Director's growth history

1900.919 Careful deployment is the guarantee of success

919 Careful deployment is the guarantee of success

It was finally dawn, and 9 materials with the same content had also been printed out. 【|】Sun Hongjun let out a long breath and said: "Secretary Zhai, you're finally done." Zhai Xinwen said: "The Long March has just completed the first step. The Red Army, I have been tired all night, but I can't Rest, think about it now, how should you raise this matter in today's party committee, how to make the members of the party committee who are in favor of punishing Liu Ming and those who are not in favor of punishing Liu Ming have to accept the reality. Also, if others raise objections , How should we deal with it. Red Army, on the surface it seems that we are sure of victory, but in reality, the battle has just begun. ** once said that we can despise the enemy strategically, but we must pay attention to the enemy tactically. Any Negligence, any mentality of underestimating the enemy may lead to irreparable consequences, or even failure. This is viewed from the perspective of maintaining our own official hat. If we maintain the image of Dongzhou Education and eliminate the From the point of view of the elements, for people like Liu Ming who have serious economic problems and style problems, we should use our party discipline and state laws, and our party personality to fight against them. We must be fully mentally prepared, There are people who want to protect Liu Ming, a gangster. What should we do at this time? The Red Army, you have to hurry up and think about it. As for me, I will go and see Zhao Qiaoqiao first. She will accompany us this morning. Municipal Education Bureau, this is an important witness. At the same time, I have to do some other work to lay a more solid foundation for us to successfully eliminate the terrorists."

Sun Hongjun was really sleepy.How can you not be sleepy if you haven't slept all night?Especially after moving the brain all night, the consumption of brain cells is very serious.But when he saw Zhai Xinwen, his eyes were piercing, as if he was in a state of excitement before the battle, and he couldn't even see the slightest bit of tiredness!This is the difference, a big gap!Sun Hongjun secretly sighed: Anyone who meets an opponent like Zhai Xinwen is not a happy thing. Liu Ming is not happy, and Han Suzhen is also not happy!No one should stand against Zhai Xinwen. If he did, he would be severely punished and even die a miserable death.I don't have much ability, I just hope to keep my official position and salary, and in the future I will be a director supervisor or researcher at the department level, and I will have to retire.Since you don't have the capital to fight with Zhai Xinwen, you should just listen to Zhai Xinwen's words honestly and don't have any more thoughts.At this stage, once you get on the boat, it is even difficult for you to leave the boat.

Zhai Xinwen came to the next room and saw Kong Lili and Song Ping sitting on both sides of Zhao Qiaoqiao, talking about something with Zhao Qiaoqiao.Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Zhao, how did you sleep last night?" Zhao Qiaoqiao was depressed: "I didn't fall asleep all night." Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Zhao, don't have such a big psychological burden! Unswervingly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of every comrade. Today you are not in a good mood, so you won’t go to work. Chairman Song, please call No. 5 Middle School and ask for a leave.” Song Ping’s heart is now in a panic Next, when Zhai Xinwen asked him to make a call, he quickly asked, "Secretary Zhai, how can I make this call?" Zhai Xinwen said, "It is true that Xiao Zhao didn't rest yesterday! He didn't fall asleep all night, even if he was in class, so what?" Can you teach well? In line with the principle of being responsible to the school and the students, Xiao Zhao should also be given a day off!" Song Ping said, "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said, "Let's go, let's go to the restaurant to have breakfast together "Zhai Xinwen has been observing Zhao Qiaoqiao's facial expression, it seems that this beautiful but not very scheming woman is not in a bad mood.Originally, she was worried that she would die or live, and that Song Ping would not be able to do it alone, so she called Kong Lili. Now it seems that although Zhao Qiaoqiao is in a bad mood, she is not too bad.very strange!

Call Sun Hongjun and go to the restaurant for dinner.On the way, Zhai Xinwen called to stop Kong Lili: "Director Kong, please wait." The two walked behind.Zhai Xinwen asked in a low voice: "Is Zhao Qiaoqiao in a normal mood last night?" Kong Lili said, "I cried for a while, but then calmed down, and seemed to be fine." Zhai Xinwen said, "Did your voice recorder record everything that should be recorded? Kong Lili said: "Yes." Zhai Xinwen said: "After a while, give it to Sun Hongjun and copy it to the laptop. In addition, after dinner, you can contact the manager of the Education Hotel and say that this morning, the Party Committee of the Bureau is in the Education Hotel. In the small meeting room of the bureau, hold an enlarged meeting of the bureau’s party committee and tidy up the small conference room.” Kong Lili said: “Isn’t it held in the office building of the bureau?” Zhai Xinwen said: “If there is no Zhao Qiaoqiao, it will be the same wherever it is held.” Kong Lili Say, "Okay, I'll do it in a minute."

After breakfast, Zhai Xinwen left the Education Hotel alone.On the road, he called Jiang Chunhua, chief of the Political Work Section: "Xiao Jiang, I am Zhai Xinwen." Jiang Chunhua said, "Hello, Secretary Zhai." Zhai Xinwen said, "At 8 o'clock today, you arrange for two comrades in your department to Go to No. 5 Middle School and ask the three vice principals of No. 5 Middle School to fill out a cadre assessment registration form, and let them summarize the work of the past three years." Jiang Chunhua said: "Secretary Zhai, we need to study and promote the three vice principals of No. 5 Middle School. Is it?" Zhai Xinwen cursed in his heart: You are the only one who talks too much.But he said mysteriously: "Do this work well first." Jiang Chunhua said: "Okay, Secretary Zhai, I will arrange it right away." Zhai Xinwen said: "After the two comrades from Corey arrived at the No. 5 Middle School, they have to represent The Department of Political Science and Engineering expressed its intention to Principal Liu, and then filled it out together with the three vice principals, and answered the questions of the three vice principals at any time. If everything goes well during the school period, return to the Education Bureau after receiving the form. If there is anything special, you must first I will call you and report to you as soon as possible. After you understand the situation, tell me as soon as possible.” Jiang Chunhua said: “Okay.” He said in his heart: “What happened to Secretary Zhai today? Zhai Xinwen said: "After you go to work at the Bureau, immediately notify Director Han, Director Zou, Director Yu, Director Geng, and the Financial Audit Section Feng to hold an enlarged party committee meeting in the small conference room on the fourth floor of the Education Hotel at 9:[-] in the morning. You, Wang Xingbang from the office, Chu Guoxiang from the personnel department, and Shenjun from the basic education department were present as nonvoting section chiefs." Jiang Chunhua said, "Don't the other bureau leaders need to be notified?" Zhai Xinwen said, "I will personally notify the others." Jiang Chunhua said : "Okay. One more thing, Secretary Zhai, what is the topic of this enlarged meeting of the party committee?" Zhai Xinwen sneered in his heart, this Jiang Chunhua used to look quite smart, why is he becoming less and less intelligent now?Zhai Xinwen restrained his temper and said gently: "Research on the issue of further strengthening the ideological and work style construction of cadres and teachers in the education system." Jiang Chunhua said: "Okay."

Putting down the phone, Zhai Xinwen couldn't help but curse: "You little bitch, you talk a lot!"

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