Director's growth history

2108.1120 Forbearance is a must-have quality for politicians

Zhai Xinwen has already figured out a way to deal with this complicated situation. 【@】Since the opponent is in the dark and you are in the light, it is still difficult to deal with it.So the best way is to lure the snake out of the hole, so that the opponent can't help but jump out.If Cao Guanting was punished as severely as Liu Ming was punished this time, maybe he fell into the opponent's trick.As a top leader, one must assess the situation and take overall control.This incident seems simple on the surface. Fangyuan and Cao Guanting have conflicts, and the fact that Cao Guanting has a family outside his family has been exposed; but in reality?This opponent must know the relationship between Fang Yuan and me, Zhai Xinwen. He adopted the method of internal separation and internal destruction, which first caused the conflict between me and Fang Yuan, and indirectly caused the conflict between me and Confucius Tian. Contradictions, and then conflicts with Song Yunsheng, Sheng Zhiren, Deng Yuncong and others.This trick is quite vicious!Fortunately, I made a phone call to Kong Zitian and learned that Fang Yuan actually stayed at home with his wife all day and had nothing to do with this matter.Punishment of Cao Guanting is also full of risks everywhere, not to mention how public opinion evaluates Cao Guanting. If such a thing is exposed, the public's evaluation of Dongzhou education will definitely continue or even deepen the Liu Ming incident and the previous Chen Qingyun incident. Negative impact, and the social reputation of the No.5 school of No. 1 Middle School will further deteriorate. As the director and secretary of the party committee, the education system has such a thing, and the responsibility cannot be shirked.What's more, Zhai Xinwen reckons that Cao Guanting is definitely not the only section chief and principal of the opposite sex outside of marriage in the Dongzhou education system. It's not that these principals are not serious about their work. Their work attitude is worthy of full recognition. It is because there are too many temptations in this society, and there are even some women who actively post up. If the women who actively post are younger and more beautiful, how many middle-aged people can hold it?If others don't talk about it, let's talk about Yao Changqing. This is pretty good. I divorced my wife and got married to my good friend outside. He is considered sensible and knows not to cause trouble for me, and he can solve the problem by himself.What about those who are eating what's inside the pot, thinking about what's outside the pot, and still doing things in secret?If Cao Guanting is severely punished, everyone will be in danger. If they get entangled together and form a small circle of secret sabotage, then how can I be the director of the bureau?This is probably another vicious trick of this opponent hiding in the dark.

From these two perspectives, this Cao Guanting really can't handle it, if he handles it, he will fall into the opponent's trick.The best way is: adjust Cao Guanting to an unknown third-rate school as the vice principal, and adapt to the situation after a period of time.At that time, punishing the vice-principal of a third-rate school would not attract the attention of the society, nor would it affect the reputation of No. 5 High School, so the negative impact of this matter could be minimized.Thinking of how thorough and flawless his countermeasures were, Zhai Xinwen became more confident in his IQ, and at the same time couldn't help but put on a sneer at the corner of his mouth: I'm afraid you're too young to fight with me, little boy.A Han Suzhen can make me play around, where are you a wild monk who wants to compete with me like a Tathagata?

Zhai Xinwen took a sip of tea comfortably, thinking that tomorrow Confucius Tian would go to No. 5 Middle School to give a report.This teacher Kong, because he is famous, it is not easy to invite him, but after listening to his reports several times, he really has something to say, orderly, reasonable, and interesting.This level is there, otherwise, how could he be a member of the National School of Management, how could he be a doctoral supervisor, and how could he be hired as a consultant to the expert group by the municipal government, the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, and the Municipal Party Committee Department at the same time? How could he be so valued by Mayor Song?Mayor Song has a lot of classmates, from elementary school to university, there should be thousands of them, but Teacher Kong has been regarded by Mayor Song as the best think tank in the circle. This is naturally because of Teacher Kong's profound skills!I don't know what Teacher Kong will talk about in Episode 5 tomorrow, but for his precious son-in-law, Teacher Kong will definitely share a lot of insights.Well, this time, it is definitely not a timely report, but probably a very high-level academic report.What a rare opportunity!Let the cadres of the city's education system pay attention to it, and really receive an education and gain a little knowledge.I value it, and other people will naturally value it; I value it, and this information will naturally be passed on to Teacher Kong. This matter will only add points to me, not subtract points.

Thinking of this, Zhai Xinwen immediately called Zhang Yuanqing, the new head of the political engineering section: "Yuanqing, immediately notify the bureau leaders and section chiefs to hold a regular cadre meeting at 2 p.m.." Zhang Yuanqing said, "Okay, director. If any leaders ask Me, what is the content, how can I answer?" Zhai Xinwen said: "The content of this meeting is related to tomorrow's academic report by comrades from the government office, Deputy Director Confucius Tian of the Municipal People's Congress." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay, I will inform you immediately."

For Zhang Yuanqing, Zhai Xinwen is satisfied.Zhai Xinwen was more comfortable with this chief of political engineering than Jiang Chunhua.After hanging up Zhang Yuanqing's phone, Zhai Xinwen called Wang Xingbang again: "Xingbang, did you send out the last notice to let the principals and secretaries of each school participate in tomorrow's Confucius Field Academic Report in No. 5 High School?" Wang Xingbang said: "Sent Yes." Zhai Xinwen said: "A supplementary notice will be issued today, requiring the principals and secretaries of all schools to be present, and adding two points: [-]. If the principals and secretaries want to ask for leave, they must ask for leave from the main leaders of the Education Bureau. [-]. After listening to the academic report, the principals and secretaries of each school have to hand in lecture notes and learning experience.”

Wang Xingbang said in his heart: My mother, is it necessary to take it so seriously?It's not that I haven't met the city leaders, besides, the top 10 leaders of Dongzhou City can't be ranked in this Confucius field.But the promise was fast and firm: "Okay, Director, let me know that it will be drafted immediately, and I will send it to you for review." Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay."

Zhai Xinwen is usually the last one to arrive at the regular cadre meetings.Today, Zhai Xinwen came to the conference room at 1:45.In the conference room, only Zhang Yuanqing and two members of the political engineering department were doing the final cleaning.In fact, the conference room is very clean, just wipe the big conference table and empty the ashtray.Zhai Xinwen saw that Zhang Yuanqing was serious and solid in his work, and praised him: "Yuanqing, you have all worked hard." Several people quickly said, "Hi, Director."

Zhang Yuanqing knew that this was a very sufficient affirmation, and quickly said: "We must live up to the expectations of the director, and do everything well." Zhai Xinwen said: "In the past half month, I am satisfied with the work of the political engineering department." Zhang Yuanqing said: "We must continue to work hard." Zhai Xinwen said: "The leader will notice whoever works hard." In a word, Zhang Yuanqing and the two staff members worked harder, wishing to wipe the conference table Shed a layer of skin.

The deputies and section chiefs walked into the conference room one after another, and seeing Zhai Xinwen sitting in his seat concentrating on writing something, they didn't dare to disturb Zhai Xinwen's thoughts, so they all sat in their seats.In the past, before the official meeting, there was usually talking and laughing in the meeting room, but today Zhai Xinwen didn't speak, and everyone else became quiet.Everyone's eyes stayed on Zhai Xinwen's face, some wanted to find out what information could be found from Zhai Xinwen's face, and some simply waited for Zhai Xinwen to give orders.

Zhai Xinwen's mobile phone was placed in front of the notebook, and Zhai Xinwen could see the time clearly.Keeping such silence, on the one hand, is to straighten out the ideas to be discussed in today's meeting, and on the other hand, it is also a feeling and experience, how much weight I have in the minds of these section chiefs and deputy staff.Looking at it now, who would dare to act presumptuously in front of Zhai Xinwen?

2:13.When the number 59:5 just jumped, Zhai Xinwen raised his head and said with a smile: "Now we are starting the meeting. Section Chief Zhang, check, who is still not here?" Zhang Yuanqing stood up, looked around quickly, Said: "Director, among the leaders of the bureau, Director Yu has not arrived, and among the section chiefs, the director of the admissions office, Gangyu, has not arrived." Zhai Xinwen said, "Have they asked for leave?" Zhang Yuanqing said, "No." Zhai Xinwen said, "Okay." , Got it." Facing everyone: "Comrades, I arrived at the venue a few minutes earlier today just to see who else has the habit of being late for meetings." Scanning the audience, although the face is smiling, but the eyes are Severe, sweeping places, many people even couldn't help shivering.Zhai Xinwen said: "Whether the Education Bureau can enforce orders and prohibit them, and whether they can implement the decisions of the bureau's party committee and implement the decisions of the director's office meeting, you can actually see the clues in the meeting. In the financial audit department, the director Yu is late, and the attendance bonus for this month will be deducted by 5 yuan; Director Gangyu, please notify the office so that the financial department of the admissions office will also deduct [-] yuan from the attendance bonus." The two section chiefs stood up and said in unison: "OK."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.The 5 yuan seems small, but it is a big problem with face!Many people are beating drums in their hearts: Director Yu has always been free and easy, and he is usually ignored. In the past, when Director Han was in power, he often stood up to him; thing.This time, is Director Zhai going to use Yu Shengli for surgery?No one knows what's going on in his heart, Director Zhai is unpredictable, whoever can figure out his mind, then he is now the deputy director.

But Zhai Xinwen's understatement sounded a wake-up call to everyone present: it is better to come earlier for future meetings.A fine of 5 yuan is a small matter; it is a major matter to plant a bad impression on Director Zhai.

Zhai Xinwen said: "Tomorrow, comrades above the middle level of the government will go to the 5th middle school to listen to the academic report of Professor Confucius Tian, ​​the deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress, the vice president of Dongzhou University, and the doctoral supervisor. If anyone is late, 5 yuan will be deducted; If you don't come, please ask me for leave. The main topic of our meeting today is to study how to make full use of the opportunity of Professor Kong to teach tomorrow, to improve the leadership ability of each of us, and to improve our ability to manage our respective work teams. Improve our ability to develop Dongzhou education. Today's meeting, I would like to emphasize the following points..."

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