Director's growth history

2158.1168 Kong Shufang was really reluctant

Fangyuan didn't return home until after 6:5 in the evening. 【*】After leaving the Education Bureau, Fang Yuan didn't go home directly, but drove back to No. 9 Middle School.Ruan Shaoxiu, the director of the office, was waiting for him there.The first time Ruan Shaoxiu saw Fang Yuan, he told Fang Yuan about going to Jingu Hotel to celebrate Teacher's Day on Friday (September 7). It was pointed out that it was you, Principal Fang, who introduced it. The President is very happy, and let me convey my thanks to you.Fang Yuan said: "Director Ruan, things have been done well. What is most needed in this era are talents who can not only write materials, but also handle affairs." After saying this, Fang Yuan couldn't help but want to laugh. The words "can teach and write materials" seem familiar!I don't know if this counts as learning and using it.Ruan Shaoxiu was very happy. Women look for those who please themselves, and scholars die for those who are confidantes.With such a potential and promising leader who appreciates his talent, what's the point of doing more?

Fangyuan gave Ruan Shaoxiu the speeches of the Teacher's Day Congress in the past two years, and explained the spirit of Zhai Xinwen's instructions to Ruan Shaoxiu one by one.Ruan Shaoxiu said: "This is Principal Fang's trust in me. I must write this manuscript tonight and hand it over to Principal Fang for review tomorrow morning." Yes. I will ask Principal Yang for instructions. For such a difficult job, it is inappropriate not to pay overtime allowance." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Thank you Principal Fang for your concern."

Fang Yuan really didn't have the energy to write this speech.After confessing to Ruan Shaoxiu, Fang Yuan hurried home. His wife was about to give birth and needed her husband's care the most.I have been busy with school these two days, and I really don't care enough for my wife!Sure enough, when the door was opened, a bloated body immediately threw himself into Fang Yuan's arms: "Honey, I miss you so much." Needless to say, this was his wife, Kong Shuanghua.The closer the date of childbirth, the stronger Kong Shuanghua's attachment to Fang Fang became.In the past two days, Fangyuan came home in the middle of the night. After washing his face and laying down, he didn’t arrive for a minute before he started to snore. Early in the morning, Fangyuan set off again. Kong Shuanghua didn’t tell Fangyuan for several days. After a few words, I was very anxious.Fang Yuan came back so early today, she couldn't help throwing herself into Fang Yuan's arms.

Fang Yuan said: "Xiaohua, how are you feeling today?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Today, my mother accompanied me to the hospital for the last physical examination. The doctor said that the child is in good condition in all aspects." Fang Yuan said: "Xiaohua You have worked hard. We are going to be parents soon, and I have been looking forward to this day." Kong Shuanghua said: "Me too. However, I am afraid of pain." Fang Yuan said: "My Xiaohua is the bravest, for us My son can endure all kinds of pain, right?" Kong Shuanghua said, "Yes." Her husband's words gave Kong Shuanghua a lot of courage.

Until Kong Shuanghua was put to sleep, Fang Yuan didn't mention her parents' coming to Dongzhou.At this time, it is really inappropriate to provoke Kong Shuanghua.When Kong Shuanghua was fast asleep, Fangyuan got up quietly and went to the living room.The mother-in-law is in the living room, turning the volume of the TV to the minimum, watching her favorite TV series.

Fang Yuan sat silently beside Kong Shufang, and asked softly: "Mom, what good TV do you watch?" Kong Shufang said, ""Ten Years of Marriage". Alright. After ten years, this couple has become less and less interesting, and has no common language. Watching the TV series, I thought of myself, alas, this is how people are all their lives.” Kong Shufang said while shaking her head.Fang Yuan sighed: I don’t know how much affection there is between father-in-law and mother-in-law. Perhaps the relationship between the two is maintained, one is Kong Shuanghua, and the other is the family relationship that has slowly evolved over the past 20 years.

Fangyuan is trying to maintain the relationship between father-in-law and mother-in-law. At this time, mother-in-law can't be too sad: "Mom, I think dad still loves you and this family very much. Otherwise, so many lectures every month Fees, and Dad's salary card, all of them are handed over to you?" Kong Shufang said: "What can I do if I hand it over? Except for food and drink, I can't find it anywhere. Well, my little grandson is about to be born, and I'm going to spend it hard." Fang Yuan said: "Mom, when a man is busy with his career, sometimes it's really hard to have more energy to take care of his family. Like me the day before yesterday and yesterday , in order to prepare for this morning's class, didn't you come home in the middle of the night? Dad is a university leader and a city leader. He must be much busier than me, the vice principal of a small middle school. Mom, you have to understand Dad's mistakes Easy." Kong Shufang said: "There is some truth in what you say. You see that you have been working overtime these days, and Xiaohua's food is not delicious. I was really going to say something to you, but I can't tell when it is. Primary and secondary? Seeing you come back, you have been with Xiaohua all the time, and you have been so kind to Xiaohua, so I don’t want to say what I wanted to say.” Fang Yuan said, “Mom, I actually have a lot of troubles at work. I never say anything at home, just to make you and Xiaohua happy. Tomorrow afternoon, I will attend and speak at the Dongzhou Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium; I want to participate; next Monday, Dongzhou City will hold a teacher's day celebration meeting. I will speak at the meeting as a representative of outstanding teachers. There is also tremendous pressure, but these are all my father's students. Uncle Zhai, the director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, arranged for me personally. He gave me so many opportunities to support me. Do you think I can refuse?"

Kong Shufang was silent.

Fang Yuan said: "Mom, when I left the Education Bureau at 6 o'clock, Director Zhai, Secretary Sun, Director Zou, Director Kong, Chairman Song and other bureau leaders of the Education Bureau were still working overtime, and they didn't leave! They also had People from the family, but I don’t think they have any intention of leaving for a while. Many departments of the bureau are brightly lit, and I don’t know how long the leaders of the city bureau will be working!”

Kong Shufang said: "Civil servants nowadays no longer drink big tea, smoke cigarettes, and read newspapers like before. Look at your father, he is busy like a spinning top all day. Alas, why is it so hard to be a cadre now?" So tired?"

Fangyuan said: "So I still have to say sorry to you and Xiaohua. Mom, I will be very busy before Teacher's Day is over, but as long as I have a little time, I will definitely make time to be with you and Xiaohua. "Kong Shufang said: "Go get busy. Xiaohua's ideological work, I will do it. Xiaofang, you have a good future, Xiaohua will be better in the future, and my little grandson will be better." Fang Yuan said: "It is said that Mom is The most understanding and reasonable mother in the world, now it seems that she is not fake at all."

When the little flattery came out, Kong Shufang smiled and said, "How can I be so good!" Fang Yuan said, "Hi Mom, this is recognized by everyone. Dad thinks so, Xiaohua thinks so, and I think so. Let's see Looking at the neighbors, who doesn’t say that mom is good? Look at the reputation of mom in Dongzhou Medical College, it is really well-known.” Kong Shufang said: “I have been a good person all my life, and I am not good at other things. I just earned a good reputation. "Humble and modest, Kong Shufang's heart was full of joy.

Fang Yuan said, "There is one more thing I want to tell Mom." Kong Shufang was in a good mood, and said, "Let's talk. They are both mother and child, so don't be careless." Fang Yuan said, "Mom, a few days ago, I told you, I told Xiaohua and Dad about my parents coming to Dongzhou." Kong Shufang was taken aback: "Does my in-laws have to come?" Fang Yuan said: "I have also persuaded me several times, saying that the conditions here in Dongzhou are very good. Okay, I don’t use it.” Kong Shufang said: “Yes, my in-laws don’t use it. I discussed it with your father. I will take care of the confinement child, and the family will hire a little nanny to help with housework and laundry. The in-laws come I can’t help too much.” Fang Yuan said: “I tried to persuade my parents, but these two old people didn’t listen. They called me today and told me that they had already bought the train tickets. On the morning of Teacher's Day, go to Dongzhou."

ah?Kong Shufang was still lying limply on the sofa, but now she sat up straight: "Xiao Fang, what, are your parents coming on the 10th?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes!" Kong Shufang Immediately realized that this was a serious problem: "When your parents come, where do you live? Our house is not small. After the little nanny came, he set up a bed on the balcony, but there was no room left. " Fangyuan said: "Yes, there is indeed no room at home." Kong Shufang said: "The last time Xiaohua came back, she said that her father-in-law and mother-in-law are very good, and they are good elders, but it seems that this person is not very hygienic. I don’t take a bath all year round.” Fangyuan said: “The conditions in my hometown are not good. In summer, I can go to the river, but in winter, I don’t take a bath.” Kong Shufang said: “My little grandson’s skin is tender, and I’m most afraid of it. What is infected with unhygienic things. This, how can this be done?"

Seeing that her mother-in-law did not intend to entertain her parents warmly, Fang Yuan also felt a little unhappy.Anyway, this is my father and mother!No matter how dirty they are, no matter how unhygienic they are, they are my biological parents.Fang Yuan's tone was a bit tougher: "Mom, if there is no place to live at home, I will arrange a place to live, so I won't bother Mom to worry about it."

Only then did Kong Shufang realize that her words might have hurt Fangyuan, and she quickly explained: "Xiao Fang, I didn't mean that. However, it's really unrealistic to live in our house. We can't let the parents-in-law and mother-in-law lay the floor in the living room! About Your father and I will figure out a solution for the in-laws' residence."

Fang Yuan said: "My parents are traditional people, and there must be some feudal ideas in their thinking. It is human nature for them to come to see their grandson. After all, the old couple have been looking forward to their grandson for several years. I think they will be very happy. Love their grandson very much!"

Kong Shufang said: "That's true. However, their personal hygiene... the skin of the little grandson is very tender, if you hug it..." Fang Yuan said: "Mom, after I was born, I was told that my personal hygiene is not good. I was raised by my parents, aren’t they pretty healthy now? I understand that you are a medical student, but if you don’t let your grandpa and grandma hold your grandson, it’s obviously inappropriate, and it doesn’t make sense.”

Kong Shufang was silent.From a rational point of view, it is obviously unreasonable not to allow Fang Yuan's parents to come, and not to allow Fang Yuan's parents to hold their grandchildren; but from an emotional point of view, Kong Shufang really does not want Fang Yuan's parents to come; if Fang Yuan's parents must come, Kong Shufang Shufang also didn't want this unclean old man and old lady to touch her little grandson's finger.Seeing her son-in-law looking a little unhappy, Kong Shufang certainly understood Fang Yuan's mood.Kong Shufang said: "This matter, let your father decide. At home, I always listen to your father."

Seeing his mother-in-law practicing Tai Chi, Fang Yuan was a little disappointed.Originally, Fangyuan still hoped that the most understanding mother-in-law would stand by her side, and then do Kong Shuanghua's job and father-in-law's job; now, she didn't expect that her mother-in-law was not as good as she imagined, and in this respect, she seemed not reasonable enough. !

Fangyuan seems to have a premonition of a potential danger, and in the next few days, an unstoppable conflict may break out.Dad, Mom, at this time, you two elders came to Dongzhou, not to bring me the joy of relieving my longing, but to make me trapped in the whirlpool and difficult to escape. I am the meat in the middle of the sandwich, squeezing me at both ends, How am I doing?Fang Yuan felt that he was too incompetent and insignificant. With his own strength, he could not reconcile the contradictions between the countryside and the city, between the farmers and the citizens, between the ignorant and the educated. movement!

Fangyuan said: "Mom, you are right, let Dad make the decision. But don't tell Xiaohua for a day or two, I'm worried that she might have gas." Kong Shufang said: "Well, I won't tell Hers." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you." Standing up, she walked to her room lonely, every step was so difficult, as if the Flame Mountain was in front of her, the sea of ​​knives, traps and traps everywhere...

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