Director's growth history

2270.1264. When Duties Are Unshirkable, You Should Dare to Take Responsibilities

Fang Yuan returned to No. 5 Middle School with helplessness and disappointment. [-] After finishing the Chinese class of Grade 12 ([-]), Fang Yuan locked herself in the office and thought about the whole class.At this time, who else can take responsibility for themselves?Who else can share this responsibility for yourself?If not, then take on the work that should be undertaken!If you dare not take responsibility, you will never be a leader; if you dare not take responsibility, even if you are a leader, you will not be able to be a leader.Now, I am the top leader, although it is only temporary, but as a monk for a day, I have to ring the clock for this day. The pain and pain I have experienced today can only help and benefit me to be a better leader in the future!

When I figured it out, my heart brightened.Fang Yuan rationalized his thinking, and in the fourth period, the school held an emergency school affairs meeting.Regarding the question about the performance costumes raised by Na Hong, Fang Yuan said: "I would like to make a suggestion. The principal and colleagues will have a look to see if it is feasible. The school will first take out the money for the performance costumes and make them according to the principal's requirements. If it is possible If you make it to the final, the school will bear all the expenses; if you can’t make it to the final, the school will only bear half of the cost. In principle, the performance costume should not exceed the standard of 500 yuan, in line with the idea of ​​saving, beautiful and suitable for the performance The principle is to show the demeanor of the teachers of No. 5 Middle School. If you can enter the top three in the end, the school will also reward you!" Na Hong is very confident that she can reach the finals. Seeing Fang Yuan's statement like this, she said: "Thank you Fang Yuan The principal supports it, but I dare not say anything else. I still have a little bit of confidence to reach the final." Fang Yuan said, "I heard that only 12-15 programs entered the final performance, and our bureau has 72 units, and there are four districts. The five counties add up to 81 units. The competition must be extremely fierce. I think the brother schools also want to enter the finals very much. The principal's ability is not to be said. He is also well-known in the field of art education in Dongzhou, but he underestimates the enemy. If you don’t, it’s easy to have unpredictable consequences.” Na Hong also felt the pressure, but she refused to give in: “Anyway, I’m also an expert in music teaching in Dongzhou City. If I don’t even have this confidence, then my teaching Experts are also incompetent. Of course, Principal Fang is right. The competition this time is indeed extremely fierce. I will start practicing this afternoon. One more day of preparation will give me a better chance of winning." Fang Yuan said: " I will be the principal's backing." Na Hong said, "Thank you."

Fang Yuan said: "Principal Qiu and I will focus on the work of maintaining stability. Colleagues should also do a good job of stability from the work they are in charge of. Stability is about politics. Whoever has a problem with this aspect , no one can afford this responsibility, I can't shoulder it, and neither can everyone. Although I have only been an agent for a month, in this month, when I catch up with these things, I have to be brave and take it on. There is no doubt about it Then the principal, Director Wang, and Secretary Chen should work together in moral education, Chairman Dai should understand and communicate more about teachers’ ideological stability, Principal Yang is fully responsible for the safety and stability of the junior high school, and the three junior high school directors should manage their grades well , the safety and stability of the high school, Principal Qiu should be fully responsible, and cooperate with me to be responsible for the stability of the whole school. The three senior high school directors should also manage their respective grades well. This is the basic division of labor. I'm here to look for it, and I believe someone from above will come to look for it naturally. Do you have any objections to this job?"

No one spoke.Everyone knows the importance of talking about politics. If you say something outrageous at this time, it is easy to be caught and labeled as a big hat.

Fang Yuan said: "About the work of professional title review and recommendation, I reported to President Yang Fang this morning. Now, let me talk about the basic idea of ​​professional title review and recommendation work. In recent years, all schools have encountered problems in the work of professional title review We have encountered some difficulties, but judging from the situation in No. 5, it has basically remained stable. Director Zhai and Director Kong emphasized fairness, justice, and openness when deploying this work. Adhere to the basic principles. We do not engage in black-box operations, we do not look at personal relationships, we only look at personal achievements. Whoever has outstanding achievements, who has made greater contributions in the past, who has higher scores in the review and recommendation, and whoever I was recommended. I looked at the detailed rules for professional title recommendation and scoring formulated by Principal Liu Ming and the previous team of the school. It should be said that this is a detailed rule that was deliberated and approved by all the teachers of the Teachers’ Congress, representing the common will of the vast majority of teachers in the school. , it is quite scientific and reasonable. This grading rule is also in line with the principle of giving proper preference to cadres mentioned by Principal Yang and that principal yesterday. I see that the middle level has 5 points, and the deputy has 0.5 point. As for each As for subject teachers, the principal said that teachers of small subjects should be taken care of. I think the detailed rules are very fair. There are bonus points for open classes, titles of all levels, papers, etc. If teachers of small subjects do well in these aspects, Naturally, there will be extra points, and naturally there will be high scores; if she (he) does not work hard in these areas and has no grades, even if the school wants to take care of it, my attitude is very clear: because I am temporarily in charge of the work, In addition, there is no time to hold another teacher representative meeting, so this year's review work will continue to be carried out in accordance with the review rules in 1. In 2006, President Liu Ming handed over the heavy responsibility of this work to Chairman Dai , Chairman Dai has done very well, and I think this time the same arrangement. Chairman Dai is very familiar with the deployment of specific work. When encountering any difficulties in work, President Yang Fang and I are the most staunch supporters of Chairman Dai .We will fully support Chairman Dai in carrying out this work well.”

Dai Lianghua said: "Principal Fang, it is not suitable for me to do such a heavy job." Fang Yuan said: "The other comrades have never done this job. Chairman Dai, who do you think is suitable?" Dai Lianghua said: "This matter It would be better for Principal Fang to take command in person."

Oh, want to shirk!Give me all the problems you want!Fang Yuan sighed that the world is cold, but on this issue, he did not want to shrink back: "Chairman Dai, I am not whimsical or innovative in my arrangement. I am just continuing the practice of professional title review and recommendation work in 2005 and 2006. Of course I It is duty-bound to take charge in person. Chairman Dai is the executive deputy team leader, and the specific work is still led and organized by Chairman Dai. I believe that as long as we all adhere to the principle of fairness, impartiality and openness, although the teachers who are not recommended are sad, But I will be calm, because the score is really low." Dai Lianghua said: "Okay. If there is any difficulty in work, I will go to Principal Fang." Fang Yuan said: "Come to me, who told me to Act as an agent for comprehensive work. Chairman Dai, please rest assured to start the work. If you have difficulties, come to me and let me do things that offend others.” Dai Lianghua said: “Principal Fang, just to say this to you, I will also take care of this work. Do it carefully and do a good job, so as not to cause trouble to Principal Fang. Principal Fang is a good leader who dares to take responsibility."

Dai Lianghua's words resonated with some people.Although everyone didn't say anything, their inner thoughts were different.Na Hong and Yang Yingxian once again felt Fangyuan's strength, while Qiu Zhengxuan, Huang Jiawei, Yu Haihe, Zeng Peixuan and others really felt Fangyuan's rare maturity compared with young people of the same age, and felt that Fangyuan was not that A leader who sees honors and sees problems and then shirks; while Chen Qiuping has complicated thoughts: If only her idiot husband can be as young and promising as Fang Yuan, how great it would be!

In the afternoon, the all-teacher meeting was held on time.Qiu Zhengxuan made arrangements for the safety and stability of the school in the new stage; Yang Yingxian made arrangements for the on-duty during the summer vacation; more time.It is about the vital interests of every teacher. At this time, the auditorium with more than 2007 people is silent.As expected, Dai Lianghua did a very detailed preparation work. Before the meeting, he had asked the teaching directors of each grade to copy the "Detailed Rules for Evaluation and Recommendation of Teachers' Professional Titles in Dongzhou Fifth Middle School" approved by the school's Teachers' Congress in 300, and distributed them to every teacher.Dai Lianghua said: "According to President Fang's instructions, this year's professional title evaluation work is exactly the same as last year and the year before. Those with high scores and high scores will be recommended by the school to participate in the city's review. Those with low scores and low scores must continue to work hard to achieve new results before next year's review, give yourself more points, and strive for Evaluate the title you want to achieve as soon as possible. Maybe when the time comes, the teachers who have not been judged will have opinions, but no one can be blamed for this. The rules were passed by the Teachers' Congress, not newly planned by Principal Fang, but the common will of everyone. If you want to blame, blame yourself for not achieving enough grades, and there are too few items that can add points. Therefore, the job title review is actually a test of the work performance of teachers. If you have good performance, you will naturally be recommended. This is The greatest fairness and impartiality. During the review process, if the teachers can’t figure it out, they can come to me; if they still can’t figure it out after looking for me, they can go to Principal Fang. In this process, all the reviews are open. In the final grading process, from the first grade to the third grade, we will recommend two trustworthy teachers to participate in the grading process and witness the grading process, so that all the evaluation details will be operated under the sun, and we will complete the project proposed by Principal Haofang. The request for public review will never be operated in secret."

Fang Yuan has been observing the situation on the field, and sure enough, Dai Lianghua's words did not seem to cause any waves among the teachers, not even a small wave.Oh, Xiao Gui, Cao Sui and Ruan Shaoxiu have contributed to this matter, and the father-in-law is also shrewd and experienced!

Fang Yuan spoke last.Fang Yuan said: "I'm just a temporary agent for a month's work. In fact, I also want to be in charge of high school teaching with peace of mind, and teach my high school (12) class well. But there is no way. I caught up with the good time and met such a There are so many things, I have no reason to escape. All the work is done by the principal or chairman in charge. If the work is done well, I will report to the bureau leaders and ask for credit for them! If there is a problem with the work, the responsibility is mine , who let me be the temporary leader! The responsibility I should take is to take it completely. No. 5 Middle School is the No.1 school in Dongzhou. We can't be absent this time, and we must strive for the best Results. I will fully support the work of the principal, and I hope that the teachers selected by the principal can overcome personal difficulties, actively rehearse, strive for excellence, and practice and perform well. I have no ranking requirements for everyone, but Everyone must have the courage and determination to fight for the first place and defend the honor of No. 5. Regarding the work on duty, my requirements are only eight words: arrive on time and be on duty at all times. During the seven-day holiday, if there is no special situation at home, I will come to school every day Yes. I will see clearly who is not on duty. The teacher on duty must report to the leader in charge of the class as soon as possible in case of an emergency; the leader in charge of the class must tell me immediately; as long as it is necessary, I will I will report to the Municipal Bureau as soon as possible. Regarding the school’s safe and stable work, I believe in the awareness of the teachers of No. 5 Middle School. We are paid by the state finance, although we are not as rich as rich people, but we can guarantee income in drought and flood; we enjoy the benefits brought by No. 5 Middle School Who else in the society does not respect the teachers of No. 5 Middle School? All of this is brought to you by the party, so it is even more necessary for us not to say what should not be said or do what should not be done at any time. Regarding the title For the evaluation work, if some teachers have any special ideas, I don’t think they should look for me, nor Chairman Dai, let alone others, because it’s useless to look for me, and I can’t help you. Everything is used by the school Years of job title review and recommendation work scoring rules, everyone has an idea, just look for this rule, this rule is the decisive factor that determines whether you can get a job title promotion. So I also advise teachers in advance, don’t be fooled if you have ideas, I As I said just now, it is fair, just and open, and does not engage in black box operations. Those who are not qualified, continue to work hard in the coming year, this is the only way out!"

Fang Yuan's expression was serious, and he was righteous.But I also felt a heavy pressure in my heart: In case this thoughtful teacher finds the leader of the Municipal Bureau, and the leader of the Municipal Bureau greets me, can I withstand this pressure?

Fangyuan said: "The school still has some infrastructure projects during the holidays. It turned out that some comrades wanted to renovate my office. Today I will formally express my attitude. My office is very good and does not need to be renovated. Use this money to renovate it." The teacher’s office that most needs to be renovated. Regarding the financial management of the school, my attitude is also clear. It is needed by the school and the teachers’ work, and the money that should be spent must still be spent; it is my personal matter. Never spend the school's money. A few days ago, I hosted a banquet for the vice principals of 9 other schools. This is a personal banquet, which is paid for by me, not the school's money. In this principle, I am still very clear. I think that during the month when I work as an agent, I must be clear and clear in terms of finances, stand the test of history, and stand the supervision of all teachers!"

The applause suddenly sounded, and it was quite enthusiastic.Heh, everyone is still very sensitive to public funds.Fang Yuan felt that it was necessary for him to clarify the matter today.Fang Yuan said: "About the Audi car that Principal Yang Fang has been riding in, it is actually a tradition of the school. When Liu Ming was the principal, Principal Liu always rode in it; after Principal Yang came to No. 5 Middle School, Principal Yang always rode in it. Look at each department, look at each school, the situation is basically the same. I am a temporary agent for the work of the school, and this Audi car is still used by Principal Yang Fang. When Principal Yang is not in use, the Audi car is also a resource In the future, when Principal Yang is not coming back, the Audi will be shared by the leaders of the whole school. As long as it is necessary for office work, such as going out for meetings or participating in activities organized by superiors, you can take it. I don’t enjoy it exclusively. All leaders can use it."

The applause sounded again.Fang Yuan felt an inexplicable pressure: Actually, being a good leader is really difficult!The eyes of the masses are discerning, and the demands of the masses are not high, but it is difficult to achieve them.I hope this time is a new beginning, all the rumors, under the sun, should have nowhere to hide! **Ah**, I am practicing Yangmou of your old man. I don’t know if Yangmou is really invincible!

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