Director's growth history

2239.1241, Confucius Tian underestimated Shao Keqing's strength

Shao Keqing could tell at a glance that the most elegant and elegant middle-aged man who got out of the minibus was Kong Zitian, but Shao Keqing didn't want to have any deeper association with Kong Zitian. 【 】In Shao Keqing's eyes, among this group of people, she only loves and cares about Fangyuan.For others, it's either a tool or irrelevant.Fang's father and Fang's mother are tools, and if the other party's father and mother are good, it will have the effect of loving the house; Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi are tools, without the explicit and secret sharing of these rich bosses, I would not have had the same success during my tenure as the deputy director. So much gray income.

So, after Shao Keqing saw that everyone in the car got off, she went straight to Fang's father and Fang's mother, took one's arm with one hand, and called out in a sweet voice: "Godfather, godmother, you are here!" Fang's father lost his soul immediately, and said in a daze: "Girl, I'm here." Shao Keqing said: "I have arranged everything in the car. I will say hello first, and then I will take godfather Godmother, get on the train."

Shao Keqing turned her face away, and said to Fang Yuan: "Brother Fang, who is Director Kong?" Fang Yuan quickly introduced, "This is my father-in-law." Shao Keqing smiled charmingly at Kong Zitian: "I hear Director Kong's name like thunder. As one of the few doctoral supervisors at Dongzhou University, as an expert leader of Dongzhou People's Congress, and as an expert in management in Qingjiang Province, I really admire you!" Kong Zitian looked at Shao Keqing's handsome face, and felt in his heart I believe more and more that there may be something between my son-in-law and this Shao Keqing.Confucius Tian said: "Director Shao, your name is very famous to me! At such a young age, in China's patriarchal society, it is equivalent to the position of the former deputy director of the Dongzhou Railway Bureau. For every woman, regardless of It’s not easy to pay for anything.”

Hey, there is something in the words! The word "pay" is exactly Shao Keqing's inverse. It can be said that in these years, without the dedication of the body, there would be no favor from the leaders; without the dedication of the body, there would be no position and income today.Shao Keqing knew it well in her heart, but she also refrained from telling others to mention the root cause.This is like someone saying in dumb language that you have made progress in your career by selling your passion (paying).Shao Keqing suddenly had an intuition in her heart: if there is a problem with her relationship with Fang Yuan in the future, this Kong Zitian is probably the biggest villain behind the scenes.

Shao Keqing was angry in her heart, but she had a calm smile on her face: "Director Kong stands tall and sees far! I believe that the world is always fair, and there will be gains if you pay, and of course you will not gain if you don't pay. Director Kong To be able to step by step from an ordinary college student to become a professor, a doctoral supervisor, and a university leader, I am afraid that I have paid much more than me in the past few decades."

Confucius Tian had a preliminary experience of Shao Keqing's wisdom, and said politely: "Compared with Director Shao's contribution, my dedication is still much worse. I just read a few more books. By reading a few more books, I can see It's just clearing up this world. There is a good saying, what comes from the book is always superficial, and I know that this matter has to be practiced. I am all talking on paper. Compared with Director Shao's step-by-step practice, it is amazing. It’s really an underground, a heaven!”

In this group of conversations, both of them spoke politely, no one else understood it, only Fang Yuan understood it.Oh my god, the confrontation has already begun without any deeper contact.It seems that Confucius Tian has a deep prejudice against Shao Keqing!Now, the most important thing is to let parents go home safely. Other things can be studied and discussed again. Fang Yuan doesn't want to cause any trouble at this time.If the parents can't go home according to the way agreed in advance, Fangyuan is worried, whether the parents can buy the train tickets from Shanghai and get on the train will be a huge difficulty, let alone this big bag and a big bag. The old man couldn't take it at all, and he didn't know how to check it in.Without Shao Keqing, it would be a big difficulty for parents to go home. If this is the case, then Fang Yuan just needs to go home in person.

Fang Yuan was trying to say something to ease the situation, when Shao Keqing laughed like a silver bell: "Director Kong is really too modest. However, I very much agree with the views put forward by the chief architect of my country's reform and opening up. In 1978, in Under his leadership, a big discussion on what is truth has been launched across the country, and the conclusion reached is: practice is the only criterion for testing truth. I believe Director Kong must be more clear than I remember. In work, in career progress , There is nothing wrong with sticking to the point of view of practice, right? What's more, when Grandpa Deng talked about reform, he also made a point of view. He said that reform is to cross the river by feeling the stones. Whether it is a white cat or a black cat, it can catch A cat like a mouse is a good cat. Touching a rock means exploration, innovation, and more practice. This is far more than the so-called theory on paper, because in order to deepen reform and opening up, it must be done through practice, not through theory. Research and debate can advance."

Confucius Tian suddenly felt that he had met an opponent today.Originally, I thought that Shao Keqing was just a vase, a high-level courtesan, with little ability and level at all. Looking at it today, he was very accurate in catching problems and picking out the words.Confucius Tian said: "Whenever, theory is the early stage and foundation to guide practice." Shao Keqing said with a smile: "Without rich practice, there will be no scientific theory. The theory formed on the basis of practice can stand the test Theory; theories that are blindly introduced, translated or imagined without a practical basis are like a moon in a mirror, a flower in water, and cannot guide practice at all, and may even push practice into the abyss of failure. Looking back at the history of our party, we can know. From 1930 to 1934, the Soviet area carried out five anti-encirclement and suppression campaigns. Why did the first four victories? That is because the article "A single spark can start a prairie fire" from the practice of the Chinese revolution is a good guide for us. In anti-encirclement and suppression work, the first point of view is that the countryside encircled the city. ** put forward the famous guerrilla tactical point of view derived from practice: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; Enriching the theory of inductive summary of front-line struggle practice, that's why the first four victories against encirclement and suppression. The theory, this theory does not come from China's practice, what is the result? The Central Red Army lost nine tenths and had to start the 5-mile long march. Now we look at the 1-mile long march, which is positive and positive Viewed from a third-party point of view, is the Long March a strategic defeat or a strategic retreat? Because it cannot be defeated, the only way to retreat is to move to places where the Kuomintang army is relatively weak. When the Long March began, there were still [-] troops; when they arrived in northern Shaanxi, there were less than [-] left. If it weren't for the cold snowy mountains and swampy grasslands, there were no Kuomintang troops, because the conditions were too high. It's bad, I'm afraid... this is all caused by blind theoretical guidance without a practical basis."

Oh, what a mouthful!Confucius Tian couldn't find a suitable point of view to refute Shao Keqing.Confucius Tian smiled: "Director Shao's theoretical knowledge is so rich!" Shao Keqing said: "In front of experts like Director Kong, it's just a trick in the classroom. If Director Kong is more inclined to theoretical research, how about me? In terms of theoretical research, I am just a layman, but I pay great attention to work performance from practice. I believe that there will be gains only with hard work; scientific theory will come only with practice.”

Miao Dongshun said: "I'm about to fall. Being with you cultural people is like listening to heavenly scriptures. Principal Kong, Director Shao, the two big leaders, please spare me? Today we are seeing off my godfather and godmother. , not to study and discuss theory and practice. You two leaders will wait until my godfather and godmother get into the car, and then get together to discuss it, okay?"

Shao Keqing held the arms of Fang's father and Fang's mother again, and said with a smile: "Today, I learned a lot from Director Kong. In the future, I must ask and learn more from Director Kong. However, today is not enough, today Ah, I will personally send my godfather and godmother to Shanghai, and after Shanghai arranges the train to Tonghua, I will come back and ask Director Kong for advice."

Confucius Tian was secretly surprised: Ah, this Shao Keqing is going to send Fangyuan's parents off in person!This further shows that the relationship between Shao Keqing and Fang Yuan is not simple!Although Miao Dongshun and Fang Yuan should not have too close a relationship, they are of the same sex after all, so it is understandable; Shao Keqing and Fang Yuan have too close a relationship, which is a great insult to my Kong family ah!Who is Shao Keqing? She is the woman who slept with many former directors of the Dongzhou Railway Bureau. She is a high-ranking gangster and a bitch.This, this, this... Kong Zitian felt a little confused, how to stop this?How can Fangyuan's parents go home smoothly if this is prevented?Kong Zitian suddenly felt that he was a bit out of reach. Although he was expensive as a deputy director, his strength on the railway was far inferior to Shao Keqing, a deputy director. When he came to Shanghai, he could rearrange Fangyuan's parents. There is simply no way to do this.After much deliberation, Confucius still felt that sending Fangyuan's parents back to Tonghua safely was the most important thing, and other things could be studied after this matter was over.If Fang Yuan's parents could not return to Tonghua safely, Fang Yuan would definitely feel uneasy; if Fang Yuan's parents stayed in Dongzhou, no one in the Kong family would be willing.And it seems that only Shao Keqing has the ability to bring Fangyuan's parents back to Tonghua safely.

Bow your head before the situation!Confucius Tian decided to keep silent and no longer argue with Shao Keqing.However, the fact that Shao Keqing wanted to personally send Fang Yuan's parents to Shanghai still made Confucius feel uncomfortable.Confucius Tian thought: When Fang's parents got on the train, he still had to talk to Fang Yuan again.The bottom line of this conversation is: No matter what the relationship between Fang Yuan and Shao Keqing was before, we must resolutely break it off in the future.

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