Director's growth history

1964.983, I hope this is not the final parting

Miao Dongshun returned to the general manager's office, and repeatedly sighed: "Xiaoshi, my brother is unfathomable. 【 】" Si Yushi said, "What? This woman has a background?" Miao Dongshun said: "Nanjing The daughter of the deputy commander of the military region. ***, my brother, married a wife and found the daughter of the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress, and found a good friend who turned out to be the daughter of the deputy commander of the military region. The whole **** is a senior official. I guess , the relationship between my little brother and the deputy commander's daughter is probably the relationship between me and you." Si Yushi was most displeased when others put her in the position of lover or mistress, and was very upset Said: "Brother Miao, I am your wife, don't compare me with others." Miao Dongshun said: "That is, that is. Xiaoshi, do you want to accompany me to the monitoring room to see my little brother?" What are you doing with his commander's daughter?" Si Yushi said: "I'm not going, I went downstairs to greet guests. Brother Miao, he is your little brother, you still go to the monitoring room to watch What?" Miao Dongshun said: "I will record useful things, maybe one day in the future it will be useful." Si Yushi said: "You can figure it out." Miao Dongshun said: "That's right, that's it. It’s my little poem. Although Fangyuan has brought me a lot of profits, it’s not a free lunch if you want to eat my food. If one day in the future I ask him to do something, it’s okay to talk about small things, but big things If I don’t help with it, I’ll show him the recorded program to see if he will do it or not? Of course, I’m very sorry, and I haven’t seen my little brother do such shameful things until now. Things, character, it's pretty good."

When Fangyuan returned to the room, Wang Quan had already poured half a glass of champagne into the two glass goblets, but all the dishes remained untouched, obviously waiting for Fangyuan.Fang Yuan sat down, looked at the wine in the glass, looked at Wang Quan, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for making you wait so long." Wang Quan smiled brightly: "It's only been like two or three minutes. Is this also called waiting?" Fang Yuan said: "Then let's start." Wang Quan said: "Okay, let's start." As he spoke, he looked at Fang Yuan with a smile, which made Fang Yuan's heart skip a beat.Fang Yuan said: "I was surprised to hear that you were leaving Dongzhou. At the same time, I sincerely wish you well. It is a good thing that you can enjoy family happiness again after returning to your parents' side; Although I have exercised my independence, others cannot know the loneliness and pain in my heart. Come, I respect you, and I wish you all the best and happiness every day when you return to Nanjing.”

Fang Yuan's wine glass touched Wang Quan's, and they looked at each other. Fang Yuan suddenly saw the infinite affection in a clear pool, and his heart was immediately shocked.Wang Quan said: "Thank you. In Dongzhou, you may be my only friend." Fang Yuan was a little moved, but also a little embarrassed. In order to hide his inner panic, Fang Yuan said, "I'll drink first, and I'll drink it first." Do it as a respect." He raised his neck and drank the wine in his glass.Wang Quan took a sip, smiled and said, "Drinking champagne is not the way you drink it. A glass of champagne can be drunk until the banquet is over or the party is over. This is champagne, not beer." Fang Yuan said, "Sorry, I haven't drunk it before, so I don't know the rules." Wang Quan stood up, poured another half a glass for Fang Yuan, and said, "Fang Yuan, you will attend more and more high-level occasions in the future, and there are some rules that you should know. Otherwise, maybe people won’t say it in person, but they will laugh at them in private.” Fang Yuan said, “Thank you. I will pay attention to it in the future.” Wang Quan said, “I’m about to leave Dongzhou suddenly, and I suddenly feel a little nostalgic. I am in Dongzhou, I have no relatives, I have not made any friends, and I am alone in the army, I can leave whenever I want, but I don’t know why, but I feel a little bit reluctant.”

Fang Yuan didn't speak.He understood what Wang Quan meant, but he couldn't respond to Wang Quan's words.Wang Quan said: "Fang Yuan, do you still remember the scene where you hid from me in the army?" Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed: "Wang Quan, I didn't do it on purpose." I don't want any women who come to my door. You left a deep impression on me. I know you are married, but as long as you are in love, what does it matter if you are married? You can get married and then leave, and you can get divorced Get married again. In this society, my views on marriage have been condensed into two words: need." Fang Yuan didn't know why Wang Quan said such a thing, and didn't fully understand the meaning of Wang Quan's words, so he could only respond ambiguously: "I am married, so naturally I should be responsible for my family and my marriage. Wang Quan, you are a good girl with such a good family background. You should have a better marriage. I am a countryman from the countryside. I know how to work hard and work hard, but my vision is not wide enough, and my realm is not that high." Wang Quan sighed: "If I hadn't met you, I would know what my future marriage would be like. Because of political needs, I would almost Marrying a male descendant of another family who is at the same level as my father, no matter who it is, according to the rules of the right family, there will always be such a person who will appear and approach my life. Perhaps, marrying a subordinate carefully trained by my father , Then, I gave birth to children, but there was no relationship between me and that person. Everything was out of need. The other party married me because I needed my father’s support; I married the other party because I also considered the background of the other party’s parents. That's right, you were born in a commoner family, you don't know what the lives of our so-called sons and princesses are like. Few of us have a particularly happy marriage. I married a certain son, and I You have to endure a life like a nun for a long time, and you have to endure the other party spending time and drinking outside or even raising a child. The reason why I went to Dongzhou to serve as a soldier is because I don’t want to have such a marriage. I want my own happiness. Life."

Fang Yuan was a little surprised. Could it be that the children of high officials and generals live, fall in love and get married like this?Fangyuan didn't know that such a life was too far away from him.Wang Quan said: "Actually, my father always wanted me to go back because he had already arranged a marriage for me, a marriage that we needed each other politically. The other party was a provincial leader of Jiangxi Province, and his son was very capable. , went to sea a long time ago, and it is said that he has hundreds of millions of assets. Ordinarily, this young man is quite capable, but I know that his so-called business success is based on the background that his father is a provincial leader. In the province, he You can be empty-handed and white wolf, encircle a piece of land at a low price, and once you sell it, the price will increase several times, and you will get tens of millions. This kind of business is not a real business, and it will disappear if there is no one. My father quit the second line, and everything is over. What's more, I know this person too well, I have been quite arrogant, and I have played with countless girls. When I think of living with a pervert, I just want to spit out .”

Fang Yuan was shocked.Fang Yuan really knew nothing about the lives of the children of high-ranking officials. Hearing Wang Quan say this, he couldn't help asking: "Are all the children of leaders like this?" Wang Quan said: "I can't say all of them, but There are many. Li Jiating, the former governor of Yunnan Province, you know, the reason why he went in when he was about to retire was because his son had done too much in Yunnan, and it would not be enough to anger the people; the former Beijing Municipal Party Committee Secretary ** You know, it is said that he is still a good leader, but his son **, that is the real son-in-law, the empty glove white wolf is very famous in Beijing, as if Beijing is their home. Such things Yes, there are in Beijing. In fact, there are all over the country. In Beijing, we can call them princes. Those in various provinces are naturally sons. Without a proper job, the salary of their parents is so much. How can these princes and sons afford Baoshi Jet, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Land Rover, Hummer? And I always buy several cars, and this cheap one costs 100 million? Where do they get the money? Is the salary of their parents enough? They even buy half a car I'm sorry!" Fang Yuan felt a strong psychological imbalance: Why can't he rely on his own ability to eat?Why aren't my parents senior officials at the provincial or ministerial level or even the deputy state or the state level?Wang Quan said: "So, I don't want to marry such a son. If I marry such a son, my life will be over. After his parents retire from the leadership position, I will have decades of life in the future. Can I be happy?" ? If my father forces me to marry a young master, I should also marry a hard-working and talented young master like you, Fang Yuan, instead of marrying those who are ahead of their parents and earn ill-gotten gains. If you can’t marry For such a son, it is better to marry a young man from a civilian family who has potential, talent, and a sense of family responsibility, at least he will know how to cherish me, care for me, and love me."

After saying so much in one breath, Wang Quan let out a long sigh and stared at the wine glass in a daze.Fang Yuan suddenly felt that Wang Quan was really a good and thoughtful child. At least, she was in a high-ranking official family, but she didn't have the bad habits of a high-ranking official's son or princess. She could also analyze life, society, marriage, and family realistically. .On this point, Wang Quan's wisdom is several levels higher than Kong Shuanghua's!Fang Yuan wanted to comfort Wang Quan, raised his glass and said, "Wang Quan, I believe that a good girl like you will definitely find your most suitable lover, and you will have a happy family in the future! I wish you well. Fang Yuan took a sip, but Wang Quan raised his neck and drank all the champagne in the glass, which made Fang Yuan feel quite surprised: just now, he taught me that champagne is not the way to drink it. Drink it all too?

After drinking, Wang Quan said: "The last time my dad came to Dongzhou, he had a good impression of you. I told my dad that if you introduce a boyfriend to me in the future, use Fangyuan as the standard. My dad said, he There are so many children of leaders around, and there is really no young man like you, who has half your character and ability, and you can't find it." Fang Yuan said, "I'm sorry. I know I'm a farmer's child. If I don't work hard, I will always be at the bottom of society. I am at the bottom of society, and I will worry about whether I will have food tomorrow, and I will be killed by those who have power, influence, and money. Bullying. If I was born in the kind of family you mentioned, I might also be an uneducated son.” Wang Quan said: “Fang Yuan, my dad said that if you are willing to join the army to develop, I will transfer you at the same level. Now you are also at the deputy battalion level. If you are transferred to a higher level, you will become a major battalion. If you keep working hard and aggressively, you will be able to become a young regiment in less than five years. At that time, you will probably only be 30. Get ahead. I don’t know if you are interested in this? If you want to develop the army, I can help you, and my dad can help you too! It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to leave Qingjiang, my dad used to be in the Huzhou First Army As the commander of the army, I can put you there, from the regiment to the division to the army, there are my father's soldiers. No one dares to embarrass you, as long as you are like this, you will definitely become an excellent soldier, really. "

Fang Yuan's heart was shaken for a while, it was really a great temptation!Although Wang Quan didn't explicitly ask him to divorce Kong Shuanghua, but he mentioned such a condition, and the fool also knew that the precondition was to divorce his original wife and then marry Wang Quan, so that he would have such a development opportunity.Fang Yuan fell silent.Who will easily promise or agree to the choices in life?Some people may say, is there a need to talk about this kind of thing?Promise!If such a good thing comes to me, I won't miss it.But Fang Yuan couldn't help thinking that his father-in-law and mother-in-law were really good to him, and his wife was already pregnant with his own flesh and blood!Some people may say, is there a need to talk about this kind of thing?Absolutely can not promise!But if you really encounter such a situation, if you really think that you may grow into a general in the future, can you easily say no? At the age of 32, you may be the head of the regiment, before the age of 40, you may be at the division level, and at the age of 45, you may become a major general!What is a man living in this world for?Isn't it just hope to have a successful life, to put it a little bigger, to leave a name in history?

Wang Quan saw that Fangyuan was touched by the words, and he felt both happy and sad. The happy thing is that if the man he likes can agree, marrying Fangyuan should have a bright future; the sad thing is that he just proposed such a thing. Fang Yuan was shaken by the temptation, if Fang Yuan encounters a bigger temptation in the future, will he abandon himself like he abandoned his original wife now?Alas, contradictions!I hope Fangyuan can agree, but also hope that Fangyuan can say "no", this conflicting heart burns Wang Quan's heart anxiously.She hoped that Fangyuan would say "yes" and was worried that Fangyuan would say "no", and she also hoped that Fangyuan would say "no" to prove that she saw Fangyuan as the right person, but if she said "no", it meant that there was no possibility between herself and Fangyuan. This kind of sadness is what Wang Quan didn't want to see.

Fangyuan finally answered: "Wang Quan, thank you for your kindness, and also thank Deputy Commander Wang for me. Maybe I promise you that I will have a better career development prospect, but I am ashamed for letting me abandon my wife and children." I am ashamed of my conscience, my wife and children, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I believe in you, and I will find the most suitable person with my eyes. I am willing to be your friend, but I can't go any further."

Wang Quan's heart was full of disappointment, but he was also somewhat relieved that he had not misjudged the person. Fang Yuan's character was indeed not comparable to those of the young masters.But then, sadness enveloped the whole atrium: Alas, there is a sea of ​​people, where can I find a young man who is trustworthy, full of talent, and motivated like Fang Yuan?Wang Quan sighed: "Fangyuan, if you agreed just now, I will stay in Dongzhou and go to Huzhou in the future. Since you didn't agree, I will really leave tomorrow. If I leave, maybe I will never come again Dongzhou is gone. Apart from you, there is no one or anything worthy of my nostalgia. Fang Yuan, I toast you a glass of wine, I hope today’s parting is not the last parting, and I hope we can meet again one day in the future.”

Fang Yuan's heart is really uncomfortable, I don't know why, it's just uncomfortable!He hoped that Wang Quan would stay, but he couldn't find any reason to keep him in Dongzhou.

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