Director's growth history

1955.974. Typical Chinese appointment

On May 2007, 5, the party and government leaders of all bureau-affiliated units in Dongzhou City were summoned to the large conference room on the first floor of the Municipal Education Bureau. 【 】When I received the notice from the political engineering department, I just said that there was going to be a meeting, and I asked about the content of the meeting, and I was told: I don’t know.The principal and secretaries rushed to the Education Bureau before 9:10 am with different thoughts.In the entire venue, there were several deputy directors or deputy directors sitting in the first row, and Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun were not seen.The four people in the political engineering department, including the section chief Jiang Chunhua, were busy, leading the secretaries or principals who entered the door to sign.

Arrived just after 10 o'clock, accompanied by Sun Hongjun, Qun Feng, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, walked into the venue. For a while, the venue, which was still noisy and discussing, became quiet.Behind Qunfeng and Sun Hongjun, there were two young people who seemed to be staff members of the Dongzhou Organization Department.

The two walked up to the rostrum together, one left and one right.Sun Hongjun scanned the audience and said calmly: "Comrades, we are now in a meeting. Please sit down and maintain discipline in the venue. If you are still using your mobile phone, please turn it off. Note that it is not set to vibrate, but turned off .”

Music sounds of various shutdowns of mobile phones sounded in the venue.After the music disappeared, Sun Hongjun said: "Comrades, today, Minister Qun, the executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, came to the Education Bureau to announce the appointment and dismissal decision on behalf of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. Now, let us welcome Minister Qun with warm applause." speak."

Amid the applause, Qunfeng stood up, bent slightly, and sat down again: "Leaders of the Education Bureau, leaders of all schools, good morning. I came to the Education Bureau today to announce on behalf of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. Personnel adjustments for some comrades in the Education Bureau." Qunfeng glanced around, the venue was silent, and the originally peaceful atmosphere unexpectedly added some tension and uneasiness.Qunfeng said: "The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has decided to remove Comrade Han Suzhen from the post of director of Dongzhou Education Bureau and change to be a researcher of Dongzhou Education Bureau. The director, the acting director, presides over the work of the Education Bureau."

There was a thunderclap on the flat ground, and the decision to appoint and dismiss immediately shocked the hearts of all the people present in the Education Bureau.Although many people believed that if Han Suzhen was really unable to preside over the work, it would be the general trend for Zhai Xinwen to take over, but this speed was a bit too fast. Many cadres that Han Suzhen single-handedly promoted could not accept it in their hearts, but they were more panicked.Once the emperor and the courtiers, the leader of a department has changed, which often means that the personnel of this department is about to undergo a major change.But the venue was still quiet. On the surface, everyone has accepted this fact.

Qunfeng saw how peaceful the meeting place was, and many people had smiles on their faces, and felt emotional: It seems that Zhai Xinwen has a good network in the Education Bureau.

Qunfeng said: "Comrade Han Suzhen was conscientious and diligent during her tenure as the director of the Education Bureau, and she did a lot of work for the development of Dongzhou's education. Under normal performance of duties, it is necessary to appoint Comrade Zhai Xinwen concurrently as deputy director and acting director, and temporarily preside over the daily work of Dongzhou Education. Comrade Zhai Xinwen has taken the overall situation into consideration, is diligent and dedicated, and has outstanding performance during his long-term tenure as deputy director of the Education Bureau. The public opinion evaluation shows that he has a high prestige; during his tenure as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, he united comrades, maintained harmony, and did a lot of innovative and effective work on the Party building work, reserve cadre training, and teacher team construction of the Education Bureau. Comrade Han Suzhen fell ill During this period, Comrade Zhai Xinwen was always concerned about Comrade Han Suzhen's condition, and actively contacted the leaders of the Health Bureau, the People's Hospital, and experts to consult Comrade Han Suzhen, and visited Comrade Han Suzhen in the hospital many times, showing the sentiment and dedication that a leading party cadre should have. Quality. The Municipal Party Committee believes that Comrade Zhai Xinwen will be able to live up to the expectations of the Municipal Party Committee and work hard to ensure the harmony and stability of Dongzhou education during the period when he is temporarily in charge of the daily work of the Education Bureau.”

The audience was silent.Sun Hongjun said: "The decision on the appointment and dismissal of the Municipal Party Committee will be distributed to each school through the Education Office after the meeting. Now, Minister Qun please continue to arrange other matters." Conduct public opinion assessment for Comrade Zhai Xinwen. According to the discipline of avoiding the assessment, Comrade Zhai Xinwen cannot participate in this assessment today. Today’s assessment work is divided into two parts. The first part is a secret ballot. Department-level cadres and staff members of the Education Bureau. Comrades, comrades are invited to evaluate Comrade Zhai Xinwen’s five aspects of morality, ability, diligence, performance, and integrity. The evaluation is divided into four grades: excellent, good, qualified, and unqualified. I hope that all the comrades present today will be able to make a fair evaluation of Comrade Zhai Xinwen based on a public heart. Good is good, and bad is not good. If you choose the option of 'unqualified', it is best to put it at the back of the evaluation form Write down your reasons for research by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. After filling out the evaluation form, please put it into the ballot box on the right side of the front desk. After that, the second link will be carried out by the three comrades from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and all of us present here today. No less than one-fifth of the comrades talk, get to know your evaluation of Comrade Zhai Xinwen face-to-face, this is a face-to-face public opinion evaluation. Okay, now let’s go to the first link, fill in the public opinion evaluation votes.”

Two young people from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee took out a dozen test and evaluation tickets, Jiang Chunhua from the political engineering department and other four people got busy, sending out the test and evaluation tickets one by one.Of course, I didn't forget to give a copy to Sun Hongjun sitting on the rostrum.Sun Hongjun glanced at the evaluation votes, without thinking about it, ticked all the "Excellent" columns with √.At this time, all fools could see that the so-called public opinion survey was just a cover. The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee had already decided to appoint Zhai Xinwen as the director of the Education Bureau.As long as the appointment of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress is approved, Zhai Xinwen will be shouldered by the party and the government.Who would fill in Zhai Xinwen's evaluation ticket at this time with "failed", although it is said that Zhai Xinwen will never see these evaluation tickets from the organization department, but in case he does see them, he should not fill them in with "no" Qualified" people will be killed?Sun Hongjun was probably the first to complete the filling. After filling it out, he got up immediately and was the first to put the ticket into the ballot box.Back at the rostrum, Qunfeng smiled at Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, you are very efficient!" Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Zhai's prestige among the masses, after a while, Minister Qun, you will know the evaluation votes. Qunfeng said, "Okay."

Sun Hongjun turned his attention to the vicinity of the ballot box, and looked at the expressions of the people who came to vote for the evaluation, and he could see a lot of knowledge.Sun Hongjun laughed secretly in his heart: "It's really a bit embarrassing, thinking that writing a little black account to Zhai Xinwen at this time can reverse the overall situation."Alas, in the assessment by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, you have to see half and two-thirds of the indicators, and there are three or two critics, which will not affect Zhai Xinwen's assessment and appointment at all.I really don't know what kind of ability Secretary Zhai has. The short 7-day vacation turned the Education Bureau upside down. He is absolutely master!Even a strong woman like Director Han is willing to bow down when meeting Secretary Zhai. In the entire education system, who else can be the opponent of Secretary Zhai?From today onwards, even if Secretary Zhai really has the final say in the Education Bureau, standing firmly in Secretary Zhai's team in the past seems to be the right choice.Thinking that Zhai Xinwen was going to shoulder the responsibility of the party and the government, and that he would focus more on administration in the future, it seemed that the weight of his words as the deputy secretary was getting heavier and heavier, and Sun Hongjun couldn't help feeling a little more happy in his heart.Sun Hongjun reckoned that after this poll, the mayor should nominate Zhai Xinwen to be the director of the education bureau, and then the municipal people's congress should review it.Secretary Zhai was able to pass the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal People's Congress should not have many problems. Although the National People's Congress is independently audited according to law, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee is also the director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. What's more, Secretary Zhai's teacher is Fang Yuan's father-in-law Kong Zitian He also serves as the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress. With Director Kong's prestige and so many connections, which member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress can't sell Confucius Tian's face?The appointment can be approved by more than half of the votes. Director Kong only needs to say something casually. It is estimated that Secretary Zhai will approve the appointment with a high number of votes.In the future, Dongzhou education will be dominated by Zhai Xinwen.

The last person put the evaluation ticket into the ballot box.Sun Hongjun knew it was time to speak for himself.He raised his voice slightly, and said: "Please be quiet. Now, the principals and secretaries of each school, please stay in the conference room, and the comrades of the government agencies should go back to their offices. According to the procedure, the group minister and the two leaders of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee will The comrades who will be interviewed will be randomly selected, and individual interviews will be held."

Accompanied by Sun Hongjun, Qun Feng and two young people from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee left the venue.The staff of the Education Bureau, including deputies, followed and left the conference room.Behind them, the secretaries and principals of various schools began to make noise again.During the seven-day May Day holiday, everything was as peaceful as usual. During this holiday, many secretaries and principals rushed to the Municipal People's Hospital and visited Han Suzhen.I went to work for one day after vacation, and the "sky" changed the next day.Although Han Suzhen still retains the treatment at the director level, in the blink of an eye, she has changed from a real-time bureau chief to a researcher with a job but no authority.Although Zhai Xinwen is the acting director, the most important thing is that he now shoulders the responsibility of the party and the government. In the Municipal Education Bureau, he used to be two top leaders, but now he is completely one top leader.Under such a new situation, the hearts of some secretaries and principals began to stir, while the hearts of other secretaries and principals began to become more disturbed.

Soon, one principal was called away by Jiang Chunhua from the political engineering department; then another principal was called away; the chaotic conference room quickly quieted down.Everyone's thoughts are now basically in unison: Will I be called to talk?What would you say if you were called?Dare you express your dissatisfaction with Zhai Xinwen directly to the leader of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee?How to say it is the most appropriate, the most suitable rule of survival of the fittest in the officialdom?Some secretaries and principals closed their eyes, probably thinking in their hearts how to accept the questioning from the leaders of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee in case they were selected.

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