Director's growth history

1818.837. Compassionate love is for the advancement of official career

The banquet hall, which was noisy just now, suddenly became quiet. [*] Those members of the Youth Federation who liked to joke and joked also shut their mouths here.It is not difficult for these youth federation committee members in the business world to take money out, three thousand and five thousand, but it is really painful to take hundreds of thousands from their own enterprises all at once.

Finally, a member of the Youth Federation couldn't help it anymore, stood up and asked: "Secretary Bi, how much did you donate?" to 4000 yuan. However, our Secretary Bi has also set a good example for the majority of working class youth federation members in this donation, and Secretary Bi personally donated 5000 yuan."

"Wow!" Someone exclaimed.Hao Dingyi said: "Secretary Wei and I each donated 4000 yuan, Minister Yu donated 3000 yuan, and the 68 Chinese principal, although his monthly income was only 2000 yuan, also donated his entire monthly income of 2000 yuan. "

Another member of the Youth Federation questioned: "If I donate 40 yuan, how can I ensure that the 40 yuan will be spent on the construction of Hope Primary School?" What should I do?" Hao Dingyi said: "Any member of the Youth Federation who donates more than 20 yuan can participate in the entire process of the project of the Hope Primary School, and can check every account for the construction of the Hope Primary School. .At the same time, for all donations, we will invite the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Municipal Audit Bureau, and representatives of some Youth Federation committee members to participate in the whole process of management to ensure that every donation is used for the construction of Hope Primary School.”

Another member of the Youth Federation stood up: "I donated my love, but I can't give it all to the shadows. It's all under the banner of the Youth Federation. Who knew I donated it!" Hao Dingyi said: "Please rest assured. In order to effectively protect the members of the Youth Federation who have given their love, this time we have stipulated that the members of the Youth Federation who donated 40 yuan hope that the name of the primary school will be the name of your individual or the beginning of the company. For example, the representative of the General Manager Luo If the Jia Group donates 40 yuan, then the name of the hope primary school will be "Luojia in XX County or Qiangwei Youth League Hope Primary School". Add the name of the individual or company at the beginning, and the name of the Hope Primary School sponsored by Mr. Ding is 'So-and-so County Youth Federation Chunxiao Hope Primary School'."

Hao Dingyi should say that the introduction is quite clear, but it is really a bit naked.After he finished speaking, the scene calmed down again, and everyone had different thoughts.Qiang Wei said: "How about it, brothers and sisters, Secretary Bi personally mobilized, and Secretary Hao explained the work, should everyone take action when they should?" But few people responded.

In such a situation, the front is hot and the back is cold. This is something that few members of the Youth League Committee did not expect. There is only a good beginning, but there is no movement in the end. How can this be done?Bi Lili was also secretly anxious. He was quick to think, and smiled: "Members, donating love is completely voluntary. If you have one, you can donate more; if you don't, you can donate less or don't donate! This time It is completely voluntary, completely voluntary, and absolutely does not mean to force everyone. In order to better show love and let the people of the city feel the dedication of our Youth Federation members, I have two ideas. One is the "Dongzhou Youth Federation Newsletter" "monthly, will publish the full text of the donations of all members of the Youth Federation, and at the same time, for members of the Youth Federation who have donated more, we will publish your company or organization's advertisements on the "Dongzhou Youth Federation Newsletter" for free. This matter I can make the final decision, Minister Yu, and I will implement this matter well later." Yu Tian stood up and said, "Okay, Secretary Bi." Bi Quanli continued, "The second idea is to cooperate with the "Dongzhou Daily" We are planning to set up a special edition to introduce the full text of the newsletter of the Youth Federation preparing to build the Hope Primary School. The amount of donations from members of the Youth Federation who donate more will be published in our party newspaper. Enterprises or organizations make presentations. This idea needs further consultation and coordination, but I believe that the Municipal Party Committee also supports this matter. I will say this about donations. It is getting late. Please raise your glasses and let them go Chinese wine witnesses our love, witnesses our friendship, and let this glass of Chinese wine deepen the friendship of each of our youth federation members, cheers!"

When the wine glasses collided with each other, the sound was crisp and pleasant, but it was clear that everyone's emotions were not that high.Qiangwei still wanted to say something, Bi tried his best to pull Qiangwei, and said: "Director Qiang, let's eat first, drink for three rounds, and then we will start. We must give everyone some time to think about it!" Qiangwei Said: "Secretary Bi, I fully support you." Bi Quanli said: "I know, I know. Thank you Qiang Dong." Qiang Wei said: "Then I recognize a younger sister, you have to help me." Put all your strength into your heart, you are really not greedy enough, so many female workers on the assembly line are not enough for you to play with, and you want to trouble Song Sisi?Is Song Sisi something you can afford?But these words cannot be said. Bi Quanli said: "Chairman Qiang! As long as people agree to recognize you as an elder brother, I will be honored to be a witness. If people don't agree, I can't open my mouth!" Qiang Wei said: "Yes, with Secretary Bi's words, it will work."

Today, Bi Quanli sat in the position of the main escort, Hao Dingyi and Wei Jintu were on the right and left respectively, and Qiang Wei sat in the position of the assistant.Unbiased and unbiased, Ding Chunxiao and Fang Yuan sat next to each other.Bi Quanli politely greeted everyone for dinner. When receiving the wine, he clinked glasses with everyone at table one, with a friendly and easy-going attitude. The six Youth Federation members are in a good mood.

Bi Quanli also gave Qiang Wei and Ding Chunxiao a lot of face. After he received three glasses of wine, Qiang Wei toasted two more glasses, and Ding Chunxiao toasted two more. Together, they drank all four glasses of wine to the bottom.In the eyes of Qiang Wei, Ding Chunxiao, and other members of the Youth Federation, Bi Standing Committee is solid enough, buddy enough, and loyal enough; in Bi Quanli's point of view, no matter how much wine is drunk, how much these Gods of Wealth donate will directly affect this. The sensational level of a political achievement.There is a huge difference between building 5 Hope Primary Schools and building 10 Hope Primary Schools or 20 Hope Primary Schools. If more than 10 Hope Primary Schools can be built, the information will be reported to the Communist Youth League and the Provincial Party Committee through channels. The Organization Department, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial party newspaper "Qingjiang Daily", and the provincial party magazine "Forward" monthly, I believe that the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee will definitely pay attention to this incident, and also pay attention to the planning of this incident. People - I do my best.As a provincial cadre, the transfer is decided by the provincial party committee. Of course, the suggestions of the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the city government also carry considerable weight. This is also the main reason why Bi tried hard to approach Song Yunsheng deliberately.

Qiang Wei and Ding Chunxiao's toast was over, and Bi Quanjin took Hao Dingyi and Wei Jintu, called Yu Tian at table 2, and toasted the Youth Federation members at the other three tables to express their feelings.Amidst the laughter, the stagnant atmosphere just now was slowly broken, and there was a lively scene in the banquet hall again. Some members of the Youth Federation even told dirty jokes on such an occasion, which made everyone spit rice from time to time. laughter, and completely ignored the existence of some female committee members.Fortunately, these female committee members have also been in the ups and downs of the mall for many years, so it is no surprise that they are not surprised.

Fang Yuan also memorized a few of them, they were quite classic.

"A kindergarten female teacher was leading a student to swim, and accidentally exposed a hair on her nipple. A student asked the teacher, what is that? The female teacher pulled it out cruelly, and said it was a thread!"

"In Chinese class in the first grade of primary school, the teacher wrote down 'soft' on the blackboard and asked everyone to spell it. The boys shouted together: "End of the day~soft". The teacher said: "The pronunciation of the boys is not standard, please make up for it." ~soft. The monitor corrected: 日五夜~soft. The teacher got impatient and corrected sharply: The correct spelling should be——日五夜I~soft.”

"A teacher went to the principal to sue the students. Her group of mischievous students said that the apple she drew was a butt. The principal decided to criticize these students severely. When he came to the classroom, he saw the picture on the blackboard and shouted: Who drew the ass?"

Thinking about it carefully, it really does have a bit of taste, and Fang Yuan also admires the people who came up with these jokes in the first place, their imagination and creativity are really not bad.It's just that I feel a little upset that these jokes seem to be related to education, and they are all related to teachers. Alas, this is simply a waste of education!After Fang Yuan laughed, she felt quite upset.

After drinking for three rounds, Qiangwei walked to the front desk again, picked up the microphone, and said slightly drunk: "Everyone, good friends, good brothers, Secretary Bi gave us face like this, so we have to give Secretary Bi face, right? Everyone is operating It is only natural for an enterprise to show some kindness to the poor children in Dongzhou. Otherwise, if the money is eaten and drunk, it will be the same thing. Donating it can be regarded as the contribution made by our private entrepreneurs to the society. This How much money is appropriate to donate? Just now Secretary Bi said that it is completely voluntary, and it is okay not to donate, but Secretary Bi is being polite, and I am not polite. I think that if you donate less than 1 today, then you should not speak up , This will make people laugh at the bosses of our corporate management team for being stingy."

Maybe it was the friendly atmosphere at the scene, maybe it was moved by Bi Quanquan's sincerity, or maybe it was because he had already called his family members or leaders to negotiate with them during this period. Members of the Youth Federation stepped up to the front desk and announced their donations. Some donated 40 yuan, some donated 20 yuan, the most donated 5 yuan, and a few donated 2 or 1 yuan, but when they came to the stage, they were all shy.But no matter how much he donated, Bi Quanqin shook hands with the committee members of the Youth Federation one by one to express his gratitude, and asked Yu Tian to register one by one, and asked the donors to sign for confirmation.

Bi Lili is very happy!Among all the subsectors, the enterprise management subsector should definitely be the biggest contributor of donations, and 10 people from other subsectors are not worth as much as one in the enterprise group.Judging from tonight's situation, there is absolutely no problem with the total donations of various groups exceeding 400 million. The construction of more than 10 Hope Primary Schools will be the biggest achievement after I was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.In the current situation where the central government pays more attention to political performance in the selection of cadres, the construction of Hope Primary School is beneficial to the country, the people and the city. Such a political performance project is supported by the people and welcomed by the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Happy!Apart from the jealousy of a few deputy city leaders, I'm afraid this matter is really an important stepping stone for his career development!

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