Director's growth history

1713.733 Zhai Xinwen came into Song Yunsheng's sight

The author recommends "The Struggle History of the Director"

After 30 years of official career, Song Yunsheng deeply realized that if he wants to make real progress in his career, he must have support from above and from below. [@] In recent years, when the whole country is accelerating economic development and practicing the scientific outlook on development, from top to bottom, the mainstream of promoting cadres has shifted from prudence and politics to pioneering and performance.Although it is not ruled out that sometimes in some areas, especially economically underdeveloped areas, bribes are used to buy and promote officials, but the higher the level of the organization, the more consideration is the work performance of the official during his tenure.And if I want to take two steps forward in my career - first the secretary of the municipal party committee and then the deputy provincial level, then I need to create extraordinary performance, so that the superiors can feel it; to create extraordinary performance, I rely on myself alone This polished commander is far from enough. Now, Song Yunsheng is particularly eager to have many talents who are talented, willing to do things, and able to do things gather around him. Extraordinary achievements have laid a solid foundation for the realization of one's political ambitions.

In addition to showing the existence of the mayor, there are two important tasks for this inspection to investigate the districts and counties (cities) and the departments directly under the municipality.The first one is to understand the city situation, understand the current situation and future development ideas of each district, county (city), and municipal department in the development process, and especially focus on thinking about which places can become potential focus points for future political achievements .After returning, through systematic thinking, find out the work direction and goals that can achieve breakthroughs in the next five years or even in the next one or two years.The second is to observe talents and understand which of the main leading members of various districts, counties (cities) and municipal departments are hard-working and aggressive cadres, which are mediocre and incompetent cadres, and which ones are not good enough for Song Yunsheng. Special respect and special obedience, which ones are against Song Yun.Find a group of available people, focus on training and building them, and let them work hard for themselves as the mayor; for the mediocre cadres, there is no replacement for the time being, and they will be kept for the time being; We must find ways to make a move as soon as possible, and remove those disloyal cadres or cadres who do not want to enter their circle one by one like pulling out nails.

Now, Zhai Xinwen, who was sitting in front of Song Yunsheng, had left a very good impression on Song Yunsheng.This middle-aged man who is a few years younger than himself can be said to be very familiar with the situation of Dongzhou education. He can vividly explain the progress of Dongzhou education in the past few years with numbers and cases; He can also analyze the difficulties and challenges facing the current development of Dongzhou education, grasp the key points, and grasp the key points; for the future development of Dongzhou education, he actually put forward [-] suggestions, each of which made Song Yunsheng feel this. The Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau pretends to be education, development, and innovation.If this middle-aged man is allowed to be in charge of Dongzhou education, Dongzhou education will make good progress in the next few years, and it will add luster to his face as the mayor.I came to the Dongzhou Education Bureau today. It was strongly suggested by my alumnus Deng Yuncong. It was originally agreed to go to the Science and Technology Bureau, and the Municipal Government Office notified the Science and Technology Bureau in the morning. Now that the Education Bureau is plugged in, Song Yunsheng is reluctant. .After coming here, I was even less happy, because there was only Zhai Xinwen, a department-level cadre in the entire Education Bureau building. Although Zhai Xinwen explained that all the cadres in other bureaus had undergone preliminary inspections, Song Yunsheng still felt this lack of attention, and felt faint Not fast.

But now, this feeling is completely gone, replaced by appreciation.It seems that Lao Deng deliberately arranged such an opportunity to come to the Dongzhou Education Bureau with ulterior motives.The people Lao Deng trusted, he could trust, and he could slowly cultivate them into his circle.Of course, you can't just nod your head so easily. After all, to check whether a cadre is suitable is not just based on one-time remarks or a one-time relationship, but analysis and judgment in repeated exchanges.But today, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau has demonstrated good professional and professional qualities, embodies the spirit of reform and innovation, and has ideas, methods, brains, and courage.As the mayor, don't you need such subordinates who can do things and want to do things?

When summarizing the achievements in 2006 and the past few years, Zhai Xinwen did not forget to attribute the credit to the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and did not forget to attribute the credit to the specific management, support and guidance of the deputy mayor Deng Yuncong.At the same time, this Zhai Xinwen's brain is also very good. He clearly remembered the year, month, day, and even some of the important things that Song Yunsheng said at the time, which was the only activity organized by the Dongzhou Education System in the past 4 years. Zhai Xinwen could blurt out official words with certain guiding significance, which made Song Yunsheng feel very comfortable and admired.After reporting to him and Deng Yuncong for such a long time, Zhai Xinwen did not look down at the materials on display. It can be seen that he has Dongzhou education in his heart, and he is indeed a good cadre who knows and understands education!

After listening to Zhai Xinwen's report, Song Yunsheng said with a smile: "Comrade Xinwen's report made me, a layman who is not good at education, feel inspired by the progress Dongzhou Education has made in the past few years, and it is even more exciting for the future of Dongzhou Education. At the same time, I also found a good cadre." Deng Yuncong said: "Although Comrade Xinwen is doing party affairs work, he has been thinking about the development of Dongzhou education. When he was the deputy director, it was Working hard on the front line, now as the secretary of the party committee, he has more time to think about Dongzhou education from the perspective of the overall situation. In the past year, he has cooperated well with Comrade Suzhen, precisely because of the harmony between the party and the government , which made Dongzhou Education achieve so many achievements in 2006." Song Yunsheng said: "Comrade Yuncong rarely praises the leading comrades in charge of the department. Comrade Xinwen can be fully affirmed by Comrade Yuncong, which makes me believe that Comrade Xinwen is the talent needed for the development of Dongzhou's reform and opening up. Today, I will bring back your "Thirty Suggestions for Educational Development in Dongzhou" to study hard and learn from Comrade Xinwen!" Zhai Xinwen He said humbly: "Don't dare, I'm very immature, please criticize and correct me more." Song Yunsheng said with a smile: "It should be said that these thoughts are still very insightful, and they are also thoughtful by Comrade Xinwen. The results. If the leading comrades of each department, like Comrade Xinwen, can earnestly sum up the successful experience, reflect on the challenges and difficulties, and think deeply about the reform and tackling measures, I believe that the reform and opening up of Dongzhou City will definitely achieve better results. Faster and better development. Education is very important. It is the cornerstone of a country's development and the guarantee of talents and innovation in a city. As the mayor, I will fully support the development of Dongzhou education and continue to invest in education finance. It will lay a solid guarantee for Dongzhou education to achieve transcendent development and scientific development."

Zhai Xinwen was the first to applaud, with a pious attitude like a primary school student seeing a teacher.Zhai Xinwen said: "Thank you Mayor Song for your full affirmation of Dongzhou Education, thank you Mayor Song for your strong support for Dongzhou Education, and also very grateful to Mayor Song for giving Xinwen such a high evaluation. Xinwen cannot afford to be taught! However, I will definitely not disappoint the ardent expectations of Mayor Song, Mayor Deng, and Secretary-General Zhou. I will work diligently and innovate, and take the encouragement of Mayor Song and Deng as the direction and goal of my efforts. , take the hopes of Mayor Song and Mayor Deng as their spurs, cooperate with the education administration, recruit good people, use good people, and train good people for the development of Dongzhou Education, so that Dongzhou Education can create a better future under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. For new and more achievements, Mayor Song and Mayor Deng are invited to review."

Song Yunsheng was satisfied with Zhai Xinwen's statement.It seems that this is indeed a talent worth cultivating and using.It would be helpful to be able to fit into one's own camp.Song Yunsheng said: "Comrade Xinwen's statement made me, the mayor, more confident in Dongzhou education. Comrade Yun Cong, we can say that our trip to Dongzhou Education Bureau is worthwhile!" Deng Yuncong smiled Said: "Comrade Suzhen's report and Comrade Xinwen's report both represent the Municipal Education Bureau." Song Yunsheng said: "Yes! Comrade Yun Cong, Secretary-General Zhou, did our research in the Education Bureau end here? Originally, I still have to go to the school to take a look, Comrade Suzhen is not there, I think we can come back another day." Zhou Jin said: "Okay."

Right here, the door of the meeting room opened, and it was Han Suzhen, director of the Municipal Education Bureau, who came in.Seeing Song Yunsheng, Deng Yuncong, Zhou Jin, and Zhai Xinwen all standing there, Han Suzhen hurriedly said, "Mayor Song, Mayor Deng, Secretary-General Zhou, I'm late. I really don't know about Mayor Song, Mayor Deng and Zhou. The Secretary-General is coming, otherwise I will definitely not arrange a preliminary inspection tour in Yanping County today." Song Yunsheng said with a smile: "Comrade Suzhen, I want to come to the Education Bureau, and I just decided to come and have a look at noon today. New article Comrade introduced to me that you participated in the preliminary inspection with other comrades today. I understand very well. I just listened to the report of Comrade Xinwen. Comrade Fang Yuan, who is waiting for the award, is a very good educational talent, and the Municipal Education Bureau has also included it as a reserve backbone for key training, which I think is very good." Han Suzhen said: "Yes, Mayor Song. We attach great importance to Fang Yuan's education. Training, and now I am the vice principal of 68 Middle School." Song Yunsheng said: "This afternoon, Mayor Deng and Secretary-General Zhou and I will go to the Science and Technology Bureau for research, so we will not stay in the Education Bureau." Han Suzhen said: "Song City Long, can you give me 5 minutes? Regarding the past achievements of Dongzhou Education, Secretary Xinwen has already reported to you, and I also want to report to you the plan of Dongzhou Education in 2007." Song Yunsheng glanced at Han Suzhen, Seeing that she went against his will, he felt a little unhappy.However, it is also good to listen to her report, and see the difference between what she said about the development in 2007 and what Zhai Xinwen said, who is higher and who is lower?Song Yunsheng remained calm and said with a smile: "Okay, Mayor Deng, Secretary-General Zhou, shall we stay for a few more minutes?" Deng Yuncong said: "Yes, the director is back, and we should listen to Comrade Suzhen's thoughts."

Han Suzhen glanced at An Fengshou who was standing beside her, and said, "Xiao An, go and give me a copy of the 2007 Dongzhou Educational Work Opinions, hurry up." An Fengshou said, "Okay." Then he turned and ran out .Song Yunsheng immediately had an intuition: If this Han Suzhen reported to himself with the materials, it meant that he didn't take Dongzhou education into his heart at all!

Sure enough, Han Suzhen reported to Song Yunsheng around the framework of "Dongzhou Education's 2007 Work Opinions", half-reading the draft and half-off the draft.The more Song Yunsheng listened, the more disgusted he became. The more he listened, the more he felt that Han Suzhen's level was really not good. What's your opinion on work?It's all routine, chores!Where is the vision of a director of education from a high position, how can it compare with Zhai Xinwen's thorough knowledge?Such a director is not promoting the faster and better development of Dongzhou education, but only making Dongzhou education conservative and prudent.The Provincial Party Committee and the Central Organization Department only gave me Song Yunsheng a few years. I can't let you Han Suzhen work in such a stable manner.Take a look at Zhai Xinwen's 3 suggestions for the development of Dongzhou's education. Which one is not analyzed in detail and hits the point?Which one is not both scientific and forward-looking?Song Yunsheng suppressed the anger in his heart, and the idea of ​​changing people was indeed in his mind.Of course, changing people is not an easy task. The practice of changing people at will can only be realized in feudal society.Now, to change a bureau chief, it must first be proposed at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and then discussed by the nine Standing Committee members.If the director had nothing to do with it, but just because he couldn't develop at the speed Song Yunsheng hoped for, I'm afraid he won't get enough support. After all, I only have 5 votes from Deng Yuncong, Sheng Zhiren, and myself.Even if his proposal is passed, it may not necessarily be appointed by the Municipal People's Congress.If Wang Guodong, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, has objections to this appointment, he, who is part-time director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, will definitely prevent the new director of the Municipal Education Bureau from voting on the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.What's more, what kind of person Zhai Xinwen is, I only have a preliminary good evaluation now, and I am not fully sure whether he is willing to integrate into my circle.Under such circumstances, such an important seat cannot be easily given to him.In the future, every county magistrate (city) and every director or director of a municipal department will strive to be my Song Yunsheng's person. If Zhai Xinwen is not my Song Yunsheng's person, how can I promise him so easily?

After listening to Han Suzhen's report, Song Yunsheng gave a few superficial affirmations, then hurriedly left the Education Bureau and rushed to the Science and Technology Bureau.Han Suzhen and Zhai Xinwen sent the three city leaders one by one to the car and waved goodbye.As the car went away, Han Suzhen sighed, "Mayor Song, why didn't you say hello when you came to the Education Bureau?" Zhai Xinwen sighed: "Yes, why didn't you say hello?" But he was extremely happy in his heart.After returning to the office and closing the door, Zhai Xinwen shook his fist like a young man, "Yeah!"

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