Director's growth history

2039.1056, Jiang Chunhua lost the watermelon and then the sesame

1056, Jiang Chunhua lost the watermelon and then the sesame

Zhai Xinwen returned to his office and was about to make a phone call when he saw Jiang Chunhua, the former head of the political engineering section, crying and pushing the door in without knocking or calling him. [ ] Zhai Xinwen couldn't help but frowned: "Chief Jiang, do you have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chunhua cried and said, "Director Zhai, if I do something wrong, I will accept all your criticisms. Why did you transfer me to the Security Section?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Little Jiang! It's normal for the section chiefs to rotate on a regular basis. As a staff member in an agency, you must be competent in all aspects of work and be versatile. "Jiang Chunhua said: "The rotation usually takes six years. I was the chief of the political engineering department, and I only worked for one year! Director Zhai, I will accept whatever criticism you make of me. Let me stay in the political engineering department." Zhai Xinwen Said: "I didn't let you stay in the political and engineering department. This is the decision of the bureau's party committee, not my personal decision. I can't make decisions for the bureau's party committee." Jiang Chunhua said: "Director Zhai, you are the top leader of the party and government, and the entire Education Bureau is You have the final say." Zhai Xinwen sneered: "Is that so? I can decide what to do? Which major event in our education bureau is not the result of collective research and discussion by the bureau's party committee? I think your political and engineering section chief this year is It's nothing! Obey the assignment and hand over the work immediately." Jiang Chunhua said: "No, Director Zhai, you must give me an explanation." Zhai Xinwen said: "So you don't want to be the chief of the security department?" Jiang Chunhua said: "I don't want to Do it." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, if you don't want to be the section chief, you can be a section member!" Zhai Xinwen picked up the internal phone and called Sun Hongjun: "Red Army, come to my office."

One minute later, Sun Hongjun came to the director's office and saw Jiang Chunhua crying.Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary Sun, Xiao Jiang said that she doesn't want to be the head of the safety section. I think we should respect her wish! If you don't want to be the head of the section, you can be a member of the section. Let her be the head of the section! Director Feng is concurrently in charge, and you are also looking for a suitable candidate for the chief of the safety section. Safety work is very important, and it affects the whole body. We must choose comrades who are serious and meticulous. You discuss it with Comrade Yuan Qing, You can also look for it from the school’s department-level cadres, and if there is no suitable one, you can look for it from the sub-section-level cadres.” Sun Hongjun said: “Okay, Director Zhai.” Zhai Xinwen said: “Xiao Jiang was a little confused just now. , you are her old section chief, talk to her. She doesn’t want to be the chief of the safety section, so she can be a member of the section, or go to the safety section.” Sun Hongjun said: “Okay.” Jiang Chunhua cried louder: "I won't leave, Director Zhai, you are killing a donkey! I have worked hard for a year with you, but in the end I got nothing. I don't accept it! I don't accept it!" Zhai Xinwen stood up, and his voice became stern. : "Do you want to work in the school? I think it doesn't matter if there is one more education supervisor or one less education supervisor. You don't even want to stay in the office now?"

Jiang Chunhua froze for a moment, seeing Zhai Xinwen's stern expression, she was also afraid: "Director Zhai, I didn't mean that." Zhai Xinwen said: "I don't want to see you now. Red Army, take her away. If she doesn't obey the assignment , let her go to the school to be an education supervisor." Sun Hongjun said: "Jiang Chunhua, what are you still doing, hurry up and go."

Sun Hongjun pushed Jiang Chunhua out the door and took him with him.Sun Hongjun said: "You, you! If you are a section chief, you will be a section member! If you don't want to be a section officer, you will be an education supervisor." Jiang Chunhua said: "Then I will now I still want to be the chief of the safety section, okay?" Sun Hongjun said, "Come to my office and talk about it."

When he came to the Secretary's Office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Jiang Chunhua lost his voice and began to suffer again.Sun Hongjun handed over a piece of facial tissue and said, "Wipe your tears." Jiang Chunhua said, "I still don't understand why Director Zhai didn't let me be the chief of the political engineering section?" Sun Hongjun said, "You still don't If you don’t understand, it means you haven’t realized your mistake.” Jiang Chunhua said, “Did I do something wrong?” Sun Hongjun sighed and didn’t speak.Sun Hongjun said in his heart, not only Zhai Xinwen wanted to replace you, but even I, Sun Hongjun, wanted to replace you!He is very capable at work, but he just has a bad mouth.But in this case, can you say it directly?Not suitable!

Seeing that Sun Hongjun was silent, Jiang Chunhua stopped crying: "Old section chief, did I do something wrong?" Sun Hongjun looked at Jiang Chunhua's pitiful look, and couldn't help saying implicitly: "Working in an agency, the leader arranged To work, understand and implement; if you don’t understand, implement, don’t ask so many why.” Jiang Chunhua seemed to have realized something, and said to himself: “So it’s like this!” Thinking about myself, sometimes Ask one more question when you don’t understand, but now that you think about it, it’s really unwise.Jiang Chunhua looked pitiful: "Secretary Sun, you are my old section chief. You see, I also realized that I was wrong. Can you tell Director Zhai that I am willing to obey the assignment and become the section chief of the Safety Section. I promise to work hard in the new position and do a good job in the safety work of Dongzhou Education." Sun Hongjun said: "Director Zhai has made it very clear that you will be the chief staff member, and Director Feng will also serve as the chief of the safety section. Do you want Director Zhai to take back this decision?" Jiang Chunhua said: "I'll look for Director Zhai again." Sun Hongjun couldn't bear it anymore: "You are stupid! Now Director Zhai is angry, I think you really want to go to school Become an education supervisor!"

Jiang Chunhua sat down on the sofa, and burst into tears again: "What should I do? From the chief of the political engineering section to the chief of the security section, I have lost face; the section chief won't let me do it, so what face do I have?" Going home? How can I face my children, my parents, and my husband in the future? When I go to the primary school to inspect the work, where will I put my face? Secretary Sun, the old section chief, you must help Help me! I admit that I was wrong, I dare not talk too much about what I shouldn’t ask, and I will resolutely implement it in the future. Please go and ask Director Zhai, I will be the chief of the safety section, and I will do it well. Old section chief!"

Sun Hongjun said: "Let's report to the Security Section first. I think Director Zhai will not agree to become the section chief. You, you, have been the chief of the political engineering section for a year. It's really useless." Do your job as a section member first, and in the future your work will be seen by the leaders, so you will naturally have the opportunity to be the section chief.” Jiang Chunhua said: “I’m not reconciled!” Sun Hongjun said: “Understand and implement; If you don't understand, you have to implement it. It seems that you really want to be an education supervisor in the school!"

Jiang Chunhua cried again.Sun Hongjun also became upset, what the hell!It seems that it was Director Zhai's wise choice to let you be a staff member.This Jiang Chunhua, if she is not allowed to remember this lesson firmly, and if she is not allowed to suffer pain to the bone, she will not have a long memory.

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