Director's growth history

2022.1040, Zhai Xinwen is still the best

1040, Zhai Xinwen is still the best

The foundation stone laying ceremony of Yanping County Youth Federation Hope Primary School was presided over by Shi Mingxiang, deputy secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee. The order of speeches was changed, which was of course requested by Song Yunsheng. [@] Yanping County Party Secretary Lian Song was the first to speak.Lian Song first thanked Mayor Song Yunsheng, Secretary Shi Mingxiang, Standing Committee Bi Quanli and all city leaders for coming to Yanping to attend the foundation laying ceremony in spite of their busy schedules, and then thanked the Youth League Committee and members of the Youth Federation for their contribution to Yanping's education cause dedication.Lian Song assured that the Yanping County Party Committee and the county government will fully cooperate with the Youth League Committee to build this Youth Federation Hope Primary School into the best Hope Primary School in Dongzhou.

Zhai Xinwen was the second to speak.He didn't speak for a long time, but he still shocked everyone in the audience.Because I can't stand the comparison, although Lian Song's speech can't be said to be official formulas, what he said is basically what should be done.Zhai Xinwen's speech, though only 7 or 8 minutes long, succinctly and concisely reflects the role of the Municipal Education Bureau, a municipal government agency, as the leading education agency of Dongzhou, in serving and guiding the Hope Primary School. , from book allocation, to teacher training, to pairing of urban and rural schools, to education management, to teaching and research guidance, to helping the poor and weak, to financial support, to work-study programs, to infrastructure construction, the final purpose is summed up in a few words: run a The Hope Primary School that satisfies the people of Yanping, and the Hope Primary School that satisfies the Youth League Committee and the majority of Youth Federation members.The first Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation shall be run in this way; every future Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation shall be run at a level no lower than this standard.Although Zhai Xinwen took a piece of paper and walked in front of Mike, from the beginning to the end, he did not look down at the speech script, and it was completely out of the script.At the end of Zhai Xinwen's speech, Song Yunsheng took the lead in applauding and nodded slightly while applauding; Shi Mingxiang said in a low voice: "Mayor Song, the director of the Education Bureau is pretty good!" Happy: "Very thoughtful, very thoughtful! If every leader of the bureau committee can be like Zhai Xinwen, those of us who are city leaders will be much more relaxed." Shi Mingxiang said: "Which place can really Aren’t there a lot of working and competent cadres?” Not only the city leaders applauded Zhai Xinwen, but also the members of the Youth Federation, and the surrounding villagers also applauded enthusiastically, and the applause suddenly overwhelmed Lian Song, secretary of the Yanping County Party Committee, made Lian Song feel ashamed.Damn it, the secretary of the county party committee office is an idiot. When this event is over, I will go back and clean up these self-righteous guys.

Fang Yuan clapped her hands even harder.Fang Yuan really admires Zhai Xinwen so much. Of course, there are also emotional factors in it, that is, although Zhai Xinwen criticized him last time, it was genuine care and love for him!If you don't support such a good leader, who else will you support?How much Fang Yuan longed to have Zhai Xinwen's level, and secretly regarded Zhai Xinwen as a role model to learn from.Fang Yuan didn't know, this was the essence of 16 words extracted from the 1500 to 7-word drafts of the [-] departments of the Municipal Education Bureau. How could it not be wonderful?How could it not impress people?Fang Yuan didn't even know that Zhai Xinwen wanted to tell Mayor Song Yunsheng these words, Deputy Secretary Shi Mingxiang, and future city leader Bi Jingli.The reason why the manuscript was released is because of this small manuscript. After the comrades in the office and the basic education department took out the first draft, Zhai Xinwen repeatedly revised the manuscript [-] times. Every sentence, every wording, thought Can't remember, it's hard!

Zhai Xinwen was very satisfied with the effect of his speech, no matter how much others applauded, it was useless.As long as Mayor Song is satisfied.When Zhai Xinwen was giving a speech, he saw Mayor Song watching and listening intently. When the speech was over, Zhai Xinwen saw Song Yunsheng's smile, saw him nodding slightly, and saw his interaction with Secretary Shi Mingxiang— —It is estimated that he is also exchanging his speech.Zhai Xinwen knew that coming to Yanping with Song Yunsheng this time would definitely be a bonus politically.

Bi Lili almost bit the bullet and stepped onto the stage to deliver a speech.Bi tried his best to familiarize himself with the speech draft prepared by the Youth League Committee. Last night, he prepared three materials in total. One was the presiding speech for Deputy Secretary Shi Mingxiang, the other was for Mayor Song Yunsheng, and the other was for leaving Give yourself a statement.It was indeed carefully prepared, otherwise it would not have been prepared all night, but now it seems that compared with Zhai Xinwen's speech, it obviously lacks a lot of weight.Bi tried hard to conceive a new one by himself, but he didn't sleep all night last night, and now his head is still stiff. How could it be as exciting as the prepared speech?If Zhai Xinwen's speech hadn't been there, Bi Quanquan thought that this speech by the Youth League Committee would be much more exciting than Lian Song's.Bi Quanli's speech was not as exciting as Zhai Xinwen's, and many people present felt the same way, but Song Yunsheng felt that Bi Quanli's speech was very politically principled and quite in line with the times.In his speech, Bi Quanli mentioned that to build a harmonious society, we should pay more attention to fairness, and education fairness is the basis of social fairness; we should pay more attention to people's livelihood, and education and people's livelihood are an important part of society and people's livelihood; The key to China lies in talents, and the key to cultivating talents lies in education.These profound things are incomprehensible to the villagers, and it is also difficult for those who are not in power to understand.However, Song Yunsheng felt that Bi Quanquan's speech was also very good, he touched the root of the problem, and he was a good reserve cadre with a considerable level of thought and understanding.Song Yunsheng felt satisfied with Bi Quanli's ability to take the initiative to throw himself into his arms.The current political situation has been increasingly moving in a direction that is beneficial to him. After a year of hard work, a top layer that makes power more stable is now basically successfully established. Of course, the most important ones are Sheng Zhiren and Deng Yuncong. Forming an Iron Triangle with himself, Kong Zitian has become an important wisdom and advisor, and he has joined in with all his strength, which has significantly enhanced the strength of the lower-level, and can be trained as a reserve cadre in his own circle. If he serves as the secretary of the municipal party committee in the future, then Sheng Zhiren will strive to take over as the mayor, and Deng Yuncong will continue to serve as the executive deputy mayor; if he works in the province in the future, then Sheng will be actively recommended as the secretary of the municipal party committee, Deng will be recommended as the mayor, and Bi Quanquan can become the executive deputy. The mayor, like Lian Song and other lower-level cadres, will also be gradually promoted to the posts of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee or Deputy Mayor.If Zhai Xinwen passed the test, he could be promoted to the rank of deputy mayor.In this way, it is a fairly understandable political structure.

On the way here, Song Yunsheng read the speech prepared by the Youth League Committee, but now it seems that it is useless at all.The speeches of Zhai Xinwen and Bi Quanquan, the two cadres I valued, were very good, and the speeches prepared by the Communist Youth League Committee could not exceed this level.After Shi Mingxiang said "Welcome to Mayor Song's speech", Song Yunsheng did not take out the speech script from his pocket, and went directly to the microphone, scanning the audience in a personable manner: "Fathers, folks, comrades, and friends! Today, It is a great honor for me to participate in the foundation stone laying ceremony of the No. 200 Youth Federation Hope Primary School in Yanping County. This is the first Hope Primary School donated by members of the Youth Federation in Dongzhou City. It is very meaningful. Here, I only want to say four thanks and four wishes The four thanks are: Thanks to the Municipal Youth Federation and all members of the Youth Federation for their love, you are worthy of being the best among the [-] million young people in Dongzhou City, and you are a model for young people in the city to learn; thanks to the Yanping County Party Committee, the County People's Congress, The county government and the county CPPCC attach great importance to this Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation, and I have more confidence in this Hope Primary School; thanks to the comrades in the education system of Dongzhou City, for your care and follow-up support for this Hope Primary School, I am very satisfied with the new requirements put forward by the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to create a service-oriented organization; I would like to thank all the fathers and folks in the village and the village. You attach importance to education and support education so that you are planting hope for our towns and villages. Four My wish is: I wish this Hope Primary School of the Youth Federation can build a school with safe buildings and first-class facilities; I wish all the children studying in this Hope Primary School can receive better education; Good; I wish our hometown Yanping County and Dongzhou City will be more prosperous and strong! Thank you.”

As far as the manuscript is concerned, it is temporarily edited and created.Whether it was Zhai Xinwen, Bi Quanli, or Fang Yuan, they all felt that although Song Yunsheng didn't talk much, he did speak very well. The mayor is the mayor!But Fang Yuan still thought in private: Zhai Xinwen is of course the best speaker today.

After the speech, leaders at all levels, members of the Youth Federation, staff of the Municipal Education Bureau and the Youth League Committee all took the shovel from the side, and the handle of the shovel was tied with a red ribbon.Song Yunsheng, Shi Mingxiang, Bi Quanli, Zhai Xinwen, Lian Song, Cen Baiqiang, etc. surrounded the first circle, and the Dongzhou TV reporter pointed the camera at the center circle early... The city leaders shoveled a few shovels of soil Afterwards, they went to the side to accept separate interviews with reporters, and only then did they make room for members of the Youth Federation.Poor Fangyuan took a shovel, only shoveled a shovel of soil, and filled it into the pit with a stone tablet "Yanping County No. , Someone immediately continued to cultivate the soil.

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