Director's growth history

1907.926. Invisibly sowing dissension

When Zhai Xinwen, Han Suzhen, and Yang Fang rushed to the school's small conference room, Sun Hongjun, Jiang Chunhua and school officials above the middle level had been waiting here for a long time. 【*】Seeing the secretary of the Education Bureau, the director and the new principal walking into the meeting room with smiles on their faces, everyone relaxed a lot from their nervousness.In any case, Principal Yang Fang is much more gentle and loving than the former Principal Liu Ming, at least psychologically, everyone is more willing to approach.

After taking his seat, Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "I'm really sorry to keep you waiting." Miao Qun said, "Secretary Zhai, Director Han, and Principal Yang are talking about more important tasks. We should wait as long as we like." Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Han is the old leader of the No. 5 Middle School. I think Director Han must have a lot to say to everyone. Now, we welcome Director Han to speak."

The room was small, and the applause seemed exceptionally warm.Han Suzhen was not polite, and said: "Then I will say a few words. Comrade Yang Fang is an old man in No. 5 Middle School. After leaving No. 5 Middle School, he served as the principal of No. 68 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School. In previous public opinion evaluations, The high score also fully shows that Comrade Yang Fang is very popular with the cadres and teachers of the school. Most of the comrades over the age of 30 here have worked with Comrade Yang Fang, and they also know that Comrade Yang Fang is a tolerant and loving person. , a very competent principal. I believe you will be able to cooperate happily with Comrade Yang Fang. I only make one request, which is to cooperate unconditionally with the work of the new principal. As long as I understand the situation of not cooperating with the new principal, I will They will all be severely punished." She was already in a bad mood, but when she said the last few words, Han Suzhen's tone became more serious and majestic, which caused fear and resistance in many people's hearts.Of course, this was something Han Suzhen didn't understand.

Zhai Xinwen applauded first, and the others followed suit.Zhai Xinwen said: "In the near future, the party committee of the bureau will also study the personnel arrangement of the three vice presidents. If the personnel of the three vice presidents have not changed, the three vice presidents should support the work of the previous president as they did back then. At the same time, we must be mentally prepared to accept the training and training of the organization in more difficult jobs. I fully agree with Director Han’s instructions, and anyone who does not cooperate with the work of the new principal will be severely punished.”

Yang Fang knew that the statement of the two top leaders of the Education Bureau was to give her the most steadfast support; the middle-level and deputy in No. 5 also knew what the statement of the two top leaders meant.I heard that the secretary and the bureau chief are not on good terms. Looking at it now, why are they so unanimous?Zhao Zidong is the most unconvinced Yang Fang. She is a good old man. She has never heard of any innovations in her work. For a school like No. 5 Middle School, which is at the forefront of Dongzhou education, what is most needed is the spirit of creativity. Dare to think Dare to do it, and constantly take new measures.Like Yang Fang, in 68 and 3, although the stability of the school has been maintained, I have never heard of any innovative measures by the school to make the school develop by leaps and bounds.Who wouldn't be a nice guy?Being a good person can reduce offending others, but can being a good person lead the school to develop faster?Even if Principal Liu Ming made a mistake and was dismissed, I, Zhao Zidong, should be the most suitable principal of No. 5 Middle School.But why didn't you mention me when the bureau's party committee researched it?Especially Director Han, I was the deputy director of the teaching department trained by you, and later served as the teaching director and vice principal, and I also grew up under your instruction.I have been the vice-principal for 7 years. In the past 7 years, if I hadn't had Zhao Zidong to grasp the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, how could I have achieved the brilliant results of No. 5 Middle School today?Didn't you, Director Han, speak up for your old subordinates at the party committee meeting?Secretary Zhai, I also respect you very much. Yesterday I reported to you how to grasp the development of the school after becoming the principal. Didn’t it move your heart?How else do you want me to tell you to be tempted?Zhao Zidong was not convinced!Similarly, he was also very anxious!He wanted to be the principal of No. 5 Middle School from the bottom of his heart, and he knew what it meant to be the principal of No. 5 Middle School.From Liu Ming, he has seen how many honors the principal of No. 5 Middle School has—every day someone treats him to dinner, and if he wants to attend a dinner, he has to consider whether the other party is worth attending; Tens of thousands of parents, which one does not regard the principal of No. 5 Middle School as an uncle? How many benefits Liu Ming has received in the past few years, whether it may be an astronomical figure, God knows; For the principal, Liu Ming has been awarded honorary titles such as the National Excellent Teacher and the Top 5 Scientific Research and Innovation Principals in Qingjiang Province. Which one is not honored by the brand of No. 5 Middle School?Now, very suddenly, Yang Fang was assigned to be the principal of No. 5 Middle School, which surprised Zhao Zidong and made Zhao Zidong angry.

Zhao Zidong sat there with a gloomy face, without a smile at all, unlike Miao Qun and Na Hong, who had already interacted cordially with Yang Fang.Zhai Xinwen is not a fool, and neither is Han Suzhen.It seemed that Yang Fang's request was not too much, Zhao Zidong didn't welcome Yang Fang at all, and was even full of hatred and rejection in his heart.Zhai Xinwen said: "Principal Zhao, Principal Miao, the principal, you are the deputies of the school, and you also express your opinion on behalf of other cadres!"This sentence seems to be an understatement, but it is actually very powerful.

Miao Qun said: "Let's ask President Zhao to represent other cadres. I can only express my opinion on behalf of myself. I firmly support the decision of the bureau's party committee, resolutely implement the spirit of the instructions of Secretary Zhai and Director Han, and firmly support Principal Yang Fang to carry out good work. Work, please rest assured Secretary Zhai and Director Han, please rest assured bureau leaders, please rest assured the organization." Na Hong said: "I also express my opinion on my own behalf. I warmly welcome President Yang to come to preside over the work of No. 5 Middle School. President Yang left No. 5 Middle School When I was in middle school, I hadn't been to No. 5 Middle School, but I was deeply touched by Principal Yang's prestige among cadres and teachers. I also had extensive knowledge of Principal Yang's work performance and good reputation in No. 68 Middle School and No. 3 Middle School. I firmly support President Yang's work, and cooperate with President Yang to do my own work well."

All eyes were on Zhao Zidong's face.Zhao Zidong had the feeling of being raped with a knife on his neck.At this time, how can you not express your opinion?But Zhao Zidong is really reluctant to let himself say something against his will!Yang Fang is not Liu Ming. To Liu Ming, on the one hand, she is afraid of him, and on the other hand, she also admires his charm, so she often says things against her will to compliment Liu Ming; but in front of Yang Fang, Yang Fang can't show any It is worth the capital to say compliments against your will!

Han Suzhen was really angry.This ignorant Zhao Zidong, no wonder Yang Fang asked to be transferred, Ganqing really couldn't get into a cage.Han Suzhen said: "Zidong, is it so difficult for you to express your opinion?" Zhao Zidong said: "Okay. I express my opinion on behalf of the school's middle-level cadres, and resolutely implement the decision of the bureau's party committee. I personally reserve my opinion."

Personal reservations?Han Suzhen's nose almost crooked from anger.Does this seem like a comrade who cares about the overall situation?Oh, I didn't promote you, now it seems really right.Even if a comrade like you is promoted to the post of the principal of the No. 5 Middle School, I am afraid that he will not be able to do the job well.Han Suzhen said: "What opinions do you have? I think you are really helpless! Fortunately, you were not promoted to the principal position of No. 5 Middle School. Even if you were promoted, you would not be able to do well."

These are impulsive words spoken when one is extremely angry, and one hates only when one loves deeply.If it was Zhai Xinwen, he would never say such a thing.Of course, in front of so many people, Zhao Zidong couldn't help but contradict him when the director criticized him like this: "That's because Secretary Zhai and Director Han didn't give me a chance. If I was given a chance, no matter what kind of school it is, I will definitely prove it to the school. Let the bureau leaders see it and prove it to everyone." Han Suzhen said, "Then do you think there is still a chance?" Zhao Zidong stopped immediately, regretting what he just said.

Zhai Xinwen smiled and said, "Boss Han and Principal Zhao, don't be angry. Let me say a few words, do you think it makes sense? Principal Zhao has been in charge of the education and teaching work of No. 5 Middle School for a long time. The results are obvious to all, and this ability to work has been continuously improved through training. Director Han and I both understand this. Since Principal Zhao wants to have a stage to prove his ability, and is confident that no matter what kind of school, If you can prove it to everyone, then as the secretary of the party committee, I would like to express my opinion here. The party committee of the bureau will continue to meet in the afternoon to study personnel issues. One of the important topics is: to provide a stage for President Zhao to prove himself. President Zhao, You have to be ready to meet the challenge!" Zhao Zidong said: "Okay, Secretary Zhai, don't worry, as long as you give me a platform, I will definitely report to the bureau leader with excellent performance." Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Okay Well, as long as you are willing to do something, there are still opportunities."

Han Suzhen was really mad with anger, this Zhao Zidong was cultivated by herself, and at this moment she was loyal to Zhai Xinwenbiao!It's time to educate him!

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