Director's growth history

1892.911. The information you provided is very useful

Secretary Zhai wants to talk to Fang Yuan alone?Yao Changqing was taken aback, and felt very uncomfortable, and even had elements of jealousy in it. 【 】But in front of Zhai Xinwen, how dare he show the slightest bit.What about jealousy?Fang Yuan is the son-in-law of Director Kong of the Municipal People's Congress, and Secretary Zhai is a student of Director Kong's master's class. They have a good relationship and a strong relationship. How can they be compared to a loyal subordinate like myself?Yao Changqing said: "Yes, yes. Secretary Zhai, come to my office and make sure no one will disturb you." Zhai Xinwen said with a smile, "Does Fangyuan have his own office?" Fangyuan said, "My office is also independent. your office." Zhai Xinwen said, "Then I'll go to your office."

With that said, Zhai Xinwen stood up.Yao Changqing and Zhou Susu looked at each other.By this time, the two of them seemed to understand that Zhai Xinwen's previous communication with them was just a pretext, and the ulterior motive was not in the wine, but in Fangyuan's body!At this time, if you say you are not jealous, you are definitely deceiving yourself.But what can be done?Yao Changqing said: "Okay, Secretary Zhai, you can talk to Fang Yuan and make sure no one will disturb you." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay."

Everyone got up and accompanied Zhai Xinwen out of the small meeting room.Yao Changqing and others watched Zhai Xinwen enter Fangyuan's office and watched Fangyuan close the door.Yao Changqing sighed softly, and turned back to his office.Zhou Susu followed Yao Changqing's buttocks into Yao Changqing's office, and said angrily, "Principal Yao, this square circle clearly doesn't take you seriously! How can a vice-principal step over the principal and talk directly to the party secretary of the Education Bureau?" Talk in private?" Yao Changqing felt sad when Zhou Susu said it, maybe in Zhai Xinwen's eyes, although he was important, he was definitely not as important as Fang Yuan.But how could Fang Yuan express his dissatisfaction in front of Zhou Susu at this time?What's more, as a principal, one should show the mind of the principal, so how can he be as knowledgeable as a woman like Zhou Susu?Yao Changqing said with a smile: "Chairman Zhou, Secretary Zhai is the secretary of the party committee, who is in charge of the cadres of the Dongzhou education system; Fang Yuan is a reserve cadre specially trained by the party committee of the Education Bureau. It is normal for the party secretary to care about it. What's more, I, You, President Dong, also care about Fang Yuan, and I hope he can be the leader soon. Chairman Zhou, the mistakes made in the past, whether they were made by others or what we have suffered, are lessons. Remember!" Seeing that her words did not have the effect of sowing discord, Zhou Susu didn't dare to say more.She also became more and more aware of Fang Yuan's background; she was also a victim of spreading rumors, so naturally she hated those who spoke ill of her behind her back.Zhou Susu said coyly: "Actually, I also hope that Fang Yuan will be good. Fang Yuan is good, and we all follow suit!" Yao Changqing said with a smile: "Of course, if Fang Yuan is promoted, the position of Fang Yuankong will be the beneficiary. The most clear." Zhou Susu suddenly had a very strong desire in his heart, hoping that Fang Yuan would be promoted and leave No. 68 Middle School as soon as possible, so that he would take the position of vice-principal by himself, wouldn't it be just right?How could she have imagined that Yao Changqing was already training Zhou Susu's replacements after he left. Fang Shujuan and Tian Qiaoqiao were pretty good backups.When Zhou Susu took Lotte to participate in the Provincial Information Technology Discipline Quality Class Competition, Yao Changqing was already training and training.

Zhai Xinwen entered Fangyuan's office, looked up, down, left, and right, and said, "Xiao Fang, the office conditions are not bad!" Fang Yuan said, "Yes. Principal Yao has always taken special care of me." Zhai Xinwen said, "Yes. He should also take care of you, not for anything else, whoever works hard for him, if he doesn't take care of him, who will work hard for him in the future!" It seems that what Zhai Xinwen said makes sense, but Fang Yuan can't follow it What kind of words, I don't know how to answer, so I can only smirk.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Zhai, please sit down." Zhai Xinwen sat down with a smile, and Fang Yuan offered a glass of water.Zhai Xinwen said, "Sit on the sofa too."

Fang Yuan sat beside Zhai Xinwen in an orderly manner, listening to Zhai Xinwen's teaching respectfully.Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Fang, you don't need to be so formal, it's like the platoon leader seeing the regiment leader. We are colleagues, and there is also a special relationship in it. Your father is my teacher, and I can be regarded as your senior brother." .”

The peaceful words and friendly smile made Fang Yuan feel that Zhai Xinwen felt close.Thinking of the cold gaze at the city party congress, Fang Yuan really couldn't tell which Zhai Xinwen was the more real Zhai Xinwen.Fang Yuan relaxed a little, but still said respectfully: "Secretary Zhai, you are my superior wherever you go. I respect you from the bottom of my heart and think you are very capable. I have attended several meetings organized by the Municipal Bureau, Seeing that you can not only speak out of script, but also grasp the problems very accurately in your speech, and the requirements of the talk are particularly targeted, I admire you from the bottom of my heart."

This does not seem to be flattering!Moreover, this is part of Zhai Xinwen's careful planning to establish his prestige.At the beginning of the draft at the education work conference, I hoped that the cadres and teachers of the whole system would compare and compare who was more capable, he or Han Suzhen.Unexpectedly, Zhai Xinwen, who had never received real feedback, was fully affirmed by Fangyuan here.Zhai Xinwen was very happy, and said with a smile: "In his position, he seeks his own government. People, when they sit in a certain position, they need to be proficient in the work and business of their position, have a deep understanding, see the problems clearly, and have a clear direction. Be sure. If you can’t do this, you are not a competent cadre, and you have failed the training and trust of the party and your superiors.”

This is simply golden words!Fang Yuan listened with gusto and thanked repeatedly: "Thank you, Secretary Zhai, for your teaching. I will remember your words. I will definitely use your teachings to guide me to do my job better in the future."

Zhai Xinwen laughed again.It's just that I just took Fang Yuan's words and expressed a little emotion.I really didn't expect that Fang Yuan actually listened to each sentence.Looking back on what I said just now, it was really refined and somewhat reasonable.Could it be that in the past few months, my theoretical attainments have improved a lot?No wonder so many people like Fangyuan, this Fangyuan is really attractive!Only a few words were said, and each sentence came to my heart.Teacher Kong, Teacher Kong, you really know how to pick a son-in-law!Student, I admire you, your vision is really poisonous, so poisonous.But today, I didn't come here just to listen to Fangyuan say a few words that I would like to hear. There are more important things to do today.Liu Ming, an important pawn in Han Suzhen's chess game, has been as stable as Mount Tai in the past few years, and it has nothing to do with Han Suzhen's support.But Liu Ming is not without problems, but these problems that have been grasped so far are not enough to make Liu Ming fall directly - if Liu Ming falls, one of Han Suzhen's pillars will fall, and it will be easier to bring down Han Suzhen.At this time, Zhai Xinwen is most taboo about his own people or people he plans to focus on training, mixing with Liu Ming.And recently, Xie Bingguo and Fang Yuan seem to have some kind of close relationship with No. 5 Middle School, and they even guided a female teacher of No. 5 Middle School to win the second prize No.1 in the provincial class competition.Some news reached Zhai Xinwen's ears, saying that Fang Yuan had an abnormal relationship with this female teacher.Zhai Xinwen came to 68 Middle School today to investigate and find out the real situation. Zhai Xinwen doesn't want any problems. Zhai Xinwen needs the truth. Of course, he has an intuition that there is nothing wrong with Fangyuan. The problem now is that someone wants to splash Fangyuan on him. Dirty water, but the consequences of this dirty water are too serious: it is likely to affect Fang Yuan's marriage and family—in fact, it will also affect Fang Yuan's future.Zhai Xinwen is eager to know what the most real situation is like.Of course, it would be even better if Fang Yuan could provide some bad information about Liu Ming.

Zhai Xinwen decided to cut to the chase: "Fang Yuan, today I'm going to talk to you alone, and it's not an easy topic. You just came back from Hangjiang, and someone whispered in my ear, saying that you and that Zhao from No. 5 Teacher Qiaoqiao, there is an abnormal relationship between men and women. Fang Yuan, this is not a small problem! If you really have an abnormal relationship between men and women with Zhao Qiaoqiao, Fang Yuan, have you thought about the serious consequences of it?"

sky!This was what Fang Yuan was most worried about!Fang Yuan did not expect that the rumors would reach the ears of the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau so quickly.Good things don't go out, but bad things travel thousands of miles. This proverb is so vivid.Fang Yuan hurriedly argued: "Secretary Zhai, I have nothing to do with this Zhao Qiaoqiao!" Zhai Xinwen said, "There is no wave without wind. If you have nothing to do with Zhao Qiaoqiao, how can others make rumors about you? Zhao Qiaoqiao The Chinese teaching level is very average, and if you didn't try your best to tutor her, how could she get the second prize in the provincial class? And she is in the 5th, you are in the 68th, you are an outsider, so what? Will you go all out to help her like this?"

Zhai Xinwen's few questions made Fang Yuan almost speechless.It's sharp and gets to the root of it.At this time, Fang Yuan didn't care so much anymore, and made a bad impression on the bureau leader, how will he develop in the future?Fang Yuan quickly said: "Secretary Zhai, you must not listen to those rumors. I have nothing to do with Zhao Qiaoqiao. Director Xie and Director Li of the teaching and research office can testify to this. The Chinese teaching competition in our city is not too bad, so I borrowed my experience of participating in provincial and national class competitions to participate in guiding Zhao Qiaoqiao. Usually I go to No. 5 Middle School to guide Zhao Qiaoqiao to prepare for the class every Thursday afternoon At this time, there is always at least one person present at the scene, such as Principal Liu Ming, Principal Zhao Zidong, and Teacher Sheng Zhongguo; during the Hangjiang competition, I was inseparable from the director of the teaching and research office Li Guoqiang who led the team, because I was afraid of being rumored to have an affair with Zhao Qiaoqiao. Director Li can prove this point, and so can the principal of No. 5 Middle School. Secretary Zhai, those who made such rumors must have ulterior motives, and you must not trust them." Zhai Xinwen said: "But people say you are in Hangzhou. What happened between Jiang Qiqi and Zhao Qiaoqiao has its nose and eyes, how can you make me completely listen to your one-sided words? Xiao Fang! You are the son-in-law of my mentor. If something like this happens, you also know that it will What kind of ending?" Fang Yuan was so anxious that tears almost flowed out.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Zhai, even if I have affairs with other people, I won't have affairs with Zhao Qiaoqiao. I hate her from the bottom of my heart, so how can I have abnormal things with her?" Zhai Xinwen stared at Fangyuan, as if to Seeing out the essence of the matter, you are wedged into Fangyuan's heart like a nail.Fang Yuan plucked up his courage and said, "Secretary Zhai, this Zhao Qiaoqiao is Principal Liu Ming's lover, how dare I touch her? Even if I step back ten thousand steps, I dare to touch her, but I don't want to touch her." Zhai Xinwen Said: "Why?" Fang Yuan said: "Because Zhao Qiaoqiao has been raped by Liu Ming, and she is a worn-out shoe left by Liu Ming, so why would I want it?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Oh? What is ** ?”

Yao Changqing didn't know how many times he came out of the principal's office.He walked out of the office from time to time to look around the room, but there was still no sound.Yao Changqing felt an indescribable discomfort in his heart. What is Secretary Zhai going to talk to Fang Yuan about?Why did it take so long?Is it possible to come to investigate something about me?Could it be that the relationship between himself and Liu Mei has been revealed?Probably not!I have always been careful, and I will never let anyone around me know, including my wife, including my son, including Fang Yuan and Su Jinbo.Is it still discovered?Fang Yuan should not know these things.So, what will Secretary Zhai ask Fang Yuan?Yao Changqing's heart is becoming more and more anxious. It is said that since he presided over the school work in 68 Middle School, he has basically worked hard and did not make too many mistakes. Then why didn't Secretary Zhai communicate with Yao Changqing directly when he came to 68 Middle School? , Instead, guard the vice principal and talk about it?Oh, what are they talking about?I really want to know!

Finally, when Yao Changqing pushed open the door of the principal's office again, he heard the door of Fangyuan's office slam.Yao Changqing then saw Zhai Xinwen's smiling face and Fang Yuan's face that hadn't calmed down yet.Zhai Xinwen held Fang Yuan's hand and said, "Xiao Fang, work hard, and I will always be your strongest backing. It is good for you, me, and everyone if you understand the matter clearly. Of course, Thank you for providing me with so much useful information today." Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Zhai, I believe in you." Zhai Xinwen turned around and saw Yao Changqing pushing the door out, and said with a smile, "Changqing, come here." Yao Changqing Hastily rushed over a few steps: "Secretary Zhai, have you finished talking with Fang Yuan?" Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "It's over. It was a good talk! I almost misunderstood a good comrade! You know, the leader was dumbfounded." In the office, sometimes the information you hear may not be true, and only by going deep into the front line and understanding it yourself can you gain insight into the details. This time I come here for research, and I am deeply touched!" Yao Changqing sighed softly in his heart, It seems that Secretary Zhai asked Fang Yuan about Yao Changqing's situation. Judging from Secretary Zhai's smiling face, words and kindness, Fang Yuan must have said a lot of good things.But why is Fang Yuan's face still slightly flushed?Yao Changqing became more curious.But this time is not the time to be curious.Yao Changqing said: "Secretary Zhai, why don't you have a light meal at our school at noon?" Zhai Xinwen said: "No, no. I have something urgent to go to the teaching and research office." Saying this, he shook hands and said goodbye to Yao Changqing.

Yao Changqing hurriedly called Dong Mei and Zhou Susu, and together with Fang Yuan, they sent Zhai Xinwen to the door.When we parted, Zhai Xinwen patted Fang Yuan's shoulder affectionately and said: "You are not afraid of being crooked when you are upright. Don't have any worries. Work as you want to work and live as you want to live. In school, Principal Yao is yours." Strong backing; in the Education Bureau, I, Zhai Xinwen, will be your strong backing." Zhai Xinwen's words were not only for Fang Yuan, but also for Yao Changqing and others.Today, Zhai Xinwen not only basically understands the truth of the matter between Fang Yuan and Zhao Qiaoqiao, but also has the first-hand evidence of Liu Ming's crime.He was so happy that after defeating Liu Ming, Han Suzhen was not far from stepping down.It wasn't a big problem for Liu Ming to take care of his lover. Didn't he have two lovers, Kong Lili and Peng Ru?But in terms of government regulations, this is absolutely not allowed.What's more, he actually raped Zhao Qiaoqiao, obviously a psychopath!If this information is disclosed in a proper way, it will take a few days for Liu Ming to completely ruin his reputation?At that time, there will be one or two sensational incidents, so it will be difficult for Liu Ming not to step down; if Han Suzhen wants to protect Liu Ming, she will be implicated as well!This, I have to find a way, find the best opportunity, and launch an attack suddenly, so that Liu Ming and Han Suzhen can't bear to go around, and at the same time, I have to get rid of my relationship with this matter.You must not bring Liu Ming down, and end up putting your own future in it. This is absolutely not acceptable.For example, Wang Huaizhong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Fuyang City, Anhui Province, wanted to bring down the mayor Xiao Zuoxin. As a result, Xiao Zuoxin's problems were discovered, and Wang Huaizhong's problems were also brought out. This is an obvious miscalculation!Therefore, if you want to make a move, you must be steady, accurate, and ruthless, so that Han Suzhen and Han Suzhen's lackey Liu Ming will die without a place to bury him, and not only will he not be affected by anything, but he will also be promoted and make a fortune.

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