Director's growth history

1950.969, the taste of passion after drinking is stronger

The luncheon of the members of the Youth Federation was hosted by Qi Tianxi, the deputy general manager of Dongzhou Electric Company and a member of the Youth Federation of the public management group. 【*】The youth social activities in the morning should be said to be quite good. The key is that there are two cadres, Bi Fudao and Wang Erya, who made this social activities very impressive.It is probably because many young men and women have found someone they like or someone they can get in touch with during this event. Therefore, when Bi Quanli, Hao Dingyi, and Wei Jintu, accompanied by Qi Tianxi, the deputy general manager of the electric company, came to the front desk, When preparing to end the fellowship activities, they received warm applause from many young men and women.Bi Fudao said: "The moon is old and the moon is old, not Bi Fudao; the matchmaker is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Chairman of the Municipal Youth Federation. Please let us welcome Secretary Bi with warm applause for our success this time. The happy and romantic form, especially the big pot meal, of course the theme is 'youth holding hands, starting a business in Dongzhou', looking for a partner, pulling a boyfriend to find a girlfriend, and summing up in a few words."

There was laughter under the stage.This Bi Fudao never changes his humorous hosting style.The use of this series of parallelisms made these young men and women laugh so hard that they almost collapsed.Bi Quanli took the microphone from Wang Erya and was about to speak.This Bi Fudao spoke again: "Everyone, audience friends, I am the host of Dongzhou TV Station. My name is Lao Bi, don't call me □□. Please set up the cameras of Dongzhou TV Station, and the city leaders will After speaking, everyone cooperates and closes your mouth tightly. If you want to laugh, you can laugh with your nostrils, just like me, chi chi chi chi." The audience suddenly laughed even more, but at this time, Dongzhou TV station The camera reporter took advantage of this gap and pointed the camera lens at Bi Lili.

After the scene became quieter, Bi tried to speak into the microphone: "Young friends. On the May 21th Youth Day, which is our young people's own festival, we are honored to hold such a special event in the auditorium of Dongzhou Electric Company. Gathering activities are very meaningful. The anti-imperialist and patriotic spirit promoted by the May [-]th Movement, in the new era of the [-]st century, this May [-]th spirit should be endowed with new connotations, that is: love the motherland, love the city where you live and work, on the one hand We must be determined to pursue the progress of our career. On the other hand, we must have lofty ideals and ambitions, and truly live in Dongzhou, love my Dongzhou, work in Dongzhou, and build my Dongzhou. Every young friend of ours, They are all the new force and backbone force for the construction and development of Dongzhou. Today's "Youth Hand in Hand, Entrepreneurship in Dongzhou" youth association activity organized by the Youth League Municipal Committee is to let us, the main force in the construction and development of Dongzhou The soldiers can deepen their understanding and deepen their understanding. If there are like-minded people, they will come closer. We also welcome them. As a staff member of the Youth League Committee, I certainly hope that more lovers will eventually get married. Today, very Thanks to the leaders and comrades of Dongzhou Electric Company for providing such good conditions and environment, and also very grateful to Mr. Bi Fudao and Miss Wang Erya, the two gold medal hosts of Dongzhou TV Station, and also very grateful to all the participation and support Friends from all walks of life at this event, thank you all. I sincerely wish all the friends present good health, happiness in life, smooth work and good luck in everything! Thank you.”

Bi Lili didn't talk much, he only spoke for a little over a minute, but it was both high-level and intimate, and Fang Yuan sighed that it was not as good.He is only 1 years old, and he is already at the deputy department level. He is indeed of a high level!What about yourself?31 or 4 years younger than others, it seems that the gap is really big!Bi Lili is really a role model for oneself to learn from and an idol to emulate.Just by looking at Bi Lili's face, he knew he was a young man; but when he looked at how he moved his hands, how he spoke and how he acted, he was full of the demeanor and temperament of a leader.Compared with Bi Quanli, Fang Yuan suddenly felt a little wretched, a little ungenerous, a little petty, and lacked the boldness of a man.It seems that there is a lot to learn from Secretary Bi Quanli!

Fang Yuan took the lead in applauding, and soon, warm applause broke out.Bi Fudao said: "After listening to Secretary Bi's concluding speech, I think I'd better go home. Secretary Bi's speech is too good, why am I still jumping around like a clown? Everyone should leave, it's time Go home for dinner, go home for dinner, invite the girlfriend you just met to dinner, invite the girlfriend you just met to dinner, and those who want to invite the boyfriend you just met to dinner can also invite them, men and women are equal! If there is no one to invite, you I don’t think I’m older than Bi, I can go with you, but you have to treat me to steamed lamb, steamed bear’s paw, steamed deer tail, roasted flower duck, roasted chick, roasted goose, and stewed salted duck , sauced chicken, bacon, pine flower, small tripe, air-dried meat, sausage, assorted Su pan, smoked chicken, white tripe, steamed eight-treasure pig, stuffed glutinous rice..." Bi Fudao said for several minutes in one breath, and finally He announced the name of the last dish: "Packed Chicken", took a deep breath and said, "I don't know who else can afford me?"

There was warm applause and hilarious laughter from the audience.Bi Quanli shook Bi Fudao's hand and said, "Thank you. You and Erya's hosts are very wonderful. With you, there are laughter and joy." Bi Fudao said: "We two 500 years ago It’s a family, and if you do something for Secretary Bi, you must work hard.” Bi Quanli said, “We are really a family! Let’s go, the members of the Youth Federation will hold an activity at noon.”

Lunch is very rich, two tables.Of course, Bi Lili was invited to be the host at the main table, while Qi Tianxi, the deputy general manager of Dongzhou Electric Company, sat down as the assistant, while Hao Dingyi and Wei Jintu sat at the second table as the host and assistant. Location.Fang Yuan originally wanted to sit at table number two, but Bi Lili called for him to sit there, so Fang Yuan had to sit at table number one.This is also good, I can learn a lot from Bi Lili, learn how to speak from him, learn from him to socialize, learn from him to grasp the propriety, and learn everything from him.

At noon on this day, Fangyuan felt that he had gained a lot. Not only did he learn a lot, but also through the interaction between the members of the Youth Federation at the two tables, Fangyuan had a deeper understanding with the committee members of other sectors.Of course, when interacting with Ding Chunxiao, there was still a little episode.Fang Yuan made a toast to Ding Chunxiao, sincerely: "Sister, thank you for looking up to me so much, thank you for protecting me all the time." Ding Chunxiao said: "Sister loves younger brother, shouldn't that be?" Fang Yuan said: "But I am a sister. There are too few things to do." Ding Chunxiao said: "There will be many opportunities in the future. I know you are very busy taking the high school entrance examination. When you finish your graduation class, you can visit my factory during the summer vacation and give my sister some advice. My sister's education is not high, but she can endure hardships, so she made this cake bigger, and there are still many problems in the management of the company and publicity. Brother, you have a high education level and such strong ability. You will definitely watch it. If you have a lot of problems, you will definitely be able to help my sister with a lot of good ideas." Fang Yuan really wanted to get involved in business management. In fact, when he was dating Song Sisi, he had such thoughts, but he didn't have the opportunity and he couldn't resign. , so this idea had to be given up.If you have the opportunity to participate in the management of Sister Ding's company, it should also be a process of thinking transformation, which is also good for your own growth.Fangyuan said: "I will definitely try my best, don't worry, sister. Do you know, sister? There are two relatives in my hometown, and the second sister is called Chunxiao." Ding Chunxiao was very happy: "Really? It seems that there is a relationship between us. There is really a bit of sister-brother fate!" Fang Yuan said, "Yes!" The two of them talked and interacted more and more intimately, but they angered the other person, that is Shao Keqing.Sitting there, Shao Keqing was almost filled with vinegar. This Ding Chunxiao is not pretty either. Why did Fang Yuan talk to her for so long?Why are you talking and laughing, as if you can't finish talking!Looking at it, Shao Keqing couldn't sit still.She picked up the wine glass, walked over, and said sourly: "Hey, Mr. Ding, Fang Yuan, you two had a good chat!" Fang Yuan said, "Hello, Sister Shao." There is a vixen smell on her body, she looks like the kind of woman who seduces men.Regarding Fang Yuan, Ding Chunxiao felt a strong sense of responsibility of the elder sister to protect the younger brother, and said cautiously: "We two brothers and sisters are talking, is it hindering Director Shao?"

Oh, siblings?Shao Keqing's nose was almost crooked from anger.You are two brothers and sisters, so Fang Yuan and I are not two brothers and sisters?What's more, I am more beautiful than you, Ding Chunxiao, and my skin is also good. When I have sex with Fang Yuan, I can see that Fang Yuan is satisfied. Is it okay to have sex with you?People are old and young, and their mistresses are in their midst, so there is no taste at all!In front of so many people, Shao Keqing really couldn't say it out loud, hating Ding Chunxiao so much that her teeth itch, and also hating Fangyuan, why did she talk in a few words when drinking with Shao Keqing, but when drinking with Ding Chunxiao, Talked for so long.Shao Keqing said: "No! I can wait a little longer. You and Fang Yuan finish drinking first, and I will offer Fang Yuan a glass of wine."

Fang Yuan knew best why Shao Keqing suddenly appeared in front of him.Women are jealous under any circumstances.Although there is a physical relationship between me and Shao Keqing, it is not a lover, let alone a lover relationship, let alone a husband and wife relationship. What kind of jealousy is this Shao Keqing!What surprised Fangyuan was that there was a sense of joy in her inner world.Does it make a man happy to see a woman jealous because of him?

After drinking the wine in the glass with Ding Chunxiao, Shao Keqing dragged him aside to toast.Ding Chunxiao shook his head helplessly, and went to interact with other Youth Federation members.Fang Yuan was called here by Shao Keqing like this, and after drinking a cup, Shao Keqing wanted to toast a second cup, and then came a third cup.Fang Yuan's head was dizzy.

The gathering broke up amidst applause.Ding Chunxiao knew that Fangyuan drank a lot at noon today, so he searched everywhere but couldn't find it, thinking that Fangyuan took a taxi and left by himself.In fact, Fang Yuan was dragged by Shao Keqing to her Audi A6.Fang Yuan took the car, Shao Keqing drove.Fang Yuan seemed to feel that something was wrong, but she just didn't know what was wrong.Actually, if you are 6% drunk, can you still drive?Shao Keqing didn't care at all, started the Audi a[-], and the car ran away quickly.

Soon, in less than 20 minutes, the car stopped smoothly at Shao Keqing's downstairs.This is Shao Keqing's home in the urban area, and after Shao Keqing turned off the engine and pulled the hand brake, he collapsed in the driver's seat.Shao Keqing said: "Fang Yuan, my legs are as soft as noodles, I can't walk anymore, help me upstairs." Fang Yuan was also a little drunk: "Sister Shao, you are so drunk, how dare you drive? I thought you were sending me to school, why did you come to your house again?" Shao Keqing said: "Hurry up and help me upstairs." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Stumbling, Fang Yuan helped Shao Keqing up the stairs.Sitting in Shao Keqing's small Kun bag, he took out the key, opened the door, and helped Shao Keqing in.After closing the door, when I went back to look, I saw that Shao Keqing had collapsed on the floor.Quickly helped Shao Keqing up to sit, Fang Yuan asked with concern: "Sister Shao, what's the matter with you?" .However, the brain naturally does not think much.Without saying a word, he picked up Shao Keqing, sent him to the bedroom, put him gently on the bed, and took off Shao Keqing's shoes.Shao Keqing said: "I want to drink water." Fang Yuan hurriedly went to the hall to find water for Shao Keqing.When Shao Keqing drank a full glass of water, the wine seemed to be a little more sober.Looking at Fangyuan, I was still jealous!At this time, she just wanted to possess Fangyuan, owning Fangyuan, what a joy it is to have sex with Fangyuan!Shao Keqing said: "Brother Fangyuan, sister is too hot, help me take off all her clothes." Fang Yuan hesitated a little.Shao Keqing said: "Aren't you afraid of killing my sister from the heat? My sister is almost dying of heat." Fang Yuan couldn't refuse, and reached out to undress Shao Keqing... Soon, a beautiful body appeared in front of Fang Yuan. Beautiful body!The snow-white skin was still slightly rosy, and the plump twin peaks showed the most beautiful scenery of a woman. The seductive eyes made Fang Yuan forget everything, and his shirt was thrown aside, and his pants were also thrown to the side. side.After drinking, Fang Yuan thought less, and directly pressed on this beautiful breast...

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