Director's growth history

1810.829 No matter how great the temptation is, it's useless

Fang Yuan was dragged to No. 6 Middle School by Liu Ming's Audi A5 after school at noon. 【@】Fang Yuan has already learned from his father-in-law that he doesn't have to worry about being transferred to No. 5 Middle School, so going to No. 5 Middle School now feels more like a routine - to complete the tasks assigned by Yao Changqing.

But the Audi A6 didn't drive directly to No. 5 Middle School, but drove to a hotel, which was quite far from No. 5 Middle School.When we arrived at the entrance of the hotel, the driver said: "Principal Liu is waiting for you in the private room of the Guangzhou ship on the second floor." Oh, it's quite mysterious!

Arriving at the door of the Guangzhou ship's room, Fang Yuan hesitated: President Liu invited me here at noon today, is it just for lunch?Gently knocked on the door, someone said inside: "Please come in." Fang Yuan pushed the door open, ah, there is only Liu Ming in the room.Seeing Fang Yuan walking in, Liu Ming immediately stood up with a smile on his face: "Brother Fang, come quickly, sit, sit, sit." Fang Yuan said, "Hello, Principal Liu." Liu Ming smiled and said, "It's still like this. What are you doing politely? Please sit down." Fang Yuan was really curious: "Principal Liu, where are the other leaders?" Liu Ming smiled and said, "It's noon today, there are only two of us brothers, there is no one else." Fang Yuan knew , lunch at noon today is absolutely unusual.

With anxiety, Fang Yuan sat down, Liu Ming moved his chair and sat on Fang Yuan's side.Turning his face: "Waiter, serve the food." The waiter said: "Okay. What kind of wine do you want?" Liu Ming said: "No wine, let's bring two packs of Yili yogurt wrapped in paper." The waiter said: "Boss, Please wait."

Seeing Fang Yuan's somewhat suspicious expression, Liu Ming looked affectionate: "Brother Fang, I really appreciate your talent. To be honest, I really cherish each other! Every time I see you, I think of me when I was young, no , To be precise, you are better and better than me when I was young. It is true that the waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the Yangtze River, and heroes are born out of youth." Fang Yuan replied modestly: "Principal Liu, you are really too flattered. In fact, I am just an ordinary My Chinese teacher caught up with a good opportunity and got some grades. In fact, you are my role model!" Liu Ming sighed: "Oh, if I, Liu Ming, have a right-hand man like you, I can Be a worry-free principal." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Principal Liu, for your love. In fact, I know what I am. The more you praise me, Principal Liu, the more ashamed I feel. I am a layman when it comes to teaching. I have also learned a lot of teaching management methods from Principal Zhao these few times!" Liu Ming scoffed: "You mean Zhao Zidong? He can't do it. He can barely grasp the exams for the third and third grades of junior high school, but Tutoring public classes and high-quality classes, I don’t know anything about it. Fangyuan, do you know? Tangtang No. 5 Middle School has won the first prize at the municipal level in the Dongzhou City Quality Class Competition in recent years. Then one or two quarters, a lot of work has been done behind the scenes. This is not commensurate with the status of No. 5 Middle School in the entire Dongzhou, and it also shows that Zhao Zidong, the vice principal of teaching, is incompetent in improving the teaching level of teachers. Of course, No. 5 Middle School It is not Zhao Zidong's credit that he did well in the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. This is a good tradition of Dongzhou, and it is the good foundation laid by Director Han Suzhen when he was the principal. Zhao Zidong just continued this tradition. With the best students in the city, The students who come to No. 5 Middle School are all the top academics of the original schools. If they fail in the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, how will they explain to the city leaders and city bureau leaders? How will they explain to the people of the city?"

ah?Fang Yuan did not expect that Liu Ming looked down on Zhao Zidong so much.I don't know how Zhao Zidong would feel if he heard Liu Ming comment on him like this!Yao Changqing is not such a person. No matter how many conflicts and discords there are between him and Jia Ming, Fang Yuan never heard Yao Changqing say how bad Jia Ming is. Even in the end, Jia Ming was transferred from No. 68 Middle School by Yao Changqing. However, Yao Changqing still had a good time with Jia Ming, at least on the surface they maintained a harmonious atmosphere.

Liu Ming's evaluation of his deputy now either shows that Liu is arrogant and really looks down on those incompetent people, or it shows that Liu Ming doesn't care about judging others at all.Fang Yuan suddenly thought of himself, wondering if Liu Ming was with someone else, how should he evaluate it?At this time, Fang Yuan felt that he didn't want to come to No. 5 Middle School, and his father-in-law and secretary Zhai didn't support him coming to No. 5 Middle School. Now it seems that it is very reasonable.If in the 5th, any aspect of the work is not done well, I don't know if Liu Ming will speak behind his Fangyuan's back and in front of others how much he is dissatisfied with Fangyuan!

Fang Yuan did not dare to answer Liu Ming's words, but smiled awkwardly.Liu Ming said: "Brother Fang, you are different. Last year, 68 Middle School suddenly entered the top 10 of the senior high school entrance examination from the middle level of the city. It can be said that you have contributed a lot to Brother Fang; from the public class, you also rely on your own strength. I have won first prizes in the city, province, and country for your ability. I thought you had some background or connections. Recently, I heard you comment on Zhao Qiaoqiao’s class and your teaching design for Zhao Qiaoqiao. Guidance, I really feel that you, Brother Fang, are a person with real talent and learning. You deserve the first prizes in the city, province, and the country. It is very difficult for you to win the first prizes if you have reached the level. .”

Fang Yuan said: "Principal Liu, you are really too generous. My city, province and national awards are inseparable from the careful guidance of the leaders of the teaching and research section and teachers, and the all-round support of the school leaders. Power, how can you do it?" Liu Ming said with a smile: "You can really talk! If only Zhao Qiaoqiao could think so, that would be great."

While talking, the dishes were served.Liu Ming raised his milk cup and said to Fang Yuan: "I will work hard on you again in the afternoon. This afternoon, first listen to a class taught by Zhao Qiaoqiao, and then you can give your opinions and guide her teaching design. This whole afternoon, It's been hard work!" Fang Yuan said with a smile, "Principal Liu, you are a great leader, why are you being polite to a junior like me?" Liu Ming said, "Okay, come, have a drink first."

Drink a glass of milk and eat a few bites of vegetables.After drinking the three cups of milk, Liu Ming stood up, took out a material from the handbag on the sofa, and handed it to Fang Yuan: "Brother Fang, take a look, I prepared this specially for you. If If there is any dissatisfaction, just bring it up, we can discuss it."

Fang Yuan took the materials, and the eye-catching title was "Contract for Hiring the Chief Chinese Teacher in Dongzhou Fifth Middle School".After reading the title, Fang Yuan understood that Liu Ming might already know what Confucius said in the Education Bureau, but he still didn't give up and wanted to give it a try.I didn't want to come to No. 5 Middle School, but after hearing Liu Ming's evaluation of Zhao Zidong today, Fang Yuan didn't even want to come.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Liu, I don't dare to do this. No. 5 middle school is full of talents. How dare I, a teacher in an ordinary middle school, come to be the chief Chinese teacher? If this matter gets out, don't people laugh?" Liu Ming said : "Why not? Others have to obey even if they are not convinced. After all, who can win the first prize in the whole country and come back to see? If anyone can, I will also hire him as the chief!"

Heh, Liu Ming's king and domineering language appeared again.Do you feel comfortable working under such a principal?Fang Yuan said: "Principal Liu, I really can't be qualified for the title of chief Chinese teacher." Liu Ming said: "I say you can do it. Fang Yuan, brother, I really appreciate you! In other subjects, the chief teacher is In addition to salary, there is an annual salary of 10, Fang Yuan, I will give you 20. This is the highest annual salary I have offered since I became the principal of No. 5 Middle School."

20?There are so many!This is indeed a tempting number.Liu Ming continued: "Why can I give you so much? Because you are not only the chief Chinese teacher, but also the vice principal of 5 listening teaching after you come to No. 5 Middle School. With two positions, you can get 20 more in addition to your salary. Ten thousand. Fang Yuan, how much money can you spend a year now?” Fang Yuan said, “It’s about 3 yuan.” Liu Ming said, “That’s too little. Brother Fang, 3 yuan. What can you do? It takes 3 yuan a year to buy a house worth 60 yuan. It will take 20 years if you don’t eat or drink; It takes 20 years to buy a house! Brother Fang, come to No. 5 Middle School. If you are not satisfied with the annual salary of 3 yuan, we can discuss it again.”

Fang Yuan's heart was almost shaken. 3 in 60 years!In my hometown in Tonghua, Jilin, in the town where my second sister lives, you can buy a fairly good two-story house for 8 yuan, and the 60 yuan means you can buy 7 apartments.If I really have this money, I can buy my own real estate in Dongzhou in a few years, without having to look at the faces of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, let alone suffer from Kong Shuanghua's sudden outbursts of temper; it will take a few more years , to buy a house in the town for my parents, and a two-story house for my elder sister and second sister. People live on the second floor, and the first floor is used for business. That would be great!Money is really a good thing. With money, although it is not omnipotent, it can do many things.

But can I accept such a condition now?Rationality returns to Fangyuan’s mind. If I accept the 20 annual salary condition, it means that the salary income will far exceed that of other teachers in No. 5 Middle School, and it is twice the income of the current chief teacher of each subject in No. 5 Middle School. The Chinese philosophy is that the tree attracts the wind Even if I come to No. 2 middle school, I am afraid that I have already made enemies with all the teachers in the school-no teacher is willing to support my work, and no middle-level person is convinced by me, so how can this work be carried out? ?If the work cannot be carried out, if there is any mistake in the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination of these 5 middle schools, wouldn't he become a sinner through the ages?Wouldn't his desire to achieve long-term development be completely defeated?

Since ancient times, those who are greedy for small profits suffer big losses.Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "Principal Liu, I really appreciate your great love for me. I think I'm too young to bear your expectations. It's good that I stay in 68 Middle School."

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