Director's growth history

2137.1148. I Hate You Working Overtime, I Hate People Who Make You Work Overtime

On the night of August 2007, 8, although Fang Yuan did not work overtime, it was also a sleepless night. 【 】Father-in-law's words penetrated Fangyuan's bone marrow, making Fangyuan feel pain and confusion.Is my hard work at work to realize my own life value, or to gain more power; is it to be able to fulfill the obligations of an ordinary Chinese descendant for the development of Dongzhou education and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, or to sink into the In the current social environment, people don’t think about doing things, they only think about getting promoted and getting rich, and even for this reason, the lower levels cheat the upper ones.

It's dawn, and a new month has begun.Fang Yuan felt really tired.Lying on the bed, I don't want to get up, but I have to get up.As a husband, as a father-to-be, it is an unshirkable responsibility to take care of his wife who will give birth in ten days or so.Woke up, put on pajamas, sat beside Kong Shuanghua, and called softly: "Shuanghua, wake up." Kong Shuanghua opened his eyes, twisted his body with difficulty, and said coquettishly: "Husband, my back hurts, help me." I rub it." Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Turning to Kong Shuanghua's back, he asked softly: "Wife, where is your pain?" Kong Shuanghua said: "My waist is about to break. Your son is too shameful Every day, he pulls my flesh, pulls my tendons, and bends my bones." Fang Yuan said, "Good boy, good boy, if you dare to make mom angry, dad will beat you hard." Kong Shuanghua Said: "How dare you? If you dare to hit your son once, I will beat you a hundred times!" Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Wife, you just criticized your son for being too shameful, why are you protecting him all of a sudden?" Kong Shuanghua said : "Of course, my son is a piece of my body, I love him the most, no one can hit him. When he makes a mistake, we can reason with him, absolutely not to hit him." Surrounded by deep love, what is the difference between this and a loving mother-in-law?

After Kong Shuanghua lay down at this time, she couldn't get up independently, so someone had to hold her arm to help her.Of course, Fang Yuan couldn't pull her arm, but supported her back, and slowly helped Kong Shuanghua get up.Helping Kong Shuanghua to go to the bathroom, carefully. At this time, it is impossible to be careless. More importantly, this is the first time Fangyuan has become a father. That kind of love has grown with Kong Shuanghua's 9 months of pregnancy. Now, Fangyuan like this The young man also has deep love flowing from the bottom of his heart, for Kong Shuanghua, and for the child in Kong Shuanghua's belly.

After breakfast, Fang Yuan accompanied his mother-in-law and wife for a walk in the garden of the Dongzhou Medical College community.Kong Shuanghua feels extremely happy now. On the left is her husband who loves her more and more, on the right is her mother who has cared for her since she was a child, and in her stomach is her sweetheart. It brought me a lot of pain and discomfort, but it brought more endless joy.

After walking around the community twice, Kong Shuanghua felt tired.Kong Shuanghua said: "Husband, I'm tired." Kong's mother said: "Let's walk again. If you walk well now, you will have less pain in the future." Kong Shuanghua said: "I don't want to give birth by myself, I am afraid of pain. Or caesarean section It’s better to give a knife.” Kong’s mother said: “I’m a doctor, and I know that children born by cesarean section are more resistant, more coordinated, and smarter. It’s better to have a natural birth, which is also conducive to the mother’s physical recovery. In the past, women who gave birth normally could go home after staying in the hospital for one day; while women who had a cesarean section had to fast for 24 hours before the cesarean section, and they had to pass gas after the cesarean section. , Many mothers can't expel air for three or four days, so they can't eat, which naturally affects the baby's feeding. Moreover, after the caesarean section, they can't hold the baby by themselves, and it is not easy for the baby to quickly establish a close connection with the mother. Because to a large extent, children rely on smell to distinguish who is their relative." Kong Shuanghua was a little annoyed: "Mom, you have told me these truths a thousand times. I won't give birth naturally, I am afraid of pain Kong’s mother said: “I’m a doctor, so naturally I can minimize the pain when you have a natural delivery.” Kong Shuanghua said coquettishly, “Husband, look at Mom, why are you talking so much, tell her quickly.”

Facing the dispute between his wife and mother-in-law, how could Fang Yuan get involved?The key is that no one can offend anyone!But Fang Yuan still leans towards the opinion of his mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law is an expert of Dongzhou Medical College and knows more professionally and exquisitely about medical principles. What's more, through the past 8 months of learning how to be a father, Fang Yuan also knows that a natural birth is better than a caesarean section Better, not only for children, but also for adults.But how to persuade Kong Shuanghua?Kong Shuanghua is so stubborn, and now he can't get angry or move his fetus.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan's eyes lit up, and he said gently: "Shuanghua, for the sake of the child, you have suffered for more than 8 months, and you will have to carry the child for more than ten days in the womb, so how can you be afraid of having a child?" What about the pain?" Kong Shuanghua said, "Of course, my husband understands me the most." Fang Yuan said, "Shuanghua loves our baby so much, and naturally hopes that the baby will grow up smart and healthy. My mother said that there are so many benefits of a natural birth. Hua will definitely make the wisest choice." Kong Shuanghua said: "Of course, I love my son the most, and for my son, I am willing to do anything."

Back home, Kong’s mother said, “Xiao Fang, are you okay this morning?” Fang Yuan said, “I’m fine, I’ll stay with Shuanghua at home.” Kong’s mother said, “Okay, I’ll go to the affiliated hospital for a specialist consultation in the morning. Come back at 11 o'clock and prepare lunch for you." Fang Yuan said: "Mom, did you have a consultation in the afternoon?" Kong's mother said: "Yes, at the Municipal People's Hospital." Fang Yuan said: "Then you don't have to come back, noon Take a break in your office. Running back and forth is also very hard. I am at home, so I can still cook, and I promise to let Shuanghua eat well.” Kong’s mother said: “I am most at ease when you are at home. If your father is at home , This old thing has not been in the kitchen for many years, I am really worried, and I will definitely come back." Kong Shuanghua said: "Go quickly, it is better to have Fangyuan at home than you at home, at least no one is chattering in my ear." nagging."

How can you talk to your mother like this?Fang Yuan sounded harsh.Seeing that Mama Kong didn't express any displeasure, Fang Yuan naturally couldn't say anything.Fangyuan said: "Mom, don't be too tired. Your health and happiness are also the happiness of the whole family." Kong's mother was very happy and said, "Don't worry, I put family first at all times, and I won't let work be tiring." with mine."

Only Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua were left in the room.Fang Yuan said: "Shuanghua, go lie down and rest." Kong Shuanghua said: "Okay, but you have to stay with me." Fang Yuan said: "No problem, if I don't accompany you, who will I accompany?" Kong Shuanghua Said: "You are still with your son!" Fang Yuan said: "I am with your mother and son." Kong Shuanghua smiled all over his face: "Of course, you are the backbone of our mother and son!"

Kong Shuanghua was lying on the bed, and Fangyuan read Kong Shuanghua the precautions and health care knowledge at 36 weeks and 37 weeks of pregnancy.After reading for a while, Fangyuan heard Kong Shuanghua's slight snoring.Putting down the book, Fang Yuan turned on the laptop in front of the desk in the bedroom.This laptop is a newly launched dual-core laptop, and it is also the computer that the school gave 5 yuan to Fang Yuan after he became the vice principal of No. 1 Middle School.Now, this laptop has become Fangyuan's right-hand man in studying high school Chinese textbooks.

Thinking of the open Chinese class that will start on September 9rd, Fang Yuan also fully realized its importance, and especially realized that it must be foolproof and successful, and it must be treated as a national high-quality competition class.Fangyuan was immersed in the artistic conception of the text of "Qinyuanchun·Changsha" again until the phone rang.

Fang Yuan was also tired of the phone not ringing sooner or later, but it rang at this time.The key is that Kong Shuanghua is already fast asleep, pregnant women are most afraid of being awakened by sudden noises, and the fetus is also afraid.The ringtone woke up Kong Shuanghua suddenly.Kong Shuanghua said: "Who is so annoying, so I called you?" Fang Yuan took a look: "It's the number of the office of No. 5 Middle School." Kong Shuanghua said: "Isn't it because you are asked to work overtime? You are the one who works overtime. After spending a whole day with me, I will scold whoever asks you to work overtime." Fang Yuan said, "I don't know if you need to work overtime." Kong Shuanghua said, "If you don't answer, turn off your phone." Fang Yuan thought After thinking about it, I didn't want my wife to be unhappy at this time, so I turned off the phone.Kong Shuanghua said: "Let's see who can influence us, these people are really annoying." Fang Yuan said: "Maybe there is an urgent matter." Kong Shuanghua said: "Wife and son are more important, or overtime?" Fang Yuan said: "It's all important. But, At different stages, the importance is different. At this stage, the wife and son are the most important." Kong Shuanghua smiled: "You have a conscience."

The mobile phone was turned off, thinking that no one was bothering, but the landline phone in the room also rang.Kong Shuanghua took a look and said, "Fang Yuan, take a look, is it the phone number of your school office?" Fang Yuan took a look and said, "It's Principal Yang Fang's cell phone number." Kong Shuanghua said, "This office director is really annoying. The principal made a small report." Fang Yuan didn't think so, Ruan Shaoxiu had already shown a strong sign of goodwill, the phone was turned off, and he must know the home number, but he didn't dare to call, I'm afraid it was really urgent, there was no other way, just I can turn to Yang Fang for help.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yang's call has to be answered. It must be something urgent, so I'll answer it." Kong Shuanghua said: "Go ahead, President Yang is not a good face."

Fang Yuan picked up the phone: "Principal Yang, hello." Yang Fang said: "Sorry, Xiao Fang, to disturb your rest. The Municipal Bureau just held a speech mobilization meeting by the General Secretary of Study at the National Outstanding Teacher Representative Symposium , call on the city's education system to immediately mobilize and deploy, and carry out comprehensive learning. Now, all members of the leadership team of the No. 5 Middle School have arrived at the school to study the school's learning and implement the spirit of **'s speech. Let’s go to school, although it’s almost 11 o’clock, there’s nothing we can do, we’ll have a meeting, eat and study.”

Act fast!Fang Yuan thought of his father-in-law's sentiments, and had a deeper understanding of Director Zhai Xinwen. This Director Zhai is born with a keen sense of politics!The province has not taken action yet, and Dongzhou Education has already started to take action. I don't know how much political points this action can give Director Zhai.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Yang, the moral education is in charge of Principal Qiu, do I have to go?" Yang Fang said: "No way, Director Zhai made it very clear that all school team members should participate, and everyone should write down their learning experiences. Everyone must combine the actual work and write out new ideas and new measures for how to implement the spirit of Mao Zedong's speech in the next step. This time, from cadres to teachers, no one should think about staying out of the matter."

Since Fang Yuan became the vice principal, she has become more and more political, so she naturally knows the significance of this matter.Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements at home and go to school right away."

Putting down the phone, Fang Yuan saw Kong Shuanghua who was furious.Fang Yuan forced a smile: "Honey, the city's education system must learn from **'s speech at the National Symposium on Excellent Teacher Representatives. Everyone from cadres to teachers must learn. In the morning, the school cadres study the school's learning plan, and in the afternoon all teachers If you want to go to school, there will be a learning mobilization meeting in No. 5 Middle School." Kong Shuanghua said: "It's really annoying. Is learning these things useful? It's purely for formality, out of appearance." Fang Yuan said: "It's annoying to learn, this is a political task. As a party member, as a teacher, sometimes you have to take into account the overall situation and obey the overall situation.” Kong Shuanghua said: “This must be Uncle Di’s bad idea. When I saw him photographing my father, I knew he was photographing other big leaders. He has a sensitive nose, what a sycophant." Fang Yuan said: "You can't say that about Director Zhai. Speaking of it, he is not easy. Everyone in the officialdom has to face the test of survival and death. In order to survive , Sometimes we have to do something like this.” Kong Shuanghua said: “The mighty cannot be subdued, and the poor cannot be moved. This is the real man.” Fang Yuan said: “Maybe one day in the future, I will also be like Director Zhai. What should we do if we behave the same way?" Kong Shuanghua was stunned, looking at Fang Yuan in a daze.After a while, he said, "I don't care how you behave outside. You must treat me and our son with sincerity."

At this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly had a deeper understanding of Kong Shuanghua. It's not that she didn't know why Zhai Xinwen did this. She only said such angry words because she was attached to her husband, and she actually had a deep understanding of this society.

Fang Yuan held his wife in his arms and said emotionally: "Yes, no matter what time it is, my son is my own flesh and blood; my wife is my son's biological mother." Kong Shuanghua hugged Fang Yuan's waist, because Her belly is so big that she can't even hug her, but she still hugs her tightly. She doesn't want to let go, and she doesn't want her husband to work overtime.How can you keep your husband?Kong Shuanghua said: "Husband, you are not at home, what should I do for lunch?"

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