Director's growth history

2033.1051 Zhai Xinwen's criteria for selecting talents

In the next few days, Sun Hongjun followed the spirit of Zhai Xinwen's instructions, and together with comrades from the political and engineering department, intensively inspected the cadres. 【 】The investigation procedure is roughly the same as that of party and government agencies across the country.The Dongzhou Education Bureau building was at night, and there were two offices that were brightly lit late at night, and that was the office of Sun Hongjun and the political engineering department.Of course, Zhai Xinwen knew the hard work of this job, and also knew that at this time, there were too many people who wanted to invite Sun Hongjun and the political engineering department to dinner, so Zhai Xinwen specially approved Sun Hongjun to have overtime dinner every night at the restaurant next to the Education Bureau building. You can order whatever dish you want, and you can also drink a little wine. After eating, you can sign it by Sun Hongjun. This inspection work and the adjustment of cadres are over.For Sun Hongjun, he didn't care much about what kind of banquet he hadn't seen before; but for Jiang Chunhua and the other three staff members, relatively speaking, they had a taste of Dongzhou dishes.In fact, the common dishes in major restaurants are basically the same, and the menu of this restaurant can basically be the same as that of another restaurant.I order food in restaurants every night, and I don’t repeat the dishes every day, but I have also seen the basic level of Dongzhou’s catering.Especially for the three staff members, there are few opportunities to be entertained by others, so being able to taste all kinds of dishes every day is also a kind of experience and experience for them. Although they go home late at night, they are finally compensated.What's more, Zhai Xinwen also has a heart-warming policy, that is, he can take a taxi after going to work in the morning and returning home in the evening, and all tickets will be reimbursed.

Six days later, according to Zhai Xinwen's opinion, the list of those who plan to be promoted from the sub-department (school) to the full-department (school) level, the list of those who intend to be promoted from the section staff or the middle level of the school to the sub-department (school) level, and the recommended brief inspection opinions, Put it on the desks of the members of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau.Every member of the party committee has seen at least two candidates recommended by himself from the list for soliciting opinions.Of course, Han Suzhen was also sent home by Sun Hongjun himself, and he saw these two lists.In terms of whether to agree to sign the list, who else would sign or disagree?Of course, in the copy Sun Hongjun sent to Zhai Xinwen, he also wrote in handwriting who recommended it.

In the past six days, everyone saw how busy Sun Hongjun and the political and engineering department were, but they didn't see how busy Zhai Xinwen was. Usually, he worked normally in the director's office in the morning. When reporting, listen to the report, and some leaders from grassroots units come to report on the work, and they are also received.After noon, many people didn't see Zhai Xinwen, and they didn't even see Zhai Xinwen eating lunch in the office cafeteria.No one knew where Zhai Xinwen had gone, and no one answered his cell phone.After 6 days like this, Zhai Xinwen went to work in the Education Bureau again normally.

Zou Zhigang, Yu Shengli, and Feng Liang came back to report to Zhai Xinwen.Obviously, this must be related to only meeting the two promotion quotas, but in fact, the quota they recommended far exceeds this number.The list of preliminary recommendations has already been released. If you don't work hard at this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance when the real personnel adjustment is made.Of course Zhai Xinwen knew what they were here for.In the past few days, Zhai Xinwen arranged for Sun Hongjun to conduct intensive inspections, and he himself was not idle.It doesn't matter if they are recommended by Zou Zhigang, Yu Shengli, Han Suzhen, Feng Liang, Geng Qing, etc. What matters is whether these people are really talented comrades, whether they are ambitious comrades, and most importantly, it doesn't matter if they are recommended by others. Can you show a firm stand at critical moments, can you firmly maintain a high degree of agreement with the bureau's party committee, and can you maintain a high degree of agreement with the bureau chief!If you can’t maintain a high degree of consistency, then resolutely brush it off and exclude it from the list; if you can show consistency with the bureau’s party committee, that is, the bureau’s party committee represented by Zhai Xinwen, even if it is recommended by others, then it’s a good time to borrow a donkey. The job was recommended by the deputy, and the deputy would think it was his own credit, but in fact, he won it regardless of the party committee of the bureau.Therefore, among the 15 people recommended by Zou Zhigang, Zhai Xinwen selected 4 people; Yu Shengli recommended 13 people, Zhai Xinwen selected 3 people; Han Suzhen recommended 11 people, Zhai Xinwen selected 7 people, Feng Liang recommended 10 people, and Zhai Xinwen selected 2 people Song Ping recommended 5 people, Zhai Xinwen chose 3 people, Kong Lili recommended 4 people, Zhai Xinwen chose all of them; Geng Qing recommended 2 people, and Zhai Xinwen chose all of them.Zhai Xinwen carefully weighed the candidate recommended by Han Suzhen, and felt that the candidate recommended by the old bureau chief was really good in terms of work ability and character. It is indeed for Dongzhou education. Zhai Xinwen also admires this state.However, Han Suzhen cannot be allowed to continue to maintain his influence in Dongzhou education. Whether these people are selected or not, the key is whether they can be consistent with the party committee of the bureau.In the intensive conversation test, and in the side-to-side understanding investigation, 7 people expressed a strong determination to maintain a high degree of consistency with the bureau's party committee, so they are good talents in themselves, and those who know current affairs are outstanding. Zhai Xinwen did not hesitate to join A circle was drawn on the list; the remaining 4 people, during the conversation, expressed their gratitude to Han Suzhen for the recommendation. One sentence made Zhai Xinwen feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and immediately crossed their names after the conversation.The other candidates are basically examined in the same way.As for the candidates recommended by Kong Lili, there are two who are not very capable. Zhai Xinwen really doesn’t want to use them, but considering the special relationship with Kong Lili, Zhai Xinwen reluctantly circled the names of these two people, and initially plans to be promoted to the chairman of the labor union in the future Or vice principals in charge of moral education in weak schools.For the two candidates recommended by Geng Qing, Zhai Xinwen couldn't guarantee that they would maintain a high degree of consistency with the bureau's party committee. After they left, Zhai Xinwen endured his anger and circled their names.For the candidate recommended by Feng Liang, Zhai Xinwen felt that a blind man was pulling carrots from the field, and he had no vision.After repeated comparisons and investigations, Zhai Xinwen barely circled the names of the two people. Zhai Xinwen was still worried, what kind of work would these two people do well?The candidates recommended by Yu Shengli also faced the same problem.Most of the candidates recommended by Zou Zhigang are comrades who have made remarkable achievements in education and teaching in recent years. From this point of view, they should be promoted, but the vacancies are limited. With a little pedantic and arrogance of a scholar.Zhai Xinwen has a plan, don't mention it this year, beat it for a year, get rid of the arrogance, and use it again; if the arrogance is not removed, it will never be used.

When Zhai Xinwen was talking, he didn't make any promises to anyone, nor did he pretend to be cool to anyone. He was always pleasant and calm.This is the self-cultivation that a leader of the Education Bureau should have, and it is also stipulated by the party's discipline.So who was circled and who was crossed, in the end, except for Zhai Xinwen, only Sun Hongjun knew.

After drawing circles and crosses, Zhai Xinwen handed over the list to Sun Hongjun.Sun Hongjun naturally knew it well, so he determined the list of candidates to be promoted according to the circles and crosses drawn by Zhai Xinwen, and divided them into two categories. Section members (middle-level schools) are promoted to sub-sections (deputy principals).The list of recommended candidates for promotion seen by the other seven members of the bureau's party committee was the result of Zhai Xinwen's circle reading.In fact, Sun Hongjun sees clearly that Zhai Xinwen has the final say when it comes to promoting so many people?Of course other deputy positions have the right to recommend, except for Geng Qing, if the recommended candidate Zhai Xinwen is not satisfied, he will not be promoted either.As for the investigation report, everyone on this list has it. If you put a cross in the archive, and if you circle it, fill in the words "planned for promotion and reuse" in the recommendation column, and stamp it with the official seal of the political and engineering department, and that's it. .

Zhai Xinwen knew that Han Suzhen would be satisfied when the other seven members of the party committee saw the recommendation list he circled, but Han Suzhen didn't know that the seven real talents she recommended had already expressed their loyalty to Zhai Xinwen; Kong Lili can imagine that Zhai Xinwen must have taken care of her. The next time she goes to bed, Kong Lili will definitely serve Zhai Xinwen more thoughtfully; neither Geng Qing nor Song Ping will have any objections.Zhai Xinwen reckoned that Zou Zhigang, Yu Shengli, and Feng Liang must be dissatisfied.When they see this list, they must come to report to themselves.

Once it comes, it will be safe; soldiers will block it, and water will cover it.nothing.Zhai Xinwen had already thought up the explanation.Sure enough, Zou Zhigang was the first to come to the door.Zou Zhigang said: "Director Zhai, I recommended so many people, why did I only confirm to reuse 4 people?"Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Old Zou! I am still very fond of the candidates you recommended." Zou Zhigang said, "Then why only 4 were selected? Could it be that I, Zou Zhigang, have a bad vision and choose a bad person?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Old Zou, the person you selected is quite good after the investigation of the political and engineering department. But this time, a total of 25 comrades are planned to be promoted, and we have 9 members of the party committee. If we promote 27 people, the average I can recommend 3 people. Director Zou, the candidates recommended by you accounted for one-fifth of the candidates who were promoted. You still want me to promote all the people recommended by you, Director Zou? What's more, I only promise to be recommended by every deputy director. One person promoted two people, what about you?" Zou Zhigang did the math, and it was true.Immediately, Zou Zhigang felt a little embarrassed: "Director Zhai, it's not like I don't know. After all, the proportion of people I recommend is quite high." Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "I know what I will do. Yes. Old Zou, you can now prepare the education work meeting with peace of mind, and I will take care of other things." Zou Zhigang left the director's office contentedly.

Yu Shengli came second.Yu Shengli said, "Ju Zhai, do you not like the other candidates I recommend?" Zhai Xinwen didn't have a good opinion of Shengli, and now he just needed to use his vote on the party committee of the bureau.Ever since he learned that Yu Shengli might have financial problems with Liu Ming, Zhai Xinwen was mentally prepared for Shengli, and prepared to use him as a sacrificial sword at critical moments.It seems that he can't do the infrastructure work in the future, but there is no more suitable candidate.Originally, it was conceived that Geng Qing would be in charge, but this time Geng Qing came to force the palace with a special method, and the methods were so harsh that Zhai Xinwen was not at ease with Geng Qing.It seems that the leadership team of the Bureau of Education and Sports still needs to be rebuilt in the future. However, since the promotion of deputy director-level cadres requires preliminary opinions from the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, which will be decided by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhai Xinwen is not the only one who can make the final decision. Things like this need to be taken slowly.

Zhai Xinwen said with a smile: "Director Yu, there are too many monks and too few porridge, so you have to understand more! A total of 25 people will be promoted, and among our 9 party committee members, each person has an average of less than 3 people. The candidates you recommend have actually exceeded the average number. Yu Shengli said: "That's true, but how can I explain to those people?" Zhai Xinwen said: "How to explain? When we were in the party committee of our bureau, my request was only a recommendation. Every member of the party committee , I promised to promote at least 2 people. But I never said that I would promote every person recommended by the party committee members. All the party committee members recommended nearly a hundred people, but there are only 25 positions, that is, I want to be promoted, and I can be promoted Are you done? Director Yu, you have recommended so many people. Secretary Sun and comrades from the political engineering department have also carefully investigated. The candidates you recommend are either engaged in sports or logistics. My Director Yu, The central job of our education system is education and teaching, not physical education, not the director of general affairs. According to the preliminary opinion of the political engineering department, I would not be able to use any of the candidates you recommend. But now, I not only plan to promote a few, but also exceed the The original number is 2. As the deputy director, have you considered the difficulty of me being the director?" Yu Shengli was speechless.

Feng Liang also came to the door.In front of Zhai Xinwen, he was more or less afraid.Feng Liang said: "Director Zhai, the 10 people I recommended are not many!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Two people were used, which is exactly what I promised at the party committee of the bureau!" Feng Liang said: "But , there are 2 members of the Party Committee of the bureau, 9 for each, only 2 people. This time, 18 people will be promoted!" Zhai Xinwen said: "I am the director, don't I even have the right to recommend a few more people?" Feng Liang said suddenly Choke, after thinking for a long time, he finally groaned out a few words: "I see that more than two candidates recommended by Director Han were selected." Zhai Xinwen said, "Oh? Could it be that the candidate recommended by Director Han cannot be me? The person recommended? Could it be someone recommended by another deputy leader? Taking a step back, even if it is the person recommended by Director Han, you should go to Director Han to discuss it and ask her to give you the recommended candidate. If you don’t, I’ll promote a few more candidates for your recommendation.”

Feng Liang also left in despair.Zhai Xinwen despises this Han Suzhen's son-of-a-bitch, damn it, he even negotiated terms with me, let you fight with your master!I reckon, this time Han Suzhen will also call you a bloody sprinkler - you really don't have a brain!

In the afternoon of this day, the Dongzhou Municipal Bureau of Education held another party committee meeting, and all nine members of the party committee, including Han Suzhen, were present.Zhai Xinwen said: "Members of the party committee, everyone has a list of candidates to be promoted. There are 9 people in total. In fact, 25 people from the deputy department will be promoted to the main department, and 11 people will be promoted to the vice-principal department from the middle level. If you have no objections to this proposed promotion list, Please sign and agree at the bottom of the list, and sign again." Scanning the audience, "If you have any comments, please raise them now."

Zhai Xinwen saw that everyone picked up their pens and signed their opinions and names.Zhai Xinwen said: "Xiao Jiang, collect the list of leaders." After Jiang Chunhua collected all the lists, he handed them over to Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen read the signatures one by one and agreed to them all.Zhai Xinwen said: "Dear members of the party committee, all 9 members of the party committee agree with this list of proposed promotions. This fully reflects that the party committee of our Education Bureau is a united group and a group with cohesiveness. Since this list has everyone If there is no objection, let us pass by applause."

All 9 people applauded.Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Sun, immediately announce the pre-appointment of these 25 candidates. Whichever school they belong to, they will be announced at that school. If they belong to an agency, they will be announced at the entrance on the first floor of the agency. At the same time, there must be a general announcement. Sun Hongjun said: "Understood." Zhai Xinwen said: "This time the party committee is shorter than last time. It is really an efficient party committee! Now, I announce that the meeting will be adjourned."

Sun Hongjun followed Zhai Xinwen.Zhai Xinwen said: "Red Army, these nine lists must be kept on file." Saying this, he handed it over to Sun Hongjun.Sun Hongjun said: "Director Zhai, please rest assured." Zhai Xinwen said: "Come to my office." Sun Hongjun said: "OK."

In Zhai Xinwen's office, after Sun Hongjun sat down, he saw that Zhai Xinwen's face was not joyful, but solemn.Sun Hongjun was taken aback: "Director Zhai, are you still dissatisfied with the work in the past stage?" Zhai Xinwen said: "I am very satisfied with your work, Hongjun. This time the personnel adjustment work, maybe you seem The light boat has already passed the Ten Thousand Mountains, and for me, this is just the beginning!" Sun Hongjun showed a puzzled expression on his face.Zhai Xinwen said: "The promotion is only to clarify the identity, but not the position. The Red Army you have to think carefully about which positions these people will be placed in! Also, is it necessary to make certain adjustments to the existing positions? Adjust incompetent comrades to less important positions, and arrange some capable comrades or newly promoted comrades to more important positions? This is a question that needs to be carefully considered by you and me! And this is precisely the most important thing to keep secret , and at the same time, it is also the place where conflicts are most likely to be intensified!"

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