Director's growth history

1849.868 Zhao Qiaoqiao makes people upset, Yuan Jinbao makes people happy

In the afternoon, Fang Yuan had nothing to do at school. 【-】Because Fangyuan was assigned to attend classes in No. 5 Middle School every Thursday afternoon, so whether it was the teaching and research activities of the third year of junior high school or the Chinese class, there was no arrangement for this afternoon.Fang Yuan was also happy to have a leisurely half a day, thinking about the future development issues.yes! In 2006, the education system created a brilliance that is rare among peers. What should we do in 2007?Last summer, a group of assistant principals were promoted. When I won the first prize of the national class, I was promoted to a middle school first-level teacher and vice principal in advance. By this summer, this group of young assistant principals aged 27 to 35 will also be As a vice principal, I am back on the same starting line as them, so what advantage do I have?Scientific research, papers, this should indeed be an important direction of my future efforts!How can you make progress faster if you don’t have a tough life, so that every progress will convince or have to be convinced by the people around you?

Taking out "People's Education" and "China Education News", Fang Yuan planned to use this rare afternoon to carefully read the latest education articles, grasp the direction of education reform and development, and understand the education reform intentions of the country and the leaders of the country. Understand the frontiers of the development of educational theories, and learn from the theories and experiences of other regions, other schools, or other experts and teachers to enrich your educational cognition.If you don’t study, if you want to write a valuable paper, even if you try your best, it’s probably a tree without roots and water without a source!

Before reading a few pages, the phone rang.The caller's name was not displayed on the phone, but the number seemed familiar.Fang Yuan picked up, and Zhao Qiaoqiao's voice came from the phone: "Fang Yuan, are you really not coming this afternoon?" Fang Yuan couldn't help but think of Zhao Qiaoqiao's phone call he received on Sunday, and thought of binding, dripping, etc. Wax and other sexual sights, that part of the body can't help but changes.It's a really weird feeling.Fang Yuan even had a whim: If possible, can he also experience what it's like to experience ** on Zhao Qiaoqiao's body?Fang Yuan immediately shook his head, feeling ashamed of his dirty thoughts.

Fang Yuan said: "Teacher Zhao! I have something to do at school this afternoon, so I won't go." Zhao Qiaoqiao immediately cried: "Fang Yuan, you must come! If you don't help me, I will really come." The ground is dead. You don’t know how many times I have been criticized by Teacher Sheng and Principal Zhao for the trial lectures I took this week. Director Li of the teaching and research section came to listen to a lesson, and even criticized me for nothing. My mind is in a mess now, and I don't know what to say." At this point, Zhao Qiaoqiao couldn't help crying.

Fang Yuan's heart was really sympathetic.After being raped by Liu Ming, he suffered great mental and psychological damage. If this can be explained well, it will become a strange thing instead!Poor Zhao Qiaoqiao, poor woman!In order to save class, you can actually hand over your body to Liu Ming to make a fool of yourself. Is it worth it?Fangyuan felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, was it sympathy?Not at all.It seems to be a little disgusting!Of course, Fang Yuan didn't know the actual relationship between Liu Ming and Zhao Qiaoqiao. In fact, Liu Ming was Zhao Qiaoqiao's benefactor. All of Zhao Qiaoqiao's monthly expenses were paid by Liu Ming, high-end cosmetics, high-end fashion, Even the QQ car he drove was also paid for by Liu Ming.Now, what Fang Yuan knows is that Liu Ming raped Zhao Qiaoqiao—to save his lessons, he could actually sell his body and soul like this, is it worth it?

Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Zhao, the class is not good. Sometimes there are many reasons. For example, the energy is not concentrated on studying the teaching materials and teaching methods, but is allocated to other things. I remember when I was planning to save classes. When I was in school, I only thought about the class, and I didn’t think about anything else, and I didn’t think about it at all. Concentrating and concentrating, I think this is also an important reason why I successfully attended two classes last year. Director Li is also good, Teacher Sheng It doesn’t matter, Principal Zhao, they are all experienced experts in Chinese education, I believe that as long as you can concentrate and devote all your thoughts to teaching, you still have a good chance of saving class hours.”

What can Fang Yuan say?This was Fang Yuan's innermost thoughts!In the absence of being able to make it clear that ** will definitely affect teaching, Fang Yuan still hopes that Zhao Qiaoqiao can concentrate on researching teaching, which has actually been hinted at.Fang Yuan said: "In fact, my teaching experience is not as rich as yours. I am just an ordinary young teacher. Listen to Director Li's opinions, listen to Teacher Sheng's ideas, and think about how to convert them into your own teaching design and teaching methods." Thinking, I believe you will be able to do well in the future Chinese class." Zhao Qiaoqiao cried and said: "Fang Yuan, every time I listen to you, I can do well; I can't listen to it, and I can't understand it. Fang Yuan, come and help me." Fang Yuan said, "Mr. Zhao, I really have something to do this afternoon. I have already asked Principal Liu and Director Xie for leave." Zhao Qiaoqiao said: "I don't care if you ask for leave or who you ask for leave with. Fangyuan, I beg you, come and help me. As long as you are willing to come, I can do whatever you want me to do." !"

"Pfft." Fang Yuan almost spat out, and suddenly found that his place was even harder at this time, and a small tent had already been propped up.God!Does this woman still have face?Is this a typical example of the kind of person portrayed in the novel who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals?Fang Yuan felt really disgusted, even the sympathy just now disappeared.Fang Yuan even regretted what she said to Zhao Qiaoqiao just now.My heart hardened, and Fang Yuan became less polite: "Mr. Zhao, please respect my personality. I don't care what you think, or what you promise, I don't know, and I haven't heard of it. I said it just now. , I have something to do in the school in the afternoon, so I really can't go. Sorry, if there is nothing else, I will hang up." Zhao Qiaoqiao said: "Don't! Fangyuan, do you think I'm dirty? Have slept? Do you think I was raped by Liu Ming? Fangyuan, I was also forced. Please, for the sake of my desire to improve, come to No. 5 Middle School and help me, okay? I take it back What I said just now, but I still want to ask you to help me, really. If you don’t help me, I’m going to collapse, I really don’t know what to say.” Fang Yuan said: “Thank you for your kind words. My trust. Teacher Zhao, listen to the guidance of Teacher Sheng and Principal Zhao, I believe you will definitely improve. Goodbye."

Without hesitation, Fangyuan hung up the phone, but Zhao Qiaoqiao immediately called again.The more Fangyuan watched, the more annoying he became, so he simply hung up the phone and turned it off.Damn, I want to read the educational newspapers, you stinky bitch still harass me like this, it makes my heart feel uneasy.Fang Yuan scolded a few words in her heart and took a long breath to calm down a little.At this time, the landline rang again.Just about to scold her, but saw that the number seemed to be the office phone number of Yuan Jinbao of the Yanping County Education Bureau. Fang Yuan quickly picked it up: "Hi, Director Yuan." Yuan Jinbao said, "Principal Fang! I just gave you the phone number." I called my cell phone, but it was busy all the time, and I called you again, but it was turned off, so I had to call your office.” Fang Yuan said, “Excuse me, Director Yuan. It’s the same with a landline.” Yuan Jinbao said, “Fang Principal, Bi Standing Committee is going to build the first Youth Federation Hope Primary School in Yanping. Thanks to you, I think the impoverished children in Yanping will be very grateful to you." Fang Yuan said: "The original director, you are too polite Yes. I just told Secretary Bi about Director Yanpingyuan’s strong desire to build more Hope Primary Schools. The real decision is still made by Secretary Bi and the Municipal Youth Federation. : "If others say this, I will believe it; if Xiaofang you say it, I will never believe it. Bi Standing Committee is the youngest deputy city leader, and the relationship between you and Bi Standing Committee is closer than the ordinary brotherly relationship. I know it. You say a word in front of Bi Standing Committee, which is more effective than Yuan Jinbao saying ten thousand words in front of Bi Standing Committee. I also know that." Fang Yuan said: "How can the former director-general speak so brilliantly? "Yuan Jinbao said: "Brother Fang, I don't call you Principal Fang, you are too out of touch. Brother Fang, this time you helped me a lot, I must thank you very much." Fang Yuan said: "Director Yuan, You are the one who sees outsiders!" Yuan Jinbao said: "It's not about seeing outsiders. Brother Fang, you told me last time that Bi Standing Committee member wanted to come to our county for field research. I attached great importance to it and immediately reported to Secretary Lian of the county party committee. .Secretary Lian also attaches great importance to it, expressing respect for the meaning of Bi Standing Committee, let me pick up Bi Standing Committee and you in person in the city on Saturday, and come to Yanping for inspection. On behalf of the Education and Sports Bureau of Yanping County, I will report to the Standing Committee Bi about the education situation in our county, especially the school buildings of rural primary and middle schools. Brother Fang, please convey the meaning of Secretary Lian and me to the Standing Committee Bi. How can I pick you up? And Bi Standing Committee, please call me back, and I will make arrangements, okay?"

Yuan Jinbao is indeed an old man in the officialdom. In just a few words, he clearly expressed the importance and sincerity of Yanping County.Fang Yuan sighed: When I can speak like Yuan Jinbao, my level will really rise to a new level.Fang Yuan said: "Okay, Director Yuan. I will report your words to Secretary Bi immediately; if Secretary Bi has any instructions, I will definitely convey them in the original words." Yuan Jinbao said: "That's great, Brother Fang, I'll just wait Good news for Brother Fang. On Saturday morning, I will definitely pick you up first, and we will have a good chat in the car. It has been a long time since we saw each other, brother, I really miss you very much. "Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the kindness of the original director."

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