Director's growth history

2250.1248 The chapter where Sun Hongjun announced the decision was very spicy

Accompanied by Sun Hongjun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongzhou Education Bureau, Fang Yuan returned to No. 1 Middle School at 20:5 p.m. [*] When he was about to leave and go back to No. 5 Middle School, Fang Yuan called Ruan Shaoxiu: "Director Ruan, please, at 1:20 p.m., all the teachers will be called for a meeting in the school auditorium, and no leave is allowed." Ruan Shaoxiu has already guessed What is it? Su Gongshun quickly replied: "Come do this work right away, Principal Fang. May I ask who the bureau leader wants to come over, and I want to print the table cards." Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun of the Party Committee."

Sun Hongjun and Fang Yuan walked directly into the lecture theater.On the rostrum, there were only two table cards. The table card on the right belonged to Sun Hongjun, and the table card on the left was Fangyuan.Several other vice principals were sitting in the first row of the auditorium.Na Hong, the first vice-principal, seemed to realize something, sat there in a well-behaved manner, and didn't express anything in particular

Fang Yuan asked Sun Hongjun to sit on the main seat and prepared to come down.Sun Hongjun said: "You can sit here too, your office director has already made all the table cards." Fang Yuan could only sit down.Ruan Shaoxiu stood up, faced all the teachers, and made a silent gesture, and the entire auditorium fell silent.

Sun Hongjun turned on the microphone and said in a loud voice: "Good afternoon, teachers of No. 5 Middle School! Principal Yang Fang needs to rest for a month because of illness. As one of the most important schools in Dongzhou City, No. 5 Middle School cannot be responsible without the leader who presides over the work. This morning, on behalf of the Education Bureau, I convened an all-teacher meeting here to ask everyone whether to send a vice-principal to preside over the work, or to recommend a vice-principal to preside over the work from our school; 99.3% of the teachers chose I recommended a vice principal from our school; 97% of the teachers who supported the school’s recommendation of a vice principal to preside over the work, 2006% supported the vice principal Fang Yuan to preside over the school’s work in an all-round way. After individual conversations, small-scale forums, and the voting of all teachers, Zhai Xinwen instructed to respect public opinion and the choices of teachers. After research, it was decided that Vice Principal Fangyuan would be in charge of school work during the recuperation period of Principal Yang Fang. Vice Principal Fangyuan is The young reserve cadres trained by the Municipal Education Bureau were selected as 10 young principal assistants by the Municipal Education Bureau as early as 2006. In November 11, they were exceptionally promoted to vice principals. The vice-principal of Middle School came to No. 2007 Middle School, a key middle school in the city. In less than two months, Comrade Fang Yuan was fully recognized by the school cadres and teachers. During the discussion, many cadres and teachers believed that Fang Yuan Comrade Fangyuan has a strong working ability and professional teaching ability that many teachers admire very much; Comrade Fangyuan has a good character, and rumors about Comrade Fangyuan have never affected Comrade Fangyuan to be supported by the majority of cadres and teachers; Comrade Fangyuan is an example and dedicated to work. It is also a place praised by the majority of teachers; Comrade Fangyuan did not shrink back when the school encountered difficulties or emergencies, but stood up and dared to take responsibility, reflecting the qualities that a school leading cadre should possess." Speaking of this, Sun The Red Army stopped for a while, glanced at the red, and then said: "It is in stark contrast to some other comrades who can't find anyone when they encounter problems, and it also shows that Comrade Fangyuan is highly responsible for his work and responsible for the school. Full of emotion, passionate about the cause, and a good working spirit that never avoids difficulties. Therefore, it is appropriate for the Education Bureau to let the vice principal Fangyuan preside over the overall work of No. 8 Middle School temporarily. I hope that the cadres and teachers of the whole school will be closely united Around Comrade Fang Yuan, work hard, strive to be first-class, and promote the No.5 school in Dongzhou, No. 5 Middle School, to continue to make great strides, and make greater contributions to the rapid development of education in Dongzhou."

There was warm applause.Fang Yuan stood up and bowed to thank the audience.Perhaps it was due to many reasons, or maybe it was really popular, the applause was extraordinarily warm, reminding Fang Yuan of the sparse applause when he was the vice principal of No. 68 Middle School.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you to Director Zhai of the Municipal Education Bureau, Secretary Sun and all the leaders for your expectations and affirmation; thank you to all colleagues in No. 5 High School for your trust in me. Principal Yang Fang needs to rest temporarily because of illness. At this time, all colleagues recommend me When I came here to preside over the overall work of the school, I felt both honored and pressured! When the bureau leader was talking today, he asked me if I was ready. I am not prepared in terms of ability. But how can I live up to the trust of bureau leaders and colleagues? Therefore, no matter how heavy the burden is, I will bear it; no matter how difficult it is, I will face it; I will overcome. I am willing to do my best to do the school work in the next month. In order to welcome the return of Principal Yang Fang, I will give Principal Yang a complete 5th middle school, a stable 5th middle school, a harmonious 5th middle school, and a developmental school. 5 in."

The warm applause rang out again.Fang Yuan saw that Yang Yingxian, Ruan Shaoxiu and others were the most vigorous; Fang Yuan also saw the shining eyes of many opposite sexes.Fang Yuan said: "Before the official decision of the Municipal Education Bureau today, I have never fully managed any school, even a very small school. Although I have imagined how to manage a school in my mind, but It's all on paper and castles in the air. From today onwards, it's real swords and guns. When there is no practice, there is no room for buffering, and I have not even been trained to fight bayonets. I go to the battlefield. I am in such a state now , I am very determined, but my ability is limited; I am very motivated, but I still need the full support of all colleagues to build up my confidence. So I would like to say, in the next month, please cooperate with me, if I do well Please remind me of any ill-considered places; if there is anything wrong with my work, please criticize me; if I can’t satisfy most of the teachers, you can always recommend better candidates to replace me Me. But I still have to do my best to do a good job this month, to live up to the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau, and to live up to the colleagues of the whole school. Please supervise me!"

The applause sounded again.Fang Yuan stood up and bowed to everyone.

Sun Hongjun said: "All the teachers' meeting will be held here. The middle-level and above cadres of the school go to the small meeting room to hold another cadre meeting. The other teachers will take their places and do everyone's work."

In the small conference room, Sun Hongjun sat at the main seat, and Fang Yuan sat next to Sun Hongjun.The remaining cadres changed automatically because of the changes in the positions of Yang Fang and Fang Yuan.Na Hong sat where Fang Yuan was originally sitting, and the others followed suit.

Fang Yuan's expression was serious and dignified: "Colleagues, Secretary Sun called everyone here for a meeting, and it must be an important instruction spirit. Now, let us welcome Secretary Sun to speak with warm applause!" Amidst the applause, Sun Hongjun spoke: " Comrades, for a period of time in the future, Vice Principal Fangyuan will fully preside over the school work until Principal Yang recovers and returns to work. Comrade Fangyuan was elected by everyone, and the Municipal Education Bureau has only one request for you: fully cooperate and support Principal Fang Director Zhai and I will regularly and irregularly listen to reports from Principal Fang on various aspects of No. 5 Middle School. Director Zhai and I will definitely deal with this matter seriously, and will never be soft-hearted. As long as we understand the comrades who have fully cooperated, fully supported, and done a good job in their respective responsibilities, we will focus on it and have better development in the future. Opportunities will be prioritized. This is not only my attitude, but also the attitude of Director Zhai."

Everyone looked at each other, listening to Sun Hongjun's words, everyone understood the meaning: whoever did a good job, Director Zhai and Secretary Sun listened to Fang Yuan's report, if Fang Yuan said no, it would definitely make some people feel uncomfortable If Fangyuan agrees, there may be more opportunities for improvement in the future.God!This is Sun Hongjun, on behalf of Zhai Xinwen, publicly serving as the Fangyuan platform!Think about how many times Fangyuan has stood on the platform since he came here?Confucius Tian came to the school to give an academic report on "Sun Tzu's Art of War and School Management". Zhai Xinwen and all officials above the department of the Municipal Education Bureau came to attend the class; All the teaching and research personnel came to the school to comment on Fangyuan's open Chinese class; at the Teacher's Day celebration meeting, the mayor Song Yunsheng was actually presenting the top ten people's teacher awards to Fangyuan, and the other 9 turned around for a long time. After having a cordial exchange with Fangyuan, Mayor Song Yunsheng and Executive Deputy Mayor Deng Yuncong did not hesitate to speak well and praised Fangyuan's excellence; Those around you are dead.

Sun Hongjun looked at everyone with a smile.Everyone understands, it's time to make a statement.Yang Yingxian was also blunt and straightforward: "Secretary Sun, Principal Fang, I fully support the decision of the Municipal Education Bureau and believe that the decision of the Municipal Education Bureau is 5% correct. At present, if the [-]th Middle School wants to achieve a higher level and faster development, especially It needs a leader like Principal Fang who is capable, competent, has leadership skills, and dares to take responsibility to fully preside over the work. I throw bricks and stones to make a statement, and I absolutely support the work of Principal Fang and obey the leadership of Principal Fang."

Sun Hongjun nodded.Qiu Zhengxuan said: "I support the decision of the Municipal Education Bureau, fully support Principal Fang's work in all aspects, and do a good job in the work I am in charge of." Principal Fang arranged, and I will try my best to do other work arranged by the school."

Sun Hongjun looked at Na Hong.That red heart is extremely painful.This year's decision means that he is only the second vice-principal in the school, and the first vice-principal is Fang Yuan.One day in the future, maybe Fang Yuan will become the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Those who know current affairs are Junjie.In the past, it was because of jealousy and dissatisfaction that they opposed Fang Yuan; if they opposed Fang Yuan in the future, they would be fools.Na Hong decided to turn around immediately. If she can't do other things well, can she serve men?I served that old man back then, and made that old man very satisfied; now I share an office with Fang Yuan, maybe Fang Yuan won't like an old woman like her, but Fang Yuan will never object to cleaning and taking care of Fang Yuan's life every day Bar!What's more, I also like to make the office or the place where I live or live clean and tidy, and I also like to dress myself beautifully. Na Hong feels that even if Fangyuan doesn't have anything to do with her relationship and connection, but looking at the beautiful fashion, it is enough to be seductive.

Na Hong said: "I fully support the decision of the Municipal Bureau, and I will fully support Principal Fang's work in the future. Of course, my ability is limited. If some tasks are not done well, I would like to ask Principal Fang to take care of me. Guidance." Sun Hongjun nodded, this and that Hong, it is not bad to have such a statement.Fang Yuan said: "The principal's achievements in art education are also worthy of our study. You should let the principal give full play to your advantages in art. In this way, you can make more achievements and promote the realization of the school. A higher level of development." Na Hong said: "Yes, I also hope that the school can pay attention to art education, and not only focus on the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination like now." Fang Yuan said: "This is a digression, wait for the school to hold the school affairs meeting. I will study it later." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes, this is the specific work of the school. Today, I have talked about everything I should talk about." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "As the director of the school's office, I also express my opinion that I will definitely support the school. The normal operation of the school provides first-class services, and the tasks assigned by Principal Fang are fully deployed." Other middle-level schools also seized this time, expressing their intention to obey the decision of the Municipal Education Bureau and support Fang Yuan's presidency.Sun Hongjun was very satisfied and said: "Okay, with the support of comrades, I believe that Comrade Fangyuan will be able to do a good job in the management of the school during the time when Principal Yang Fang is not in No. 5 Middle School. Today's meeting will end here." .”

Fang Yuan and other school cadres above the middle level sent Sun Hongjun to the school gate.Fang Yuan personally arranged for the school's Audi A6 car to take Sun Hongjun back to the Municipal Education Bureau.After watching the car turn a corner and disappear without a trace, Fang Yuan was smiling just now, but now he looked solemn: "Everyone, go back to the small meeting room, let's have a school meeting."

Everyone's heart trembled: Heh, the new official took office, and the fire is about to start.I don't know which fire Principal Fang is going to light?Many people are in a happy mood. Fang Yuan is in his prime, does it mean that he should be in his prime? Others are in a bad mood, wondering if the fire will burn on their own heads?He used to be very disrespectful to Fang Yuan, and once said bad things about Fang Yuan behind his back. Now that Fang Yuan is fully in charge of the work, will he turn around and seize the opportunity to repair himself?

Fang Yuan was the first to enter the conference room and sat where Yang Fang usually sat.In this position, there are no more chairs on either side.Fang Yuan scanned the audience, and suddenly felt a wonderful feeling in his heart.Today, here, for the first time, I will fully display my power and ability to manage the school.

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