Director's growth history

1723.743 The weekly meeting is a bit like playing chess

At 8:[-], the bell of the Education Bureau building also rang. 【-】Monday is the day of the regular meeting of section chiefs. On this day, the section chiefs of each department will briefly report on the work done last week, and report in detail on the work that will be focused on this week. Of course, the bureau leaders mainly Zhai Xinwen and Han Suzhen are going to arrange the key tasks for the new week.During the time that Kong Lili stayed in Zhai Xinwen's office, there was no second person to knock on the door. Zhai Xinwen was a little confused: others don't need to come, Chu Guoxiang, Jiang Chunhua, Sun Hongjun, Shen Jun should all come, this Xie Bingguo You should come or at least make a phone call!It seems that maybe they haven't seen the "Dongzhou Daily", or maybe after seeing it, many things still need to be "digested and digested".

Zhai Xinwen said: "Come on, let's go to the meeting." Kong Lili said: "Okay, let's have a meeting. I really want to see Xinwen your heroic image at the meeting." Zhai Xinwen said: "Where do I have any heroic image? I will prepare it in a while." Be a bear." Kong Lili said: "The bear is not an ordinary bear, it should be a giant panda in Wolong, Sichuan." Zhai Xinwen laughed loudly and said, "You go first, I will contact the hotel for the noon break." Saying, He winked at Kong Lili bewitched, and an indescribable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, whether it was a lewd smile or a sinister smile, who could tell the difference.Kong Lili said, "Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

When Zhai Xinwen walked into the conference room, all the people who should arrive had already arrived.On the left side of where Han Suzhen sat, there was an empty seat, which was where Zhai Xinwen usually sat.No one would sit here, even if Zhai Xinwen didn't come to the meeting.This is actually a convention. From the first day Zhai Xinwen became the secretary of the party committee, he has been sitting here until now.

Zhai Xinwen entered the conference room, and everyone turned their attention to him.Of course Zhai Xinwen was most concerned about Han Suzhen's gaze, he clearly felt that this gaze was no longer as friendly as before.What's the matter?Now this stage has passed the stage of unstable foundation in the past. Of course, there are still many constraints on whether I can be the director. Although I am much closer to the goal of success, I am still quite far away.Because it is not the time to offend her, even if she is unfriendly.But if she is really unfriendly to herself, it doesn't matter, I will try my best to create a tragic image of maintaining unity, maintaining the overall situation, and enduring humiliation, while portraying her as an image of domineering, arbitrarily jealous, and abusing power in everyone's mind , which is only good for oneself, not bad.Zhai Xinwen suddenly saw it too, and many people looked in awe. This was the first time since he became the party secretary!This sign is a good sign. Only when you know awe can you feel superior and inferior. Without awe, it is just a relationship of equals or friends.

Zhai Xinwen came to his chair and sat down, putting down his notebook and pen.Coming here today, Zhai Xinwen is ready to say nothing.When observing, you need to look at other people's performance, because without expressing your own opinion, others can't figure out what you think in your heart, so they have no way to figure out your own thoughts and speak words that cater to you.Today, let Han Suzhen sing a one-man show and see how she sings.

Han Suzhen said: "Secretary Zhai, let's start?" The title has changed!It used to be called "Xinwen".Zhai Xinwen looked at Han Suzhen with a smile, and said, "Okay, Director Han, you decide." Zhai Xinwen was also not polite, and replaced the word "you" used in the past with the word "you".Han Suzhen said: "Okay, let's have a meeting now. In the past, each department reported first. Today, I will say a few words first."

The sound of swiping, swiping, flipping paper.This is for the section chiefs to take a pen to record the director's speech.Han Suzhen said: "Did everyone read the "Dongzhou Daily" this morning? The front page headline, a tree planting activity organized by our Municipal Education Bureau, was on the front page headline of the "Dongzhou Daily" for the first time in history. Secretary Zhai has made a great contribution! It was Secretary Zhai who invited Mayor Song, so we had the opportunity to be on the front page of "Dongzhou Daily" and publicized such an event organized by the Education Bureau. I propose, Thank you, Secretary Zhai, with a round of applause."

The section chiefs all applauded.Hey, interesting, Han Suzhen is the general!This chess is on the table, then play it, you attack, I defend, you take the lead, I will jump on horseback.It seems that silence is not enough, Zhai Xinwen quickly waved his hands: "Everyone, first of all, let me declare that Mayor Song was not invited by me. I am also overjoyed that Mayor Song can participate in such a tree planting activity organized by the Youth League Committee of our bureau. For Song Why the mayor came to participate in this tree planting activity, we can't guess; the tree planting activity organized by the Youth League Committee of the Education Bureau is also an activity of the Education Bureau, and it is also an honor for the Education Bureau to be published on the front page of the party newspaper. This time, the specific It was organized by the Youth League Committee and Secretary Sun. As for me, as the person in charge of the party committee in charge of the party and the masses, I participated in this event and caught up with this event. I think the Youth League Committee and Secretary Sun will introduce the situation at that time respectively. That should be better."

Kong Lili said: "Last Friday afternoon, at the impromptu director's office meeting, Secretary Xiao once reported this matter. We all know that the Youth League Committee will organize tree planting on Sunday. At that time, I remember that Secretary Sun was indeed arranged to come. Director Han is also aware of being responsible for this matter. Secretary Sun, don’t you want to introduce the situation at that time?” No one should try to hurt Zhai Xinwen, whoever wants to hurt Zhai Xinwen will have trouble with me. Wen, who maintains the new text?

Sun Hongjun said: "Yes, I am in charge of this matter. It was determined that the event was arranged on Sunday because Sunday is the day before the Arbor Day and it does not take up the time of the teachers. It should be said that With the development of our city and the prosperity of the people, we are paying more and more attention to the problems of the ecological environment. To organize the majority of young teachers to participate in such a tree planting activity is also a teacher's moral education activity for the majority of young teachers, inspiring the majority of teachers to love green, protect Green. Secretary Zhai also made a temporary decision to participate. At the beginning, only me and the Youth League Committee, plus comrades from the political and engineering department organized the organization. Secretary Zhai decided to participate. Of course we are very happy. After all, Secretary Zhai is the top leader in charge of the work of the Youth League Committee. It embodies the Party's strong leadership over the Communist Youth League. As for Mayor Song's arrival, Secretary Zhai was preparing to give a mobilization speech at that time. I was the one who found three cars with city hall plates parked on the side of the road and reminded Secretary Zhai that he seemed to be here. City leaders. Of course, Secretary Zhai and I will be overjoyed when we see Mayor Song, Mayor Deng and Secretary-General Zhou. This is probably the case as far as I know."

Zhai Xinwen was very satisfied with Sun Hongjun's answer. Sun Hongjun's words not only solved Zhai Xinwen's tricks, but also gave him a fairly objective narrative, and his speaking level has also improved significantly.Now, Sun Hongjun has kicked the ball back to Han Suzhen for Zhai Xinwen, which is tantamount to completely negating Han Suzhen's words. Now let's see how Han Suzhen responds?

At this time, the deputies were unwilling to express their views, let alone the section chiefs.Everyone was silent and looked down at the notebook, although there were not many words recorded in the notebook.

Han Suzhen didn't expect that the question that was originally intended to test and spark discussion was no longer a question in the blink of an eye.Zhai Xinwen made it very clear that Mayor Song was not in charge of him; Sun Hongjun also made it very clear that neither he nor Zhai Xinwen expected Mayor Song to come.However, Mayor Song came very suddenly on Friday, but Zhai Xinwen was at home; Mayor Song participated in the tree planting activity on Sunday, very suddenly, but Zhai Xinwen also attended.Is there really such a coincidence in the world?It seems that I really misjudged Zhai Xinwen before. I really didn't expect that Zhai Xinwen's scheming is so deep!

Han Suzhen glanced around and said, "Of course, regardless of whether it was invited by Secretary Zhai or not, it is indeed gratifying that the activities of the Education Bureau can be listed on the front page of the party newspaper. I hope that all departments in the world will organize more meaningful and influential organizations like this." The activities will further expand the social popularity and reputation of Dongzhou Education." Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Han is right, everyone should think more about and do more things that are beneficial to Dongzhou Education. This time the Youth League Committee is smaller than the Secretary The organized activities are very good, and have won honors for the Dongzhou Education Bureau. Director Han, shouldn't Secretary Xiao be rewarded?"

Well, in the blink of an eye, Han Suzhen was the arch-death, and Zhai Xinwen came to dance the elephant, a scene of peace and stability.Han Suzhen said: "Okay. Publicity work is the work of the Political Science and Engineering Department. I suggest that the Political Science and Engineering Department study how to reward any news or experience reports that promote Dongzhou education on TV or newspapers. Come up with an opinion and put it in Discuss at the bureau party committee meeting or the director's office meeting, and if it is passed, the reward will be rewarded."

Political work is the work of the party committee.Jiang Chunhua looked at Zhai Xinwen with his eyes.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Han is right. Section Chief Jiang, you can draw up according to what Director Han said. When you have drafted it, show it to Secretary Sun. If Secretary Sun thinks it is almost done, show it to me, and then we will get it. Discuss at the party committee." Jiang Chunhua said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Han, can we formally open the regular meeting now?" Han Suzhen said: "Yes, actually our regular meeting has already started."

Oh my god, is this the beginning of the regular meeting?How can there be such a regular meeting?Section chiefs, you look at me, I look at you, and look at each other: Director Han, Secretary Zhai!If your two big leaders have a disturbance, we will all sweat coldly; if your two big leaders are fighting each other, we are like ham sandwiched between two slices of bread, and we don’t know which side to stick to.The feeling of staying in the cracks is the most uncomfortable.

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