Besides the manuscript, if you follow it, you will lose your true feelings, if you follow it, you will not be able to show the level of the principal, and if you follow it, it will be difficult to arouse the resonance of all the teachers.What's more, when sitting in the banquet hall, Yao Changqing still had a few new ideas, and it was impossible to add them temporarily.Yao Changqing still decided to withdraw from the manuscript.

Yao Changqing smiled and said, "Teachers, good evening."

Then someone clapped his hands.Yao Changqing waved his hands, and then said: "Dear female compatriots, happy holidays." Amidst the laughter, everyone gave Yao Changqing warm applause.Yao Changqing said: "When the March 68th Festival is approaching, on behalf of the school's leaders and in my own name, I would like to extend my sincere condolences to all the female teachers in the school, to the family members, girlfriends and upcoming girlfriends of the male teachers in the school, I would like to extend my holiday greetings to the teachers’ mothers, sisters, seven aunts and eight aunts!” Immediately came warm applause and cheerful laughter.Yao Changqing said: "In fact, you don't need to applaud all the time. I say a few words and everyone applauds once. When can I finish my speech?" The teachers all laughed and gave Yao Changqing another warm applause.In the laughter and applause, Yao Changqing felt the trust of the teachers in him and the harmony of the cadres and the masses.As long as we strike while the iron is hot, it should stimulate the enthusiasm of all the teachers in the school and fully realize our goal of making [-] Middle School one of the top middle schools in the city.

Yao Changqing waved his hand, and after being quiet for a while, he continued: "Last year, our school historically achieved the ninth place in the city in the high school entrance examination. Bonuses, the teacher with the most got 9 yuan, which is equivalent to two months' wages for young teachers. This year's senior high school entrance examination is just around the corner, and in three months, we will set foot on the battlefield together to compete with other middle schools Now, all the teachers and I are comrades-in-arms in the trenches, and we are all making careful and full preparations for the common goal. Winning this senior high school entrance examination battle is for 3500 Middle School and for our teachers , there are only advantages and no disadvantages at all! If we fight this battle, 68 Middle School will become a famous school in Dongzhou City, and every teacher and student in 68 Middle School will be proud of being a member of 68 Middle School. Outside, people ask: Where do you work? You will proudly say: Teaching at No. 68 Middle School. People will say: This is the best junior high school in Dongzhou. Who can be unhappy? This is still on the spiritual level, What's more important is: in the past, we suffered from the mediocre quality of students, and it was difficult to improve our teaching quality. In the future, there will be a large number of high-quality primary school graduates who want to enter 68 Middle School, which will be beneficial to the long-term development of the school. Circulation, the students are getting better and better, the more we teach the better, and there are more and more good students. What about our teachers? There will be more opportunities to take classes and show their talents. At the same time, the improvement of the quality of the senior high school entrance examination means that teachers will get more and more bonuses. Now, I would like to ask everyone: who wants to get more Please raise your hand!"

The teachers' emotions were mobilized, and they raised their hands one by one, and some teachers even raised both hands.Yao Changqing felt that he was a little short of time, and continued: "Who wants to get a bonus of more than 500 yuan every month?" No one put their hands down.Yao Changqing said: "Everyone put your hands down." The teachers put their hands down.Yao Changqing said: "Who wants to get a bonus of 1 yuan after the high school entrance examination?" The hand that had just been put down was raised again in unison.

Yao Changqing knew that the hearts of the teachers were hooked.Yao Changqing said loudly: "It's very simple to realize so many good wishes. We comrades in the same trench, as long as we win this year's senior high school entrance examination, all dreams will come true!"

Seeing the teachers in the whole school sharpening their knives and gearing up, Yao Changqing knew that what he said today hit the teacher's "seven inches".Yao Changqing changed the subject: "But comrades-in-arms, are you fully prepared to win this battle? Are you fully prepared to win the senior high school entrance examination next year and the year after? This is worth every one of us. Teachers are going to reflect and summarize.” Yao Changqing’s words were more earnest: “Comrades, the school has been doing logistics supplies for everyone to better meet the battle, and I, Yao Changqing, have also been thinking about how to make comrades prepare for the battle with more peace of mind. , can you be invincible and invincible in the future high school entrance examination? Last semester, I solved the problem of lunch and overtime working meals for everyone. I hope that teachers can eat well and have energy and physical strength to better work; during the winter vacation, I organized the teachers of the whole school to go to the army, not only to relax, but also to train and inspire everyone. How did the teachers around us use the same quality of students to achieve better results than other teachers in the same grade? Results? This is actually an inspiration to our teachers. Brute force is far inferior to skillful effort. I believe that this event also enlightened many of our teachers: how to teach the most effective way and how to teach with less effort Good? I hope that all the teachers in the school can think about the best and most effective teaching. I also believe that many comrades in arms have already received a lot of inspiration from other comrades in arms, right?"

"Yes!" Many teachers couldn't help shouting.

Yao Changqing said: "Since this semester, comrades who have been pondering and practicing more effective teaching methods, please raise your hands." Many teachers raised their hands.There were also some teachers who did not raise their hands, as if they were embarrassed to lie in front of Yao Changqing.Yao Changqing said: "Those comrades who plan to think about how to teach more effectively in the future teaching, and plan to learn from and learn from other teachers, please raise your hands." All the teachers in the school raised their hands.Yao Changqing said with emotion: "I am very happy to see everyone doing this. As the saying goes, if you are stupid, you will get twice the result with half the effort; if you use ingenuity, you will get twice the result with half the effort. I hope that all comrades in arms will be able to show ingenuity and move more during the preparation process for the senior high school entrance examination." Brain, learn more from other comrades-in-arms, so that every class in the school has excellent grades, let us win this year's senior high school entrance examination, and win the next few years' senior high school entrance examination battle! Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" Many young teachers felt excited.It is worth dying to follow such an army commander; to work with such a principal is willing to die of exhaustion.

Yao Changqing said: "In order to provide comrades with a better working environment and working conditions, the school will introduce two new preferential policies and regulations. The first item is the reward and assessment regulations for teachers in the first and second grades of junior high school. In the near future, the school will Start to study, I am here to guarantee that I will pass before the end of the semester. After passing, the teachers of the first and second grades of junior high school will achieve excellent results in teaching, and they will also get a lot of rewards like the teachers of the third grade of junior high school. High rewards. Comrades in the first and second grades of junior high school, do you welcome them?"

"Welcome!" It was like a frying pan, and everyone's mood was boiling.

Yao Changqing said: "For the teachers and homeroom teachers who teach subjects in the senior high school entrance examination in the third year of junior high school, starting from March, they will receive an additional 3 yuan per month as a job subsidy."

"Yeah!" The audience burst into cheers.

Yao Changqing said: "Besides, it's been four days since the school started. I saw many teachers came at 6:7 in the morning and didn't leave at 8 or 7 in the evening. I am very, very touched by the professionalism of the teachers. But you must know," Yao Changqing paused, full of affection: "But comrades-in-arms, the body is the capital of the revolution, everyone must not make yourself sick or tired. In order for these teachers who consciously work overtime to eat well and not be hungry Working on an empty stomach, after discussing with Director Su of the General Affairs Office, I decided to introduce the second preferential policy and regulation: all teachers who arrive at school before 7 o'clock can go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast; teachers who work overtime at night until [-] o'clock, You can go to the cafeteria to have dinner, and go home if you want to go home after dinner, and if you are willing to stay in the office and work for a while, you can continue to work for a while, provided you don’t feel too tired.”

Yao Changqing's affectionate words infected many teachers, and some teachers' eyes were filled with crystal tears.Everyone applauded vigorously, even if the slaps hurt.With such an empathetic and caring principal, he is willing to die of exhaustion!The teachers didn't know that Yao Changqing's second preferential policy was actually encouraging teachers to come to school early and leave work late, so that teachers could work overtime willingly.The purpose is to win the high school entrance examination, but the art of leadership, Yao Changqing is now fully exerted to the extreme.

Yao Changqing finally said: "Comrades! I can't charge at the front line, but I can be the logistics director of my comrades! If you have any difficulties and needs, you can tell me. As long as I can do it, as long as you The request is reasonable, and I, Yao Changqing, will do well for my comrades even if I bow my head to the ground! This is my promise!" The applause rang out again, and many teachers were very excited.Song Guoxiong, a young physics teacher, stood up and said loudly: "Principal Yao, I love you."

Yao Changqing also smiled: "Okay, comrades, starting tomorrow, we will all enter the battlefield of the senior high school entrance examination and prepare for the battle with all our strength. Tonight, we also have a combat mission, that is, to eat all the food on the table. Light up, drink up. Now, please raise your glasses to celebrate March 68th Women's Day and win the 2007 senior high school entrance examination battle of [-] Middle School, cheers!"

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