Director's growth history

2045.1061, the real chapter and the fake chapter all sound like the true chapter

1061、Truth and lies sound like the truth

Yang Fang called Fang Yuan to her office, and smiled and asked Fang Yuan to sit down. 【 】Yang Fang said: "Xiao Fang, what do you think about the writ of □□ today?" Everyone, I am just a junior high school teacher. What happened to the junior high school teacher? Could it be that junior high school teachers can’t teach high school well, so they can’t do well in the college entrance examination? I’m really not convinced, so I want to force myself to go to Huashan.” Yang Fang A few wry smiles: "Xiao Fang, you have such determination and ambition, whether I am your old leader or your aunt, I am happy for you. But under what circumstances, we You must adapt to the national conditions and the school’s school conditions. In the 68th Middle School, if you took the senior high school entrance examination for two consecutive years and your grades were very good, the teachers in the whole school would be convinced. Even if you said that, everyone would be very convinced. But what about the 5th Middle School? ?As a vice-principal who went out from No. 5, and now I return to No. 5 as the principal, I dare not say that I have completely controlled the situation in No. 5. As the youngest cadre in the school, you have never taught In high school, in front of so many senior colleagues, they talked a lot about how to teach in high school. Did soldiers who had never fought a war talk about front-line assaults, and people who had never killed pigs talked about how to kill pigs? Except for three junior high school students The dean of the Ministry, and the rest are people who have taught high school for many years, what do you think when you talk about it?" Fang Yuan said, "I just don't want to be looked down upon by others, thinking that I really don't understand high school." Yang Fang said: "The ideas you mentioned are subjectively good. You can think about them in your heart, or you can gradually implement and experiment after taking over high school teaching, but is it appropriate to say them in advance? You said you have read 6 You said that you have analyzed this year’s college entrance examination papers, but you have never taught high school yourself, let alone experienced the college entrance examination. How can your words convince these colleagues who have taught high school for more than ten or even twenty years? ?If you talk so eloquently, people will think you are talking on paper; if you talk about high school teaching like this, people will think you are arrogant. Most people have opinions about you in their hearts, and they will not say it like Principal Cao, but bury it. In my heart, if people don't cooperate with your work when the time comes, no matter how good your idea is, how can it produce good results?"

Yang Fang's words were serious, making Fang Yuan both regretful and grateful.What I regret is that I was too impulsive and wanted to prove myself too much.After Principal Yang's analysis, he was shooting himself in the foot!Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yang, I was wrong. Please guide me more. What should I do in the future?"

Seeing Fang Yuan accepting her opinion so quickly, Yang Fang felt a little comforted in her heart: knowing the mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it.This child Fangyuan is still a teachable son.Yang Fang said: "Fangyuan, you are still young, you are only 27 years old. After tempering, you can say that you have a bright future. This is not only my opinion, but also your uncle Zhao's opinion, and it is also the opinion of many elders who care about you like Director Zhai. Shared views with the leaders. But you are still a long way from maturity. I hope you will not be proud at any time, and don’t put on airs that you are the national Chinese teaching champion. Be humble. Be kind, respect older leaders and colleagues, and try not to increase your own opposition. At the same time, do your work in a down-to-earth manner, innovate when you need innovation, and reform when you need reform. Talk less and do more. Just do it, and talk about it when you’re done. I think everyone will gradually recognize you if you can achieve results.”

Fang Yuan felt like shedding tears again, surrounded by excitement.Principal Yang Fang is so kind!These are all words from the heart, without a drop of water mixed in.Fang Yuan said gratefully: "Principal, thank you for your teaching, I will keep it in my heart. From now on, I will do as you said." Yang Fang nodded and said: "Okay. I will also fully support you. Xiao Fang, you haven’t grasped the college entrance examination work. This year, I plan to focus on the college entrance examination work and grasp it together with you. I would also like to share some of the college entrance examination work when I was the dean of No. 5 middle school and the principal of No. 3 middle school. I would like to share my practice and experience with you.” Fang Yuan said: “Thank you so much, I really don’t know how to thank you, and I don’t know what I can do for you.” Yang Fang said: “There is still a relationship between me and you. Do you use this? Xiao Fang, I admire you and am willing to help you. What’s more, as an old educator, I also hope that young educators can grow up faster. After all, the future of Dongzhou education still needs to be It depends on you to create." At this moment, Fang Yuan's feelings for Yang Fang are not only gratitude, but also a kind of admiration.Fang Yuan said from the bottom of his heart: "Principal Yang, you are a role model for me to learn from." Yang Fang smiled gratifiedly: "Okay, let's stop here. Xiao Fang, the desks, chairs and computers in your office I think it has been fixed, and I will share an office with the principal from now on. The principal is a nice lady, she speaks and does things well. I believe you can learn a lot from her. "Fang Yuan said: "Yes, I must learn more from her." Yang Fang said: "In our school, above the vice-principal level, each person is equipped with a laptop computer in addition to a desktop computer. The desktop computer is provided by the Municipal Education Bureau according to the 6 : The ratio of 4 is uniformly prepared. Our school has some funds, so each leader above the vice-principal has a notebook, so that everyone can take it with him when he goes out to give lectures, training or meetings. After a while, I will ask the general affairs to give you 1 If it is less than 1 yuan, you will be reimbursed according to the invoice; if it is more than 1 yuan, you will make up for it yourself, and the school will only reimburse you 1 yuan."

Is there such a good thing?Fang Yuan felt that there must be a huge difference in treatment between the 5th and 68th schools.Fang Yuan asked carefully: "Principal, isn't this a green light for me?" Yang Fang said: "No. Everyone from Chairman Dai up has it. You are the vice-principal, of course you should enjoy it. This is not Everyone is the same when it comes to specialization." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Principal Yang."

When interacting with the members of the leadership team of No. 5 Middle School at noon, Fang Yuan kept Yang Fang’s words in mind. He was modest, low-key, and kind, and tried his best to make up for it. He had a basically smooth and friendly interaction with everyone in No. 5 Middle School, including Cao Guanting.Although Cao Guanting tried to provoke Fang Yuan's emotions from time to time in his words, just like a matador using a red cloth to attract the attention of a bull, but unfortunately he failed this time. Fang Yuan is not a bullfight, but an old scalper as steady as a mountain .Of course, Fangyuan also paid attention to the key direction and key goals when interacting. On the premise of balance, Fangyuan had a friendly and in-depth discussion with Yang Fang, Na Hong, and the three teaching directors of the high school, Huang Jiawei, Yang Yingxian, and Zeng Peixuan. communication.Fangyuan also has a steelyard: Yang Fang is the most important. Her support is the key to success in the new job in the future; The line is familiar with each other and has deepened the impression, which is the common topic.The three teaching directors are all older than me, and they also have more experience in tutoring high school than myself. Fang Yuan remembers Yang Fang's teachings, so she dares not show the prestige of the vice-principal at all. In the position, clink glasses with two brothers and one sister.During the interaction, Fang Yuan was also comparing and felt more deeply: Yang Yingxian seemed to respect him very much. He was very happy to accept Fang Yuan's compliments, but his eyes clearly revealed his arrogance and contempt; as an English teacher who had just been promoted to the position of deputy dean, Zeng Peixuan must be excellent in English teaching. For more than ten years, I didn't know much about the outside world. After drinking two glasses of wine with Fang Yuan, I still didn't understand. Fang Yuan became the vice principal after only five years of teaching with two classes.How did he become vice-principal?I am 5 years older than Fang Yuan, and I have just become the deputy dean. I don't know when I will be the dean, let alone what will be the vice principal.Zeng Peixuan almost broke her head, but still couldn't figure it out.She was envious, jealous and surprised by Fang Yuan, and even had a strange idea in her heart: If she was seven years younger, she must chase after such a promising vice principal.He became a vice principal at such a young age, and it is estimated that he will not be a principal for a few years. In the future, he may be transferred to the Municipal Education Bureau as a section chief or deputy director!

In the middle of the banquet, Fang Yuan received a call from Miao Qun: "Principal Fang, I am Miao Qun!" Fang Yuan said, "Hello, Principal Miao." Miao Qun said, "I never expected that you would leave No. 68 Middle School Alas, this is like cutting off both of my arms all at once." Fang Yuan said in his heart: Didn't you want me to leave a long time ago?What are you still pretending to do at this time?But the person has already left, his words should be kind, and there is no point in offending others at this time.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Miao, I also have a lot of affection for No. 68 Middle School. After all, this is where I started working after graduating from university. I am reluctant to leave the school's plants and trees, and I am also reluctant to leave the school's leaders and colleagues. But iron fight As a teacher, you must obey the organization’s arrangements.” Miao Qun said: “Yes! When the school affairs meeting was held in the morning, everyone was very depressed when they heard the news of your departure. I’m wiping my tears! Principal Zhou also said that although there were some misunderstandings between the two of you in the past, but now that you think about it, she also did not do well in many areas. She said, Principal Fang, that you have made great contributions to 68 High School. I really hope that if possible, I will return to our No. 68 High School."

Fangyuan also felt a little uncomfortable when Miao Qun said that Dong Mei was crying.This is a woman who has had skin-to-skin contact with him, this is a kind and gentle woman, this is a good woman.Alas, I don't know what Miao Qun meant by saying such words at this time?Is it just to say that everyone misses me very much?Maybe that's what it means, maybe it contains a deeper meaning.Fang Yuan didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it.As for Dong Mei, Fang Yuan knew that it was better to end sooner than later, otherwise it would be a ticking time bomb, and it would explode at an unknown time. At that time, the future and fate might all be wiped out in the bombing.It might be a relief to leave 68 High School.What's more, in the depths of Fangyuan's heart, although Fangyuan himself doesn't admit it, in fact, Dong Mei's body is no longer attractive. Compared with Shao Keqing, it is much worse. Compared with Shao Keqing, her sexual skills are even more insignificant. up.Fang Yuan thought of Fang Shujuan's text messages, and also felt that it was really good to leave 68 High School. At least every time she saw Fang Shujuan, she always felt a sense of guilt, and if she didn't see her again, this feeling should be much less.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Miao, please tell everyone that I miss you very much too!" Miao Qun said: "Okay, as long as Principal Fang is thinking about us. Tonight, 68 Middle School will have a table of home-cooked meals in Zuixianlou. I want to see Principal Fang off. Principal Fang, you must come!" Fang Yuan said, "Principal Miao, don't waste your money." Miao Qun said, "This is just our wish, of course, and everyone's wish. Principal Fang , this year the school has collected a lot of school selection fees, and you are the first to contribute, Principal Fang! Principal Fang, I will invite you as my brother, okay? Give my brother some face!" Fang Yuan couldn't refuse, and said: " Okay, Principal Miao, thank you. In the afternoon, I will go back to school, pack up the things in the office, and handover with other school leaders." Miao Qun said: "Principal Fang, did you drink at noon? There must also be a welcome banquet. In this way, you tell me where the hotel is, and I will ask Chen Weiguo to pick you up by car. Then, you pack up the things in the office, and I will ask Chen Weiguo to take you home. Then Chen Weiguo will take you directly Then send it to the Drunken Immortal Tower, okay?"

Fang Yuan thought for a while, but he really couldn't drive anymore after drinking so much alcohol.Since Miao Qun insisted so much, Fang Yuan didn't want to be polite anymore: "Principal Miao, I'm really sorry to cause you trouble." Miao Qun was happy: Okay, this time the task assigned by Director Zhai can be completed very well.

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