Director's growth history

2063.1078. I am determined to go with the "Party"

1078. I am determined to go with the "Party"

Another day begins. 【-】It's great to be a teacher, you can rest comfortably at home; it's not so good to be a school cadre, you have to go to the school to study and work under the scorching sun.When Fang Yuan came to his office early, cleaned up, fetched water, and turned on the air conditioner, he was drenched in sweat.After sitting on the seat for a while, I saw Na Hong hurried over, pushed open the door, and said the first sentence: "I've never seen such a ghostly weather, it's really hot." Seeing that his glass had been wiped It must be clean, and Na Hong said: "Fang Yuan, I'm sorry to be the one to clean my cup again." Fang Yuan said, "It's a matter of a minute." Brush my cup." Fang Yuan said, "You're too polite, sister, so don't take it to heart." Na Hong smiled and said, "Not to mention, I'm really happy to have an office with you." Fang Yuan said, "I Too."

Na Hong quickly took out the USB flash drive from her bag, and said, "I have to go to Ruan Shaoxiu. The plan was written all night yesterday, and I will study it at the meeting today. Don't delay Ruan Shaoxiu's summary."

sky!I just handed in the summary today!Didn't you ask that you have to hand it in before you get off work yesterday?Fang Yuan didn't speak, but he had a bad impression of Na Hong.Of course, this cannot be entirely blamed on Na Hong. In fact, when Yang Fang was in No. 68 High School, there was a sense of loose management. The strict vice principal, I am afraid that the 68th high school will not have such a good foundation.Speaking of it, Principal Yao Changqing is more capable. He is soft when he should be soft, and hard when he should be hard. What should be good to teachers is really good; what should be strict with teachers is definitely strict.Therefore, the teachers not only felt Yao Changqing's kindness to the teacher, but also accepted Yao Changqing's strict requirements.As for Principal Yang Fang, in Fang Yuan's impression, he was a little too loose. □□Grandpa said it well, you have to be soft with one hand and tough with the other. If you are only soft, you will lose your authority and cannot be banned;In fact, the same is true of school management.If Principal Yang was a little stubborn, I'm afraid that Hong wouldn't dare to delay finishing the plan on time.I don't know when Liu Ming was the principal of No. 5 Middle School, who would dare not complete the work tasks on time?

Of course, these thoughts are just thinking about it in my heart.In this case, you can't tell anyone, including your own wife.Anyway, now that I have written out my high school plan, I should clean up my own door and not care about others’ faults. This is still a philosophy of life that must be followed in Chinese society.At noon, I will look at the plans of the three grades again, and understand the thinking of Huang Jiawei, Yang Yingxian, and Zeng Peixuan, so that I have a clear understanding and grasp of the entire senior high school, from the macroscopic whole to the local grade groups. This can be done well in the future when the work is carried out.Fang Yuan believes that his own work is the method that a good principal should master and use.Fangyuan concentrated on reading the Chinese textbook for the first year of high school.Is there a big difference between the teaching method of Chinese in the first year of high school and the teaching method of the third year of junior high school?I was able to do well in the third year of junior high school, and I was able to make all the students in the school like my Chinese class. Could it be that the students in the first year of high school didn't like my class?Fang Yuan was really not convinced.Looking at these texts, Fang Yuan is very familiar.The first unit of the compulsory course is poetry, **'s "Qinyuanchun Changsha", and several famous poems from the 40s and 5s, such as "Rain Lane", "Farewell to Cambridge", "Dayan River~~My Nanny" .For the teaching of poetry, Fang Yuan naturally has a good method.The new curriculum reform emphasizes research-based learning for students, and emphasizes that students can cultivate inquiry, analysis, synthesis, and comparison abilities through their own hands, and emphasizes students' independent learning.In fact, Chinese teaching seems to pay more attention to the cultivation of basic language literacy. In fact, it is also possible to guide students to learn to use all available resources starting from the textbook itself through research-based learning, so that students can learn more deeply about the text. It has cultivated students' self-learning ability, and at the same time can stimulate students' interest in learning. It is also in line with the teaching philosophy that I have always insisted on in the past, "teaching a child to fish is worse than teaching him to fish".Fangyuan suddenly had a new idea: after the school term started, he would hold open classes in the whole school, and demonstrate the new curriculum standard concept that the country has just promoted and popularized in high schools, and let all the teachers in the school take a look. Can't teach, can teach high school; more importantly, better promote and popularize the new concept of curriculum reform in high school, so that the new students of No. 5 Middle School can better adapt to the current and future college entrance examination. Students' knowledge accumulation pays more attention to the examination of students' thinking divergence, and more attention to the testing of students' ability to use knowledge in a flexible way.Since it has come, there must be something innovative, and it must truly create a new situation.Fangyuan thought of Xie Bingguo, the strength of the teaching and research section must be relied on, if he can hold a 5th middle school curriculum reform seminar in the whole city through the teaching and research section, and personally come to teach a demonstration class or observe a class, the impact will be citywide.Of course, if Director Zhai and Director Zou can be invited here, it will be a grand event for high school curriculum reform, a grand event to promote the [-]th Middle School and ourselves!Fang Yuan gritted her teeth, and she has established a firm belief in her heart: No matter how difficult it is, you must do these few things. This is not only a reason to stop those people from attacking Director Zhai, but also to prove to the city's education system that you can teach junior high schools well. , can teach high school better.

All morning, Fang Yuan prepared lessons quietly, no one disturbed Fang Yuan, and no one came to invite Fang Yuan to a meeting.This Principal Yang looks really calm!I don't know how Director Ruan Shaoxiu's school's big draft is going.I don't know how many leaders in charge have not submitted their plans.Anyway, Ruan Shaoxiu couldn't finish writing the master plan of the school, and the school office meeting probably couldn't be held.This is also good, just use this time to study and study the textbooks of the first unit, and strive to prepare lessons.Speaking of which, preparing lessons for this research textbook is my forte!How many times have I studied the textbooks for the second and third grades of junior high school during the two tests of preparing for the provincial class and the national class!That is simply earth-shaking, so I like to study its structure, its background, its thoughts, and its artistic conception when I take a text, and I naturally think of how to teach and learn to make the class beautiful. Let students learn well.Is it possible to have such time, and it is rare to have such a state of mind, sitting quietly in the office, studying textbooks.

Around noon, Yang Yingxian called the internal line and told Fang Yuan that all the teaching plans for the three grades had been collected.Fang Yuan said: "Then trouble Director Yang to send it up." A minute later, Yang Yingxian appeared in front of Fang Yuan with a humble smile on his face: "Principal Fang, Director Zeng taught me the plan early this morning, and let me See if there is anything that needs to be revised. I looked at it, and based on my years of teaching experience, I mentioned a few places, and then Director Zeng also went all out in the morning, and handed it over to me at 1 o'clock." Fang Yuan nodded: "Director Yang, the lead director, is still very responsible. This is right." Yang Yingxian said: "Director Huang, I reminded him once in the morning. Five minutes ago, Director Huang also handed over the plan to me. Finished ahead of schedule." Fang Yuan said with a smile, "This is Director Yang's job well done. Please sit down, Director Yang, let me take a look at these plans."

Yang Yingxian sat on the side, and Fang Yuan focused on the plans of the three grades.While watching, Fang Yuan sneaked a look at Yang Yingxian, and it was obvious that he was still a little anxious.Fang Yuan chuckled secretly, as a leader you have to learn to be calm.It seems that I have to watch it for a while, look carefully, and make some ones, twos, and threes, so that Yang Yingxian can see my level.

Fang Yuan really looked at these three plans carefully.The process of seeing is a process of thinking and a process of memory.Young man, with such a memory.You have to keep it in your mind, so that you can talk endlessly when you speak, and you can really have a shocking effect.After reading the three plans at a slow pace, Fang Yuan could understand that the three directors actually put their heart into writing them.How should this conversation proceed?Fang Yuan hasn't made up his mind yet.Fang Yuan raised his head, looked at Yang Yingxian who was waiting anxiously and patiently, and said with a smile, "Director Yang, I kept you waiting. The plans of the three directors are all written in detail, and I am generally satisfied. It's almost noon, it's time Dinner. At 1:30 in the afternoon, if the school does not hold a school affairs meeting, I would like to communicate with the three directors. I also have some ideas, and we will communicate again. Director Yang, please, please print a copy In the afternoon, we will know better." Yang Yingxian said, "Okay." Fang Yuan stood up, and Yang Yingxian also stood up.Fang Yuan stretched out his hand: "Director Yang, if you are a good director, you will have a better chance to be the vice principal. You and I should work hard!" Yang Yingxian said, "Please rest assured, Principal Fang." Hot tofu, the War of Resistance Against Japan took eight years to win the final victory, even if we took small steps, looking back at the present two years later, I don’t know if we can be counted as a romantic figure?” Yang Yingxian said: “Yes.* *'s poems have a profound artistic conception, and after being interpreted by Principal Fang in this way, I realized my shallowness." Fang Yuan said: "Brothers are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold."

From the hand being held, Yang Yingxian felt the strength Fangyuan brought him.Yang Yingxian has already seen that Yang Fang is actually a transitional figure. After the school caused chaos because of Liu Ming's dismissal, the leaders of the Education Bureau used Yang Fang's tolerance and smoothness to stabilize the situation in No. 5 Middle School.After all, Yang Fang is about to retire from the second grade. At this time, the leaders of the Education Bureau assigned Fang Yuan to No. 5 Middle School as the vice-principal. This clear intention can be understood by anyone with a little analytical ability.What Fang Yuan said to himself today implied that he was a little anxious, yes, the point was too accurate, how could there be immediate results?I have only been in contact with Principal Fang for less than 10 days, and I don't even have any grades. What can Principal Fang promise to me?Two years, what a two years!In the next two years, we must closely follow Principal Fang, do more things, do more things, accomplish things, let the results speak for themselves, and let the facts prove that I, Yang Yingxian, am a capable cadre. At that time, Principal Fang Just say speak for me!Although Principal Fang is young, he feels like a middle-aged man over forty years old. He speaks so calmly and does things so sophisticatedly. He is 10 years older than he is.It is said that the people follow the party, and the party is too far away from me; now, in my Yang Yingxian's eyes, President Fang is the "party", and I, Yang Yingxian, will be determined to follow the "party" and swear to be with the "party". Honor and disgrace, advance and retreat together. If the "Party" prospers, I will be blessed; if the "Party" dies, I will be unlucky.Of course, no matter how you look at it, there is no sign that the "party" is going to die.

Lunch is eaten at the restaurant opposite the school.It can be seen that the owner and waiter of the restaurant are very familiar with the cadres of No. 5 Middle School, and the service can keep up.When Ruan Shaoxiu finished ordering and returned to the restaurant with two tables for a few minutes, the hot and cold dishes came out in a hurry.Yang Fang said: "You can work better when you are full. Since Director Ruan has ordered dishes for us all, we will not be polite. We don't drink alcohol at noon, but we must eat well." Saying that, he greeted everyone to eat.During dinner, Yang Fang asked Ruan Shaoxiu: "Director Ruan, how is the school's new semester plan?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay, the first draft is finished." Yang Fang said: "Okay, at 1:30 in the afternoon, we will start school affairs on time. Yes, study the school’s plans for the new semester. In addition, we also need to study military training and teacher training.”

After eating, Yang Yingxian walked up to Fang Yuan: "Principal Fang, the meeting with several teaching directors this afternoon..." Fang Yuan said, "The school affairs meeting will be held first. If the school affairs meeting ends early, we will continue to communicate and exchange ideas." ;If it's too late, tomorrow." Yang Yingxian said: "Okay."

At 13:30, the school affairs meeting will be held in the small meeting room of the school on time.

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