Director's growth history

2068.1082, Huang Jiawei impresses Fangyuan again

1082 , Huang Jiawei Impresses Fangyuan Again

In the afternoon, Fang Yuan went to Dongzhou Normal University in person, met with his supervisor Xu Qian, reported to Professor Xu the work situation in the past two years, and thanked Professor Xu Qian for his care and training over the years. 【@】Professor Xu Qian is still very impressed with Fang Yuan. He is very pleased that Fang Yuan can win the first prize in junior high school Chinese teaching in Qingjiang Province and in the whole country. proud.It is said that peaches and plums are all over the world, and the teacher has the greatest skill.As a teacher, I will be as happy as if I have achieved such a result for every bit of progress my students make.Fangyuan sincerely invited the teacher to give lectures in No. 5 Middle School, and Xu Qian readily agreed while being happy.Fangyuan told the teacher that the lecture fee will not be lower than that of other universities. The theme is around the new curriculum standards, talking about what new education and teaching concepts teachers should establish under the new curriculum standards, and how to operate in specific education and teaching behaviors.

That night, Fang Yuan talked with his father-in-law Kong Zitian in the study and talked about a series of changes in the school in recent days.Confucius Tian said: "It's no problem if I come forward to give a report. You are my son-in-law, and I fully support you. You should do whatever you want. I have also thought about the topic of the report. It is called "Sun Tzu's Art of War and Class Teacher Management." Fang Yuan I was really shocked that my father-in-law, who was engaged in administrative management, even integrated "Sun Tzu's Art of War" into the research of management, which is really broad and profound!Confucius Tian said: "I am the deputy director of Dongzhou Municipal People's Congress. When I come to No. 5 Middle School, I will ask the Municipal People's Congress Office to send a letter to the Municipal Education Bureau. If there is no accident, Zhai Xinwen will attend this report meeting in person. , and some deputy and middle-level leaders will be invited to participate. In short, the greater the influence, the better the environment for your development. Do you know the meaning of 'walking the stage'?" Fang Yuan shook his head.Confucius Tian said: "'Zoutai' is a model term, which has now been applied to administrative management. In official circles, it means whether the leader shows up, and it means the level of support the leader has for a certain person or something. , it’s called ‘walking the stage’. If Zhai Xinwen and I come forward in the teacher training this time, this ‘walking the stage’ will be more powerful.” Fang Yuan said, “Thank you dad, you’ve thought carefully about me.” Confucius Tian said: "One family does not speak two languages."

Early the next morning, Fang Yuan reported to Yang Fang about inviting two experts for training.Yang Fang said: "Fang Yuan, you have become my right-hand man just after you came to school, I really want to thank you!" Fang Yuan said: "Principal, you are too polite. I am your old subordinate, your The deputy is supposed to help you solve your problems." Yang Fang sighed and said, "Fangyuan, you have seen the situation in No. 5 High School. What Liu Ming left for me is a superficially famous but actually internally chaotic I have always adhered to the school management principle of tolerance first, but it has not achieved the desired effect. Sometimes, it is really difficult to find someone to do something.” Fang Yuan said: “At any time, I I will stand with you." Yang Fang smiled: "I am very pleased to have your words. I would like to ask, how much are the lecture fees of President Kong and Professor Xu?" Fang Yuan said: "I My father said that it is free to come to our school to give lectures. Professor Xu also said that he can charge a little less." Yang Fang said: "It is not necessary. After all, it is very hard work, as much as you need." Fang Yuan said: "My father's current The lecture fee has risen to more than 8000 yuan, and the lecture fee of Professor Xu is also more than 3000 yuan." Yang Fang said: "Okay, let's follow this standard, I will prepare 1 yuan." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, the principal. They are all invited by me. If the principal must pay the lecture fee, I suggest that both of them pay 1 yuan, okay?" Yang Fang said, "Isn't Principal Kong's fee a little lower?" Fang Yuan said: "Come to the son-in-law's school to give a report, and it should be lower. As the family members of the school employees, they should also contribute to the school!" Yang Fang smiled: "You, you!"

When Fang Yuan returned to the office, he saw Yang Yingxian waiting there.In his hand, he held three printed materials.Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Director Yang, it was done so quickly?" Yang Yingxian said, "Last night, I worked overtime for half the night. I guess Director Huang and Director Zeng also stayed up all night." Fang Yuan said: " Thank you for your hard work. Put it here, let me take a look." Yang Yingxian didn't move.Fang Yuan reckoned that he wanted to praise, but if there were too many praises, the motivating effect would be lost.Fang Yuan said: "Director Yang, is there something else?" Yang Yingxian was a little embarrassed: "Oh, Principal Fang, I'm fine." Fang Yuan said: "I still have something to do here." Yang Yingxian said with disappointment in his eyes, "Principal Fang, then I Let’s go. Call me if you need something.” Fang Yuan smiled and said, “Okay. I’ll see you off.” After sending Yang Yingxian to the door, he shook his hand vigorously, Fang Yuan nodded, without speaking, and returned to himself office.Probably enough for Yang Yingxian to think about it for a long time.

Fang Yuan thought that there would be an all-teacher meeting in the afternoon, and he had to get to know the basic situation of the teachers as soon as possible.Of course, it is necessary to focus on understanding the situation of teachers in various subjects in high school, which is to lay a foundation for the smooth grasp of high school teaching in the future.Fang Yuan called the teaching office, and it was Huang Jiawei who answered the phone: "Hello, who is it?" Fang Yuan said, "Director Huang, this is Fang Yuan." Huang Jiawei's tone became more polite: "Principal Fang, what's the matter? "Fang Yuan said: "The three directors are all here." Huang Jiawei said: "They are all here." Fang Yuan said: "The three directors are troublesome, and the teachers of each subject in their grades, including teachers of non-key subjects such as physical education and biology, are counted. Let me make a roster. Then come to my office and introduce the situation of the teachers. If it is convenient, prepare a roster for the teachers of the junior high school and the staff of the school. I don’t know Do you have any in the office? You can use the ready-made ones to reduce your burden." Huang Jiawei said: "Okay, when will you want it?" Fang Yuan said: "Morning. Whoever gets it done first, come to my office and introduce me to the high school department. Teacher." Huang Jiawei said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan didn't know where that Hong went, so that's good, he was quiet in the office.Picking up a work plan, Fang Yuan started to read it. It turned out that it was a sophomore in high school.It can be seen that the new manuscript has changed a lot compared with the original manuscript.After Fangyuan finished reading the plan for the second year of high school, he couldn't help clapping his hands on the table: "Great!" According to Huang Jiawei's approach, all of Fangyuan's ideas will become reality. In the 2009 college entrance examination, there will be a Great leap!Huang Jiawei is indeed a talent!I just don’t know why there were two promotion opportunities for the vice-principal in May this year, why didn’t Yang Fang promote Huang Jiawei?Is it because of the stubbornness and persistence of intellectuals in Huang Jiawei?Such a donkey temper, well used is a good donkey!The key depends on whether it will be used or not.

When I read Zeng Peixuan's plan again, I felt that the changes were relatively large.In particular, the four studies that I mentioned yesterday, namely study of law, study of interest, study of connection between junior high school and high school, and study of the effectiveness of collection equipment, have been well integrated into the plan.It seems that he has also seriously understood his intentions. Although the writing is still immature and not sophisticated enough, for Fang Yuan, he values ​​the substance more than the appearance of the language.

Read Yang Yingxian's plan again, although it is all his Fangyuan's thoughts, but Yang Yingxian's own thinking cannot be seen.Such a plan that is completely aimed at implementing the leadership's intentions can be said to be a good plan to a certain extent, but if a director does not have his own ideas, how can he really do a good job?It seems that this is a new problem. It can neither dampen Yang Yingxian's enthusiasm, but also needs to guide Yang Yingxian to combine the idea of ​​being in charge of the leadership with his own idea, which is quite troublesome.

After reading the three plans, the smile on Fang Yuan's face increased.In any case, I implemented the new curriculum reform and teaching experiment with the brand of Fang Yuan in high school, and now there is no problem in the planning level. It seems that the three directors are all ready to implement their own ideas.As long as these three plans are used to regulate and guide the work of the three directors, I believe that there will be significant changes after one school year.The results of the college entrance examination next year will definitely not be too bad, or even better.

After drinking a glass of water and stretching her waist, Fang Yuan stood up and walked around the office.There was a knock on the door, and Yang Yingxian stuck his head in: "Principal Fang!" Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Director Yang! Please come in." I also brought the roster of junior high school and staff." Fang Yuan said: "The efficiency is so high!" Yang Yingxian said: "The work assigned by Principal Fang, no matter it is assigned directly or indirectly, we must go all out to complete it. " Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I am really relieved to have such a good colleague as Director Yang." Yang Yingxian said: "Thank you, Principal Fang, for your compliment."

Fang Yuan asked Yang Yingxian to sit on the sofa, and asked Yang Yingxian to introduce the teacher of the third grade.Fang Yuan nodded while listening, and slowly, following Yang Yingxian's introduction, Fang Yuan also had a preliminary understanding and understanding of these teachers in the high school.Fang Yuan knew that only a few of the teachers arranged by the school in the third year were teaching the third year for the first time, and that was because of their good grades in the first and second year of high school.Most of the teachers have no less than 10 years of experience in taking the senior high school entrance examination.This put Fang Yuan under great pressure, worrying that he was too young to be able to control the situation. The most important thing is that middle-aged and elderly teachers have become accustomed to their own traditional teaching habits. They should be guided to change their teaching concepts and practice the new curriculum reform ideas. It's really harder than climbing to the sky!

After listening to Yang Yingxian's introduction, Fang Yuan said: "Director Yang, you have worked hard." Yang Yingxian said: "This is what I should do." Fang Yuan said: "These teachers have rich experience and are a valuable asset. In the new semester, we must make good use of their rich experience." Yang Yingxian said: "Please rest assured, Principal Fang, they are all very dedicated." Fang Yuan said: "I know, otherwise the school would not trust them to hand over the third year of high school. What I mean is that while making good use of their rich college entrance examination experience and teaching experience, they should be properly guided to further update their concepts, combine with the current college entrance examination reform and new ideas for college entrance examination propositions, and are currently being piloted and rolled out in Zhejiang. Combined with the new curriculum reform of senior high school, we will use the spirit of being more adaptable to the new curriculum reform to cultivate students' all-round development and strive for better results in the college entrance examination." Yang Yingxian said: "Principal Fang, you are so right." Fang Yuan said: " I hope and believe that Director Yang really understands what I mean." Yang Yingxian said: "I understand, I understand."

so fast?Fang Yuan didn't quite believe it.But I couldn't bear to hurt Yang Yingxian's "loyalty".Fang Yuan said: "May I trouble Director Yang to introduce the teachers and staff of the junior high school." Before Yang Yingxian finished the introduction, Fang Yuan heard a knock on the door again, but it was Zeng Peixuan who came.Fang Yuan signaled Zeng Peixuan to find a place to sit down, but Zeng Peixuan whispered, "Principal Fang, I'll wait at the door for a while."

After Yang Yingxian introduced the teachers and staff of the junior high school, Fang Yuan said: "Let me put the list here. Thank you, Director Yang, you really put your heart into finding both the junior high school and the staff roster." Yang Yingxian said: " This is what I should do." Fang Yuan said, "That's right. I'll see you off." Yang Yingxian said, "Don't bother Principal Fang. I'll ask Director Zeng to come over."

Asking Zeng Peixuan to sit on the sofa, Fang Yuan didn't feel ashamed to sit side by side with Yang Yingxian just now, but sat across from the coffee table.As soon as she sat down, she smelled the faint scent of perfume from Zeng Peixuan's body.As soon as he raised his eyes, Fang Yuan's eyes inevitably came into view of two bulging bags of women's unique proud things.Although it is still wrapped in the fabric of the dress, but sitting there, a piece of breast that is not too big or small is exposed under the neck, and you can see the looming cleavage, and the proud breast that is so full that it seems to burst the fabric of the dress. Objects are still clearly presented in front of the aspect.Fang Yuan suddenly felt that her Adam's apple was a little stiff, fuck, what happened, why is her mind so impure?Fang Yuan quickly withdrew the bad thoughts that came up just now, and said calmly, "Director Zeng, let's talk." From this moment on, Fang Yuan kept his eyes on the roster from beginning to end, and never raised his head again.Fang Yuan knew that Zeng Peixuan was introducing him while looking at him with eyes, Fang Yuan didn't dare to look up.In this room, there are only him and her. Although Fang Yuan has no intention of offending or violating her, but sitting across from each other, it is always inevitable to see something proud, see breasts, see cleavage, this summer, If the little brother stood up, he could be seen immediately.Or do not look good.Fortunately, after listening to Zeng Peixuan's introduction, Fang Yuan raised his head and looked into Zeng Peixuan's eyes: "Sister Zeng, you have worked hard. The introduction is very clear, and I have a preliminary understanding of the situation of the teachers in the first year of high school. Keep the roster, you Go back and ask Director Huang when he will be ready." Fang Yuan stood up, Zeng Peixuan also stood up, Fang Yuan smiled and sent Zeng Peixuan out.Walking to the door, Zeng Peixuan stopped suddenly, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Principal Fang, is my introduction not as good as Director Yang's?" Fang Yuan was taken aback: "You introduced it very well!" Zeng Peixuan said, "Then why didn't you raise your eyelids during my introduction?"

A woman, even if she becomes a director, she is still a woman, sensitive, meticulous, and fragile.Fang Yuan decided to tell the truth, but in a relatively tactful way: "Sister Zeng, you look so dignified and beautiful, and you have such a nice voice, if I keep watching your introduction, I'm afraid I will be distracted and not in the mood to listen to this The introduction of the teacher. Please bear with me!" Zeng Peixuan blushed suddenly: "Is that so?" Fang Yuan nodded solemnly: "I looked down at the roster and listened to your introduction. A teacher will have a deeper impression." Zeng Peixuan smiled: "Principal Fang, you are so humorous." After finishing speaking, she drifted away.From this moment on, throughout the whole day, Zeng Peixuan's mind was full of memories of Fangyuan's words: dignified and beautiful, with a nice voice, and afraid of being distracted.

Huang Jiawei came last.Just when Fang Yuan was wondering whether Huang Jiawei was going to put on airs, Fang Yuan heard Huang Jiawei's apology: "Principal Fang, I'm really sorry, I specially prepared a roster for you to understand more clearly, and made another A profile of all the second-year teachers, and I also collected photos of most of the teachers, so that the impression of Principal Fang will be deeper and it will be easier to be seated."

Dare to be like this!Fang Yuan couldn't help but look at Huang Jiawei with admiration!What a Huang Jiawei, although it seems that the work efficiency is a little lower, but the work is more solid and effective, and there are some innovative spirits in it, such as this with a brief introduction and a photo, even if Fangyuan forgot a certain teacher for a while When I saw the introduction, I remembered it again. Unlike the previous two directors who finished the introduction, they were easy to put on and off; with photos, it was easier to establish a memory chain of biological reflection with the teacher when they saw the teacher. Can remember the teacher's name and characteristics better and faster.Huang Jiawei is really thoughtful!

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