Director's growth history

1945.964. Principles belong to principles, and feelings must also be talked about

964. Principles belong to principles, and feelings must also be talked about

After a day's review class, the students generally responded well, and none of them were as usual. After a day's class, they were so tired that they didn't want to say a word, and they looked listless. 【 】After class today, the students gathered around Fangyuan, talking about what they had gained today.Everyone was chattering so much that Fang Yuan had no way to deal with it, and he didn't know who to answer.Wen Ruoxing's words were the most intense: "Teacher Fang, if every teacher can organize the review like you, I think our middle school (4) class will be blocked in the senior high school entrance examination this year." Many students echoed, with words and expressions Some teachers in other subjects are not cold.Fang Yuan hurriedly reconciled: "During the daytime review, you can continue to follow the teacher's way of thinking in class. As for non-class time, everyone can review according to the most efficient review method." Wen Ruoxing pouted: "There are so many arrangements. Homework, where do you have spare time?" Fang Yuan said: "Repetition is the mother of memory, and necessary repetition is still necessary." Wen Ruoxing was unhappy: "Mr. Fang, why do you react to what I say?" Are you talking? Are you deliberately trying to get along with me? "

Hey, another Zhao Qiaoqiao!This is in front of other students!Fang Yuan really felt that she couldn't get over her face, and felt that she couldn't get off the stage.Ge Feng said: "Wen Ruoxing, Teacher Fang is the way to communicate and review with us. Teacher Fang is also very correct. Like English, if you don't repeat your memory, how can you remember it?" Wen Ruoxing was very dissatisfied: "Ge Feng, you sycophant. You don't understand the relationship between Teacher Fang and me." Fang Yuan felt ashamed, this was simply implying that the relationship was extraordinary, how could such a thing be said on such an occasion?The students are not fools, they are all mature young people.Fang Yuan and Yan Yuese: "It's all an exchange and discussion of review methods, and each student is allowed to have different ideas. My ideas do not represent the ideas of every student. Every student can stick to their own ideas. My ideas are for reference only. That's all."

In a few words, the topic of discussion was shifted from right and wrong to learning and review.In this way, Fang Yuan communicated with the students for more than half an hour after school.At this time, Fangyuan's cell phone rang.Fang Yuan picked it up and saw that it was Li Guoqiang calling.Originally, I wanted to find Uncle Li tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but I would call at this time?It's really a tacit understanding!Fang Yuan quickly picked up the phone, moved a little away from the students, and waved at the students. "Uncle Li, hello!" Li Guoqiang said, "Okay. What are you up to?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm working overtime at school!" Li Guoqiang said, "Heh, I'm stealing extra classes behind the back of the Education Bureau, right?" Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Li, in fact, all schools are doing this!" Li Guoqiang said: "Yes! As long as the two batons of the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination exist, it will be difficult to implement quality education. However, If the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination are cancelled, it will not benefit the children of ordinary people at all. In the future, universities will be dominated by the children of high-ranking officials, well-connected families, and wealthy families. The children of the poor will not have the opportunity to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University. From the current point of view, there is no fairer game rule than the college entrance examination and the high school entrance examination!" Fang Yuan said: "Yes! If there is no college entrance examination, I will not be able to go to university, and I will not be able to come to Dongzhou." Li Guoqiang Said: "Fang Yuan, do you have anything else to do after work?" Fang Yuan said: "No." Li Guoqiang said: "Then take a vacation with your family and come to my place for dinner. Your aunt and your little brother also want to You, although I was with you in the provincial capital just now, there are some things I want to talk to you about, okay?" Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Uncle Li. I'm planning to contact you on May 5th. Home! I have a full day of class on May 4nd and 5rd, and I will be fine on the 2th. Since Uncle Li said today, it will be today. I haven’t seen my little brother and aunt for a long time. I'm going to go there!" Li Guoqiang said: "Okay, then I'll wait for you at home." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I'll go there in a while."

After leaving school, Fang Yuan received a call from his wife.Kong Shuanghua kept laughing, obviously having a good time in Quzhou: "Fang Yuan, are you off work?" Fang Yuan said, "I just came out of school." Kong Shuanghua said, "How do I get dinner?" Fang Yuan said, "Uncle Li Guoqiang called just now. He called and asked me to go to his house for dinner. Shuanghua, you had a good time in Quzhou." Kong Shuanghua said: "It's very good! Eat well, play well, and live well. The Quzhou Municipal Government also arranged a special car , Wherever I go, I don’t even need to line up! I haven’t had enough fun! It’s better than staying at home! I think I’m a bit stupid staying at home. Fangyuan, after I have a baby, we have to go out more often Traveling, okay? Sigh, knowing that traveling is so fun, I really shouldn’t have conceived so early. No, it’s okay to conceive. In the future, when the child is 2 or 3 years old, we can take him to travel together That’s it.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay! I don’t know if you can go to graduate school this fall.” Kong Shuanghua said, “Don’t worry about this kind of thing, my dad will give it to the country. That’s right. Fang Yuan, you are at home alone, don’t do bad things!” Fang Yuan said: “I read books at home all afternoon yesterday and prepared lessons at home in the evening, how can I have time to do bad things?” Kong Shuanghua said: “It’s good to know. I am pregnant with your son now, if you do something bad, I will never end with you." Fang Yuan said: "Okay. I am driving! We will meet again tomorrow." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, we will be together again tomorrow. Please drive carefully and stop talking."

Fang Yuan drove the car to the Wal-Mart chain supermarket.When you go to Uncle Li's house, you must prepare something.After thinking about it for a long time, I still bought a roast duck, a box of meat products with sauce, and bought a few extracurricular books for Li Guoqiang's children that are beneficial to middle school students.When I went out of the supermarket and swiped my card, more than 300 yuan was spent.This is not a small amount of money for Fangyuan, whose monthly income is only more than 2000 yuan!After paying the money, Fang Yuan sighed: I only have such a small income, what capital do I have to make connections and go through the back door?Fang Yuan really felt a little inferior, and at the same time, she recognized the reality more clearly: without her father-in-law and the family's solid income, she would be unable to move forward.Well, in fact, if I had chosen Sisi back then, I wouldn’t have worried about having no money to spend. Now, although I’m not worried about having no money to spend, every time I ask my wife Kong Shuanghua for money, Fang Yuan always feels that I’m poor. Short, dwarf threes.After getting married, Fang Yuan hastily handed over the salary card to his wife Kong Shuanghua, not entirely out of respect for Kong Shuanghua, but also for the convenience of spending money in the future. The salary card was handed over to his wife. Enough to spend is not Fangyuan's concern. Anyway, she sends back 200 yuan to her parents every month, and if she sends some money for birthdays and festivals, Fangyuan will ask Kong Shuanghua for it.The same goes for the usual pocket money.Sometimes Fang Yuan has counted, plus the cost of this Zhonghua Junjie sedan, his salary can barely meet the daily expenses, how can he care about buying delicious food for Kong Shuanghua, health care products during pregnancy, and medical examinations?But Fang Yuan is also pretending to be confused: You can't quarrel with Kong Shuanghua because of the income, right?Besides, the income of father-in-law and mother-in-law is so high, they are both full professors, and each person earns more than 6000 yuan a month. The lecture fee of father-in-law and the consultation fee of mother-in-law are obviously calculated in "ten thousand", which is not spent.It is estimated that Kong Shuanghua will have to subsidize [-] a month if he talks less.If a son is born in the future, he may not be able to support himself and Kong Shuanghua's income, so why not rely on his father-in-law and mother-in-law?People have to bow their heads in front of reality, and Fang Yuan recognizes this reason.The pocket money on hand is gone again, it seems that when Kong Shuanghua returns home tomorrow, he will have to ask Kong Shuanghua for money!

When I came to Li Guoqiang's home, I was warmly welcomed by the whole family.Li Guoqiang took Fang Yuan's hand affectionately, and sat down on the sofa: "Tell me, I haven't seen you for a few days, so it's strange." He was so kind that Fang Yuan didn't feel the slightest affectation or hypocrisy.Li Guoqiang's wife, Liu Xin, was busy arranging fruits for Fang Yuan, and said, "Xiao Fang, you said that you are all from your own family. Why do you pack big and small bags when you come?" Fang Yuan said, "Auntie, it's nothing, just some. Food. Then I bought a few books for my younger brother, maybe I can use them.” Liu Xin said, “Look at you, are you still spending money?” He said so, but his expression was full of joy.

After Liu Xin finished arranging the fruits, he went into the kitchen to work.Li Guoqiang said: "Fang Yuan, you've had a whole day of class today, so you're tired." Fang Yuan said: "It's okay." Li Guoqiang asked: "How do you feel about your review?" Fang Yuan said: "It's okay. But, it's still stressful. It’s quite big. When I’m with Uncle, I don’t hide anything, just tell the truth.” Li Guoqiang said: “It’s good to tell the truth. I regard you as my nephew. Uncle is happy if you don’t treat Uncle as an outsider. Fang Yuan said: "Actually, I really hope that the two classes I teach this time can pass the exam. This is the first time I teach the third grade of junior high school. Many people look at me suspiciously. I also want to use The good grades in the senior high school entrance examination prove myself. Besides, I was originally the vice principal. Although I was promoted exceptionally because I won the first prize in the provincial and national courses, many people were dissatisfied and even jealous. Yes. If I don’t do well in the exam, they just give up the truth, and they will use such things to slander me and slander me, and I will have no prestige in the eyes of the teachers in the future.” Li Guoqiang nodded, and his heart was full of contradictions.In terms of principles, Li Guoqiang has persisted for many years, but this time, emotionally, Li Guoqiang's sense of principle has been shaken.Fang Yuan said: "As the vice principal in charge of teaching, I also hope that this year's 68 Middle School's senior high school entrance examination results will improve overall, at least better than last year's. So there is a lot of pressure on this aspect!" Li Guoqiang nodded: "Teaching Experience is very important. Without experience, you often can’t grasp what is the key point and what is the difficulty point. I called you here today, and I also want to analyze with you, where are the key points and difficulties in Chinese in the third grade of junior high school, so that your review will be more clear. Targeted. Speaking of it, I can be regarded as an old Chinese teacher. I have taught junior high schools for more than ten years, and I have been a junior high school Chinese teacher and researcher for many years." Fang Yuan said: "Uncle is now an expert in Chinese teaching in Dongzhou! "Li Guoqiang said: "I can't be called an expert, but I have some experience. Today I want to exchange with you the key points and difficulties of Chinese in the third grade of junior high school. However, if you want to use me to formulate the questions, it is absolutely impossible. , I am still very principled." Fang Yuan said: "Uncle can give me guidance, I am very grateful. I will listen to you as much as you say, and I will never make things difficult for you." Li Guoqiang said: " As for the whole school's problem, I really can't help you, it involves too many aspects. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Director Xie to agree." Fang Yuan suddenly remembered Dong Mei's words: "Uncle, I heard from Principal Yao that, Director Xie seems to have promised that he would come to No. 68 Middle School in mid-May and invite six junior high school Chinese teaching and research staff to give the whole school a review guide." Li Guoqiang looked surprised: "Is there such a thing? I haven't heard of it Ah!" Fang Yuan said, "I haven't heard Director Xie say it personally, but the vice principal of our school heard about it from Principal Yao of No. 6 Middle School."

Li Guoqiang pondered, did Xie Bingguo make such a promise?If so, it would be an unprecedented event. For other middle schools, it would simply turn the world upside down. This is absolutely impossible. All the teaching and research staff of the 6 subjects went, it's terrible, Dongzhou Education is about to suffer an earthquake.This is a responsibility and pressure that Xie Bingguo cannot bear!Director Xie couldn't be allowed to make such a mistake. If he made such a mistake and he stepped down, he might still be the deputy director of the teaching and research section, but I'm afraid the embarrassing position would be similar to that of the current deputy director Liu Yuntang.It’s okay to help Fangyuan alone, call everyone to the house, and talk in private, and no one else knows; if you rush to No. 68 Middle School with a huge force, it won’t take a day for all middle schools in the city to know about it.Li Guoqiang felt that the matter was really serious. Xie Bingguo was not a rash person, so how could he make such a promise?Is this what the above means?If it meant the above, it should be what Secretary Zhai meant.Does Secretary Zhai want the teaching and research section to help Yao Changqing, or does he want to help Fang Yuan?This question is interesting.If it is to help Yao Changqing, then Yao Changqing has gone to the 3rd middle school now, and the teaching and research staff will probably go to the 3rd middle school for review guidance; if he continues to go to the 68th middle school, it means that Fang Yuan is the protagonist to help this time!The relationship between Fang Yuan and Secretary Zhai is not simple!It seems that I made an appointment with Fangyuan this time, which is considered right.Being good to Fang Yuan is actually good to your own future.However, no matter whether you go to No. 3 High School or continue to go to No. 68 High School, you must remind Xie Bingguo not to mobilize the crowd!For such a thing, the best strategy is to go quietly, and breaking it up into parts will be the best way.It cannot be called review guidance, it is called research, research on the development of school teaching and research activities, and research on school teaching.Li Guoqiang decided to give Xie Bingguo a call after having dinner with Fangyuan and exchanging key and difficult points in the language.The reminder should still be reminded, this is not only for Xie Bingguo's good, but also for his own good!

At this time, Liu Xin had already put the meal on the dining table.Li Guoqiang said with a smile: "Okay, Fangyuan, let's have dinner. We will talk about teaching after dinner."

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