Director's growth history

2058.1073 Who Shocked?

1073 Who Shocked?

Before the end of the school affairs meeting, Yang Fang once again urged all departments to come up with work plans as soon as possible, and ordered the director of the office, Ruan Shaoxiu, to go to various departments to collect the plans before get off work. 【 】Yang Fang said: "I want to praise Principal Fang. Principal Fang is the first leader in charge to hand over the plan to me today. The plan is well written, very close to the school's reality, and has clear goals and clear thinking. It is both pragmatic and innovative.” Seeing the glances of different meanings, Fang Yuan was in a calm mood and smiled: “Speaking of this teaching plan, I have done very little. I think that if the high school teaching plan can be better than other If the department was completed a little earlier, the main credit should be attributed to Director Yang in the third grade, Director Huang in the second grade, and Director Zeng in the first grade. It is the result of the hard work and cooperation of the three teaching directors. Director Yang, in particular, wrote for two consecutive nights and Only after the modification was the plan handed over to Principal Yang today. Therefore, the high school department was praised by Principal Yang. I know best that the three directors should be thanked. Of course, I also especially thank Director Yang for his hard work in the past few days."

Yang Fang was shocked by Fang Yuan's words: What a manager who doesn't take credit for it!The three teaching directors Huang Jiawei, Yang Yingxian, and Zeng Peixuan were also deeply shocked: In this way, no matter what work they do in the future, they will not be buried?Huang Jiawei felt that it was necessary to take a new look at Fangyuan. Yang Yingxian was so grateful that he gave birth to the idea of ​​"serving the country with allegiance". Zeng Peixuan wondered whether the little brother, the vice principal, was only 27 years old.At first, he was jealous of Fang Yuan being praised by Yang Fang, but now that the pinnacle of jealousy is gone, Fang Yuan credits all the credit to the three teaching directors in charge, should he still be jealous of the teaching directors below?Cao Guanting is obviously dissatisfied with his three junior high school deans, shit, Fang Yuan's subordinates are all on the move, what are you doing?When Cao Guanting cast his vicious eyes on the three deans of the junior high school, the three deans also looked at each other in dismay: You didn't assign me a task, I'll write a fart!You are not trying to compete with Fang Yuan, I thought you were going to write it yourself!Unexpectedly, Cao Guanting's unfriendly gaze dug a small hole between him and the three teaching directors.After all, Cao Guanting is not an old vice-principal, but a new vice-principal who was recommended by Yang Fang for three months in May.

The meeting is over.Fang Yuan received a call from Si Yushi: "Brother Fang, are you at school now?" Fang Yuan said, "Sister-in-law, I'm here. Are you here now?" Si Yushi said, "I'm here, in the reception room. The security guards won't let you in!" Fang Yuan said, "Sister-in-law, wait a minute, I'll call the reception room... No, I'll pick you up in person." Si Yushi said, "Just make a call, you don't need to come down." Fang Yuan said: "How can this be done? Brother Miao is my dearest brother-in-law, and you are my sister-in-law. I must go downstairs. Please wait for me for a few minutes." Si Yushi was very warm in her heart and said, "Thank you. "

Fang Yuan went downstairs quickly, saw a maroon Toyota sedan parked at the door, and saw standing outside the door looking into the school.Fang Yuan shook his head and ran over in a small step.When they arrived at the school gate, Fangyuan said, "Hello, sister-in-law." Si Yushi said, "Brother, it's been a long time. I didn't know you had been transferred to No. 5 middle school. If we knew, your brother and I should really celebrate for you." Celebrate." Fang Yuan said, "One family doesn't talk about two things. I only came to No. 5 High School for four days, and I was still in No. 5 High School five days ago!" Si Yushi said, "Miao Zhitang, come here, I met you Uncle." A tall boy walked over from the side and said, "Hello, Uncle Fang." Fang Yuan looked him up, heh, this kid looks so much like Si Yushi, but In the outline of the face, one can more or less find similarities with Miao Dongshun.Fang Yuan said: "Sister-in-law, my eldest nephew is really the crystallization of love between you and brother! I think he looks very much like you, but in terms of demeanor and temperament, he has similarities with Brother Miao." Si Yushi Said: "Yes. Lao Miao's favorite is this son." Fang Yuan said: "Miao Zhitang, this name has a very deep meaning. I guess it should be the name given by my sister-in-law." Si Yushi Said: "Yes! I started it, but it's not me. I went to find a naming company to give it to me. The child is a fire, so I have to bring him by the side, and I want him to be smart and strong. , The gentleman who named him gave the name 'Zhitang'." Fang Yuan stroked Miao Zhitang's head affectionately, but Miao Zhitang's eyes glared: "Don't move my head!" Jump.Si Yushi's face tensed: "Miao Zhitang, how can you talk to your Uncle Fang like this? Don't you know that Uncle Fang is your father's closest brother?" Miao Zhitang said: "I hate it when people touch me. Head." Haha, quite domineering!It seems that Si Yushi and Miao Dongshun doted on her too much!I wonder if my son will be like Miao Zhitang in the future?Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, kid, don't bother with him anymore. I believe sister-in-law is a top student at Qingjiang University, and she will be able to guide her well." Si Yushi said, "Yes, that's my idea too. But your brother Miao likes him too much, so there is nothing I can do about it.” Fang Yuan said, “Sister-in-law, come with me. I will recommend you to see Principal Yang, and you can go to Principal Yang for the relevant procedures. Principal Yang is the host of Jingu's meal." Si Yushi said: "I remember, I remember. Is it that kind old lady?" Fang Yuan said: "It's her." Turning his face, he said: "Master , please open the door." Seeing that the vice-principal was talking so affectionately with this woman, the security guard naturally knew that he had blocked the wrong person, and quickly said, "Principal Fang, I'm sorry." Fang Yuan said, "You have done your duty and I should praise you. Without the permission of the school leaders, outsiders should not enter the school, otherwise, if there is a security incident, who will be responsible?" The security guard was very happy: "Yes, yes, yes."

With Fangyuan's intervention, Miao Zhitang's school transfer was quite quick.Yang Fang signed, wrote a note worth 3 yuan, and handed it to Si Yushi.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you so much, Principal Yang." Si Yushi said: "Principal Yang, if there is anything that Lao Miao and I need to do, please feel free to tell me. If you need any support from Jingu Hotel, please ask. We will do our best to help you. Discount." Yang Fang said, "You're welcome. But this time, it's principal Fang's face that your child can come in." As Yang Fang said, she opened the drawer and took out three dozen notes or papers of various kinds. Letterhead, said: "In my hand, there are still more than 3000 notes, all of which are leaders at all levels or friends from all walks of life requesting to send the children of relatives or friends to No. 5 Middle School. No. 5 Middle School can accept less than 600 students in one grade. , there are still more than 3000 and I don’t know how to arrange them! Worry!”

Seeing such three stacks of notes, Fang Yuan and Si Yushi were both taken aback.Dare to love, this is really a big face!Fang Yuan's heart was full of gratitude to Yang Fang. It's not easy to be a principal, and it's even more difficult to be the principal of No. 5 Middle School. There is such a thing that can't be resolved, and the relationship with him is resolved. The feeling is really big enough.Si Yushi knew that it was difficult to get into No. 5 middle school, but she never thought that it would be so difficult to get into No. 5 middle school.This time when I go back, I have to tell Miao Dongshun that the favor owed to Fangyuan this time is definitely a great favor.It's not easy to pay for school, what kind of society is this, what kind of world is this?

Fang Yuan originally had to accompany Si Yushi to the General Affairs Office to pay the fee, but at this time she made up her mind not to go.Fang Yuan said: "Sister-in-law, you can go to the General Affairs Office by yourself. If you go to pay the note and pay, don't talk about anything else." Si Yushi has been in the mall for so many years, why doesn't she understand?She said, "Don't worry." Fang Yuan said, "I still have something to report to Principal Yang, and I won't send it off." Si Yushi said, "Okay. Principal Yang, brother Fang, thank you two leaders again Although our Jingu is not as high as Shangri-La, we are willing to sincerely thank the two leaders." Yang Fang said: "Si always is too polite." Fang Yuan said: "Sister-in-law, don't thank me. To be honest, I was taken aback by taking out so many notes at once. I didn’t expect that Principal Yang would resist such great pressure and enroll my nephew in the No. 5 Middle School first. Please tell my sister-in-law about this situation to Brother Miao. It's a big favor!" Yang Fang felt a little better in her heart.Fang Yuan can realize this and say it in front of President Si. It seems that the gratitude from President Miao and President Si is inevitable.Si Yushi knew very well in her heart that she heard that she would not be able to get into No. 10 High School with 5 yuan, but this time she got into No. 5 High School with only 3 yuan. Thanks to the principal, at least 1 yuan is worth it.Of course, thanks can not only thank the principal, but also the younger brother!My son will study in No. 6 Middle School in the next 5 years, and this younger brother will inevitably take care of him.This matter, really discuss it with Lao Miao.

Seeing Si Yushi leave, Fang Yuan said to Yang Fang: "Principal, thank you so much." Yang Fang said: "Thank you. They are all colleagues, so help as much as you can. But then again, I am here The pressure is not small! I am still worrying about these notes, what should I do?" Fang Yuan put himself in the situation and thought that it would be very difficult for him to be the principal.Alas, this is actually caused by the lack of high-quality educational resources.In the future, if I have the opportunity to take charge of Dongzhou Education, I will definitely work harder to expand high-quality educational resources, and I must make every school satisfy parents.All are high-quality educational resources, which greatly reduces the phenomenon of school choice, and the principal does not have to be embarrassed.Of course, some principals don't have to make any money.Fang Yuan didn't have anything to do, she shrugged helplessly.Yang Fang smiled: "When did you learn to be like a Westerner?" Fang Yuan said: "Principal, I now deeply feel that it is really not easy to be the principal of No. 5 Middle School." Yang Fang felt the same way: " Yes! Everyone thinks that being the headmaster of No. 5 middle school is a good thing, but who would have thought of the pressure and responsibility of being the headmaster of No. 5 middle school? Fang Yuan, you don’t know, I’m telling you, Uncle Zhao, that under any circumstances Don’t even introduce students to me, you, Uncle Zhao, have opinions on me! No way, I took these notes back to him and showed him, and only then did he know that there is really nothing I can do if I don’t let him introduce students.” Fang Yuan said: "I really want to help the principal, but I really can't do much." Yang Fang said with a smile: "It's good to understand! If there is nothing else, you can go to work. I will read these notes again. Worrying note!"

Fang Yuan returned to the vice-principal's office and saw that Na Hong was typing on the computer, so she didn't bother.Na Hong turned her head upside down, smiled and said, "Fang Yuan, you are a good person!" Fang Yuan said, "Then sister, why are you talking about this all of a sudden?" Na Hong said, "Fang Yuan, your plan was really written by Yang Yingxian?" Fang Yuan Said: "Yes, that's the truth." Na Hong said: "I figured that Cao Guanting was in a hurry today, and he didn't write down his plan. None of his three junior high school directors took the initiative to share. This is the first time we have played against each other. Your directors are better than him!"

How could Fang Yuan have thought that it would be so complicated, but in the eyes of others, it is already comparable.It seems that there are quite a few people sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight!Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Sister, I just told the truth. The teaching plan for the high school was indeed written by Director Yang Yingxian. During the process, Director Huang and Director Zeng were consulted. I just After reading the manuscript, I just mentioned some immature ideas of my own." Na Hong said, "Fang Yuan, I am very envious! I only have one secretary of the Youth League Committee under my management, but the party branch plan, art education plan, I am in charge of the audio-visual education project, no one can do it for me." Fang Yuan said, "I would like to help that sister write, but I am not familiar with the situation in No. 5." Na Hong said: "There is this The heart is fine."

Fang Yuan suddenly wanted Yang Yingxian to come over, and wanted to know what he should do next.Classes have been divided today, and the personnel of the three grades of high school have also been decided. How to lead these high school teachers well and strive for new achievements in the coming year?Fang Yuan didn't know what to do.Now, one cannot show weakness to these vice principals. After much deliberation, only Yang Yingxian is worthy of trust.Looking at the red, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that it is good to have a one-person office, even if the office is smaller.There are many things that are inconvenient for two people to talk to each other at the table.Thinking of this, Fang Yuan called Yang Yingxian inside: "Director Yang? I'm Fang Yuan." Yang Yingxian's enthusiastic voice came from the phone: "Principal Fang, do you need me? I'll be right over now." Fang Yuan said : "Let me go find you." Yang Yingxian said, "How can I do that? I'll go upstairs right away." Fang Yuan put down the phone and waited for Yang Yingxian.

In less than a minute, Yang Yingxian opened the door and walked in: "Hi, Principal, Hello, Principal Fang." Nahong said: "Director Yang, you have done your work. I don't think Principal Fang will be buried." Yang Yingxian laughed He said, "Yes, Principal Fang is a good leader." Fang Yuan said, "Brother Yang, what are you talking about? They are both colleagues and friends." Yang Yingxian was stunned by a "big brother", but he immediately realized that he was closer. The relationship between the layers, the smile on the face is even brighter.Fang Yuan said: "Brother Yang, please sit down." Yang Yingxian sat opposite Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan said: "Director Yang is invited to come. I want to know. When Principal Zhao Zidong was in charge of high school teaching, what would he usually do when he was in charge of high school teaching?" We, the three teaching directors, have a chat, and let us each write out the plans for each grade in charge; and then after the school teacher meeting on the back-to-school day, Principal Zhao will also call a plenary meeting for the teachers of the high school to encourage everyone Son." Fang Yuan asked, "Is there any more?" Yang Yingxian said, "After that, there will be military training. Generally, the military training of the junior middle school is arranged in the school; the military training of the first grade usually goes to the military camp. In the past, Principal Zhao always led the team. If there are no accidents this year, Principal Fang, you will be the leader of the team." Fang Yuan said, "Are Director Huang and Director Zeng both in the teaching office?" Yang Yingxian said, "They are." Fang Yuan said, "Then I will follow suit Principal Zhao, meet the three directors." Na Hong said with a smile: "Fang Yuan, you want to follow Zhao Zidong as an example?" Fang Yuan said with a smile: "I just put myself in the position of the students. Good job, Principal Zhao. Experience, I want to inherit, continue, and develop. I can’t just change the course and discard the original good tradition just because I’m in charge.” Na Hong stretched out her thumb: “Fang Yuan, I think you can do it.” Fang Yuan said : "That sister won the prize. Brother Yang, let's go."

From Director Yang to Brother Yang, to Brother Yang to Director Yang, from Director Yang to Brother Yang, the change of titles was intentional by Fang Yuan.Calling Yang Yingxian Director Yang is to let Yang Yingxian recognize who is the principal and who is the director; calling Yang Yingxian Brother Yang is to let Yang Yingxian understand that I, Fangyuan, are very close to you now.Fang Yuan looked at Yang Yingxian's joyful expression, and felt in his heart: The books recommended by his father-in-law for him are really wonderful.What is the art of leadership?The art of leadership is to let the subordinates work hard and be grateful to the leader with snot and tears.Yang Yingxian has been subdued, now it's time to subdue Huang Jiawei and Zeng Peixuan.Although they are old, what's wrong with being old?What happened to the high school you taught for years?How many leaders came out of the Communist Youth League and directly served as the governor of the province. "The Director" signed a contract to publish Century Literature. Welcome to subscribe to support the author to continue to create.They have never presided over administrative work before, don't they do the same?I have never taught high school, but I can still manage high school well; as long as I can let the three deans give full play to their roles, I will be an idler, and I will also let the first and second grades of senior high school rank first in the city in the unified examination, and let the senior three Ranked among the best in the college entrance examination!

Fang Yuan walked ahead with a confidence she had never had before.Yang Yingxian followed Fangyuan, never leaving a step, as if afraid of falling behind and never being able to keep up.

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