Director's growth history

2134.1145 Zhai Xinwen's keen political sense

On the night of August 2007, 8, Zhai Xinwen habitually sat in front of the TV and watched CCTV. 【|】What surprised Zhai Xinwen was that in previous years, State Councilor Chen Zhili would give speeches to outstanding teachers across the country, or Chen Zhili would attend the Teacher’s Day symposium organized by □□, but this year is different. The headline of the news network is the Central The general secretary and the president of the country met with representatives of national outstanding teachers in Zhongnanhai and delivered an important speech.Zhai Xinwen suddenly jumped up from the sofa, which startled his wife Yu Hua: "Old Zhai, what's the matter with you?" Zhai Xinwen said: "It's terrible, it's terrible, this year the general secretary participated in the National Outstanding Teachers' Award. The standard of the representative symposium has been raised several times." Yu Hua said, "What does this have to do with you? The general secretary is far away from you." Zhai Xinwen said, "You don't understand this. A strong political signal. What is effective from above to below? The general secretary attended this year’s outstanding teacher representative symposium, so what will happen to the Dongzhou Teacher’s Day celebration meeting? What will happen to the Dongzhou outstanding teacher representative symposium? As the chief officer of Dongzhou Education, If you don’t have such political acumen, how can you be a competent director of education? No, I don’t watch TV, I’m going to watch it right away, look it up, and study the original text of **’s speech.”

Zhai Xinwen went into the study, opened Xinhua, and saw the speech made by the General Secretary at the National Symposium for Outstanding Teacher Representatives.He read it three times from the beginning to the end, and couldn't help sighing: "Good! The general secretary attaches great importance to education, and I, the grassroots education bureau chief, can do it well! The 'three musts' and 'four hopes' are what he said. The theme, the latest spirit, Dongzhou education must be at the forefront."

Zhai Xinwen picked up the phone book and found Sun Hongjun's phone number: "Hong Jun, I'm Zhai Xinwen. Have you read today's news?" Sun Hongjun was shocked when he suddenly received a call from Zhai Xinwen: "No, Chief Zhai." Zhai Xinwen Said: "Today, on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, ** received representatives of outstanding teachers across the country and delivered an important speech at the symposium. You should immediately check the original text of the speech and contact Zhang Yuanqing from the political and engineering department. It has been hard work tonight. Draft a work opinion, calling for extensive learning in the Dongzhou education system. The spirit of the speech at the National Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium must be set off, and it must be at the forefront of the province and the city. At the same time, the politics and engineering department must be compiled and printed Publish a work briefing, report to the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the city government and the leaders in charge, and distribute it to all newspapers. The school will only start on September 9, which is a bit too late. The director will hold a learning mobilization meeting, and immediately carry out extensive learning and publicity activities in the entire Dongzhou education system. You can arrange for Wang Xingbang. When your meeting is ready, contact "Dongzhou Daily", "Dongzhou Morning News", "Dongzhou Evening News" Together with the Dongzhou TV reporter, strive for tomorrow’s mobilization meeting to be published in newspapers and on TV. At the same time, a briefing is compiled and distributed every day, reporting the speeches of Dongzhou’s education system, including schools’ learning and publicity, to the municipal party committee, the municipal government and related leaders."

Sun Hongjun seldom saw Zhai Xinwen deploying work so urgently.In Sun Hongjun's eyes, Zhai Xinwen is definitely a master of Taoism, with energy in his dantian, calm and sophisticated.Sun Hongjun didn't dare to disobey, and said: "Okay, I'll watch the general secretary's speech right away, and contact Zhang Yuanqing immediately." At this time, Sun Hongjun was having dinner with his friends, and the wine shop had just started.Sun Hongjun picked up a glass of wine: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I have urgent work, so I can only go first. I will hold a banquet another day and apologize to everyone." A friend said: "Secretary Sun, why is it so urgent? "Sun Hongjun said: "There will be an important meeting tomorrow morning, and I have to prepare it tonight. I'm sorry." Another friend said: "Today is Friday weekend! You are the second in command of the Education Bureau. Do you work overtime?" Sun Hongjun didn't dare to say anything bad about Zhai Xinwen, so who knows if the seven or eight friends in front of him are Zhai Xinwen's friends?Sun Hongjun said: "It is true that there is urgent work. I apologize to everyone now, and please come back someday." A friend said: "It seems that Secretary Sun is really busy, so let's drink this glass of wine with Secretary Sun to let the Secretary Sun, go about your own business." Another person said: "Yes! The friendship between friends lasts forever, and this is not the moment. Does Secretary Sun have a car? My driver is outside, let him take you." Sun Hongjun said : "Okay, thank you, I'm not impolite."

Zhai Xinwen put down the phone to Sun Hongjun, and immediately called Kong Lili: "Director Kong, I am Zhai Xinwen." Kong Lili rarely received calls from Zhai Xinwen at night. At the same time, it also gave birth to a lot of melancholy, but after so many years in the officialdom, I know what is light and what is heavy.Now, when I received a call from Zhai Xinwen, and heard that the address was not "Lili" but "Director Kong", I knew it was a matter of business, so I quickly asked in a business-like tone, "Director Zhai, what's the matter?" Zhai Xinwen said : "You are responsible for informing Chu Guoxiang that you must prepare for the excellent teacher symposium held before this year's Teacher's Day." Chu Guoxiang said: "This is a routine job, and it is done every year." Zhai Xinwen said: "This year It’s not the same.” Chu Guoxiang was a little surprised: “Why is it different?” Zhai Xinwen said, “Have you seen today’s news broadcast?” Chu Guoxiang said, “I haven’t.” Zhai Xinwen said, “Today, ** was interviewed in Zhongnanhai Representatives of outstanding teachers from all over the country, and delivered an important speech at the symposium, proposing 'three musts' and 'four hopes'. Director Kong, the specifications are different! In previous years, Chen Zhili attended, but this year our party and the country At the central level is the top leader, but at the local level, can the deputies still attend? I have a hunch that at least one of the two, Secretary Wang Guodong and Mayor Song Yunsheng, will attend and represent the municipal party committee, The municipal government made an important speech to show the attitude of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government towards education. Therefore, I attach great importance to this symposium on outstanding teacher representatives. I would like to make three requests. The matter is finalized, and it will be discussed and confirmed at the director's office meeting on Monday. First, outstanding teacher representatives must be representative. They are outstanding teacher representatives from our Dongzhou education system, and even the provincial management university. From college to high school to professional From junior high school to elementary school to kindergarten, all must be invited; from the urban area to the suburban areas, there must be representatives. In terms of personnel selection, it is not possible to select only from the 5 schools under the bureau as before. , this time to represent the education of the whole city. The second point is that outstanding teacher representatives must be highly political. Politically, they must maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee and the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. Guoxiang personally reviewed it to ensure that everything is safe. You can’t talk nonsense at the meeting. You must highly affirm the municipal party committee and the municipal government’s great emphasis on education in recent years and their ardent care for teachers. There must be no complaints or requests for better treatment. Therefore , the political nature comes first, and the candidate must be a comrade who is politically strong and can talk about the overall situation." Kong Lili said: "Okay. However, you also know the situation in the past few years. The number of senior teachers and middle school senior teachers has been shrinking, and it has reached the situation of retreating from the second and entering the first. The grassroots schools have great opinions, and the teachers have great opinions." Zhai Xinwen said: "I know what you said better than you. Comment more For a teacher with a high professional title, the financial burden will increase, and it will be so heavy in the next few decades. One more teacher will not be able to tell, but dozens or hundreds more? If they meet the conditions for promotion If you have a senior professional title, I am afraid that the finances of any place will be crushed." Kong Lili said: "Yes! But why can't we do it backward?" Zhai Xinwen said: "I will fight for this. At present, Mayor Song The decision is not 72% yet, the timing is not yet ripe. So,This is the current situation. It is necessary to select outstanding teacher representatives who are highly political and who take into account the overall situation and education.Remember, teachers are obscurity, dedication, candles, and spring silkworms.Whoever talks nonsense at the symposium is an embarrassment to the main leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and it is an embarrassment to our Dongzhou education. "Kong Lili said: "I understand.Tomorrow, I will research candidates with Xiao Chu. Zhai Xinwen said: "Not only to study the candidates, but also to come up with a plan."The third requirement I made is to highlight the exemplary and demonstrative nature of outstanding teacher representatives.It is necessary to guide these outstanding teacher representatives to express their determination to the city leaders at the meeting, to give full play to the exemplary and leading radiation effect of excellent teachers, and how to do it in their respective jobs.I think this is what the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee most expect to hear, and they can better and more deeply understand the Dongzhou education system and the working status of the teachers in Dongzhou. Kong Lili said: "Understood." Zhai Xinwen said: "Let Wang Xingbang arrange the meals and accommodation of outstanding teacher representatives."One principle: to satisfy these excellent teacher representatives.After the symposium, you can arrange a relaxing excursion in the suburbs, let's go to Yandang Mountain to escape the summer heat. Kong Lili said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: "There is one more thing. The list of excellent teachers in Dongzhou City to be commended at this year's Teacher's Day Conference will be doubled, and the special funds for the commendation will be reported to the municipal government. It is the general situation of the whole country. Kong Lili said: "Okay." "

Zhai Xinwen called Song Ping, the chairman of the trade union: "President Song, I am Zhai Xinwen." Song Ping was taken aback: "Director Zhai, what instructions do you have?" Zhai Xinwen said: "There are two tasks that must be planned from now on. On Monday, September 9rd, we will hold an office meeting to discuss and make a decision." Song Ping said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: "According to the usual practice in previous years, before and after Teacher's Day, we will visit various schools and visit some teachers with difficult families. This year The form should be innovative and the content should be rich. When visiting schools, one must be mentally prepared. If Secretary Wang Guodong of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Song Yunsheng of the Municipal Government visit the schools in person, the schools selected must be representative and can best show Dongzhou The achievements of educational development must be displayed with distinctive features and leave a deep and good impression on the city leaders." Song Ping immediately felt the pressure: "These schools should be decided by Director Zhai." Zhai Xinwen said: " I authorize you. I believe in Chairman Song's vision. After the selection is made, show it to me. It has been confirmed at the office meeting. You have to make a few more trips to make sure nothing goes wrong." Song Ping said: "Okay." Zhai Xinwen said: " Second, to help the poor teachers, this year we will invite reporters to publicize and report in the media that the Dongzhou Education Bureau cares about the needy teachers, and publicize this theme well.” Song Ping feels that this second task is not easy.Zhai Xinwen said: "One more thing is to consider the teacher's morality, select Dongzhou's top ten advanced teacher's morality collectives and top ten teacher's morality models, and then select a hundred advanced teacher's morality individuals to celebrate on Teacher's Day on September 3th. Commendation at the general meeting. At the same time, we must invite a model of teacher morality to tell his deeds at the general meeting. This task is also very important, and it will be studied on Monday, and then it will be sent to all schools for declaration and selection.” Song Ping’s My heart felt overwhelmed: so many things to do in just a few days?Song Ping said veiledly: "Director Zhai, I am the commander-in-chief with too few staff." Zhai Xinwen said: "The team, the safety department, the publicity department, the political engineering department, and the senior teacher's department. These departments are all at your disposal. Of course, The Department of Political Science and Engineering has a relatively heavy workload these days, but let the Department of Political Science and Engineering participate in the selection of candidates, and don’t go to the Department of Political Science and Engineering for other jobs.” Song Ping felt more at ease in her heart: “Director Zhai, would you like Tell the section chiefs of these departments personally, I am afraid that the command will not be able to move." Zhai Xinwen said: "Let me speak."

Zhai Xinwen called the section chiefs of the team, the safety section, the publicity section, and the senior teacher's section to clarify the responsibilities.Zhai Xinwen felt that he had thought about it, and was about to drink a glass of water, when he suddenly thought of tomorrow's mobilization meeting, no, there must be no less than one team member tomorrow.I have to call Wang Xingbang and ask him to notify every party committee member of the bureau.

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